I need to go somewhere, but just wanted to share what's really going on out here in Waianae.  We can put up political barriers to the real local truth with what's going on in Waianae.   To use children as a means to welfare/grants and their future resiliencies to the above measures.  Try as we might the realities of social situations out here in Waianae, post APEC 2011 Hawaii has reached to a point of no return.  


I do not see a connection of revitalization for our youths in the frame work of Banker's Choice. They're agenda in Hawaii is to set trade agreements in motion for Nuclear Proliferation.  As many waves of people entering the Hawaiian space, I believe no technology is too far from Manhattan Project of the past.  Our ocean is their space of business like the Star Wars Projects, we should see Ocean Space Projects with Hopper Designed in motion for the next 20 years of research and development.  


Corporations will use the Pacific Ocean as a means to invest their notions of products and services near our refugee camps.  Like with what is happening in China.  Poverty with no water or plumbing side by side next to tall buildings where the upper middle class live.  I am sure John Waihee 'roll' will entrench the native Hawaiian people deeper into poverty by design.  


No thanks to the lack of understanding among local fishermen (Aquarians) the difference between Recreation and Gathering Rights, we will lose our highwater mark to the 'corporate entities by Judge Acoba's gavel in/ justices.  Beverly Hills will dictate the rules off shores for their local paying customers which is similar to theaters.  Remember Laulani Teal and her Haunama Bay access to the deity of the Mo'o.  Native Hawaiian Religious access will be dictated by foreigners via their filming industry somewhat similar to Ritz Carlton on Maui.  Why should we remove our bones at the sea shore for 3 feet children's recreational pools?  Or, to build two story buildings for vacation rentals on top of our iwi?


Nonetheless, on January 10, 2011 the NRC legitimized their private Nuclear Isotope dump sites all over Waianae, where some are black topped, and others have been topped with gravel. In walking distance from my house I have both black top--a 19 acre 20 feet high black top for two trucks and brand new basketball court topped over trucked in 'construction debris'.  The pristine top soil was removed and sold to richer communities in Hawaii by the contractor and approved by the City and County Department of Planning and Permitting.  On May 10,, 2011 military conferencing calls with Hawaii, asked for sustainable plus-plus to an 'inclusive' design of space boundaries (Martial Law).  I was at work during this conference, however, was able to listen to the conference that night.  Locals not realizing that they came on board on the third act, and those that were from the onset didn't get the 'inclusive' martial law on environment.  But, one can now understand why the present governor declared open court (emergency) on environmental transporting of radionuclides isotopes.  Like I said at a City Council meeting last week, "our children are not Beverly Hills Sponge Bob's."

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