Date: Thu, 16 Jun 2011 18:23:49 +0200
From: Evelin Cervenkova <>
Subject: Fwd: Action Alert: Arizona Snowbowl begins desecration sacred San
Francisco Peaks
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Tuesday, May 24, 2011
Action Alert: Arizona Snowbowl begins desecration sacred San Francisco Peaks
Ski Area Pipeline Construction Threatens Holy San Francisco Peaks
By Klee Benally
Published at Censored News
FLAGSTAFF, Ariz.-- Owners of Arizona Snowbowl ski area have begun moving
pipeline and construction equipment to the base of the holy San Francisco
Peaks, located in Northern Arizona.
The Peaks are central to the ways of life of more than 13 Indigenous
Nations. Snowbowl owner Eric Borowski plans on starting the development
Although currently challenged by a legal appeal in the 9th Circuit Court,
the US Department of Agriculture (USDA) has permitted the ski area to begin
development. The Coconino National Forest, headed by the USDA, manages the
Peaks as public lands. Snowbowl has operated under a special use permit
since the 1980's, which was initially challenged by Indigenous Nations and
environmentalists all the way up to the Supreme Court.
Photo Klee Benally/Indigenous Action Media
According to the Forest Service, "Construction is anticipated to begin this
month along a segment of Snowbowl Road. . . Snowbowl Road will remain open;
however, delays and temporary closures will occur throughout the duration of
construction, approximately five months."
The Forest Service also stated that Snowbowl Road will be closed each day
from 8 p.m. to 6 a.m.
For more than a dozen years Indigenous Nations, environmental activists, and
concerned community members have worked together to protect the holy site
and surrounding area from further ecological destruction, public health
threats, and spiritual desecration.
Snowbowl's development plans include clear-cutting 74 acres of rare alpine
habitat that is home to threatened species, making new runs and lifts,
adding more parking lots and building a 14.8 mile buried pipeline to
transport up to 180 million gallons (per season) of wastewater to make
artificial snow on 205 acres.
The wastewater, which would be purchased from the City of Flagstaff, has
been proven by biologists to contain harmful contaminants such as
pharmaceuticals and hormones. In their Environmental Impact Statement the
Forest Service did not consider the impact of ingesting waste water in the
form of artificial snow or from the storage pond by humans and animals.
This point is the basis of the Save the Peaks Coalition's current lawsuit
which is currently appealing a District Court decision in favor of
Snowbowl's proposed actions.
On April 1, 2011 the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals denied an emergency
motion by the Save the Peaks Coalition to stop Snowbowl ski area and the
U.S. Department of Agriculture from cutting down approximately 30,000 trees.
In 2002, the Arizona Department of Environmental Quality, with no real
public process, quietly decided to allow wastewater to be used for
snowmaking purposes.
Later that same year the Flagstaff Mayor and City Council signed a contract
to allow the sale of sewage effluent for snowmaking on the holy mountain.
The contract has since been renewed administratively, behind closed doors
without any public input.
Snowbowl would be the only ski area in the world to use 100% wastewater for
snowmaking purposes.
In 2010 Flagstaff City Manager Kevin Burke revealed a plan, secretly
negotiated with the USDA, for use of Flagstaff's drinking water instead of
the sewage effluent. Snowbowl was offered 11 million tax payer's dollars to
subsidize the increased costs of using potable water.
Stating that the US government believed drinking water snowmaking to be
"less offensive" to Indigenous Nations, the plan was pushed without the
consent of or any consultation with Indigenous Nations.
Facing overwhelming community and Tribal opposition, City of Flagstaff
officials ultimately rejected the plan.
Following the failed attempt to use drinking water the USDA, while still
aggressively battling the Save the Peaks Coalition in court, began listening
sessions to hear Indigenous Peoples concerns on the protection of sacred
places. Ironically, the sessions were initiated in part due to the Peaks
The USDA is expected to issue a report for policy changes sometime this
In response to threat of development, more than 150 people rallied outside
of Flagstaff City Hall and held a march for protection of the holy San
Francisco Peaks on April 16th.
Contact Flagstaff City Officials and urge them to RESPECT the environment,
Indigenous culture, and protect public health by finding a way out of their
contract to sell Snowbowl wastewater!
PHONE: (928) 779-7600
Contact Arizona Department of Environmental Quality and express concern that
there was no meaningful public process when the agency approved wastewater
for snowmaking.
File a complaint and demand full public review!
Arizona Department of Environmental Quality, 1110 West Washington Streetm
Phoenix, Arizona 85007
(800) 234-5677 - Toll Free
Northern Regional Office, 1801 West Route 66, Suite 117, Flagstaff, Arizona
86001 (877) 602-3675 - Toll Free
Contact the US Department of Agriculture (USDA), which heads the Forest
Service, and urge them to revoke the Special Use Permit for Arizona Snowbowl
for greater public interest.
The USDA has been holding hearings on protection of sacred places due to the
Peaks controversy. Urge the USDA to immediately place an administrative hold
on all development on the San Francisco Peaks!
Tom Vilsack, U.S. Department of Agriculture, 1400 Independence Ave., S.W.,
Washington, DC 20250
Phone: 202-720-3631
For Additional Information:
Send Letters to the Editor of your local papers.
Arizona Daily Sun:
Klee Benally - Independent Indigenous Media
Posted by at 10:57 AM
If you look at it from a broader perspective, it can be said that there is a CONCERTED MOVE to Plunder Upon the TRUE Nations people by the U.S. through their businessmen/corporations, most of which are connected through the Masons/Freemasons.
Everywhere that the U.S. goes they MUCK UP/ F ck Up the environment............
Now, if studies were done on EACH NATION that the U.S. is part of, you will find CONTAMINANTS, wretched criminal activities against the aboriginal people..........
All Nations needs to keep watch, all peoples need to Oppose...............and the people under the "indigenous " term needs to reform and come away from being categorized as those who have nothing, are nothing and own nothing.....
The original peoples are the most important ones when it comes to keeping everything balanced in nature.
thanks for posting.......aloha.
Apache Music - notice to cactus, ancient plants hundreds of years old.....would be cool if everyone chanted also to oust the problematic ones..........
Much of what is being said here--have already been discussed by those of us that we involved in the movement during the early 70s. It is always important to keep retouching the main issues and discussions from our brothers and sisters that are native and grounded into the cultural practices of their ancestors. Sometimes we need to put aside the 'ideologies' and listen to the earth speak. Also too, if ones differences come to the front line defense that always hinders the intent of our people as a collective.
Sometimes leaders (false) take on a role that serves their self-spirit (evil) and this in and of itself causes damages to the future generations. When this happens women (native) need to stand strong in defense of children. This is an old tactic of the Anglos and their military supporters. One should not become bedazzeled by men at war and their retired old decrepted looks with action of prey-on-children and their ancestrial grounds. It is foolish!