Aloha e Sacred Summit Defenders, 

The time has come to once again show your support for the sacred summit of Mauna Kea.

BLNR Hearing on TMT Construction Permit 
Tuesday, February 12, 2013 
Hilo County Building 
25 Aupuni Street, 96720 

9:30 AM Gathering outside building 
11:00 AM Hearing in room 1401 (public testimony is not allowed; but please come to support the petitioners as they give their final arguments)

On Tuesday, the Board of Land and Natural Resources (BLNR) will hear final oral arguments from the parties on the construction permit for the Thirty Meter Telescope (TMT). Please support us as we seek to protect Mauna Kea from further industrialization.

Mauna Kea is overbuilt. The TMT Environmental Impact Statement says that industrial telescope structures on Mauna Kea have had a “significant, substantial, and adverse impact” on the natural and cultural resources of this conservation district. With a construction footprint of 8 acres and building height of 18 stories, the TMT would contribute to the over-industrialization of the fragile conservation area of this sacred mountain.

The rules meant to protect conservation areas in Hawaii specifically prohibit any activity that would have a substantial adverse impact on the resources of the conservation district. The BLNR’s failure to follow its own rules for decades is why Mauna Kea is overbuilt today -- threatened by invasive species, contaminated with toxic spills, and littered with industrial buildings.

We have a chance to end the mismanagement of the Mauna Kea Conservation District starting with this permit application. Please join us on Tuesday to show your support for the sacred summit of Mauna Kea and make a tax-free donation to the Mauna Kea Legal Defense Fund today.


Our mailing address is: 
PO Box 37368
Honolulu, Hawai'i 96837 

Our phone number:

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