ALOHA Kakou, e Hawaii, 

       I see that Neil and Pilau LuLu BELLS are "On The Move" against Hawaiian Nationals. 

       Testing the Civil Rights of a Hawaiian Nationals. 

       Hawaiian Nationals' Right to a Nationality!

       Hawaiian Nationals' Right to travel in their own country! 

       Keep in mind that an Attack on any Hawaiian National is an Attack on all of us as Hawaiian Nationals and our Freedom! 

Restore the Kingdom of Hawaii, o Pomaikaiokalani, Hawaiian National 1993

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  • 2671087632?profile=RESIZE_1024x1024
  • My Uncle Randy and Mel Kalahiki worked very hard to put on the 1993 march at Iolani Palace and although a bit 'huhu' I am so proud of them for letting the University of Hawaii and their affiliates march in the lead.  I was there working night and day, but with a heavy heart.  Gail Prejean died and he did not see or participate in the march.  So, a heavy stressful times for those of us that worked hard during those years.


    The Kahoolawe problem was also tremendous and by that time of the 1993 march our pockets were empty and we had to make do for our people. 


    The ADB march was also deadlier than ever, and one needs to be cognizant about what is truly coming into play.  We no long have Aunty Frenchy to lead and be at the helm.  As to why Marcus Alexander is targeting the houseless as  a pawn in the schema is scary.  That means the agenda of bankers is to declare war against the 'trickle down' theory or net at the bottom.  War on poverty 'risk assessment' is nasty stuff that rein beyond the populace thinking.


    I don't know how to quell the violence that native Hawaiian veterans of the US Armed Forces developed when they returned home.  But, today it is an addiction to slam violence on to native Hawaiian women with children.  So very sad!

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