Where did the blood quantum originate in Hawaii?  In the minds of Hawaiians that lived in Hawaii, but outside of the University of Hawaii at Manoa John Wise and residence of Kauai specifically Kuhio's and Sanford B. Dole's PG and Republic of Hawaii (Hawaiian Civic Club). 


Where in Hawaii?  In the minds and mouths of native Hawaiian women for they felt prior to the passing of the Rehabilitation Act at that time “one could not tell the difference from a native Hawaiian and white man.”  This is basically the gist of what was thought and said and was acted upon back in 1920’s.  At the University of Hawaii, we have the likeness, such as Dr. Laaina Wong that speaks, talk and write Hawaiian fluently, but is he me-living-on-DHHL? Does he qualify?  Under the State Recognition Act 195...he is more Hawaii than I am.  Under the Act 195 he is more aboriginal than I am.  Under the Act 195 he owns my home and can determine whether I can live in my home in Hawaii.  Liana Wong and the like knows this factually, and have been consistent in their course of action and planning from the onset of Jon Van Dyke and BC Chang processes to eliminate native Hawaiians and their blood quantum from their homes.  Not different than what is happening to the lowly fishermen on the shores of Hawaii. 


To own the crown lands, the language, and arts and crafts in the eyes of the Republic of Hawaii, or the Organic Act and its territorial it just all comes together in the State Recognition of Act 195.  The Lineal Descendents and their genealogies are existing in the files where as I exist tenfold on DHHL.  Act 195 is detriment to any persons living on DHHL! And that is part of the problem; the other is trying to convince the general public as to what the heck is truly happening in Hawaii politically. 


How does a haole person become Kia'aina of the native Hawaiian people of Hawaii?  I don't know the answer except for the fact that it exist in the governor's chair.  You steal their 'roll' and preside over it with authority?  I believe that is what Neil did in the face of Act 195 to win the Republic of Hawaii to his brethren's talk.  Amending the blood quantum in Act 195 for it's been the thorn or Achilles heel since the Organic Act.  Accordingly, all will transpire for the: Henry Richard Kinney's, Pilipo's, and Ehu’s. Laaina, Leon's once the blood quantum is destroyed!  Do these none Hawaiians really understand the ramification of their genocidal actions? How do these patriarchs sleep at night?   Knowingly that they are slaves to the Republic of Hawaii which has by far more power in Hawaii than the governor’s chair, its complicated but yet central to the problems of DHHL vs. Act 195.     


The Hawaiian movements are addictions to people that really don’t care beyond their super righteous egos and I have no desire to even try to persuade these mindset that they are wrong!  Their thinking is warped in a sense of self aggrandizing, self mutilation, and self molded.  The nature of sin and upward mobility to reach a higher thought processes sets a direction away from the animal kingdom as in non/none man.  But, this argument stands on the shoulders of aboriginal people and their ancestors land is my point.  Therefore, all game stop ends in the rules from the mindset of the Anglo (WASP).  This complicates things and basically runs alongside crime, chaos, and nihilism of humanity.  That is what will transpire out of Act 195, an absolute loss of 100,000 native Hawaiians and their successorships that are either on DHHL or its wait list. 


The grand outcome of Act 195 aside from genocide--the ‘death certificate’ a document that can be taken to the IMF makes a greater sense than the preservation of humanity in Hawaii.  Just as the Alaskan corporations did for their instant ‘oily’ paycheck back in 1984 they gave up their children for an instant necessity account.  I don’t know the difference between a welfare check and the oily check.  Alaska has open space land trust for their beautification.  The missionary in Hawaii has open abortions for their beautification.  Act 195 deems less pampers in landfills is my point!

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    Aloha kakou, he Hawaii au,
    Those who know of me, know I don't play in sand boxes created by the Invader and its allies. I am responding to this accusations not be right but to expose reality. I am not a leader, I just know who I am and what I am more than others for I have lived with Pilipo Souza for 74 years. I want to share this with you, so you would not get it second-hand. 
    mahalo piha, pilipo
    Aloha no keia,
    I am sorry for some people who are so entrenched with fraud they can not recognize truth before them. The blood quantum applications are not a creation of Kanaka Maoli, Republic of Hawaii ,Delegate Kuhio, DHHL or "certified Act 195 native Hawaiians". It is of the very people that the "entrenched" honor as being pono and even campaigned and elected those to public office. The Republic of Hawaii was a bastard child of the Provisional Interim Government who then "shacked-up" with the government of the United States of America, who by the 1850's had perfected the practiced of blood quantum on "Native Americans", so well designed to divide aboriginal people before the "invaders divided the lands". No matter what the military power maybe, they can not steal the lands of aboriginal people when the people of origin are united.  
    Neil Ambercromie had twenty years in the U. S. Congress perfecting what he is implementing in Hawaii this very moment as you read.  While it is all dressed up as a "New Day", it is nothing less than the "Old Fraud". The people around Ambercromie are of the same mold as that of the people around Obama. If any DHHL Homesteader has concerns about losing their rights under "blood quantum", I suggest they address their inquiries to Ambercromie's "blood-brother", Kamaki Kanehele. I have never had anything to do with the likes of a Neil Ambercromie for the good Lord has blessed me with the maka'ala of recognizing all snakes as being poisonous.   
    Simply, factions like DHHL Homesteaders and CNHA businesses are willing to sell the bakery just for a piece of the pie while they fortify their "certification" and destroy the Hawaiian Nation. 
    I am not a threat to blood, genealogies or inherent claims. I am only a threat to fraud, for I can only be a Hawaiian National.
    malama ke kino,
    Hawaiian Natgional (1936) 
  • I don't have the answers to the problems of Act 195 for it's a hybrid action plan for native Hawaiians on DHHL.  This supposedly cross over doesn't add up when you eliminate the birth certificate for a death certificate in Act 195!
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