Read this and find it within you to protect children from your mistakes or political interest!
Our children should not throw their careers away just because one wants to make a political statement and need supporters
Our families need sustenance, they need to work and pay their bills for they have infants to feed, young children to raise and send to school.  Public education is not free, after school care, lunch, school transportation, school supplies, uniforms they all cost monies. 
The old haggered-delpilated wannabee crowned side theatrical show monarchy clowns are somewhat sometimes talking bubbles with no substance for their own national interest. 
Young people lose their jobs each time their employer finds out about their activisim.  If one has to be on the front line that's a kuleana to find the moral and ethical behavior for the sake of your children. 
Be cognizant of your future and how activist-retiree's and their academic-grantmanship's only care about their frustations and their addicted need for their own gratification. 


6 Things College Grads Need For an Interview
Monday, March 14, 2011

6 Things College Grads Need For an Interview
Graduation is coming up so college graduates need to start gearing up for interviews (if they haven?t started already). Here are a few things that every college graduate need for an interview.
1. An interview dress/suit
No matter what type of profession you?re looking to apply for, it?s always good to have a default interview dress or suit to wear.  Keep professional and conservative in mind. For men, some dark slacks, a dress shirt, tie and dress shoes are a few options to have. For women, think dress pants or skirts, and blouses. Aim for something that says professional and doesn?t have anything too revealing or inappropriate.
2. A professional email address
Try and keep a simple but straight forward email address such as Avoid using your personal email addresses such as or A professional address could simply include your name. If you don?t have one set up, take a minute or two and set one up to use as your work email.
3. A polished resume and cover letter
Have a polished resume and cover letter that is ready to be sent out at a moment?s notice. Keep in mind that most people won?t be applying to the exact same job each time so it?s good to have tailored resumes ready for each different job type that they?re looking to apply for. By having this ready, not only will it make job hunting more efficient, it will also keep you ready for any unexpected moment when a resume is required.
4. References
Even if you haven?t had actual work experience, internships still count! Ask your professors or supervisors who have seen you work. This can range from everything such as an internship or working on the school?s newspaper. Even if it?s not a paying job, any work experience you?ve done can be explained through your references. At the very least, your references can provide feedback on your work ethics, which is always an important element to any organization.
5. Clean personal websites (Facebook, Twitter, Myspace, etc.)
Because of the availability of the Internet, more and more recruiters are doing online searches of candidates before they bring them in. Don?t let a party picture of you ruin your chances are scoring an interview. Take the time to comb through your personal websites and privatize anything that you can. Untag any inappropriate pictures of yourself from Myspace or Facebook and try to avoid having any of your personal life available for others to see. Sometimes they can work in your favor but most of the times it doesn?t.
6. Do Their Research
Students never start a paper without doing research; the same goes for job hunting. You should always do research on a company before you go in for the actual interview. With the availability of the Internet, there is no excuse for you to walk into a company and have no idea what they do. Take a look at their corporate overview and any recent press releases surrounding their service or products.

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