Mitsuko Hayakawa 11:06pm Dec 2
All GMO labeling supporters: It's not over until it's over. 7 GMO educators will receive certificates of recognition from CM Berg at 8:30 am so join us to celebrate this honor.
However, if you are upset by the move on the part of the little Hitler Ernie Martin to not put Resolution12-319 about the HSAC package (minus GMO labeling and Repeal Act 55) on the agenda, please stay for the City Council meeting at 10 am. Then when offering testimony on the rail or street artists or when Martin asks if there is anyone else who would like to testify, put in your comments about this usurpation of the political process, skirting the sunshine law, using one's position to favor special interests, not wanting to deal with GMO labeling, etc. Remember, City Hall is OUR HOUSE! These crooks remain in office because no one votes them out! And if YOU don't speak, then surely no one else will. Don't wait for Walter Ritte or Tom Berg to do it, YOU SPEAK on behalf of the people of Hawaii who are sick and tired of this corruption. Just don't lose it! Don't swear, don't call them names, truth will speak for itself.
So please stay as long as you can. There will be another session at 2 pm but the 10 am meeting could run late. This is the moment to speak your peace if you haven't already call Martin's office at 768-5002. There is still much work to do so let's keep up the momentum.
Dr Yee
Seeds of Truth

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