Hawaii is a beautiful place with warm temperature, beaches and fascinating volcanoes. This makes the state seem like the perfect place to vacation or even to live. In fact many tourists are drawn to visit Hawaii each year because of these things. Although peaceful as it may seem, Hawaii is not safe from the terrors that affect the world. Hawaii is not safe from the crime and violence that drugs bring either. Even while law enforcement struggle to keep down the drug abuse numbers, the long battle with drugs in this state seem to be making no progress for law enforcement because Hawaii drug statistics are actually rising steadily as the years pass.

One contributor to the rising drug numbers is Ice Methamphetamine (METH). This drug is trafficked into Hawaii and stands as a great threat to the state. Meth in fact is the biggest threat to the state of Hawaii beyond any other drug because the state actually has a larger number of meth user residents per capita than any other place in the whole nation. For this reason, authorities and other officials believe that the meth use is the biggest contributor to the drug related violence and crime in the state.

In 2008, during an investigation of meth use in Hawaii, the National Drug Intelligence center found that every official law agency in the state reported meth as being the biggest drug threat. Additionally, the agencies reported that meth use was associated with crime to property and other violent acts more than any other drug. These violent acts include a rising amount of violence in the home, child abuse, abduction, and murder in the state of Hawaii. Furthermore, admissions to drug treatment centers are greater with meth than all other drugs even, alcohol.

Meth is trafficked into the state of Hawaii mostly by Mexican drug trafficking organizations. The organizations bring large wholesale amounts of meth to the state on a regular basis. The meth being transported to the state is of very high potency and made in California on the West Coast. During the year 2008, the presence of this wholesale meth transportation in Hawaii made itself known when authorities took close to 90 lbs of meth from drug traffickers. This amount of meth is valued at wholesale prices equal to over $6.9 million.

Further adding to the Hawaii drug statistics is the presence of marijuana in strong potencies. The growth, sale, and use of marijuana are the next biggest drug threat to Hawaii next to Meth. Marijuana is easily available throughout the state thanks to the medical marijuana-use-laws. The need for this drug is on a rise amongst the residents, the young in particular. This is because the young often view marijuana use as being a regular thing.

The state of Hawaii is a primary source for the growth of marijuana out of the whole nation. This is because of the tropical, warm temperatures that are ideal for the growth of marijuana. This means that the marijuana can be grown outdoors all year long. Although, there are some indoor cultivation sites located in the state as well. Much of the marijuana that is obtainable in Hawaii is made in the state. Even so, there are reports from officials that it is also brought in by Mexican and Asian drug trafficking organizations because there is such a great demand for the drug.

As for the use and movement of cocaine both in powder and crack form, there is not that much of a threat in the state of Hawaii. Still, cocaine in powder form has seen a rise in cost starting from the year 2006. Additionally, there has not been any proof that the drugs availability has gone down at all. The cocaine presence in Hawaii is due to the transport into the state by Mexican drug trafficking organizations as well as other drug ring groups. The cocaine is brought as a powder and then made into crack by the local dealers.

There are other drugs that are used and trafficked in the state of Hawaii. These drugs such as Mexican black tar heroin and other forms of heroin are present in small quantities trafficked by the Mexican drug trafficking organizations. These do not prove to be a huge threat to the residents or a large contributor to the Hawaii drug statistics. However, prescription drugs or pharmaceuticals are seen as a rising threat by officials.

Asian trafficking organizations have been known to attempt the introduction of hallucinogens and other narcotics to the state of Hawaii. In the year 2008, there was a package taken by the airport task force which contained over 900 pills made of the substances BZP and TFMPP. These substances are often obtained by dealers through the use of prescription frauds and theft. They are easily obtained over the internet as well which is a major cause for concern.

Drug treatment centers in the state of Hawaii see many people each year who have been affected by these high drug statistics. Although treatment centers want to help, it is not always possible because the drug abuser is not always willing to put forth the effort that it takes to quit using.

Willingness to quit is the biggest factor in the drug recovery process and without it, the recovery could be a lost cause. Fortunately though, the majority of the abusers that come to drug treatment rehabs do want to quit using drugs. In this case, they are provided with the resources they need to have the best chance of recovery possible.

Drug abusers who are admitted to a rehab center receive support from dedicated staff, counselors and professional substance abuse doctors who can make the drug recovery process less of a hindrance to the abuser and more of a learning experience. Even though there is always a chance that a drug user will not be successful in a rehab center, they can be sure that they will be provided with a fighting chance and this beats a zero chance with going at it alone any day.

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