Island Events — ABOLISH the PLDC in HAWAII Protests Begin This Week

27 Aug 2012 / Uncategorized4 Comments

(Media release) — We gave the United States of America and the insurgents who orchestrated the illegal overthrow 120 years to restore our Kingdom as dictated by the “Executive Agreements” without being charged for….TREASON. Although our Queen granted them Pardon… was only granted when the Kingdom is restored. We can still nail them for the WAR CRIMES that they have continued to commit till this very day and this is exactly what Judge Hara will be facing in his courtroom on Friday, August 31, 2012 at 8:00 am of which we are asking for your participation in a Peaceful Demonstration to begin at 6:00 am at the Hilo Court House being organized by Laulima Title Search & Claims and
The Kanak
a Counsel Moku O Keawe. The State of Hawai’i, the laws they are implementing and the courts/judges they have in place to enforce them are “Puppets” for the very insurgents who overthrew our Kingdom, stole our lands and are now trying to use their Public Land Development Corporation to steal and destroy the rest of it for their own personal gains and profit. The Queens pardon did not protect them from being charged with……WAR CRIMES….and we are starting with Judge Hara on August 31st…….COME & JOIN US…..WE WOULD LOVE TO SEE YOU THERE!!!!!!
(Forwarded email originated with ABOLISH the PLDC in HAWAII Facebook page.)

Posted by Tiffany Edwards Hunt @ 9:45 am

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