i am researching the in's and out's of this illegal state of oahu government,

i have been told, shown, and lead to the confusion and chaos of being recognized,

even within my own Native Hawaiian Nationals??????......we have way tooooo much groups,

on oahu that is lingering and lurking on our Kingdom of Maui Nui??????....WHY??????......


for this illegal system of oahu.....in not for the kanaka.....it is about the western american Greed,

i have turned to Ke Akua and to my Royal Kingdom Ancesters to IMUA (move forward) and to KUKANAKA (stand tall) towards the Justice for our next future generation of Royal Kingdom Heirs!!!

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  • we need to identify the false and the fake,

    they are coming out of Kauai, Oahu and Molokai,

    Ke Akua is Cleansing our Kingdom of Maui Nui,

    and our Kupuna Kahiko (ancesters)......is watching and leading,

    our new and improved new generation of Royal Kingdom Heirs....amene~~~~

  • way tooooooo much on oahu made up of varies groups,

    that we need to be aware of their mission, their greedy intent,

    and these will be exposed on our Kingdom of Maui Nui...watch

    for we will expose their greedy wrongful criminal actions of Usa~~~

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