readers: please research and respond kindly, i'm only here to be educated, maruru.....

as a child i over heard the voices of my kupuna na kahiko (ancestors),

to me it was da kanaK way of speaking, different from your western american language!

i have documents to prove my lineage to King Lunalilo, however after his death, the process of another King of Hawaii, was elected fairly by the people of our Hawaiian Kingdom Government, King Kalakaua,

then passed on~due to DEATH, the responsibility to another sibling that was educated in this manipulated illegal system of Christian American Criminals.


my kupuna often spoke of the lineage of my ancestors, its when i was taken to the west maui mountains at a very young age to watched them put up signs (no trespassing/keep out) within Ke Akuas wide open breathing space, "Fresh, Clean and Pure", i would yell out into the i look up to this same lands of my youth, i now am asked to remove myself from this property of my ancestors by people i never seen in my life never before.


i want to share one solution, not push, not shove down your throats and not even expect you to agree, but LISTEN with your eyes.....process......and please Respond---

again i need Solutions with your ideas~my mana'o (thoughts), is that a Brand New Leader should be elected by the heirs of the entire 3 dinasties?????.


we need to submit our mo'okuauhau (genealogy) that will automatic take each one of you to your rightful Ahupua'a, to begin our claims (Apology Bill, Public Law 103-150) and both informaion will be the qualification to elect our new Leader of our Hawaiian Kingdom Government!!!! wow, i am trying to relate this as best i can so all can have a share, and really have a forum in discussion (looking for professionalism) in our communication, translation and interpretation of each sharing

many more Blessings to all of you and your wealth of knowledge.......maruru...da princess~~~

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  • for me history played a huge role concerning our leaders/ illegal leaders, and how the decisions of these leaders affected my generation, we have to learn by their examples to not follow and or follow the ones that is bringing Benefit and Betterment to our people of Kanaka Maolis, especially concerning our next generations to come.
    keep in mind, is our actions as leaders bringing harm or betterment?????? and thats where we learn from history, because to me anything yesterday becomes history today..............mahalo Ke Akua for your wealth of knowledge...................da princess!!!
  • aloha naihe and to all you strong wahine warriors,

    HAOLI LA NA MAKUAHINE~~~happy mothers day~~~~~~~~mahalo Ke Akua~~~mauruuru~~~da princess!!!
  • what is the number one SOLUTION that will help the anger the confusion and the division of our kanaka maoli's ?????
    it is the plain legal TRUTH of our history and now our GENERATION, to prepare the way for our next generations to come.
    many more humbling Blessings to chose the truth over the lies of emotion..............mahalo Ke Akua.........da princess~~~
    • Learn from the past, not try to correct the past. Then save your lands legally with protesting or a good article in the newspaper about your cause. Lies have been uncoverd, do something constructive with the lies that make change for people NOW. ALL TALK IS NOTHING WITHOUT CONSTRUCTIVE PEACEFUL AND LEGAL MOVEMENT! GET A HANDFUL OF NATIVE HAWAIIAN ATTORNIES SKILLED IN THIS AREA AND DO THE WORK PROBONO BECAUSE IT'S EITHER GONNA BE A LONG OR A SHORT BATTLE - DEPENDING THE CORRECT ISSUE AND POINT YOU ARE MAKING....VOLUNTEERS CAN HELP AS WELL AS RESEARCHERS FOR THE LEGAL BATTLE!

      YOU HAVE FIVE BATTLES: County, Community Development Plans, State, Federal and International - GO FOR the mean time I work at saving land because waiting for this to overturn will see land here wasted away to developments. PAU!
      • thank you so much for your wholesome mana'o, naihe...
        i will use your wonderful advise to continue to unite...
        yes, after taking to my kupunas here, i do need to understand
        the different ways we need to work together...

        i myself need to be humble and LISTEN to the wise in front of me,
        again mahalo naihe, one day i would love to meet you and your ohana soon
        and if you on maui nui, my ALOHA to you and yours, i welcome
        to share my stories of my Ahupua'a, mahalo Ke Akua~to still be alive to live it!!!

        many more blessings and may we unite from the knowledge of our past
        and live for the present and look forward to our future for our next generatons to come.........da princess~~~
  • please readers this is the training of how we respond to each other, below is a good example,
    how can we fight for our lands and yet disrespect and dishonor each other.
    again i not here to offend, but to educate and expose....

    now it is Accountability for our Actions and you know who you are!!!
    i speak in Peace and Harmony and want the best for i will not settle for less,
    foolish for us not listen to the heed of our true kupunas that is speakin up at this very monent....

    TANE and WALTER, 2 ali'i warriors i have not had the chance to meet personally,
    for you that have had that oppurtunity, hold on to there teachings,
    we need our responsible Kupuna, Konahiki, Kahu and Kumu-s to step toward,
    this is your time, we are here the next aggressive generation to go forward and Imua in Unity..............da princess~~~
    • I think everything is all in "perception" here. Brawl at the mountain top then scurry under the ladder...what one gives the other passes along right back cuz it's about "them" even tho they "scurry". Cat and Mouse games are for hecklers, wasted time. Concrete thinking holds up more than abstract minds - go figah!

      I see drama ups, downs, downs ups, scurry, scurry, "no can talk". Wasted time...AND energy. Sometimes all is take take take in the yak yak...oh well, "Such Is Life" and then
      • mahalo for your mana'o naihe,

        Concrete Thinking is not the same as Concrete ACTION....
        this forum gives us the Ali''i (heirs) chance to see where and what
        is the intent to ones heart (pu'uwai).......claiming to be a Leaders....

        i can see how you in the same generation (1960s) as me,
        yet we both was raised kanaka maoli, native hawaiian traditional cultural
        on 2 different hawaiian kingdoms, with 2 different reasoning of our views
        from the past and views of the pain and suffering of being manipulated by
        the intruders that have not given any recognition and or respect to our
        people, the heirs of our Hawaiian Kingdom Islands.

        we all learn something every day
        good and bad right and wrong
        but main thing we maintain~~~
        our Intergeity, Honor and Respect
        from each other as Kanaka Maoli's~~~
        mahalo Ke Akua...................mauruuru....................da princess
        • To achieve the Concrete ACTION you must first come to the mental attitude and thinking - no brainer. You can not do one without the other.

          I don't have to claim to be a leader I have the quality of being a leader. I AM A LEADER! But not a leader who wants to be a leader of the Hawaiian Nation. Not my calling.

          My legacy is to save what I can land, here in Kohala that has been my goal for current and future generations. In hopes that other land districts and their own leaders will do the same as I do because it is working. I come from ali'i lines that say we do for people first because that is how we take care of ourselves because of the peace we have within being reminded by our na kupuna, "Malama 'Aina'. For we know that if we malama 'aina all things of good will follow. It not only means the "physical land" but also the "spiritualness of the land" If a new business in town names in hawaiian an inappropriate name for the area and does not follow proper protocal in "being given a name" I go to the business and tell them to correct it. Before I do this, I do an evaluation about the business and also wait for Ke Akua to tell me on the timing to see the business for correction. Most often than not, the business is having failure because of the improper use but not only is the business failing but it brings "no good" to the community and it needs to be corrected. Every community in the hawaiian islands should be blessed and not cursed with what they allow to come into their village/community. Take responsibility to make change better for the living as well as the non living - land talks and you can see it from the surface what it is saying and how it is being cared for. After awhile if nothing is done, land will not want anyone on it - hawaiian or not.
  • study your Apology Bill public law 103-150, and be sure to carry it as a reminder of how this
    illegal governing entity, was created by intruders made up of christian western american greedy
    businessmen and how today they refuse to leave their positions of dishonor to our Kingdom Heirs.

    Kingdom Heirs you are identified in the apology bill, no other will be able to be the subjects of
    this Kingdom of Hawaii, only the Heirs.....dont listen what any one else tells you or try to justify
    your Rights, please take the time to learn it, breath it and speak up for our next generation to come,
    it is now your obligation to teach the truth, for again only the TRUTH will set us Free away from Violence.....
    .........mahalo ke akua .............mauruuru...........da princess~~~
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