the Dynasty of kamehameha, lunalilo, and kalakaua is done away with in our generation today.....they are like the presidents of americans.....that is only noticed on the behavior of their we have a new president likewise we in our generation need a new Hawaiian Kingdom Government for our new and improved educated Recognized Native Hawaiians of Royal Kingdom Kanaka Maoli thats needs to lead correctly to make the needed adjustments with the massive over population of Usa on our Sacred Lands......the past of these kings of old is only a history of failures because our Kingdom Government have allowed the Evil INFLURENCE of Usa to lead them......for kamehameha had captain Crook to lead him in Military...killing many of our ancestors of Alii Nui under the direction of Crook, sharp shooter Young and Davis (please read your History)....and we had this illegal state of oahu lead kalakaua to his DEATH and now the force military of usa stealing our Hawaiian Government and her throne of our Seated Hawaiian Government from La haina the Capital of our Royal Kingdom Hawaiian Government....please speak the truth and please research the Truth......for the Truth will Free our next future generation from the past of Hewa (wrongful criminal acts) by the Leaders of our Past having great influrence by Usa forces of the Military and the Missionary....and it have been carried on by this deaf, blind, greedy and lost generation above us.....thats why many kupuna have died in silence and now most is living on oahu HOMELESS on the beaches on oahu~~~why have this illegal government of Usa allowed to throw our kupuna and kanaka on the edges of the beach shorelines of oahu and still continue the development of more homes for the pleasures and wealth of Usa......why??????........we the Heirs of Maui Nui need to keep this oahu state of mentality to not be allowed on our Maui Nui......kamehameha should remain on oahu and big island for kamehameha is not part of our Maui Nui.....for he forced his unwanted male sperm on our Sacredness of maui nui and all died without bearing any good to our Kingdom Capital of Maui Nui......for kamehameha is only a history of Hewa to our Sacred Lands of Maui, period......from the voices of my kupuna kahikos of Maui Nui......mauruuru to the Truth to begin the cleansing to a era of HEWA and GREED of Usa.....amene~~~
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thank you, thank you, thank you and mahalo nui....... so much you can see i have seeked my mo'okuauhau (genealogy) far the momona and kaina the kumaewa and the kaleo side......that lead me to my ahupua'a....on our Kingdom of Maui Nui....Lands in Kihei, Kanaio, Mo'oloa, Makena, of course Hana and our Kingdom Capital of La Haina...Loko O!!!
the Sacred Lands of my from the Momona side direct lineage to our Great Great Great Grand mama "Her High Chiefess Queen Keopuolani" of our maui nui.......the other Lands is from my other Great Great Great from the Kaina side.....King William Lunalilo...for he was the 6th King of our Kingodm Government, and he was the FIRST ELECTED King by the people of Kanaka Maoli's....he won over kalakaua in VOTES!!!
as for donna willard (not to good) on our maui nui.....she is dealing with some pilikai out at Honokohau Valley with some makua wahine kanaka and our maui ohana's of maui nui....i was told donna is from oahu/molokai back ground?????....not good at this time to mingle with donna.....she have her own demons to deal with.....i only give Aloha and leave all her issues on our maui nui to Ke Akua and our maui nui Kupuna Kahiko (ancestors) to malama and or to Discipline the situration.
i have passed our living torch of documents of "Palasila nui" (we have about 8 to 10 single documents to sort at this very moment) our next future generations of Royal Kingdom Heirs of maui nui to also research and seek the needed Knowledge that Ke Akua will lead us correctly to lead our Ohana Nation in correction. ...for we are educated, eager, and aggresive to IMUA and to KUKANAKA......Need to always is always Ke Akua time table...smiles....thank you again amelia.....for all your wonderful many more Blessings to you and your ohana nation......da princess of Loko O Mokuhinia.....La Haina...da Kingdom Capital of our Hawaiian Kingdom Government.....mauruuru~~~
is the Royal Patent the same as the Palasila Nui Document (written in pure hawaiian)?????
we have a few palasila nui to be read and blessed to be handed over to our next Royal Kingdom Heirs~~~mauruuru
Palapala Sila is the Royal don't hand it over to anyone........keep it in your possession because along with the Land Commission Award/ Kuleana and the Survey, those are documents showing your land ownership.......
Contact Donna Willard, et. als. for more information or read and share with your siblings the following information:
Compiled by Researchers including Amelia Gora (2012)
Sovereign Kauikeouli/Kamehameha III in 1848 helped to set up the Mahele also called the Great Mahele.
The lands had belonged to the Sovereign, Kamehameha, his father; then Liholiho, his brother.
Kauikeouli/Kamehameha III didn't need to share the lands to others but did.
He shared lands to the people and the project was called the Mahele which was divided into three parts: 1) konohiki and hoaina, 2) government, aside from reserving a portion to himself called the 3) Crown Lands.
See: for more information
The lands were Ano Alodio lands which remains forever to the assigned owner, his descendants/heirs....Kanaka Maoli are and remain the true, legal title holders.
Their descendants/heirs should maintain the following important documents in their possession:
1) Royal Patents - xerox, certified copy
2) Land Commission awards - xerox, certified copy
3) Survey Notes - xerox, certified copy
The top three are prima facie evidence of specific land ownership. Also needed as evidence are:
4) Genealogies - direct connect to ancestor
5) Affidavit/Lien of Genealogies - file at the Bureau of Conveyances
Additional Documents:
Court Cases showing case precedence;
Add the HRS/Hawaii Revised Statutes 172.11 in which the property "inures" to the descendants;
Protective Orders from the House of Nobles ---- many kanaka maoli have this with their documents.
Like Queen Liliuokalani in 1893, her Kanaka Maoli subjects and others were under stress, duress, usurpation, and coercion..........the ramifications of duress includes being null and void. The following is the legal meaning of duress:
duress legal definition of duress. duress synonyms by the Free ...
Unlawful pressure exerted upon a person to coerce that person to perform an act that he or she ordinarily would not perform. Duress also encompasses the ...
(also see reference article below)
There are a web of contacts on all for specific persons.
Additional info for all:
Empowerment with knowledge/information posted for all to read, learn, share..........and watching good videos such as: Overthrow: America's Century of Regime Change from ...
Overthrow: America's Century of Regime Change ... - Democracy Now!
Part II...Overthrow: America's Century of Regime Change from ...
Overthrow: America's Century of Regime Change from Hawaii to ...
Stephen Kinzer - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Help w/ book Overthrow by Kinzer. What patterns are present in the ...
Author Kinzer Charts 'Century of Regime Change' : NPR
Overthrow: America's Century Of Regime ... - YaleGlobal Online
ZCommunications | Stephen Kinzer's Overthrow by Site ...
Overthrow, by Stephen Kinzer « John's Blog
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September 21, 2011 at 18:20:48
kupuna wahine said....ask it and you will it and it will appear.....believe it and it will happen.....amene~~~
i just found the original "HOMESTEAD Lease" for 999 yrs.....on our Maui Nui...30 areas,
for my Great Grand the court shows that in 1909....he was ordered by
this illegal state of command (our maui nui court system) to submit an "INVENTORY" and
3 differennt parcels of Kuleana Lands with this HOMESTEAD for 999yrs....
my surprise is that after this INVENTORY to this county of maui.....all my Great Grand papa
Lands was given to the hands of an ADMINISTRATOR of this state/county of maui (Charles Wilcox)....
and more to the story......both my Great Grand papa and mama died...2 yrs. after this INVENTORY.....
Please any one of going through your research and have experience this Criminal CRIME towards
our Royal Kingdom Ancestors.....and or have any suggestions......Please i am open for Mana'o.....Blessings to All~~~
Compiled by Researchers including Amelia Gora (2012)
Sovereign Kauikeouli/Kamehameha III in 1848 helped to set up the Mahele also called the Great Mahele.
The lands had belonged to the Sovereign, Kamehameha, his father; then Liholiho, his brother.
Kauikeouli/Kamehameha III didn't need to share the lands to others but did.
He shared lands to the people and the project was called the Mahele which was divided into three parts: 1) konohiki and hoaina, 2) government, aside from reserving a portion to himself called the 3) Crown Lands.
See: for more information
The lands were Ano Alodio lands which remains forever to the assigned owner, his descendants/heirs....Kanaka Maoli are and remain the true, legal title holders.
Their descendants/heirs should maintain the following important documents in their possession:
1) Royal Patents - xerox, certified copy
2) Land Commission awards - xerox, certified copy
3) Survey Notes - xerox, certified copy
The top three are prima facie evidence of specific land ownership. Also needed as evidence are:
4) Genealogies - direct connect to ancestor
5) Affidavit/Lien of Genealogies - file at the Bureau of Conveyances
Additional Documents:
Court Cases showing case precedence;
Add the HRS/Hawaii Revised Statutes 172.11 in which the property "inures" to the descendants;
Protective Orders from the House of Nobles ---- many kanaka maoli have this with their documents.
Like Queen Liliuokalani in 1893, her Kanaka Maoli subjects and others were under stress, duress, usurpation, and coercion..........the ramifications of duress includes being null and void. The following is the legal meaning of duress:
duress legal definition of duress. duress synonyms by the Free ...
Unlawful pressure exerted upon a person to coerce that person to perform an act that he or she ordinarily would not perform. Duress also encompasses the ...
(also see reference article below)
There are a web of contacts on all for specific persons.
Additional info for all:
Empowerment with knowledge/information posted for all to read, learn, share..........and watching good videos such as: Overthrow: America's Century of Regime Change from ...
Overthrow: America's Century of Regime Change ... - Democracy Now!
Part II...Overthrow: America's Century of Regime Change from ...
Overthrow: America's Century of Regime Change from Hawaii to ...
Stephen Kinzer - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Help w/ book Overthrow by Kinzer. What patterns are present in the ...
Author Kinzer Charts 'Century of Regime Change' : NPR
Overthrow: America's Century Of Regime ... - YaleGlobal Online
ZCommunications | Stephen Kinzer's Overthrow by Site ...
Overthrow, by Stephen Kinzer « John's Blog
stephen kinzer overthrow sparknotes
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overthrow kinzer chapter summary
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September 21, 2011 at 18:20:48
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Exploring Legal Terms and Reviewing Royal Families Duress, Genocide Issues
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EXPLORING LEGAL TERMS IN AN INDOCTRINATED SOCIETY (Hawaiian Islands).......... Starting with Duress, Royal person, Prerogative, Sovereign Immunity, etc.
compiled by Amelia Gora (2011)
The legal terminologies have gone through changes over time, a deliberate evolution due to the "have not's" (people who have no claims to be part of our 3,000+ years old society) wanting what the "haves have" (people who have claims to ancestors from our 3,000+ years old society).
What is an indoctrinated society? A society/group of people who are indoctrinated:
Previous Word in the Dictionary: indocile
All Words Near: indoctrinate
Let's look at Legal Terms that applied to a Monarchy, Constitutional Monarchy or the Hawaiian Government since 1810 thru 1893. The pirated 1/3 of the House of Representatives part of the Hawaiian Government from 1893 to present:
Restraint or danger, actually inflicted or impending, which is sufficient in severity or apprehension to deprive a person of free choice, destroy his volition, or obtain consent only in form.
Under the law, a person is not guilty of a crime if he participated only because he believed, and had good reason to believe, that he would be seriously harmed if he did not participate and had no other way of escaping serious harm. The burden is on the government to prove the defendant's guilt beyond a reasonable doubt. To find someone guilty, therefore, there must be proof beyond a reasonable doubt that when he participated in the offense, he did not have a reasonable belief that such participation was the only way he could save himself from serious harm.
An actual or a threatened violence or restraint of a man's person, contrary to law, to compel him to enter into a contract, or to discharge one.
Some divide duress into two sorts:
First. Duress of imprisonment, where a man actually loses his liberty. If a man be illegally deprived of his liberty until he sign and seal a bond, or the like, he may allege this duress, and avoid the bond. But, if a man be legally imprisoned, and either to procure his discharge, or on any other fair account, seal a bond or a deed, this is not by duress of imprisonment, and he is not at liberty to avoid it.
Second. Duress per minas, which is either for fear of loss of life, or else for fear of mayhem, or loss of limb,; and this must be upon a sufficient reason. In this case, a man way avoid his own act. Lord Coke enumerates four instances in which a man may avoid his own act by reason of menaces: 1. For fear of loss of life; 2. Of member; 3. Of mayhem; 4. Of imprisonment.
It is not every degree of violence or any hind of threats, that will invalidate a contract; they must be such as would naturally operate on a person of ordinary firmness, and inspire a just fear of great injury to person, reputation or fortune. The age, sex, state of health; temper and disposition of the party, and 0ther circumstances calculated to give greater or less effect to the violence or threats, must be taken into consideration.
A contract by violence or threats, is void, although the party in whose favor the contract is made, and not exercise the violence or make the threats, and although he were ignorant of them.
Violence or threats are cause of nullity, not only where they are exercised on the contracting party, but when the wife, the hushand, the descendants or ascendants of the party are the object of them.
If the violence used be only a legal constraint, or the threats only of doing that which the party using them had a right to do, they shall not invalidate the contract A just and legal imprisonment, or threats of any measure authorized by law, and the circumstances of the case, are of this description.
But the mere forms of law to cover coercive proceedings for an unjust and illegal cause, if used or threatened in order to procure the assent to a contract, will invalidate it; an arrest without cause of action, or a demand of bail in an unreasonable sum, or threat of such proceeding, by this rule invalidate a contract made under their pressure.
All the above articles relate to cases where there may be some other motive besides the violence or threats for making the contract. When, however, there is no other cause for making the contract, any threats, even of slight injury, will invalidate it.
Note: Our Monarchs were under duress, stress, usurpation, and coercion.
Let us focus on both King David Kalakaua who was forced to sign the 1887 Constitution and his sister Queen Liliuokalani who after signing the 1893 Constitution was dethroned. She did tear up the Constitution and a purported one was put together by conspirators/treasonous persons and recorded by U.S. Congress thereafter.
Both were under duress. The usurpers were guilty of causing duress upon the Monarchs from a neutral, friendly, non-violent nation. Furthermore, the usurpers did premeditate their actions which were supported, encouraged, made by a bankrupt, bully nation U.S., supported by England, and the Morgan bankers their investors.
Let us move to present day duress of which there were and are many, many examples.
Let us look at the descendants/heirs of the Sovereigns and descendants/heirs of the House of Nobles, the second branch of government. Only the Sovereign and the House of Nobles are the Permanent parts of government, which is hereditary. The third and last part was the House of Representatives voted in by the people/voters, and this branch was temporary, unlike the permanent hereditary positions.
After passing thru a metal screening device to enter the Circuit Court building, the hereditary descendants/heirs of Sovereigns and House of Nobles entered into the Court hearing whereas the State of Hawaii representing the elected /voted in positions of the House of Representatives Judge placed in position without the affirmation by the permanent hereditary group moved to make a decision on expunging a lien of the Crown lands which was made before the Supreme Court case whose Judge in place declared the State of Hawaii could sell the lands.
Members of the Sovereigns and House of Nobles descendants/heirs moved to speak and the Judge reluctantly listened.
One member tried to speak up and cited Title 18 and Title 42 in defense of everyone's claims and a Sheriff undid his leather belt exposing his gun.
Members of the Sovereigns and House of Nobles descendants/heirs were under immediate duress.
Pass through a metal screening device had already showed that they were unarmed, yet, the armed Sheriff exposed his gun as a further threat upon all Members of the Sovereigns and House of Nobles descendants/heirs.
Although this is a cause for police report, etc. This is also cause for terminating the case against Royal persons who have Sovereign Immunity, etc. because these members represent 2/3 of the Hawaiian Government of hereditary rights and are not subject to the laws to begin with!
Royal person - "not subject to the laws" as documented in Victoria Kamamalu's Probate pages 14-15. Mataio Kekuanaoa, our ancestor, referred to the Status of another Kamehameha descendant named Lot Kamehameha/Kamehameha V.
The privilege, preeminence, or advantage which one person has over another; thus a person vested with an office, is entitled to all the rights, privileges, prerogatives, etc. which belong to it.
English law. The royal prerogative is an arbitrary power vested in the executive to do good and not evil.
A doctrine precluding the institution of a suit against the sovereign [government] without its consent. Though commonly believed to be rooted in English law, it is actually rooted in the inherent nature of power and the ability of those who hold power to shield themselves.
In England it was predicated on the concept that "the sovereign can do no wrong", a concept developed and enforced by guess who? However, since the American revolution explictedly rejected this interesting idea, the American rulers had to come up with another rationale to protect their power. One they came up with is that the "sovereign is exempt from suit [on the] practical ground that there can be no legal right against the authority that makes the law on which the right depends." 205 U.S. 349, 353.
"[S]tatutes waiving the sovereign immunity of the United States must be'construed strictly in favor of the sovereign." McMahon v. United States, 342 U.S. 25, 27 (1951).
11 U.S.C. S 106, "Waiver of Sovereign Immunity," provides:
(a) A governmental unit is deemed to have waived sovereign immunity with respect to any claim against such governmental unit that is property of the estate and that arose out of the same transaction or occurrence out of which such governmental unit's claim arose.
The interest served by federal sovereign immunity (the United States' freedom from paying damages without Congressional consent)
Federal sovereign immunity is readily distinguishable from the states' immunity under the Eleventh Amendment and foreign governments' immunity under the Foreign Sovereign Immunities Act. The latter two doctrines allow one sovereign entity the right to avoid, altogether, being subjected to litigation in another sovereign's courts. Pullman Constr., 23 F.3d at 1169. Similar sovereignty concerns are not implicated by the maintenance of suit against the United States in federal court. Federal sovereign immunity has had such broad exceptions carved out of it that, as Pullman Construction concluded, "Congress, on behalf of the United States, has surrendered any comparable right not to be a litigant in its own courts." Id. In the present day, federal sovereign immunity serves merely to channel litigation into the appropriate avenue for redress, ensuring that "No Money shall be drawn from the Treasury, but in Consequence of Appropriations made by Law." Pullman Constr. at 1168 (quoting Art. I, section 9, cl. 7).
Federal sovereign immunity is a defense to liability rather than a right to be free from trial.
The Supreme Court has ruled that in a case involving the government's sovereign immunity the statute in question must be strictly construed in favor of the sovereign and may not be enlarged beyond the waiver its language expressly requires. See United States v. Nordic Village, Inc., 503 U.S. 30, 33-35 (1992).
In the case of the State of Hawaii Judge with assistant Sheriff's help, the fact of the matter is that the State of Hawaii Judge and Sheriff are illegal parties to the claims of the Permanent bodies, descendants of the Hawaiian Governments Sovereigns, and House of Nobles.
The State of Hawaii is a sham, a organized, racketeering, premeditation based group of conspirators, treasonous persons operating on Fraud, deceit, immorality, non-integrity, Piracy(ies) in the Hawaiian Islands perpetuating lies, deceit, criminal malfeasance, racketeering indoctrinating all people in the Hawaiian Islands, in the U.S., and the World Today.
They are but a group of genocide activists, armed, hostile criminals parading like buffoons likened to the Emperor With No Clothes, and causing terror amongst the true land owners, the true descendants of the Sovereigns, House of Nobles existing today.
Is there hope for the brainwashed, indoctrinated citizens here and the World today? Perhaps.
Note: In time, people will know the truth..............because our people were and remain under duress, stress, usurpation, and coercion by genocide activists..........
Additional References:
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Premeditation to Assume Pearl Harbor Coaling Station/the Hawaiian Islands - a Standing Order by Congress Eight (8) days BEFORE DETHRONING QUEEN LILIUOKALANI in 1893:
Page 1: id= 0B6Gs4av5Se1wZmFmMWE3YjEtNTAwM y0...
Page 2: id= 0B6Gs4av5Se1wN2RlYzdiOWMtNWJkY S0...
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Genealogies 1867 (first part) id= 0B6Gs4av5Se1wMzBiZGJhMjMtY2FmZ C0...
Genealogies 1867 (second part) id= 0B6Gs4av5Se1wZDBjMDAyNjktMWQ1M i0...
Genealogies 1867 (third and last part) id= 0B6Gs4av5Se1wOTRlZmNhMDEtNGFkM S0...
Annexation Opposition by Queen Liliuokalani found by researcher Kiliwehi Kekumano: id= 0B6Gs4av5Se1wOGJmZjg4MmQtNWRjM S0...
Annexation Opposition (page 2) id= 0B6Gs4av5Se1wNWVlMTc0MjEtZWZiZ S0...
Annexation Opposition (page 3) id= 0B6Gs4av5Se1wY2RjYzZmNjQtMjUxY i0...
Annexation Opposition (page 4) id= 0B6Gs4av5Se1wNmY2Mzk3ZTctZDEyM y0...
The Hawaiian Disgrace archive-free/pdf?res= F70A1FF7345D117...
Shameful Conspiracy id= 0B6Gs4av5Se1wN2Y2YjAwOTItOTEwM C0...
Prince Kuhio Kalanianaole Treasonous Person introduced Statehood in 1920 id= 0B6Gs4av5Se1wMzY0NzE3ZDUtZGE5M i0...
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Take action -- click here to contact your local newspaper or congress people:
2/3 of the Hawaiian Government is based on Royal Families
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amelia...who is UCC????.....mauruuru
Uniform Commercial Code
Jan 23, 2003 – [This on-line version of the U.C.C. does not include the official comments, our license being limited to distributing them for local use. The full ...
Uniform Commercial Code - Article 9. - Article 3. - Search
wow...amelia.....thank you so much for up dated me with the incidents of Mahealani on oahu......our maui nui Kupuna's was just asking me about this mahealani over the weekend.....she became the HOPE for some of our Royal Kingdom Heirs on our maui nui with Wrong INTENTIONS to Gather and Unite our Kanaka of Maui Nui and i have been hearing alot of Hewa about this women from our Makua's and Kupuna...about the Actions of Mahealani Ahsing of Oahu at the Palace????
this is the kind of information i want to Expose to our Royal Kingdom Heirs of MAKUA and Living KUPUNA of our maui nui....because this illegal state of oahu....have the say for our entire fate of our Hawaiian Kingdom Sacred Islands.....we need to RISE the True Corrected Leaders and IMUA (move forward) and to KUKAKANA (stand tall) as one Unit to HONOR the proper Protocals of our Sacredness and to Testify what we Witness today to prepare the Way for our next future Royal Kingdom Heirs.....amene~~~
REMINDER: this is not american and or indian lands.....this is our Kingdom of Nations of Recognized Native Hawaiians of Kanaka Maoli.....and as my Tutu Kupuna Man said.....we will do it one step at a time....with the assistance of Ke Akua and our Royal Kingdom Ancestors.....First is to Educate from Within your ohana nation.....know and learn your Mo'okuauhau (geneology), that will take you to your Ahupua'a (Sacred Lands of our Royal Kingdom Ancestors)...for soon Ke Akua will REMOVE the HEWA.....Ho'omanawanui (always Ke Akua's time)~~~and connect back to your Royal Kingdom History!!!