he was young,

he was confused,

he was lead wrongly,

he had to deal with the greedy business americans

and the bad influrence of the christian missionary,

and ruled in greed in the hands of the military,

the missionary and the evil Businesses of Americans,

and allowed the evils of american humans to continue its Hewa's.....auwe!!!!!


please read your history of our Kingdom of Maui Nui in the hands of kamehameha,

and thats why.....kamehameha had to be REMOVED OFF our Kingdom Maui Nui,

and RETURNED to the its illegal state of oahu......for we would not allow the evils

to continue here on Maui Nui and we are now Cleansing within our new and corrected

Generations of Royal Kingdom Heirs of Maui Nui to IMUA (move forward)

and to KUKANAKA (stand tall) in Justice......amene.....da princess of Loko O Mokuhinia~~~~ 

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  • as a reminder...i hate NO humans of anykind......i just call them on their SH*T of Hewa's (wrongful criminal acts)~~~

    and you all know who you are......this is called IDENTIFY da Hewa's within my Birthright given GENERATION....amene~~~

  • read your history of the kamehameha's and see why????????,

    we Kanaka Maoli's today is treated worst than the american and the imigrants,

    for it is because of the american Greed that was influrenced within this kamehameha family,

    that this family can not think without the bad influrences of Usa and its evil thinking of the  

    american mentality of Land Greed...for kamehameha was not about its people (please again read his wrongful actions),

    he was only about control of our Lands under the greedy influrence of Usa, peroid.....

    and this needs to be Identified, Exposed and REMOVED off of our Pure and Clean Kingdom of Maui Nui.....amene 


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