INFORMATION From Amelia Gora, one of Kamehameha's descendants/heirs, et. als.


Letting my friends/advisors know the following letter was sent to a 
group of lawyers who wanted money instead of taking this on a 
contingency basis…..does anyone know of a good legal eagle?  Thank 

November 26, 2005

Mr. Michael Crichton 
Mr. Steven Spielberg

Via attorney

                             Re:  Out of Court Settlement for Idea, 
Information Utilized
                                     For Movie "JURASSIC PARK" and 
the movies based 
                                     On the "JURASSIC PARK" theme, 
including "THE 
                                     LOST WORLD"


My name is Amelia Kuulei Gora living on the Island of Oahu, Hawaii.

Compensation for my Information/ideas that I had while speaking with 
the writer, Michael Crichton is due.  

The basis or my information/ideas was used in the movie(s) (and book

The basis or my information/ideas were also used for the 
followup/sequel movies (and books) "THE LOST WORLD".  

The movies were filmed, and directed by the marvelous Steven 

Michael Crichton gave me his name and number scribbled on a paper, 
and he knew my name also.  He asked me what college was I attending…
told him University of Hawaii at Manoa.  I believe he still remembers 


I went to Washington, D.C. for a research conference.  I was a 
student researcher for the Haumana Program, part of the Pacific 
Biomedical Research Program.  (Verification may be made at the 
University of Hawaii at Manoa – PBRC program for dates.)  I attended 
the Washington Symposium utilizing a Federal grant, which included 
flights to and from, hotel, meals, etc.

                          Regal Travel

27 Mar 87 – Friday
  United                 2 Coach Class
  Lv: Honolulu              515P            Nonstop                   
  Ar: Chicago/Ohare    503A            Arrival Date-28 Mar
  1Full/1Lt-Meal-Movie                     Seat-17K

28 Mar 87 – Saturday
  United            60 Coach Class
Lv:  Chicago/Ohare       600A         Nonstop                    
Ar:  NYC/Laguardia       900A
Breakfast-Audio                              Seat-7A

                                              SURFACE TRANSPORTATION

04 Apr 87 – Saturday
United              603 Coach Class
Lv:  Wash/National         800A         Nonstop                    
Ar:  Chicago/Ohare         901A
Breakfast-Audio                               Seat-10F

  United              123 Coach Class
  Lv:  Chicago/Ohare        1005A       Nonstop                    
  Ar:  San Francisco          1233P
  Lunch-Movie                                     Seat-15A

05 Apr 87 – Sunday
  United               185 Coach Class
  Lv: San Francisco            200P        Nonstop                    
  Ar: Honolulu                     410P
  Lunch-Movie                                     Seat-34K      

                                                    Passenger Portion 
of Ticket      43.00

TicketNumber/S:                           7682901064-065   
Check             .00

         AIR TANSPORTATION        .00   TAX           .00  
TTL               .00

Note:  Went to New York, stayed overnite with other students, took 
the train to Washington, D.C. to attend a Biochemistry Symposium.

In Washington, we stayed at:

1919 Connecticut Avenue N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20009

GORA, AMELIA           MS         IN:  03/29 – 04/04/87 (Out)   
Folio: 410943

University of Hawaii at Manoa              Rate: 36.25  Room:  6149
1993 East-West Rd., Rm 217     FSE536
Honolulu, HI              96822

3/29/87  Cash/Check   BT  REF. No.         Credit 197.55

While in Washington, I visited many places, including the Museum.
I met good looking, disarming Michael Crichton and his pretty        
girlfriend and told them that they were a good looking couple.  

It was at the exhibit of those cute baby Triceratops (?), partially 
hatched and full dinosaur eggs.  I remember gawking and scrutinizing 
the exhibit and shared my thoughts with the good looking couple after 
I noticed how everyone stared at the exhibit, almost hoping to see 
the creatures move/come alive, hoping just like I.

I moved to my right and stared and gawked at the mosquito imbedded in 
the aged resin and they came over to peer in also.  That's when I 
told them that it would be so neat if one could tap into the mosquito 
and remove the DNA molecules and figure out what kind of creatures it 
had feasted on.  Of course the DNA was also solidified so it would 
not be possible but it would make a good movie.

We discussed the DNA, and chatted about the Scientific Symposium that 
I had attended.

The couple headed toward the large hall, and I followed shortly 
behind. The cutey stopped, left his     friend and returned to me 
with excitement in his eyes, his voice and asked me what period did I 
think it was the Crestacean, Pleistocene(?)*** period or Jurassic 
period.  Told him I think the Jurassic?

I had to head back to the visitor bus and meet my friends because we 
were on a whirlwind tour and heading back.

Michael scribbled out his name, number and excitedly asked more 
questions.  (I felt uncomfortable for a good looking guy handing me 
his phone number while his     FRIEND was only a short distance away.)

Told him that I was a student researcher from Hawaii/University of 
Hawaii at Manoa and on a Biochemistry Research Symposium in 
Washington, D.C. and had to hurry back.

At the top of the stairs overlooking an enormous hanging dinosaur 
skeleton, he asked me………if it were a movie, how would it turn out?  
Told him it would have to have a family who were trying to escape.  I 
continued to walk down the stairs while turning to talk with them and 
stated that they would jump on the skeleton and all of the bones 
would collapse and fall to the ground…..and that would be a neat 

There were a lot a people around who heard me, including a boy of 12-
14 who stood out because like Michael and his     friend, his eyes 
were as wide as saucers wanting to hear more.  Perhaps, even the 
security guards leaned over to hear about the utter destruction of 
their aged skeletal display.  Their display became a catastrophic 
mess in the minds of all who heard.  It became a challenge to the 
young and old because it was simply unheard of.

I left the place with the imaginations of many       ing the halls, 
their minds open like a "Pandora's box" unleashed.

That was fun!  It was exhilarating to overstep the sciences and move 
towards a creative one, which both of you have excelled and succeeded 
in making it real in the film world. 

For that bit, I feel, think, and believe that it's truly fair to be 
given a fair amount of compensation.  For without the basis, 
information/idea which was given, such a movie would not have come to 
fruition….and that would be sad indeed.

Additionally, I look forward to the gawking faces of my five (5) 
children, and my long time friend who had dared to give me his phone 
number in 1990.  That was three (3) years after Michael Crichton had 
given me his phone number.  

On numerous occasions, my friend laughed and ridiculed me for my 
memories, my ideas, and information.  He laughed at my detailed story 
of the dinosaurs, talking about events of the movie.   

(My friend also laughed and continues to laugh(!) about my ideas of 
the safety surfboard leash. In the past (1972), some Japanese 
surfer's from Kaneohe (Wayne Yonamine, Craig Arakaki, and Norman 
Murakami) had laughed and made fun of my suggestion too.  It was in 
the interest of saving lives because Norman (and many others) nearly 
drowned.  He was one of the lucky ones.)  As it turned out, one of 
their friends had taken up the suggestion and developed the leash as 
suggested by myself.  My suggestion, because I worked at Sears 
Sporting Goods part time at the time, was to utilize the cord with a 
line with one end connected to the board and the other utilizing 
velcro tied to the foot.  Because the surfboard is an island, I 
explained.  They belittled and laughed at me and said, `the board 
crashes downward, tied to the board one can get injured', told 
them, `dive stupid' (had gotten irritated by them).  They asked, `how 
do you tie it to the board' ---told them the skeg and they laughed 
saying `the skeg comes off easily'---told them `hey you guys make 
boards, just DO IT!' ---well someone is surely laughing their way to 
the bank! For now…---The point is is that, that too was a good idea 
by a part Hawaiian female!)

(Even my part Hawaiian surfing friend uses the surfboard leash and 
laughs that off! He does not believe and I am willing to let him 
meet/talk with those guys too!)

You're welcome to call me a creative advisor, if you will, one that 
has been unpaid for a long time.  I also have a wealth of ideas that 
could turn into more movies if you like.

Please feel free to discuss payments, etc. with my representative 
attorney.  He has been hired as a contingent attorney.

Alternatively, in the event that Michael Crichton denies obtaining 
the information/ideas from me, the entire issue will be exposed to 
the public along with many ongoing, important issues 
in/about/surrounding Hawaii.

I am the editor of the news on the web called the IOLANI – The Royal 
Hawk which is currently exposing corruption in entities, Government
(s), the illegal dethroning of Queen Liliuokalani, the Kingdom of 
Hawaii, antiwar issues which reaches many around the world.  Truth 
and honesty is the news.  I also have a controversial website: 

I am also a writer of Hawaiian History and genealogy books.  Hawaii's 
history affects the world today.  You're welcome to download some of 
my writing's at under hawaiian_genealogy_society-akg .

My history and genealogy books are sold at the University of Hawaii 
at Manoa bookstore.  

If you my name "amelia gora or amelia kuulei gora" there 
are also many topics there.  Other search machines will also pick up 

There are even published articles at the British Medical Journal 
site/ see "The Mummies Curse", etc.  That in itself would 
make an interesting movie as well.

It would be an honor for Michael Crichton and Steven Spielberg to 
consider making a movie about Hawaii and the affects on the World 

Please consider more challenges to the minds and imaginations of 
many, and even those with an anti-war stance.  You will be remembered 
by many, many more who believe and rely on Truth these days.

There are many Royal families, activists (Kingdom of Hawaii, antiwar, 
nuclear free, etals.), foreign government officials, writers 
(including Michael Moore, John Kaminski, Jeff Rense, etals. who 
contribute to the news on the web), college professors, students, 
etals. who read the weekly news from Hawaii.

Your expeditious reply will be greatly appreciated.    


Amelia Kuulei Gora

Ps.  A face to face meeting would be acceptable.  I wouldn't mind 
seeing you, the cutey, handsome Michael Crichton again.  Hope you got 
married to the pretty      you were with….your children must be good 
looking too.

All of the above is true, correct to the best of my knowledge.

Also, I am a Royal person not subject to the laws, one of the 
descendants of Kamehameha, Queen Liliuokalani, Kahekili of Maui, 
Kaumualii of Kauai, John Young, Isaac Davis (Kamehameha's counselors) 
et als. Descendant.

(Note and Comments:
Pursuit of TRUTH is necessary is these days.  Aloha and Happy 
Holidays! Have a Safe, Family, Friends Holidays! )



note:  Michael Crichton died in 2008


  1. Michael Crichton, Author of Thrillers, Dies at 66 - The New York Times
    Nov 5, 2008 – Michael Crichton, whose technological thrillers like “The Andromeda ...Times Topics: Michael Crichton .... Deaths (Obituaries) Get E-Mail Alerts ...
  2. Michael Crichton Dies - ArtsBeat Blog - The New York Times
    Dave Itzkoff
    by Dave Itzkoff - in 90 Google+ circles - More by Dave Itzkoff
    Nov 5, 2008 – Michael Crichton, the author of the blockbuster science-fiction... ArtsBeat - New York Times Blog ... An obituary will follow on
  3. An Appraisal - Michael Crichton - Builder of ... - The New York Times
    Published: November 5, 2008. Michael Crichton, who died on Tuesday at the age of 66, was like a character in a Michael Crichton novel. He was unusually tall ...
  4. Michael Crichton News - The New York Times
    ... Michael Crichton. Commentary and archival information about Michael Crichtonfrom The New York Times... November 6, 2008booksObituary (Obit). Ideas & ...
  5. Michael Crichton - Telegraph

    Nov 5, 2008 – Michael Crichton: author of Jurassic Park dies of cancer ... He was only 14 when a travel piece he had written was published in The New York Times, and four years later, in 1960, he ... The Art of the Obit - and an Obits Forum ...
  6. Michael Crichton - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
    John Michael Crichton was born in Chicago Illinois, to John Henderson Crichton, .....The New York Times on the works of Michael Crichton ..... November 10, 2008.
  7. Musings on Michael Crichton: The Life of Michael Crichton - Part 1
    Oct 23, 2011 – Travels by Michael Crichton “Michael Crichton (rhymes with frighten)” by Israel Shenker, New York Times, Jun 8, 1969. Obituary - John H.
    Note:  Do you think the media would dare to put this information out?
    Do you think they would would want to expose the facts that the landowners, the Kamehameha descendants exists?
    Do you think they want the World to know that the Hawaiian Kingdom exists?
    Do you think they would want everyone to know that there are the true owners, and many are actually talented, creative individuals who have indeed contributed to the imagination to many, although Crichton ran with the ideas?
    Do you think they would want to know that the contribution of surfboard safety was made by a Kamehameha descendant who thought of saving lives was at the basis of the safety leash?
    Well folks.............there's more talent, creativity, etc................but you'll have to read all of the issues of The IOLANI - The Royal Hawk news on the web to get some of the ideas or read the thousands of articles, the books, pamphlets or wait for upcoming projects .....................



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  • posted on Facebook:

    Read this!.......I dare the Media to Run With This.........and Inform All in the World that the Hawaiian Kingdom /Hawaiian Government Exists with Genocide Issues, Premeditation, etc. Information put out by one of Kamehameha's Descendants/Heirs, Acting Liaison of Foreign Affairs acknowledging that the PERPETUAL Treaties Exists, etc....aloha.
    Jurassic Park Ideas, Surfboard Leash were Some of the Ideas That I Did Put Out.....the Following are
    INFORMATION From Amelia Gora, one of Kamehameha's descendants/heirs, et. als. EXTRA! EXTRA! READ ALL ABOUT IT!Letting my friends/advisors know the fol…
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