After the day's 'talk' on July 4, I spent the evening talking to Walter Paulo's nephew's father. I am blessed to have known this man.  I met him in many times in the aftermath of the Sand Island evictions.  The handcuffs and thrown into cages that was built for the purpose of evicting our fishermen at sand islands.  As Uncle Walter knew very well the 'centuries' of fishing something that is missing from our education, but exist in us.  So we talk and share and gather at the same time.


We spend time at Iolani Palace talking and to remember our Na Kupuna.


So for me it was about Uncle Walter, and I sharing the details in as much descriptive words as possible, so that his Ohana can know what happened in 1970s, 80s, 90, and today --from the Sand Island evictions to Malama ika Waa Pulamaika Waa in Waianae.


Because, I worked under a master carver to build a wa'a my sense of waa and pahu is very keen to gather and share.  And usually we are touching our hearts and hearts that are centuries old. 




It is my understanding that the Navy intercepted communications therefore the attack on Pearl Harbor took many lives.  I strongly believe that we need to keep up with the communications between Na Kanaka and each other.  For this reason, I access functions invited/uninvited at Iolani Palace to  overlay our Na Kupuna and their centuries of culture practices.



If not this is what can transpire when communications are interrupted.  Too many did not come home to raise their own families.  Too many did not have children and died before their time.  In the sixties, I gave birth at Tripler Hospital.  Today, I make sure the Navy veterans and their Marine counterpart do not intercept communication about our Na Kupuna and their centuries old culture practices.  




We must continue to share our Na Kupuna's stories with our families and access to practice our gathering on land and at sea.  We must do our best to change minds and that war is not a solution.


My sharing stories with a stranger that came to the Iolani Palace to listen and part take in our Paina was pure accidental/ancestors planning.  Later, in the evening, he shared the fact that he owns a home in Miloli'i and that he has two son's that are Walter Paulo's grand nephews and that they are 10 and 12 years old.  All of this talk story lasted until 9:30 P.M.  on July 4, 2010. With the spirit of our centuries old ancestors, Pono and I returned only to gather the 200 year old palm so that it could be made into Pahu's.  May the Pahu beating and sounds Kahea our people together at the Iolani Palace grounds to speak to the order of peace and to stop the violence of US military/veterans dominance in the world.







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  • Where the Hell is the Peace Movement?By MISSY COMLEY BEATTIE

    Peace activists with Peace of the Action (POTA) had just set up across from the White House when police officers arrived to shake their authority at Cindy Sheehan with a badass threat of six months in jail. Of course, she and Jon Gold knew they were under a stay-away order and couldn't put even a toenail over the line of demarcation--this order imposed after they were arrested March 20, 2010 and spent more than 50 hours behind bars for exercising shrinking rights to protest.

    We POTA activists are focusing on a gargantuan dilemma--one that impacts our security with heartbreakingly vivid images of gushing oil, dead marine life, and a bleak prognosis for planet Earth. We gathered in Lafayette Park in DC across from the House occupied by an imperial president to declare freedom from oil addiction.

    This declaration is significant. It addresses more than a cataclysmic rupture beneath the waters of the Gulf of Mexico. It questions the meaning of humanity, our responsibility to our fellow human beings, and to other species with whom we share this planet. And it connects our energy consumption to endless war.

    But here's the deal: our action was attended by less than 20 peaceniks. Where the hell is the peace movement? Do people who were outraged by the militarism of George Bush really believe that Obama is different--that he merely inherited a mess and just requires more time to "fix" the problem? Obama is George Bush, droning and drilling, the bedfellow of Big Oil.

    And we were heckled--for expressing concern for the environment, for our troops, and for the civilians in the lands we've occupied. One guy walked by, laughed, and said, "Free Nelson Mandela."

    Most looked at us with vacant-eyed expression. We just shook our heads and said to each other, "Maybe they'll engage when they are either gasping for breathable air or they're prevented from leaving their homes because the petroleum and dispersants are toxic."

    Wake up, people, and choose life. For yourselves and the children--the world's children. And for all the species our greed is destroying. If not now, when?

    Missy Beattie lives in New York City. She's written for National Public Radio and Nashville Life Magazine. An outspoken critic of the Bush Administration and the war in Iraq, she's a member of Gold Star Families for Peace. She completed a novel last year, but since the death of her nephew, Marine Lance Cpl. Chase J. Comley, in Iraq on August 6,'05, she has been writing political articles. She can be reached at:
  • Keep on intercepting Na Kanaka communication just as you did in the 70s, 80s, 90s all up until this very moment. Soon everyone will know the truth about a popular Navy veteran coming home from war only to continue on their psycho wars on women and children on DHHL.
    • As you say Kaohi, the Truth shall be Told. I put my record in my defense of the rights of Hawaiians up against yours any time and at any place. You Kaohi can fool some of the people some of the time, but Kaohi you can't fool all the people all the time.
      As many on Maoliworld have heard you and now know you for the real person that you are. Like many in the Waianae Coast who knows you very well, so do many on Maoliwold know you for who you really are.
      Long Live The Hawaiian Kingdom, o Pomai
  • ALOHA Kakou, e Hawaii, The sharing of stories that is filled with Hate and Racist is HEWA. Hate and Racist just because others are not of your Blood Quantum. Hate and Racist does not bring Peace. Let's Get Real, Speak with Pono, not Hate.

    Long Live The Hawaiian Kingdom, o Pomaikaiokalani, Hawaiian Kingdom National Royalist 1993
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