Here is an excerpt from Hawaii 2050 written October 2007


"The following is the DRAFT Hawai'i 2050 Sustainability Plan.  The plan should be read with the following considerations:


First, it is important to note that the goals and strategic actions identified in Hawai'i 2050 are intended to begin the process towards achieving sustainability.  In ten or twenty years, some of the strategic actions identified may not be relevant or applicable because of the advent of technology, or because we have achieved some of those goals.  The priorities of our community may change, or the global environment or economic conditions in which we live may be different.  This version of Hawai'i 2050 is relevant to our existing circumstances, and reflects our current socio-economic and environmental context, community capacity and aspirations for our future in 2050.


Second, while Hawai'i 2050 consolidates key actions which will lead towards sustainability, this plan is not an all-inclusive and comprehensive list of goals and strategies which could be pursued.  That list is too exhaustive.  The goals and strategic actions were ones resonating from and identified as being of extreme importance and priority items in our community meetings, and then vetted by key stakeholders, technical experts and the Task Force as relevant, practicable and yielding potentially high-impact results.


Finally, Hawai'i 2050 is intended to be a living document.  The goals and strategies will be reviewed periodically to ensure relevance and applicability to where our community is ten, twenty or thirty years from now." HAWAI'I 2050 SUSTAINABILITY TASK FORCE


It sucks because no one knows about this on going planning that is full of technological s----t and policy maker(s) for corporate gain and destruction of our Hawaiian Islands and it's Pacific Islanders.

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  • We need an EXIT PLAN, a white woman responded with "where would you go everywhere is polluted?" Little did she know, I meant that she leave the islands and take the military with her.
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