
U.S. President Barrack Obama
Secretary of State
Judges, et. als. in the Hawaiian Islands
Many Interested others
Hawaiian Kingdom/Kingdom of Hawaii Records/Legal Notice and Billing No. 2016-0617 Rents and Back Rents due for the Iolani Palace, Royal Patent 5695, Land Commission Award 247(5), 247(10), 247(2) etc. covering 10.6 acs. more or less, etc. from Amelia Gora, a Royal Person, One of the Superior Alodio/Ano Alodio Title Owners of the Iolani Palace /Iolani Palace Grounds etc.
My name is Amelia Gora, one of the Royal Family members of the Kingdom of Hawaii.
Alodio/Ano Alodio lands are our legal claims.
are Not related to our Royal Families who have the prima facie documents of superior titles to many of the lands in the Hawaiian Islands.
This letter is to inform you that the lands of W.C. Lunalilo, Charles Kanaina et. als. has owners and rents and leases are due to King Lunalilo's Families who includes all of Kamehameha's, his children, stepchildren and his hanai/adopted children, Kalaniopuu's children/stepchildren, Kaumualii's children/stepchildren.
The children/stepchildren and hanai children of Kamehameha also became the children of Kalaimoku/ Kalanimoku who married Keopuolani, one of the wives of Kamehameha.
King Lunalilo/W.C. Lunalilo/William Charles Lunalilo's mother Auhea/Kekauluohi was married to both Kamehameha and Kamehameha II - Kauikeaouli which made her son William Lunalilo a sibling of all of Kamehameha's children/stepchildren and hanai/adopted children his siblings.
The Probate of Charles Kanaina left out the Kamehameha's because Charles Kanaina's wife Auhea/ Kekauluohi was left out of the Probate/disregarded/defrauded.
The interests of the Iolani Palace remains due to having interests through Bernice Pauahi Bishop who was awarded 2/9 interest; Ruth Keelikolani was awarded 1/9 interest; and Kanekolia (w) and others were also conveyed interests through the genealogies of Charles Kanaina who was the heir of King Lunalilo, his son.
Charles Kanaina was the heir of his son according to King Lunalilo's Probate.
Kamehameha's Children/Stepchildren, and Hanai Children's Interests
I, Amelia Gora, am one of Kamehameha's descendants/heirs through four (4) of his children; six (6) of his stepchildren; and two (2) of his hanai/adopted children.
Other members of the House of Nobles who were sued by the non-government entity, identity theft Territory of Hawaii turned State through Executive Order of U.S. President Eishenhower are also descendants/heirs of Kamehameha, Kalaniopuu, Kaumualii and his hanai/adopted children who were the descendants/heirs of John Young and Isaac Davis.
Genealogies of Interests through Bernice Pauahi Bishop, et. als. whose Trustees Cannot own Alodio/Ano Alodio Lands
Keawe was the son of John Kapena, Judge of the Kingdom of Hawaii.
Peke/Peke Davis was the daughter of Kamaikui/Grace Kamaikui and Isaac Davis. She was also the hanai/ adopted daughter of Kamehameha, John Young/Olohana, and Kamehameha III - Kauikeaouli.
David W. Pauahi/DW Pauahi/DW Kalua/DW Keawe/Davis Keawe/David Sylva, Waihoioahu was also married to Kaheana and had stepchildren. Their father was Keo.
David W. Pauahi/DW Pauahi/DW Kalua/DW Keawe/Davis Keawe/David Sylva, Waihoioahu was with/ married to Opunui's daughter Kapehe/Kapehe opio/Kapopo and had Mele Keawe/Keawepoo and David Keawe/Keawepoo. Opunui was son of Kekualoa (daughter of John Kapena) and Kamehameha III - Kauikeaouli.
Their great grandfather was Poonui of Maui.
David W. Pauahi/DW Pauahi/DW Kalua/DW Keawe/Davis Keawe/David Sylva had hanai children named David W. Pauahi/DW Pauahi/DW Kalua/DW Keawe/Davis Keawe/David Sylva/Waihoioahu opio who married Wahinealoha/ Meleana.
Wahinealoha/Meleana was previously married to others including Moo and John Booth son of saloon owner, Englishman named Joseph Booth. Joseph Booth was an Alien who could not own Alodio lands.
David W. Pauahi/DW Pauahi/DW Kalua/DW Keawe/Davis Keawe/David Sylva had hanai children named Isaia/ Isaac/Isaac Waihoioahu and David W. Pauahi/DW Pauahi/DW Kalua/DW Keawe/Davis Keawe/David Sylva/Waihoioahu opio who had a daughter/ hanai daughter named Mele Keawe documented in Liber 165 page 457.
Mele Keawe was married to David Nohola whose Guardian was George Lucas.
David Nohola was sent to Kalaupapa, Molokai.
Mele Keawe married Charles Kauweloa/Charles Williams/William Linekona Hokuloa the son of Opunui and Kalaikini who had been married to John Kapena, Judge of the Kingdom of Hawaii. Kalaikini was one of the children of Kuheleloa, son of Kauhi, descendant of Mataio Kekuanaoa, Hueu Davis, and Kamehameha.
Kalaikini was the Power of Attorney for Ruth Keelikolani before Charles Reed Bishop.
Kalaikini's son was adopted by her sister Kahananui.
Mele Keawe and Charles Kauweloa/Charles Williams/William Linekona Hokuloa had Mary Kauweloa and had Mary Kauweloa; siblings (names removed for privacy.)
Note: Mele Keawe was a recipient of a Trust and when she died everyone wondered what happened to the Trust monies. She was one of the heirs of Peke Davis, Hueu Davis and her earlier husband Noholoa.
Mary Kauweloa married Albert Castro and had children (names removed for privacy). She also divorced and married Cefereino Maduli and had children (names removed for privacy)
Mary Castro married John Gora who was also a Kamehameha, Kalaniopuu, Hueu Davis, Kalola - next of kin to Bernice Pauahi Bishop on record - et. als. descendant/heir and had Amelia Gora,siblings.(names removed for privacy.)
Rents and Leases are Due for the Pehu, Keekapu, Kekuanaoa (other families involves our father's families and those descending from Paalua, the oldest son of Kekuanaoa, and his stepchildren John Kapena, Sam Kapena, and Umiokalani. An adopted son named John M. Kapena was a treasonous person documented. Nuuanu, et. als. Properties because we are the legal alodio/ano alodio title owners.
We are the alodio/ano alodio land owners and not the Aliens Fee Simple owners.
The KSBE/Bernice Pauahi Bishop Estates building sits on Pehu's property, Royal Patent 2691, Land Commission Award 685, Survey Notes, the "Greer Map",
Pehu's lot was from Keekapu's parents named Honokaupu and her mother Kaneikaawa. Honokaupu's lot - Royal Patent 5705, Land Commission Award 243 is also shown on the "Greer Map" a short distance away the area where City Hall stands and the area where the yearly Santa Claus decorations are put up.
Pehu's and Keekapu's lands includes Fort Street Mall where Walmart stands, etc.
$500,000 per month for Royal Patent 2691 Land Commission Award 685, and the use of several offices/ a floor, for our records, etc.
The account that will be used for the purposes of the Rents/Leases are under my name: Amelia Gora, at the Bank of Hawaii Downtown branch.
I and other Royal Family members, descendants/heirs of David W. Pauahi/DW Pauahi/DW Kalua/DW Keawe/Davis Keawe/David Sylva had hanai children named Isaia/ Isaac/Isaac Waihoioahu and David W. Pauahi/DW Pauahi/DW Kalua/DW Keawe/Davis Keawe/David Sylva/Waihoioahu are the Landlords and will be the managers/overseers of the lands, buildings, listed for the Account.
The Bishop Estates Trustees, the U.S. Government, etc. could not inherit/own alodio/ano alodio lands because they were and are aliens.
Premeditation to take over a neutral, friendly, non-violent nation has been found by many researchers. Lands granted by Kamehameha III - Kauikeaouli were granted to the Royal Families.
Tampered documents have also been discovered because the Government buildings were closed for two (2)+ years which allowed the additions/removal of pertinent information. m
The following is part of the research for alodio/ano alodio titles:
Amelia Gora added
3 new photos.
found the frauds..."obtain an allodial title in fee simple" vs. Kamehameha Ill "alodio" for kanaka maoli and "fee simple" for ALIENS! refs,..Indices of Land Commission Awards (1929) and Kamehameha III speech of 1851
Monies shall be deposited in the account with an email and a Posted letter showing that payment has been submitted at the Bank of Hawaii Downtown branch.
According to HAWAII REPORTS, Volume 6, page 758, the "Land lord's claim for rent is a lien and has priority over ordinary debts."
Failure to pay will result in eviction for your entity which cannot own Alodio/Ano Alodio lands, etc.
Have a Good Day!
Amelia Gora, descendant of David W. Pauahi/DW Pauahi/DW Kalua/DW Keawe/Davis Keawe/David Sylva who had hanai children named Isaia/ Isaac/Isaac Waihoioahu and David W. Pauahi/DW Pauahi/DW Kalua/DW Keawe/Davis Keawe/David Sylva/Waihoioahu opio heir of Keekapu, Pehu et. als., a Royal person, Royal Family member, One of our Royal Families Representatives, Landlord of record, Private Property owner, Acting Liaison of Foreign Affairs, House of Nobles, Judicial Tribunal member, Hawaiian Genealogical Society Representative
p.s. The above is for RP2691, there are many other properties owned by our families including those leased out to Andy Anderson, and others. Rents and leases are also due for RP1125; RP5667; RP2540; RP1270, RP2280 Royal Hawaiian Shopping Center, etc.
Due date for the above billing is in 30 days or July 10, 2016 and other lands rents and leases will be due by July 31, 2016. A listing of the other lands will be forthcoming.
theiolani.blogspot.com 606 issues posted
Kamehameha Schools Bishop Estates Trustees
U.S. President Obama, et. als.
My name is Amelia Gora, one of the Royal Family members of the Kingdom of Hawaii.
Alodio/Ano Alodio lands are our legal claims.
The KSBE/Kamehameha Schools, Trustees are Not related to our Royal Families who have the prima facie documents of superior titles to many of the lands in the Hawaiian Islands.
This letter is to inform you that the lands of Pehu and Keekapu has owners and rents and leases are due to Keekapu's last husband named David W. Pauahi/DW Pauahi/DW Kalua/DW Keawe/Davis Keawe/David Sylva, Waihoioahu son of Keawe and Peke/ Peke Davis, who was her sole heir.
Keawe was the son of John Kapena, Judge of the Kingdom of Hawaii.
Peke/Peke Davis was the daughter of Kamaikui/Grace Kamaikui and Isaac Davis. She was also the hanai/ adopted daughter of Kamehameha, John Young/Olohana, and Kamehameha III - Kauikeaouli.
David W. Pauahi/DW Pauahi/DW Kalua/DW Keawe/Davis Keawe/David Sylva, Waihoioahu was also married to Kaheana and had stepchildren. Their father was Keo.
David W. Pauahi/DW Pauahi/DW Kalua/DW Keawe/Davis Keawe/David Sylva, Waihoioahu was with/ married to Opunui's daughter Kapehe/Kapehe opio/Kapopo and had Mele Keawe/Keawepoo and David Keawe/Keawepoo. Opunui was son of Kekualoa (daughter of John Kapena) and Kamehameha III - Kauikeaouli.
Their great grandfather was Poonui of Maui.
David W. Pauahi/DW Pauahi/DW Kalua/DW Keawe/Davis Keawe/David Sylva had hanai children named David W. Pauahi/DW Pauahi/DW Kalua/DW Keawe/Davis Keawe/David Sylva/Waihoioahu opio who married Wahinealoha/ Meleana.
Wahinealoha/Meleana was previously married to others including Moo and John Booth son of saloon owner, Englishman named Joseph Booth. Joseph Booth was an Alien who could not own Alodio lands.
David W. Pauahi/DW Pauahi/DW Kalua/DW Keawe/Davis Keawe/David Sylva had hanai children named Isaia/ Isaac/Isaac Waihoioahu and David W. Pauahi/DW Pauahi/DW Kalua/DW Keawe/Davis Keawe/David Sylva/Waihoioahu opio who had a daughter/ hanai daughter named Mele Keawe documented in Liber 165 page 457.
Mele Keawe was married to David Nohola whose Guardian was George Lucas.
David Nohola was sent to Kalaupapa, Molokai.
Mele Keawe married Charles Kauweloa/Charles Williams/William Linekona Hokuloa the son of Opunui and Kalaikini who had been married to John Kapena, Judge of the Kingdom of Hawaii. Kalaikini was one of the children of Kuheleloa, son of Kauhi, descendant of Mataio Kekuanaoa, Hueu Davis, and Kamehameha.
Kalaikini was the Power of Attorney for Ruth Keelikolani before Charles Reed Bishop.
Kalaikini's son was adopted by her sister Kahananui.
Mele Keawe and Charles Kauweloa/Charles Williams/William Linekona Hokuloa had Mary Kauweloa and had Mary Kauweloa; siblings (names removed for privacy.)
Note: Mele Keawe was a recipient of a Trust and when she died everyone wondered what happened to the Trust monies. She was one of the heirs of Peke Davis, Hueu Davis and her earlier husband Noholoa.
Mary Kauweloa married Albert Castro and had children (names removed for privacy). She also divorced and married Cefereino Maduli and had children (names removed for privacy)
Mary Castro married John Gora who was also a Kamehameha, Kalaniopuu, Hueu Davis, Kalola - next of kin to Bernice Pauahi Bishop on record - et. als. descendant/heir and had Amelia Gora,siblings.(names removed for privacy.)
Rents and Leases are Due for the Pehu, Keekapu, Kekuanaoa (other families involves our father's families and those descending from Paalua, the oldest son of Kekuanaoa, and his stepchildren John Kapena, Sam Kapena, and Umiokalani. An adopted son named John M. Kapena was a treasonous person documented. Nuuanu, et. als. Properties because we are the legal alodio/ano alodio title owners.
We are the alodio/ano alodio land owners and not the Aliens Fee Simple owners.
The KSBE/Bernice Pauahi Bishop Estates building sits on Pehu's property, Royal Patent 2691, Land Commission Award 685, Survey Notes, the "Greer Map",
Pehu's lot was from Keekapu's parents named Honokaupu and her mother Kaneikaawa. Honokaupu's lot - Royal Patent 5705, Land Commission Award 243 is also shown on the "Greer Map" a short distance away the area where City Hall stands and the area where the yearly Santa Claus decorations are put up.
Pehu's and Keekapu's lands includes Fort Street Mall where Walmart stands, etc.
$500,000 per month for Royal Patent 2691 Land Commission Award 685, and the use of several offices/ a floor, for our records, etc.
The account that will be used for the purposes of the Rents/Leases are under my name: Amelia Gora, at the Bank of Hawaii Downtown branch.
I and other Royal Family members, descendants/heirs of David W. Pauahi/DW Pauahi/DW Kalua/DW Keawe/Davis Keawe/David Sylva had hanai children named Isaia/ Isaac/Isaac Waihoioahu and David W. Pauahi/DW Pauahi/DW Kalua/DW Keawe/Davis Keawe/David Sylva/Waihoioahu are the Landlords and will be the managers/overseers of the lands, buildings, listed for the Account.
Monies shall be deposited in the account with an email and a Posted letter showing that payment has been submitted at the Bank of Hawaii Downtown branch.
According to HAWAII REPORTS, Volume 6, page 758, the "Land lord's claim for rent is a lien and has priority over ordinary debts."
Failure to pay will result in eviction for your entity which cannot own Alodio/Ano Alodio lands, etc.
Have a Good Day!
Amelia Gora, descendant of David W. Pauahi/DW Pauahi/DW Kalua/DW Keawe/Davis Keawe/David Sylva who had hanai children named Isaia/ Isaac/Isaac Waihoioahu and David W. Pauahi/DW Pauahi/DW Kalua/DW Keawe/Davis Keawe/David Sylva/Waihoioahu opio heir of Keekapu, Pehu et. als., a Royal person, Royal Family member, One of our Royal Families Representatives, Landlord of record, Private Property owner, Acting Liaison of Foreign Affairs, House of Nobles, Judicial Tribunal member, Hawaiian Genealogical Society Representative
p.s. The above is for RP2691, there are many other properties owned by our families including those leased out to Andy Anderson, and others. Rents and leases are also due for RP1125; RP5667; RP2540; RP1270, RP2280 Royal Hawaiian Shopping Center, etc.
Due date for the above billing is in 30 days or July 10, 2016 and other lands rents and leases will be due by July 31, 2016. A listing of the other lands will be forthcoming.
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Picking Up the Pace......
by Amelia Gora (2016)
We have formed the Royal Families Land Trust......all Royal Families are encouraged to gather up their prima facie evidence of their alodio/ano alodio lands, provide a copy to be included in our records and collect rents and leases for your own lands by utilizing current banks of your choice.
We were sued by the non-government, identity theft State of Hawaii over the Crown lands....and we represent the Foreign Affairs Office - Acting Liaison; House of Nobles; Konohiki/ Assistant Konohiki; etc. of the Kingdom of Hawaii.
We are Kamehameha's, Kalaniopuu's, Kaumualii's, John Young's, Isaac Davis, descendants/heirs.......yep and own the superior titles of lands in the Hawaiian archipelago.......genealogy based folks.
Some of us are the true trustees of Queen Liliuokalani who had assigned her hanai/adopted daughter named Kaaumoana/ Kahakuhaakoi aka's to be her and her heirs of her body to take care of her Trust......there are other Trusts Issues pertaining to other members of our Royal Families.
More Projects for Our Poe kanaka maoli: 1) Bazaar/ Farmers Market/Art/Music Planned for our downtown properties formerly claimed by KSBE/Kamehameha Schools office building --- we have the superior titles...2) We need help in taking care of our Royal Families lands...kanaka maoli ----pls contact Amelia Gora at theiolani@gmail.com
Other ongoing Projects includes Reclaiming Your Tutu's Aina, Konohiki ----descendants/heirs....
These are genealogy based, superior titles - Alodio/ Ano Alodio lands of our Royal Families....
Note: those calling themselves Kings, Queens and such will be required to show their genealogies and how they are connected to the alodio/ano alodio lands.
Understand that S...tumpy errr Bumpy and Boyle will need to show their titles if any to lands including the IOLANI Palace that is the focus of "being stormed" on in August.
Rents and leases are due for the IOLANI Palace and other downtown areas utilized by identity thieves /war criminals State of Hawaii, City and County(ies) etc.
We maintain a neutral, friendly, non-violent nation.
Keep connected by contacting myself and other members of the House of Nobles, and others - including documented konohiki / assistant konohiki recognized by our Royal Families. More evidence/background information may be gotten by reading the 606 issues of the IOLANI - The Royal Hawk or contacting us at theiolani@gmail.com
aloha and malama pono.
theiolani.blogspot.com 606 issues posted
Kamehameha Schools Bishop Estates Trustees
U.S. President Obama, et. als.
My name is Amelia Gora, one of the Royal Family members of the Kingdom of Hawaii.
Alodio/Ano Alodio lands are our legal claims.
The KSBE/Kamehameha Schools, Trustees are Not related to our Royal Families who have the prima facie documents of superior titles to many of the lands in the Hawaiian Islands.
This letter is to inform you that the lands of Pehu and Keekapu has owners and rents and leases are due to Keekapu's last husband named David W. Pauahi/DW Pauahi/DW Kalua/DW Keawe/Davis Keawe/David Sylva, Waihoioahu son of Keawe and Peke/ Peke Davis, who was her sole heir.
Keawe was the son of John Kapena, Judge of the Kingdom of Hawaii.
Peke/Peke Davis was the daughter of Kamaikui/Grace Kamaikui and Isaac Davis. She was also the hanai/ adopted daughter of Kamehameha, John Young/Olohana, and Kamehameha III - Kauikeaouli.
David W. Pauahi/DW Pauahi/DW Kalua/DW Keawe/Davis Keawe/David Sylva, Waihoioahu was also married to Kaheana and had stepchildren. Their father was Keo.
David W. Pauahi/DW Pauahi/DW Kalua/DW Keawe/Davis Keawe/David Sylva, Waihoioahu was with/ married to Opunui's daughter Kapehe/Kapehe opio/Kapopo and had Mele Keawe/Keawepoo and David Keawe/Keawepoo. Opunui was son of Kekualoa (daughter of John Kapena) and Kamehameha III - Kauikeaouli.
Their great grandfather was Poonui of Maui.
David W. Pauahi/DW Pauahi/DW Kalua/DW Keawe/Davis Keawe/David Sylva had hanai children named David W. Pauahi/DW Pauahi/DW Kalua/DW Keawe/Davis Keawe/David Sylva/Waihoioahu opio who married Wahinealoha/ Meleana.
Wahinealoha/Meleana was previously married to others including Moo and John Booth son of saloon owner, Englishman named Joseph Booth. Joseph Booth was an Alien who could not own Alodio lands.
David W. Pauahi/DW Pauahi/DW Kalua/DW Keawe/Davis Keawe/David Sylva had hanai children named Isaia/ Isaac/Isaac Waihoioahu and David W. Pauahi/DW Pauahi/DW Kalua/DW Keawe/Davis Keawe/David Sylva/Waihoioahu opio who had a daughter/ hanai daughter named Mele Keawe documented in Liber 165 page 457.
Mele Keawe was married to David Nohola whose Guardian was George Lucas.
David Nohola was sent to Kalaupapa, Molokai.
Mele Keawe married Charles Kauweloa/Charles Williams/William Linekona Hokuloa the son of Opunui and Kalaikini who had been married to John Kapena, Judge of the Kingdom of Hawaii. Kalaikini was one of the children of Kuheleloa, son of Kauhi, descendant of Mataio Kekuanaoa, Hueu Davis, and Kamehameha.
Kalaikini was the Power of Attorney for Ruth Keelikolani before Charles Reed Bishop.
Kalaikini's son was adopted by her sister Kahananui.
Mele Keawe and Charles Kauweloa/Charles Williams/William Linekona Hokuloa had Mary Kauweloa and had Mary Kauweloa; siblings (names removed for privacy.)
Note: Mele Keawe was a recipient of a Trust and when she died everyone wondered what happened to the Trust monies. She was one of the heirs of Peke Davis, Hueu Davis and her earlier husband Noholoa.
Mary Kauweloa married Albert Castro and had children (names removed for privacy). She also divorced and married Cefereino Maduli and had children (names removed for privacy)
Mary Castro married John Gora who was also a Kamehameha, Kalaniopuu, Hueu Davis, Kalola - next of kin to Bernice Pauahi Bishop on record - et. als. descendant/heir and had Amelia Gora,siblings.(names removed for privacy.)
Rents and Leases are Due for the Pehu, Keekapu, Kekuanaoa (other families involves our father's families and those descending from Paalua, the oldest son of Kekuanaoa, and his stepchildren John Kapena, Sam Kapena, and Umiokalani. An adopted son named John M. Kapena was a treasonous person documented. Nuuanu, et. als. Properties because we are the legal alodio/ano alodio title owners.
We are the alodio/ano alodio land owners and not the Aliens Fee Simple owners.
The KSBE/Bernice Pauahi Bishop Estates building sits on Pehu's property, Royal Patent 2691, Land Commission Award 685, Survey Notes, the "Greer Map",
Pehu's lot was from Keekapu's parents named Honokaupu and her mother Kaneikaawa. Honokaupu's lot - Royal Patent 5705, Land Commission Award 243 is also shown on the "Greer Map" a short distance away the area where City Hall stands and the area where the yearly Santa Claus decorations are put up.
Pehu's and Keekapu's lands includes Fort Street Mall where Walmart stands, etc.
$500,000 per month for Royal Patent 2691 Land Commission Award 685, and the use of several offices/ a floor, for our records, etc.
The account that will be used for the purposes of the Rents/Leases are under my name: Amelia Gora, at the Bank of Hawaii Downtown branch.
I and other Royal Family members, descendants/heirs of David W. Pauahi/DW Pauahi/DW Kalua/DW Keawe/Davis Keawe/David Sylva had hanai children named Isaia/ Isaac/Isaac Waihoioahu and David W. Pauahi/DW Pauahi/DW Kalua/DW Keawe/Davis Keawe/David Sylva/Waihoioahu are the Landlords and will be the managers/overseers of the lands, buildings, listed for the Account.
Monies shall be deposited in the account with an email and a Posted letter showing that payment has been submitted at the Bank of Hawaii Downtown branch.
According to HAWAII REPORTS, Volume 6, page 758, the "Land lord's claim for rent is a lien and has priority over ordinary debts."
Failure to pay will result in eviction for your entity which cannot own Alodio/Ano Alodio lands, etc.
Have a Good Day!
Amelia Gora, descendant of David W. Pauahi/DW Pauahi/DW Kalua/DW Keawe/Davis Keawe/David Sylva who had hanai children named Isaia/ Isaac/Isaac Waihoioahu and David W. Pauahi/DW Pauahi/DW Kalua/DW Keawe/Davis Keawe/David Sylva/Waihoioahu opio heir of Keekapu, Pehu et. als., a Royal person, Royal Family member, One of our Royal Families Representatives, Landlord of record, Private Property owner, Acting Liaison of Foreign Affairs, House of Nobles, Judicial Tribunal member, Hawaiian Genealogical Society Representative
p.s. The above is for RP2691, there are many other properties owned by our families including those leased out to Andy Anderson, and others. Rents and leases are also due for RP1125; RP5667; RP2540; RP1270, RP2280 Royal Hawaiian Shopping Center, etc.
Due date for the above billing is in 30 days or July 10, 2016 and other lands rents and leases will be due by July 31, 2016. A listing of the other lands will be forthcoming.
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Picking Up the Pace......
by Amelia Gora (2016)
We have formed the Royal Families Land Trust......all Royal Families are encouraged to gather up their prima facie evidence of their alodio/ano alodio lands, provide a copy to be included in our records and collect rents and leases for your own lands by utilizing current banks of your choice.
We were sued by the non-government, identity theft State of Hawaii over the Crown lands....and we represent the Foreign Affairs Office - Acting Liaison; House of Nobles; Konohiki/ Assistant Konohiki; etc. of the Kingdom of Hawaii.
We are Kamehameha's, Kalaniopuu's, Kaumualii's, John Young's, Isaac Davis, descendants/heirs.......yep and own the superior titles of lands in the Hawaiian archipelago.......genealogy based folks.
Some of us are the true trustees of Queen Liliuokalani who had assigned her hanai/adopted daughter named Kaaumoana/ Kahakuhaakoi aka's to be her and her heirs of her body to take care of her Trust......there are other Trusts Issues pertaining to other members of our Royal Families.
More Projects for Our Poe kanaka maoli: 1) Bazaar/ Farmers Market/Art/Music Planned for our downtown properties formerly claimed by KSBE/Kamehameha Schools office building --- we have the superior titles...2) We need help in taking care of our Royal Families lands...kanaka maoli ----pls contact Amelia Gora at theiolani@gmail.com
Other ongoing Projects includes Reclaiming Your Tutu's Aina, Konohiki ----descendants/heirs....
These are genealogy based, superior titles - Alodio/ Ano Alodio lands of our Royal Families....
Note: those calling themselves Kings, Queens and such will be required to show their genealogies and how they are connected to the alodio/ano alodio lands.
Understand that S...tumpy errr Bumpy and Boyle will need to show their titles if any to lands including the IOLANI Palace that is the focus of "being stormed" on in August.
Rents and leases are due for the IOLANI Palace and other downtown areas utilized by identity thieves /war criminals State of Hawaii, City and County(ies) etc.
We maintain a neutral, friendly, non-violent nation.
Keep connected by contacting myself and other members of the House of Nobles, and others - including documented konohiki / assistant konohiki recognized by our Royal Families. More evidence/background information may be gotten by reading the 606 issues of the IOLANI - The Royal Hawk or contacting us at theiolani@gmail.com
aloha and malama pono.
Comment on: Topic 'Project Konohiki: Mataio Kekuanaoa and Kauikeouli/Kamehameha...iian Islands/ Hawaiian archipelago/Hawaii from the desk of Amelia Gora, Acting Liaison of Foreign Affairs, House of Nobles, Judicial Tribunal, Hawaiian Genealogical Society member, Konohiki To: President Barrack Obama Governor Ige Mayor Caldwell Honolulu Police Department - Police Chief et. als. Sheriff's Department Many interested others Greetings! Re: Updated: Konohiki Amelia Gora, et. als., Assistant Konohiki Kalani Asam - Assignment: Palace, Iolani Palace Assistant Konohiki Kalani Asam's Companions John Remis, Dustin Barca, and Che Free, Michael Daly at the Palace, Iolani Palace Honolulu, Oahu, Hawaii This is to inform all that I, Amelia Gora, am one of the assigned Konohiki of the following ancestors, land areas: I, Amelia Gora, am one of the Konohiki for Kamehameha III - Kauikeaouli, Mataio Kekuanaoa, Victoria Kamamalu, W.P. Leleiohoku, Nuuanu (k), John Kapena (k), Grace Kamaikui (w), Kalola (w), Kaaha (k), Luluhiwalani (k), which includes areas covering the Palace, the Iolani Palace, etc. The Palace/Iolani Palace and surrounding areas - true title owners: 1) Charles Kanaina; 2) Victoria Kamamalu; 3) Keoni Ana/ John Young Jr.; 4) Gideon Laanui, 5) Kaaumoana (w) - Palace Walk; 6) Kalanimoku; 6) Kaaha (k); 7) Kamehameha III - Kauikeaouli, et. als. Title Owners and their Reciprocal Beneficiaries or The Royal Families Claims Documented for the Palace/Iolani Palace, etc. by Amelia Gora (2015) The following ancestors were the land owners, title owners of lands called the Palace/Iolani Palace and the surrounding areas: 1) Charles Kanaina was the last husband of Auhea/Kekauluohi who was married to Kamehameha and Kamehameha II - Liholiho. Charles Kanaina and Auhea/Kekauluohi's son was King William Lunalilo, and their step children were all of Kalaniopuu's, Kamehameha's, Kaumualii's children, step children, and hanai/ adopted children. Charles Kanaina was the heir of his niece Queen Kalama who was married to Kamehameha III - Kauikeaouli. I, Amelia Gora, am a descendant/heir of Kalaniopuu from four (4) of his 6 children; am a descendant/heir of four (4) of 19+ children of Kamehameha and two (2) of his hanai/adopted children; am a descendant/heir of two (2) of his nine (9) children. In other words, I am a reciprocal beneficiary through twelve (12) ancestors to the Palace/Iolani Palace and the lands surrounding it. 2) Victoria Kamamalu - am a descendant/heir of her oldest brother Paalua/Palua/Kapaalua; her step siblings John Kapena (two lines), Kapehe (one line). 3) Keoni Ana/ John Young Jr. - am a descendant/heir of his sister: Grace Kamaikui the mother of both Hueu Davis and Peke Davis. Hueu Davis, Kale Davis and Peke Davis were adopted by Keoni Ana and Grace Kamaikui's father and the three (3) became siblings of Keoni Ana/John Young Jr. I, Amelia Gora descend from Grace Kamaikui, Hueu Davis and Peker Davis and have three (3) interests in the lands of Keoni Ana/John Young Jr. 4) Gideon Laanui married Namahana (w) who was married to Kamehameha, and Kaumualii previously. Namahana (w) and Kaumualii (k) had son Haupu/Kahekili and two ancestors came from her: Mataio Kekuanaoa and his step sister Kalima/Kalimakuhi/Kamahine (w) who was his last wife or wife number 5. I, Amelia Gora descend/heir of Namahana(w) in multiple lines. 5) Kaaumoana (w) - Palace Walk - was one of the descendants of John Kapena whose mother was Kalima/ Kalimakuhi/Kamahine (w). I, Amelia Gora descend from her in two (2) lines. ; 6) Kalanimoku (k) - he was married to Kiliwehi, Kuwahine, Keopuolani, his last wife was Akahi (w). Because Kalanimoku (k) was married to Keopuolani, widow of Kamehameha, he became the step father of all of Kalaniopuu's, Kamehameha's, and Kaumualii's children, step children, and hanai/adopted children; his own son was W.P. Leleiohoku, and his hanai daughter was his niece Kekauonohi/Miriam Kekauonohi; and his siblings were Boki, Wahinepio(w); Keoua (k); Kekoa (k); Manono (w); and Kahikona (k). I, Amelia Gora am a descendant./heir of Akahi(w) and Keoua (k). Keoua's wife Pualinui (w) was also married to Kekoa(k); am also a descendant/heir of Kalaniopuu, Kamehameha; and Kaumualii as shown above. 7) Kaaha (k) - was an earlier husband of my ancestor Kalola (w) - documented "next of kin" to Bernice Pauahi Bishop. I, Amelia Gora, am a descendant/heir of Kalola who later married Luluhiwalani and had son and a hanai daughter. I, Amelia Gora, am a descendant/heir of Kalola (w) in two (2) lines. Kaaha (k) was also the konohiki of the area. 7) Kamehameha III - Kauikeaouli, et. als. - He had four (4) wives and 10 children. Their names were Keawe, Keawe 2; Opunui; Kekipi; Keawe; Mahoe; Kahalaoa; Papa; Nalimu; and Albert Kunuiakea. He had four (4) hanai hookama/adopted children who inherited sovereignty: Alexander Liholiho/Kamehameha IV; Hueu Davis; Kale Davis (w); and Peke Davis (w), I, Amelia Gora, descend/heir of Kamehameha III - Kauikeaouli through his son Opunui (k); through his hanai children: Hueu Davis and Peke Davis; and their step siblings who were the Kalaniopuu, Kamehameha, and Kaumualii's children, step children, and hanai/adopted children, which means I have multiple claims and am a multiple reciprocal beneficiary. On February 18, 2015, Wednesday, Kalani Asam, kanaka maoli, was appointed our Assistant Konohiki assigned to the Palace, Iolani Palace. Kalani Asam's companions, who are non kanaka maoli, named John Remis, Dustin Barca, and Che Free have been given Protective Orders effective February 19, 2015 on a month to month basis, a status less than Assistant Konohiki Kalani Asam. On February 20, 2015, Friday, another non kanaka maoli named Michael Daly was added to the Protective Orders given to Assistant Konohiki Kalani Asam. Michael Daly was kind enough to record the bullying Sheriff's of the State of Hawaii, five (5) of them and two (2) Iolani Palace security workers who were aggressive towards our assigned Assistant Konohiki Kalani Asam on February 20, 2015 approximately 11: 30 through February 21, 2015 until 12:47. Assistant Konohiki Kalani Asam was asked to call the Police which he did, because the Honolulu Police Department did assign me a "Genocide Activities Ongoing File No. 98-273435" on July 23, 1998, and it was my desire to record the five (5) Sheriff's of the State of Hawaii, and two (2) Iolani Palace security workers. Police Officer Mr. Hudson, Badge No. 3261 responded to the phone call by Assistant Konohiki Kalani Asam who shared his concerns about the armed sheriff's and the fear for his and Michael Daly's life. Police Officer Mr. Hudson failed to obtain and secure the names and badge numbers of the aggressive sheriff's and security guards and his simple explanation was that he had no jurisdiction. For the Public Record this is being recorded because all of them, police officer and sheriffs with the security guards did not and do not have jurisdiction, and the intent was to obtain their names for the purpose of the Genocide Activities Ongoing list due to the duress, stress, intimidation, threatening, aggressive manner in treating an Assistant Konohiki Kalani Asam and Michael Daly who are assisting our Royal Families interests, and have immunities based on the parity clause from the Foreign Affairs Officer/the Acting Liaison of Foreign Affairs and because they are supported by a member of the Royal Families, House of Nobles, Hawaiian Genealogical Society member and one of the Konohiki for ancestral lands which includes the properties that the Palace/Iolani Palace sits on. Assistant Konohiki Kalani Asam and companions are assigned a 24 hours 7 days a week schedule at the Palace, Iolani Palace. Keys to the rest rooms are hereby requested for our/their toiletry needs while residing on the premises of our Royal Families. The keys will be held by other Konohiki, including myself. and a copy of the key will be assigned to Assistant Konohiki Kalani Asam only and he will be the "door keeper/rest room key provider" for only he and his companions listed above. My e-mail: theiolani@gmail.com Please also add the names of the sheriff's (5) with the Palace/Iolani Palace security men (2) to the Genocide Activities List - those who worked the area at the time specified above. They will also be on the List of Problematic People prepared for the scrutiny by the Judicial Tribunal of the Hawaiian Kingdom due to the 1850 Treaty of the Hawaiian Kingdom and the United States of America, Article XIV see: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hawaiian%E2%80%93American_Treaty_of_Fr... Free E-Book at https://books.google.com/books?id=ndDe5Un57x0C&pg=PA381&lpg... and see http://maoliworld.ning.com/forum/topics/updated-chronological-histo... We maintain a neutral, friendly, non-violent nation status since the time of Kamehameha III - Kauikeaouli and through oral history by our great great great grandmother Queen Liliuokalani who was a successor of our Kamehameha family whose mother Keohokalole (w) held a permanent position in the House of Nobles, and who was a hanai/adopted daughter of a Kamehameha descendant found in research. Rents and Leases are due for our lands including the Palace/the Iolani Palace, a friendly reminder. Mahalo/thank you and aloha, Amelia Gora, one of Kamehameha's, Kalaniopuu's, Kaumualii's, Princess Poomaikelani's, Akahi(w), Kalola(w) - next of kin of Bernice Pauahi Bishop- et. als. descendant/heir References: Konohiki meaning: Konohiki From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia A konohiki is a headman of a land division or ahupua`a of the Kingdom of Hawaii who administered the land ruled by anali'i chief.[1][2] Background[edit] The lands of the Ruling chiefs of Hawaii were divided into radial divisions of land when possible. These divisions were under the control of other smaller chiefs and managed by a steward.[3] Land was divided up in strict adherence to the wishes of the Ali‘i Nui. The island was called the mokupuni and was split into several moku. The moku (district) parameters ran from the highest mountain top, down to the sea. These divisions were ruled by an aliʻi ʻaimoku who would have been appointed by the ruling chief. Each of these mokus were further split into ahupuaau, named after the dividing boundry alter where taxes were collected for each area during the Makahiki. Each ahupuaau was then run by a headman or chief called a Konohiki.[4] In Keelikolani vs Robinson, the term is also defined as a Land Agent. In Territory vs Bishop Trust Co. LTD., when the agent was appointed by a chief they were referred to by the title of konohiki. When referring to the titled person as Konohiki, this meant that they were charged with the care of the division of land for the king or nobility the land was awarded to. The term could also be a designated area of land owned privately as compared to being owned by the government.[5] A chief of lands could not lose life tenure on the land even after being discharged from the position, but a head man overseeing the same land has no such right.[6] Often ali'i and konohiki are referenced together however, while most or all konohiki were ali'i nobility, not all ali'i were konohiki. The Hawaiian dictionary gives the definition as a headman of a land division, but it is also used in describingfishing rights as well. The term when broken in two parts is as follows: Kono being defined as to entice, or prompt and hiki defined as something that can be done. The konohiki was a relative of the ali'i and would oversee the coordination of the property, including water rights, land distribution, agricultural use and any maintenance. The Konohiki would also make sure the right amounts of gifts and tributes to the ali'i were properly made at the right times.[7] As capitalism was incorporated into the kingdom the konohiki would become the tax collectors, landlords and wardens over the fisheries.[7] References[edit] Jump up^ "Ahupua`a". HawaiiHistory.org. Info Grafik Inc. Retrieved 2 June 2014. Jump up^ "konohiki". Merriam-Webster dictionary. Merriam-Webster, Incorporated. Retrieved 2 June 2014. Jump up^ Kircha, P.V. (1990). "Monumental architecture and power in Polynesian chiefdoms: A comparison of Tonga and Hawaii". World Archaeology 22 (2). Jump up^ e. Craighill Handy (15 December 1989). Ancient Hawaiian Civilization: A Series of Lectures Delivered at THE KAMEHAMEHA SCHOOLS. Tuttle Publishing. p. 71. ISBN 978-1-4629-0438-9. Jump up^ Paul Nahoa Lucas (1 January 1995). A Dictionary of Hawaiian Legal Land-Terms. University of Hawaii Press. pp. 57–.ISBN 978-0-8248-1636-0. Jump up^ Hawaii Reports: Cases Determined in the Supreme Court of the State of Hawaii. Valenti Brothers Graphics. 1883. pp. 266–. ^ Jump up to:a b Carlos Andrade (2008). H__ena: Through the Eyes of the Ancestors. University of Hawaii Press. pp. 74–. ISBN 978-0-8248-3119-6. theiolani.blogspot.com http://myweb.ecomplanet.com/GORA8037 http://maoliworld.ning.com/forum/topics/project-konohiki-mataio-kek... More References: https://iolani.wordpress.com/2010/08/ https://theiolani.wordpress.com/ Obama's Genealogies to Charles Reed Bishop's sister http://maoliworld.ning.com/forum/topics/updates-of-the-royal-family... http://theiolani.blogspot.com/2014/08/vol-v-no-105-part-1a.html http://maoliworld.ning.com/forum/topic/show?id=2011971%3ATopic%3A46... What All Kanaka Maoli and All Nations Need to Know.......... Posted by Amelia Gora on May 21, 2014 at 4:19pm in Politics View Discussions 1) Recognition of the Hawaiian Kingdom: Important - Keep for your Records: The United States/United States of America RECOGNIZED the Hawaiian Kingdom in 1842 Polynesian. (Honolulu [Oahu], Hawaii) 1844-1864, July 20, 1844, Image 1 Image provided by University of Hawaii at Manoa; Honolulu, HI Persistent link: http://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn82015408/1844-07-20/ed-1/s... Print this image | Download this image 2. Explanation of the Hawaiian Government: Reference: HAWAII REPORTS (1863) Rex vs. Booth case and entered in the Kahoma Case, etc. 3. Our Allodial or fee simple estate in lands: Reviewing Kamehameha III's laws: AN ACT TO ORGANIZE THE EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENTS pg. 76 Section IV. All aliens shall, as in Great Britain and the United States of America, continue to be under the following disabilities: 1. They are not eligible to any civil or military office in this kingdom, created by the laws.2. They are not entitled to vote at any election for elective officers of this kingdom, nor to take any official share in the administration of the government.3. They are not able to acquire any allodial or fee simple estate in lands.4. They are not entitled to the registration of their vessels in this kingdom, nor to hoist theron the Hawaiian flag. See: Archive, Supreme Court etc. for the book or http://books.google.com/books?id=ndDe5Un57x0C&pg=PA263&lpg=... The Hawaiian Kingdom The colorful history of the Hawaiian Islands, since their discovery in 1778 by the great British navigator Captain James Cook, falls naturally into three periods. During the first, Hawaii was a monarchy ruled by native kings and queens. Then came the perilous transition period when new leaders, afte… BOOKS.GOOGLE.COM > …Added by Amelia Gora at 5:33am on February 21, 2015
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