
  • Several times a day I am cleaning my computer. I got a virus attack notice with all the list of virsus. Each year on April 1st this happens as a long time student, it was the norm. I forgot about it last year and I didn't take it in until June. A lot of my friends bought another computer. My son in law paid for it last year, and he said he would do it again. So I'm on but being very cautious. I know Mac world is much better at this time. Kaohi
    • I had my PC recently cleaned out, thought there was something mechanically wrong w/ it, but the computer place said they found 28 viruses on my laptop? go figure, I thought it was slow b/c of the applications, but apparently not.
  • Something I don't know about? Hmm, this is what happens when you live in a Mac world now, you're clueless about these things? :)
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