ILLEGAL STATEHOOD DAY..........Reminder To Amelia Gora (2015)
* The Hawaiian Government exists. It is made up of three parts, two permanent and one temporary, voted in part:
1) Sovereign - the King his descendants/heirs - Permanent Part
2) House of Nobles - original members - their descendants/heirs - Permanent Part
3) House of Representatives - voted in - Temporary Part
Note: It was this group that moved to assume the Hawaiian Government, participate in dethroning King Kalakaua first, then Queen Liliuokalani. This is the terrorist group documented, conspirators/treasonous person/pirates/parasites/predators, etc.
Reference: REX vs JOSEPH BOOTH case, First Circuit Court, Honolulu, Oahu, Hawaii.
* The Judges claimed that their rules became laws. They criminally maneuvered court cases, disregarded truth, testimonies, evidence, etc. They defrauded true heirs and supported the non Kanaka Maoli. The Judges were treasonous, conspirators within the Justice System, etc.
* Some of the Judges were Confederate Generals who had a choice of working on assignments to take over the Hawaiian Islands, etc. or be imprisoned by the U.S.
* Pacific Cable Company - Sugar Planters; Charles Reed Bishop, et. als. involved. These investors helped to finance the U.S. because of the fear that the Japanese would infiltrate the San Francisco Bay area, etc. and it would take more than 10 years to get them out. The cable would be used to announce to the Americans that the Japanese were passing the Hawaiian Islands and used for strategic purposes.
* Atlantic Cable Company employee Celso Moreno arrived in the Hawaiian Islands, befriended King David Kalakaua and made arrangements with the Pacific Cable Company investors.
* An American Representative requested for Loans from the House of Nobles and were denied. the U.S. would not pay back for thousands of years and would pay back only little bits of interest each year.
* Bernice Pauahi Bishop was fraudulently claimed to be the last of the Kamehameha's, the non Kanaka Maoli fought in court over her heirship and the Bishop Estates Trustees became heirs, contrary to Hawaiian Kingdom laws, as well as the U.S. Supreme Court Laws.
Note: I, Amelia Gora, am one of the descendants of Kalola who was the 'next of kin' documented in the Probate of Bernice Pauahi Bishop.
* Concerted effort made to assume the Hawaiian Kingdom by the U.S., England, and the Bankers, Masons/Freemasons, Conspirators/Treasonous persons/Pirates/Parasites/Predators in the Hawaiian Kingdom Government, et. als. documented. See: and more at
* Mr. Stevens cabled the U.S.:
"the HAWAIIAN PEAR is NOW FULLY RIPE, and this is the golden hour for the United States to pluck it."
* Lease Lands; Other Lands criminally assumed by Provisional Government participants, etc.
* The Blount Report was a scam and failed to address issues such as the Premeditation activities, the Tampered Genealogies, the Pacific Cable Company, the Atlantic Cable Company representatives involvement with the Pacific Cable Company investors, etc.; the Lease Lands; other Lands; the Fraud Deed of the Pearl Harbor lands; the Fraud Pearl Harbor Reciprocity Treaty, etc.
The Blount Report had only three (3) Major Concerns:
l) Cause of the revolution;
2) Part played by Minister Stevens;
3) Attitude of the Hawaiian people toward the Provisional Government.
1912 - The Territory of Hawaii turned State of Hawaii called themselves the "successor of the Kingdom of Hawaii". See PA PELEKANE Case, First Circuit Court 1912. HAWAIIAN REPORTS, Honolulu, Oahu, Hawaii.
1915 - Queen Liliuokalani made "Queen for a Day".
1917 - Queen Liliuokalani died.
1918 - The usurpers, under the Pan Pacific Club which was the basis of the Hawaiian Tourism Authority gave themselves the right to purchase Hawaiian Lands.
1959 - U.S. President Eisenhower said that the Hawaiians were dead and signed an executive order making Hawaii the Illegal State.
Note: Opposition to Statehood was made by Harold Abel Cathcart, one of Kamehameha's descendants. He was a retired School Principal and documented his opposition. Samuel King was the person who received the objection. Samuel King was a descendant of one of the usurpers of Queen Liliuokalani.
The following are the compilation of data by Researchers: Tony Castanha, Wolfram Graetz, Leuren Moret, John Nelson, Karen Hudes, Vladimir Putin, Alayne Fleischmann, David Wynn Miller, David Icke et. als. by Amelia Gora (2015) at
Happy Ilegal Statehood Day
You want to know why so many Hawaiians are marching and blocking telescopes from being built or why Hawaiians don't want to be federally recognized as Indians.
Fact: Hawaiʻi is Not legally part of the United States and the Kingdom of Hawaiʻi technically exists under U.S. constitutional law and international law.
During the late 1890s, the Kingdom of Hawaiʻi operated and was recognized as a Independent country. There were many treaties and embassies that they operated with dozens of counties.
What is a treaty?
"A treaty is an agreement in written form between nation-states (or international agencies, such as the United Nations, that have been given treaty-making capacity by the states that created them) that is intended to establish a relationship governed by International Law" (A treaty is basically an agreement two counties make that become law.) Under Article II, section II of the U.S. Constitution, it states: "the Senate must advice and consent to ratification of treaties that have been negotiated and agreed to by the president."
Therefore, simply put, it is up to the Senate to create treaties and the President ratifies. "In 1898 President of the United States William McKinley signed the treaty of annexation for Hawaii, but it failed in the Senate after the 21,000 signatures of the Kū’ē Petitions were submitted. After the failure, Hawaii was annexed by means of joint resolution, called the Newlands Resolution." A joint Resolution only applies within the borders of a country... Not outside of its borders. Therefore, as a independent country like the Kingdom of Hawai‘I, the U.S. cannot make a domestic law and apply it to a international country. Only a treaty can... E mau Ke ea o Ka ʻĀina i ka Pono. The soverignity of this land continues to exist
#hawaii #truth #hawaiian #statehood #fakehood #aloha #justice #liliuokalani#education #alohaaina #aloha‘āina
The true owners are here documenting the identity thieves and we know who they are which also means that the State of Hawaii and its entities such as OHA/office of Hawaiian Affairs, Kanaiolowalu, et. als. are indeed corrupt to the core and are pillagers, pirates, frauds, which can be prosecuted under article XIV, as documented in the 1850 Treaty of the Hawaiian Kingdom and the United States of America.
We maintain a neutral, friendly, non-violent nation.
Informing many because.............. Fifteen Men (Bottle of Rum)
50th State Fraud - A Visit With Williamson Chang
No Treaty- No Law- No Land
A video about the present day plundering of the Kingdom of Hawaii.
Kalani Asam Hawaiian Kingdom Subject 2-21-15
Ki'i UH Manoa Law School 9-22-14
Part 3: Hawaii vs. U.S. Imperialism
Reminder to Everyone:
Vladimir Putin blew the whistle on the U.S. by informing all Americans that their government usurped them....Banker whistleblowers Karen Hudes of the World Bank and Alayne Fleishmann has gifted All with the Truth see recent Vladimir Putin's speeches whereas he said Americans were usurped, etc. and see other info at ---WAR MONGERS have immense WAR DEBTS..... fyi C(h)attle ----- GOYIM Awaken! reckless, racketeering documented by treasonous persons moving to create WARS AGAINST INNOCENTS..........!!!
Ooklah The Moc - Hell Fire - Rearrange Your Positive
by Alaagi
6 years ago
Ooklah The Moc, Hell fire from Rearrange your positive album. Roots Reggae Music. Hawaii. Bruddah Waltah - Keep Hawaiian Lands In Hawaiian Hands
50th State Fraud - A Visit With Williamson Chang
No Treaty- No Law- No Land
A video about the present day plundering of the Kingdom of Hawaii.
Kalani Asam Hawaiian Kingdom Subject 2-21-15
Ki'i UH Manoa Law School 9-22-14
Part 3: Hawaii vs. U.S. Imperialism
Reminder to Everyone:
Vladimir Putin blew the whistle on the U.S. by informing all Americans that their government usurped them....Banker whistleblowers Karen Hudes of the World Bank and Alayne Fleishmann has gifted All with the Truth see recent Vladimir Putin's speeches whereas he said Americans were usurped, etc. and see other info at ---WAR MONGERS have immense WAR DEBTS..... fyi C(h)attle ----- GOYIM Awaken! reckless, racketeering documented by treasonous persons moving to create WARS AGAINST INNOCENTS..........!!!
Ooklah The Moc - Hell Fire - Rearrange Your Positive
by Alaagi
6 years ago
Ooklah The Moc, Hell fire from Rearrange your positive album. Roots Reggae Music. Hawaii.
Ooklah The Moc - Hell Fire - Rearrange Your Positive