i was surprised that amelia gora...closed her page after i responded concerning her lineage to the davis and young families.
my concerns was looking at the pictures of my great great great grand mama "High Chiefess Queen Keopuolani" Royal tomb...(that amelia showed"....this is very Sacred to me....for i was a child when i watched my ohana nation RESTORE her Royal tomb.....this is something, i was part of....i can not stand on the side and have this women (amelia gora), speak like she owns part of our Sacredness due to her lineage as a desendant of evil missionary/greedy business government men.
i have done my research in Lahaina of Lahaina, that is the only way i can stand up in Truth and call this women amelia gora on her words that conflicts with what my living kupuna told me and the HISTORY that was Exposed to Counter these greedy desendants of Missionaries and the GREED.
Lahaina Pioneer Mill is a outside illegal influrence that in known for our plantation days of old, again controlled and directed by illegal evil missionary greedy business men. the lands that is connected to this illegal entity, will be also responsible for the posioned lands of fertilizers....of over 100 years.....can we send the Bill to the DAVIS and YOUNG families to also clean our sacred land, hummmmm??????
i encourage all to seek the Truth and look up the evil truths to this family of the young and the davis, they are not Sacred Royal Hawaiians, they married into and or found a way to be adopted to be part of our Sacred Nation of Hawaiians.....however now is the Cleansing work for my generation to IDENTIFY the good from the bad and the rights from the wrongful criminal actions like Amelia gora......she is a fine example to take notice and start Exposing the words Truths~~~
amelia, you should release and Imua (move forward)......let go
go see your true Kanaka Maoli living kupuna.....for they get something for you to hear.
i pray for your puuwai to humble, amelia
i do feel connected to you in some way.....to ALOHA you~~~you have much knowledge as a researcher
however, power and pride can take over if we as researchers dont humble our hearts and seek the ways
of our kupuna kahiko (ancestors) proper Protocols of our SACREDNESS.
my mama first name is Emilia and my older sista name is also Amelia,and i love both, oh so much....
i believe sometimes our names has a purpose more than our blood....that was both given from above.
may we see more of your research in a way that educate and share your wonderful knowledge with all of us...
mahalo Ke Akua for his corrected Leaders to know good from bad and right from wrongful actions....my many more Blessings to you and your ohana nation.........mauruuru.......da princess of Loko O Mokuhinia, La Haina
Filing reports with them means NOTHING TO ME.
In fact they are the very people who ARRESTED POMAI KINNEY for driving his van on HAWAIIAN KINGDOM LAND and treated him as though he was a DOG ON HIS OWN MOTHER LAND.
They may have de facto power to enforce AMERICAN laws but they do NOT have ANY jurisdiction to enforce HAWAIIAN KINGDOM LAWS and HAVE NO AUTHORITY OVER HAWAIIAN NATIONALS.
THIS shall also serve as a PUBLIC NOTICE.
i only Expose the Truth......i no hate any humans........smiles.......Amelia has just expressed herself in HATE below because the Truth has revealed itself......for her lies have finally caught up with her mouth and heart of confusion.
honolulu police and Ko pae aina......must look at her and crack up.....shaking their heads????.....on OAHU island.
i pray for lost and blind souls to seek the truth and only the truth will set one FREE from Confusion.
my many blessings to her and her ohana nation to speak truth and no leave out FACTS and FINDINGS,
for someone like me will call you on it......for i been dea and seen it all concerning our Mo'okuauhau (genealogy)
of Maui Nui and i am willing to help any other who wants to search their Mo'okuauhau on our Maui Nui~~~
honolulu police and ko pai aina.......must be ashame dealing with this individual......this is called pure Harassment.....from this women (amelia)......ko pai aina....how can you represent a desendant of the military, murderers of our native hawaiians of our Maui Nui.
honolulu police i also have a record with our Maui Police......only speaking in Truth with facts and findings. not recorded lies by you amelia.....you are now confused in your own lies, hummmmm?????
i have nothing to hide.....my community knows who i am and where i belong......this women (amelia) need big time mana attitude adjustment......can honolulu police control this oahu women.....please for the sake of our next generation......this is harassment of false accusation and slanderings of lies towards another human????......mahalo Ke Akua for correct Amelia and her confused thinking......Ko pae aina!!!!.....please check your membership list....this member have gone out of control, thank goodness this davis and young family not in position as their ancestors of murderers....davis/young family of our History of our Ancient Days of truths, is finally EXPOSED!!!
Yes, I'm tired of mincing of words and slamming the threats there after when one disagrees and come out the backway and distorting the-who-did-the-attacks in the first place. Not I!
Just keep writing your thoughts. You are entitled to your space here on the forum.
Reminder..............it all started when you called our ancestors iwi.............a "bag of bones"...............I've saved discussions for the records..............
btw, both of you will soon have Maoliworld forums for yourselves.......goodbye.
wow, after my research in the books of americans......many missionary witness the glory of both young/davis.....these 2 men of the military confirms their roles on our Royal Sacred Lands.......as sharp shooters in the 2 wars against our maui nui and oahu valleys, is what had given the illegal rights to kamehameha as a king.
older kamehameha is the uncle for High Chiefess Keopoulani, and took her as wife at age 11, this is what i read from books today about kamehameha and high chiefess keopuolani......during the war between kamehameha and our maui nui at iao valley, caused our Sacred High Cheifess Keopulani to cross over the ridge of our West Maui Mountians to SAFETY from Iao valley.
i got more details and combined my knowledge from the voices of my living kupuna's compared to the mouths and minds of the writters of these Historic books by americans at the time. I am so greatful for such infromation to Kukanaka (stand tall) in Truth and Imua (move forward) for our next future generation that is coming as Royal Ali'i Nui Leaders.......mauruuru......da princess of Loko O Mokuhinia, La Haina the Royal Capitol~~~