Here's an excerpt from Sentiment Times: "National currencies and monetary systems sustain competition and perpetuate the diplomatic culture of international domination and economic oppression. Lietaer said, “Greed and fear of scarcity are, in fact, being continuously created and amplified as a direct result of the kind of money we are using.” Divide and conquer is the strategy of the ruling class. For the banksters to continue their game there must be competition to distract the masses. Fear, racism, and separation have driven much of humanity to search for happiness and meaning in a dollar. Through this misery of scarcity there shines a deep desire to unite and connect with each other in a meaningful way, and to harmonize human actions with the earth. Monetary systems shape social behavior. The transformation being implemented in CCs is not about taking away from the haves to give to the have-nots, but rather giving everyone an equal opportunity to generate new wealth in a new monetary system." We need one voice and through this one voice begin to discuss local currency which is legal. It can start from just one little community and grow from that. Create a pilot program to be sure it works. Current state government is not prosperous and has oustanding debts with the federal government. Upon return of government due to occupation, we will be land rich and cash poor and why discussion of creating local currency is in my opinion, inevitable. Here are links of examples: There is also TIME DOLLARS which equates itself to bartering - exchanging labor Of course there is also the old way of doing things....having a currency backed by metals....we don't have metals in Hawaii as a resource. We should investigate information as to how we minted our coins "back in the day"....has anyone here on Maoliworld researched this information as part of overturning back to when we were not occupied? Basically, we must trade what we have...rate our product: Example: COARSE SALT (white & red) for gold. We must trade our goods - think of some that the Kingdom can create and maybe even want to patent. Gold to back a currency is just one example and it is used worldwide. But we don't have ALOT of salt flats in Hawaii, it doesn't also seem to produce a lot like it did also in generations of past....of course this is just one example. So does this mean we all go back to working (blood sweat & tears) like our ancestors who really didn't get paid money to do the work of a village and keeping it prosperous? In Kohala our trading was agricultural goods. Anything and everything was grown here - there was much abudance and a trade we provided. Any other thoughts on money/currency for the Hawaiian Kingdom? OR, HERE'S ANOTHER TAKE....if you want to still have the federal government in business you take over the debt the state government has created. But if you do this, will you still have independence as a SOVEREIGN NATION? I guess it would be like a corporate takeover if you do this. Please share your thoughts on this because every nation has its own currency and something to serioiusly think about.

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  • Aloha, looks like it's been some time since this post went up. We've been researching local currency a lot lately and have come across some great ideas. would love to share and connect and see what others think. we're having a little potluck and movie ("money as debt") and intros at Lydgate Park in Wailua, Kauai this Sunday. If you're around, look us up. The biggest thing is educating everyone like you have in your post and showing and sharing about how local currency can help us regain our own self-sufficiency and economic strength. The brother and the sister who have no money today can start up with zero and have their rich skills, talents and willingness to share. Scarcity is a lie, abundance is the truth we are grow up with when we connect with our living aina but later forget.

    I'm open to being contacted. We're working on a website to share what we've learned and propose a system that we think may help us to become independent self-empowered.

    Mahalo for your sharing and vision, hope to connect soon.
  • I think building a reserve of silver and gold and valuable metals and gemstones to deposit in a bank of the Kingdom set up within the U.S. guidelines for operations would be okay and it would then be used in the transfer of jurisdiction when the U.S. de-occupies our country. The transition would be smoother. Get familiar with the laws of occupation to help working a guideline in maintaining our sovereign entitlements.

    • How about we get back the gold and silver coffers plus the interest that the U.S. government stole from our national bank at the peak of America's bankruptcy? We have A LOT of silver and gold left to us that is no longer in our possession as a nation. I wonder why?

      Uh, can we say U.S. Military Occupation...

      Hale Mawae
      • was also private families or individuals who stole from the royals their possessions which includes their bank accounts - liquid assets not land issues which are separate and we can follow a trail in paper. Public auctions were part of this as well, etc. If the bank which housed their funds (someone must have or needs to inquire of this) went bankrupt with world markets then the items seized would be considered COLLECTABLES. It all depends if you can track them down and if there is a serial number attached to the items. As for metals which can always be melted down to include restamping - ALSO be claimed as belonging to someone else or another nation, etc.

        Unless the metals (gold, silver or precious stones, etc) were marked by the Hawaiian Kingdom with their own stamp or patented a stamp created for them by the coin maker/numismatist, then maybe it can be traced IF it surfaced.

        Here is then the controversy of whether or not these items need to be housed in a museum of today or they be considered "lost treasures" and claimed by someone who finds them as this or they be returned to their rightful owner who at this time is questionable to most of the world other than Hawaiian Nationals of claim today.

        We have found valuable coins here in Kohala - digs in old camps of any nationality and old poi factories. Just last year 1/2 and full dalas were found here which today are considered collectables because it could have belonged to a local at one time who made a purchase or trade for goods.
        • OH I guarantee you that there are gold and silver coffers in the United States of America's world bank vault that house Hawaiian Kingdom gold stamped with a seal of some kind. I've also seen gold coins that were pressed during the 1800's as well as pictures of paper currency.

          We have just needs to be implemented again. But who's going to get into a bank and see those silver and gold coffers with Hawai'i's name stamped to it. It's a good idea for something to look into. The interest alone that the gold has collected is enough to put us right on top as a nation.

          All I know is...we aren't bankrupt. Now how do we enforce our currency over the weak U.S. dollar? But one think that needs to be implemented as a WHOLE LA HUI is a real revitalization of working our 'aina. Being self-sustainable. Finding uses for all the rubbish trees in our forest, and implementing jobs that constitutes immense growth for environmental revitalization as well. The amount of jobs that can be created on native forestry alone could help to sustain an entire community. And when those trees were ready for the next generations, such as sandalwood, ohia lehua, koa...just think how friggin rich our la hui is going to be. E ola mau i ka mea kanu o Hawai'i. E malama 'aina ko kakou la hui hawai'i. E ola mau!

          Hale mawae
          Eo Lono!
          • Hawaii is just as close to bankrupt as California is...I've been doing this for a long time Hale I know what I am talking about. All state government owes the feds sooo much money in fines, penalties and fees with most departments/divisions we have in operation. I know this because as a prior state government employee I asked and phrased the right questions to know answers from the department I was under...DHS...that's the department that supplements A LOT of funding to the general public.

            Anytime our state has an audit (they've created a state and federal position for auditors) WE NEVER have a clean department in error rates when it comes to budgeting. When a dollar error is found, there is a penalty and fine attached to it not just in the money error but in error in citing law which created the error. Each error has a penalty and fine...STATE OWES THE FEDS BILLIONS and it grows every fiscal year (July - July). Why do you think the state changed their payroll system over 10 years ago? When you start a job with the state, it can take up to 3 months sometimes to get your first paycheck because they use this time to keep it in the pot called DAGS (Dept of Accounting and General Services) - they borrow money from the employee. When a Department/Division receives a grant it goes directly into DAGS.

            In my opinion, it should go instead to the Dept that uses the funds...not the general fund that everyone has its hands can never slap the wrist of those who do any misdeeds...ITS MISLEADING and ITS A JOKE. State Gov't holds checks for up to 3 years minimum just on premiums alone for health insurance a newly retiree paid into as a previous employee which he/she should have received in his last paycheck. I know, it happened to me and I asked questions after the fact. They work on borrowed time and borrowed money. It's a joke.

            Also, you can not prove anything with seals on a coin...but you can prove a mark on precious metals like on an ingot ONLY and only if it was not remelted to be restamped. Not the seal restamped, the markings restamped...there is a difference. We need to find out what the Kingdom had as a backing first because it may not have been any metals at all, maybe it was LAND and jewels - precious stones....but I agree, someone with the time should look into it and bring it to the table when there is a one voice. They can take on this research and provide what they know here on Maoliworld like Keli'iaumoana is starting to do on mail services for the Kingdom....he's got the energy and will need to recruit people in his work down the line...but he's doing something and the first thing he has done is TALK about it, QUESTION it, and LOOK into it. From this base it grows into something bigger pending the energy put into it.

            Sandalwood didn't make it in our past...we couldn't plant it fast enough and couldn't wait the long term it took for harvesting...I know...we have a small patch still on the base of Mauna Kea near a girls scout camp I've camped at when I was 8 years old and taken my girls there as well when they were this age. I know the story behind that from old timers passed down from generations.

            My friend has coins from the Hawaiian Kingdom which he found on is property - he sold quite a bit of didn't belong to the Hawaiian Kingdom, it belonged to the owners of our last poi factory we had in operation in the early 19th century WAY before our sugar plantation phased out in the 70''s his coins, not the Hawaiian Kingdom. Irregardless of whether or not the land he purchased was quiet titled...remember those that have property now which know today or 30 years ago they didn't have clear title because now their hearing on sovereignty issues and what ACTUALLY happened should not be penalized for the lies they also bought into. They were deceived on land as much as we all were as koko.

            Oh by the way, I haven't forgotten your disrespect to me so I must say one last thing more on the last bit of your statement to me where you said "Hyprocrite"...LOL...I wouldn't use the word hyprocrite describing me like you did in the last forum discussion I was involved in with you because the cause you stand in support with Puanani Rogers (whom I respect and have shared a meal and music with years ago on Kauai for sovereignty) is using NHLC...and OMG, don't they use laws of today to fight the issue of Naue there? I've checked you out and know what you have stood for since you graduated from Kapa'a High School in 2002...YOU DON'T KNOW EVERYTHING so don't "ack" like you do...that's the snot I pointed out in you....nasty. You are a "poetic blog writer"...unless you have written books published by reputable companies I'd be respectful to those older than you YA DON'T KNOW ABOUT. For even though I've been here on Maoliworld in less the time that you have been a member, YOU HAVE NOT WALKED IN MY don't "ack" like you have walked MILES.equated to what I have done or stood for in fact you weren't even born when I had the calling of what I do the way, in some native american culture/tribes, when you puke or "throw up" on something it is considered "you are blessing" not cursing a place, a person, or an issue...just thought you should know this because of the public knowledge of what you have done on taking stand on sovereignty issues. No disrespect here....just pointing out FACTS.

            Oh...I feel better saying that...guess it was the puerto rican titah in me that HAD to let go...I can take only so much too especially during that certain time of the month...LOL.

            You know Hale, I really do love have energy that can be used for the good of all concerned..I just don't love what you do sometimes in how you treat people in your words, makes me do a double take WHAT? We all have displaced energy at some time in our lives, but to use it in each breath is exhausting and it takes time to understand this. I see that you can and have done some good in your PASSION for sovereignty I see good works in you down the road in sovereignty without the bully...much can be done without this kind of energy. Eh at one time I was a bully in school, especially in my words - my hanabata days...I picked on the Haoles (all types) because I didn't know elders scolded me when they saw it for themselves and said to me "how shame" and gave me the lecture. My energy was displaced until I was put in my hope you learn what I have said in my words...I learned by being put in my place to know my place now....Malama Pono.
        • When tourist come to Hawaii, they want a unique, foreign and exotic experience. Something that takes them away from their 9-5 lives, something they cannot get back in the u.s. Someone with enough funding, say Kamehameha Schools, whoevers, should create a place like a Hotel Resort/Shopping Center/living Native Hawaiian Village, whatever, where tourist could exchange their u.s. dollars and use "Hawaiian Kingdom Currency", adding to the unique experience they come here for. Give this a couple of years, as its popularity and value increase, its use could extend beyond this resort to include local day to day business exchanges and eventually replace the u.s. dollar when Justice and De-occupation comes. When tourist take this back to their home country, it would be like free advertising and increased awareness. Of course because of the high cost of EVERYTHING, Hawaii's dala would be of more value than the u.s. dollar. When u.s. military get stationed here, they get a "Cost of Living Allowance" to equal out the cost of living and rebalance the buying power of the u.s. dollar. What you guys think?
          • Keali'iaumoana...your thinking can be done.

            1). Create a community or nation dollar spending and use the funds to back the nation.

            2). The tourist incentive to cash US dollars for community dollar spending would be to use vendors who accept the community dollar and when the tourist use them they get a 10% discount. Tourist need an incentive,they don't have local rates for hotels so inspire them to change from US to community or nation dollar.

            3). You use the current exploitation for the good of the nation.

            4). Start with your district community a pilot program - it's a micro dollar system where the community prospers then when you add districts then islands you have everyone using it more than US currency.

            This would be one way to bring closer the communities koko or non koko and it circulates where it is used...never to be taken out of the state = prosperity. Each district joins then hit the county level then hit all counties and become one in one currency for the entire island chain.
      • LOL.... You are so funny...LOL.... How right you are! Why wait for the deoccupation in getting it back, eh? They won't give it back beforehand and that's the pilikia. We can start investing in our own bank and then when de-occupation comes, reparation and restitution should be in order. I'm thinking, Back-Rent! payment for at least 120 years @ 200 billion a year; or something like that. Tsah! Time for the U.S. to pay the Piper!
        • Yes, you don't have to wait, you can create your own reserves as your backing. When the dollar falls it is worth NOTHING but metals or forms of backing sustains a country or nation.
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