August 31, 2010 Pohakuloa Training Area (PTA)
Baseline Human Health Risk Assessment for Depleted Uranium (DU)

Comments by Jim Albertini for Public release:

The Army is stonewalling community involvement in seeking the truth
about DU radiation contamination at Pohakuloa. The Army has repeatedly
made unreliable safety claims based on questionable assumptions,
scientific methodology, and no peer reviewed studies.
The bottom line is this: the Army does not want to risk having to shut
down Pohakuloa if it is determined that the presence of DU and other
military toxins pose a threat to the health and safety of the troops
who train there and resident and visitors of Hawaii Island. While the
Army says that health and safety is the primary concern, in truth it is
continuing the military mission that trumps all.

Malu Aina calls for an end to all live-fire and activities at PTA that
create dust. Comprehensive, independent monitoring and clean up, to
protect health and safety should be done at military expense. The
entire process needs to be transparent and have the confidence of the
community, which to date is sorely lacking.

As evidence of the Army's stonewalling and lack of good faith, below
are listed questions and statements that will be submitted to the Army
with this cover sheet and are available to others upon request:

1. Seventeen questions submitted in writing by Malu Aina to Army Col.
Howard Killian in Nov. 2007 for which answers have never been provided;
2. Ten questions submitted in writing by Malu Aina to Col. Howard
Killian on May 20, 2008 for which answers have never been provided;
3. Eight questions submitted in writing by Malu Aina to Lt. Col.
Warline Richardson on Feb. 21, 2010 for which answers have never been
4. Three formal Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests from myself
submitted as follows that have gone unanswered:
A. Nov. 2, 2009 to USAG-HI Public Affairs
B. Nov. 8, 2009 to Lt. Col. Warline Richardson
C. Nov. 8, 2009 Mr. Tad Davis US Army undersecretary for the
5. Statements by the following:
A. Dr. Lorrin Pang, MD statement of Aug. 18, 2010
B. Carol Murry, DrPH statements Aug. 25, 2010 and Dec. 19, 2007
C. Dr. Helen Caldicott, MD statement on DU Nov. 7, 2009
D. Hawaii County Council Resolution 639-08 passed July 2, 2008 by
a vote of 8-1
6. A. Questions submitted by community member Cory Harden, Aug. 31,
B. Questions submitted by community member Doug Fox
C. Release of Liability for Access to Schofield Barracks West
D. Michael Reimer, Ph.D. appeal for PTA brush fire DU air
monitoring by DOH

Jim Albertini,
Malu ‘Aina Center for Non-violent Education & Action
P.O.Box AB
Kurtistown, Hawai’i 96760
phone: 808-966-7622
Visit us on the web at:


Jim Albertini

Malu ‘Aina Center for Non-violent Education & Action

P.O.Box AB

Kurtistown, Hawai’i 96760

phone: 808-966-7622


Visit us on the web at:




There are men in the whole of the Pacific that kept our home Nuclear Free and the younger generation need to know who are these giants.  Both Soli, Jim and Ku were present on Jan 13, 2010 at Hilo University to do the battles over nuclear nano particles being released into our Hawaiian atmosphere for our future generations to breath--our children. 


Should the military gain a license to posses and use depleted uranium in their live fire training exercise from the Nuclear Regulatory Agency and the Atomic Energy Commission we will either have to exit Hawaii or live Bunker style per Tad Davis from the Pentagon.


On January 17, 2010 days later I confronted the DLNR guards at Iolani Palace over (US) Public Law 95-341 over my access and right to practice my religion at the ahu located on the Iolani Palace.  I was to be arrested over a silly blue tarp.


Terroism is not knew for I watched the second twin towers fall on TV at approximately 4 am in the morning.  I was at New Orleans two weeks before in a room with first emergency respondents that died in the towers. 


One need to connect the vectors before one tries to understand 'cells' and their producers. Listen to the real people not the clones of the terroist that wants-to-be-all-things.


May our ancient spirits be with Tane and his family today. 

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