i am 50% Native Hawaiian Kanaka Maoli

i am of a few....that is living the traditional native hawaiian kanaka maoli ways of my ancestors.....that is still alive and well in my actions and everyday living.....i do not live on a hawaiian homestead....but i am very much welcomed on any hawaian homestead as well as Valleys of my Ancestors on this Kingdom of Maui Nui.

i do want the Blood Quantum to be done away with....it is a old (1920) law that protected and saved our lands to the rightful caretakers at that time.....however we are now living in (2011), and the blood quantum does not BENEFIT our next future Generation that its blood has been highly Diluted with the FOREIGNERS (outside influrence).

the next safe thing to realize is the direct connection (turning to our lineage)....for our History will tell the truth of who we are and where we belong!!!!......to me Hawaiian Home Lands is like a Vision of the "Indian Reservations", living under the american laws, not be the laws of the Land (Sacred Kapu Laws), hummmm???

your Mo'okuauhau (genealogy) is the life line to your Ahupua'a (your sacredness of your ancestors).....this is the Land one Hawaiian should be breathing, not one reservation land, given by this illegal state and or counties of our Kingdom Islands.

Always Remember....we are CARE TAKERS, not OWNERS and that is the problem....not 50%ters!

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  • mahalo

  • i speak for the 50% and or less Native Hawaiians that had been Diluted by the Foreigners,

    the 50% and or more is already covered by this old law (1920)

    the new and improved laws will protect (2011) all Recognized Native Hawaiians

    for some of us....we no need wait for hawaiian home lands

    we need only research our Mo'okuauhau (genealogy)

    and your mo'okuauhau will take you to your Ahupua'a (sacred lands of your ancestors)

    Believe me....i have so much Lands to our Ancestors

    we get more land to seek and CLAIM then blood relatives....wow

    just need prepare my Ohana Nation to always know good from bad and right from wrong!

    and to honor the ways of our Kupuna Kahiko's (ancestors)

    mahalo Ke Akua for his Leaders to lead Correctly.....mauruuru.....da princess

  • aloha Princess,


    Yes, the bloodquantum should have been done away with--however, it was because Hawaiians wanted to commit genocide that--we put a stop to their political endeavors.  1974-1979.  It's been a hard journey for those of us that's been at this helm or watch ever since.  


    You an all else are welcome to one's opinion for self-preservation, however, we make the sacrifice not for ourselves but for those that existed on the list.  We now have 40,000 on the list.  Secondly, it's only 200,000 acres.  What is surprising to note when one does one homework beyond 'self' you will learn that most lands are being occupied by non native Hawaiians.  We stand to lose the entire 200,000 acres, and commit genocide should we break the bloodquantum on DHHl.  


    It's even worse today, because the SB 1520 and Act 96 (?) is a speculative real estate sale of not only public lands, but too DHHL lands.  What is truly absurd is the fact that not only do we have the non Hawaiians/ academic nationals and their military to contend with--most importantly, we have to educate those closer to us that have no intentions of focusing on serving the people (children and native women) and would rather remain ignorant because it's popular.


    We have no recourse should the bloodqunatum disappear suddently, by the means of Section 305 (to sell public and DHHL).  Should the recent commissioners hand picked by Neil collect enough death certificate it will meet the finale stages of genocide for native Hawaiians.  


    The 50% bloodquantum remains for the 4o, ooo on the wait list on DHHl for only 200,000 acres.  

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