huge mega shopping mall in Kihei???????

our maui being over popolated with the nusaince of over growth...of mainland humans and cars......this county of maui planning not balanced with the land use versus the monies that is projected from these projects and developments of greed.....

this is the time to speak up and honor your voices to be heard....that enough is enough......there is so much empty shops, stores, and malls on maui nui already....why do we need more....especially in Kihei~

i remember as a child (and i just turned 50 years old this yr.)....that there were only 3 main buildings in Kihei (suda store, azeka's market (wooden brown small store) and yes Maui Lu)......i can feel the trails and the trees under my a little it is covered with asphalt and more buildings for the resident/citizens of usa TOURIST from the mainland, that never go back home (4 to 5 generations)...hewa to this county of maui.....leaders of allow the Chaos to continue~~~



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