Aloha no, Maoliworld. As you know, Hawaii TV has started a Hawaii TV Live Show at, every morning from 7:00am-9:00am. We just wanted to get everybody's feed back about how everybody would feel if we also had or provided a evening Live Show as well? Please post your comments below. Hawaii TV really wants to accomadate all of our people and those that want to participate in this free, fair, and impartial process, that will not be coerced, manipulated, or influenced in anyway shape, or form, from politicians, bankers, and big business corporations to.






Hawaii TV

Direct: 808.489.7065

Fax: 808.454.5221




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  • Howzit Kaleo. I stopped by earlier but could not stay too long. It would be cool if it's in the evening because 1) Alot of people work at one p.m. Hawai'i time and 2) 1 p.m. is 6 p.m. here Eastern Standard Time... when we eat.

    Mahalo for your work, time, and energy that you put into your projects.
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