
  • My beautiful niece who is a hula dancer and spent the last year in Japan dancing professionally was interviewed for a job there and she talked about being proud of her culture and being a dancer of hula and was chastised in her interview for appearing very "local"...huh?  So they want to represent the Hawaiian culture BUT with a white-washed, sanitized version that is fit for the haole palate? So typical of the tourist industry and the ongoing prostitution of our culture. Too bad it is the only game in town for many of our youth....we need to sever ourselves from the tourism trough.

    • True,


      Disney is opening soon at KoOlina soon.  I walk for exercise along the lagoon and I feel very sad sometimes when I compare the beauty of our people and vacationeers.  The their oppressive authorities on our people that are gathering food as oppose to sun lookers seems to disrobe in public while our children go hungry.

  • Im an Australian, hapa haole aboriginal and all I can say is Lilo 'n Stich is about as dumbass as crocodile dundee.
    Auwe, xcuse my haole language but am Im allowed to say it's bloody dumbass insulting?

    I will not allow my kids in class watch this movie  and "What is the Hawaiian Film Industry?"

    Lilo Sticth  - NO

  • Noelani,

    need to pay attention to a newly found forum participant she used to live near Waialua river.

    Sheridan Collings wrote:

    The southeast boundary of the spray zone is the most accurate - unless they sprayed right over their own lab near the Wailua Reservoir. I just found a PhD thesis that was written in 1960 regarding the bauxite reclamation areas. The writer of the thesis has four areas documented: one at Hanahanapuni, one inside Waialeale, one just to the south of Waialeale and one at another crater just south of Hanahanapuni. All are in the general area of the Wailua River headwaters. I found this info after I plotted the approximate perimeter of the area. I have not found any references to tie down the north side of the poison zone. This is the least accurate. One report claims 111 acres were sprayed. Another claims over 200 acres were sprayed.

    So far these are the locations of the sites I have found: Bauxite Reclamation Area, Waikoko Block, Sam Thronas Area (?), Hanahanapuni, Wailua Game Refuge, Moalepe.

    The EPA declared the whole area a Superfund site in about 1990. Still researching this. They ordered UH to clean up the mess they found on Kauai, excavate all the toxic materials they buried, etc. EPA also found barrels of toxic chemicals in basements on UH campuses. Everything is vague. In 1990, there were still incinerators in California and Johnston Atoll. Those are closed now. EPA did not follow up until 2000. What they found was that UH dumped all the poison from Kauai into a Matson Freight container and left it somewhere FOR 10 YEARS. At that point, EPA levied a 1.8 MILLION DOLLAR FINE against University of Hawaii. This is one of the largest fines in history. In a country of gross and repeated toxic crimes, that is saying plenty. It is interesting to note that the UH local workers who died were not awarded anything because they were UH employees and had workmens compensation insurance available. These stories don't exactly match up - just like the rest of the documentation. I did not take a lot of notes on what I had found because it was all so vague. I was waiting to get the reports I ordered from the EPA.

    What I got was a bunch of nothing with impossible instructions that led nowhere. The EPA has no original or ongoing reports of any of their investigations. Now they say it is not a federal site, so they are not responsible. Everything has been purged from their site apparently. I called EPA in San francisco to ask for information. I was told by the investigator that I should contact State of Hawaii, Dept of Health. There is nothing on their website regarding dioxin across the interior of Kauai. Looks like a cover up all the way around to me.

    I found some activity by Akaka who is on the Senate Veterans Commission. He is down playing the effects of Agent Orange on Vietnam Vets and questioning some of the illnesses as being connected to the poisonings. If he had 10 pages of single spaced illnesses, he still couldn't include them all. Somebody needs to connect the dots here. Does he want to give Hawaiian Homes Land to anyone who goes into the military? I am brain dead from too much research right now.

    I know there must be many other people on Kauai who are ill. The younger the person was when exposed, the more susceptible they are to the poison. I can very clearly remember lying on the punei (sp?) in the living room doubled over with stomach pain with so much saliva I though I would drowned. It came to me like a really bad flashback. This is classic symptoms of poisoning. Latest connection I have found with my situation and the Vietnam poisonings: My oldest daughter was finally tested at 10 years old for learning disabilities. Big problem. When the test results came back, they all backed off. She had the analytical reading ability of a 26 year old PhD candidate - and the ability to recognize the letters of the alphabet less than a kindergardener. I already found two other vets with children with the same trouble. Because this is so unusual, she was immediately admitted into the University of CA San Francisco learning disabilities clinic. They told me she was not illiterate because she had learned how to read by memorizing the shapes of the words. This seemed to get better along with the asthma and severe joint pain over the next 10 years. What a coincidence.

    I am going to go back and start piecing together the dates and information regarding the experiments. So far it looks like not much matches up in the numbers and dates department. After I get it all together, I am going to put it all on a website.
  • Aloha Noelani,

    So good to see you on this forum, Pono is on Maui Filming and Joshua goes to kindergarten so we meet and have quality time together. I am due for one!!!!

    Pono and I went to the Marine Spatial Planning at Aloha Towers and met up with the Maui group and had a lttle bit of 'talk story' with everyone. Pono was tired from too much filming and not enough quality(rest) time in between.

    Too many so called fishy farming 'scams' connecting to military spheres as in 3-D kine stuff. It's pretty 'alien space' games under the sea. Like we need one visit from 'lilo and stich'.

    How is the restruant business coming?

    I tell our Kumu everytime she tell a story to write it down and send it to herself.

    We need to see each other, I so darn poor no more money for ticket gottah pay bills. Much love to you and your Ohana
  • i just came back from oahu after attending the CNHA convention, i could not believe that the plans has already been designed and scheduled to open, it will be a massive place as was shown on their video at the convention.
    my mouth was AAwwwwwwhatttttt, hanging with amaze how oahu-ians have decided the fate of their future generation to come...."a disney land park, lets get real, OAHU people???????

    that is why we on our Kingdom of Maui Nui, need to seperate ourselves before oahu will be the avenue to allow this kind of mainland influence to be allowed here on Maui Nui......wake up Maui-ans before the plans be scheduled, before you even is aware of it, please do not allow this kind of GARB to our KIngdom of Maui Nui.

    today i ask, and or beg my other fellow Heirs of our Kingdom of Maui Nui (you know who you are) to stand tall (kukanaka) and fight for the rights of our sacred lands, our sacred waters, our sacred air space.... i call out to GUY, RUSSELL, DONORA, KAINOA, KIKA my ohana nation Heirs to speak out and lets make a differenc for our Kingdom of Maui Nui, we have to stop what is happening in our generation of this destruction of crimes by this illegal foreign society, whom suppose to protect our resourses for our next generations to come, not build fairy tale villages on our Kingdom Sacred Islands.........I REBUKE this kind of illegal disgusting Actions by the usa.

    my Kingdom Brothers and Sisters.....lets rise and move forward, for we are the new and aggressive generation/dynasty that will lead our next generation to FREEDOM from this bondage of usa........mahalo Ke Akua, for it will happen in his time and his time only, not mans-----for we are only the tools to accomplish his wonderful work and visions for our Kingdom Heirs.............mauruuru.................da princess

  • " target="_blank">

    Will Disney be the next Spokesperson for Na Kanaka???

    The Aulani, a Disney Resort & Spa, Ko Olina, Hawai`i is scheduled to open in 2011. The name Aulani, as Disney interperts, means “the place that speaks for the great ones” or “the place that speaks with deep messages,” Disney feels that this name, reflects their company’s ongoing commitment to celebrating the great culture and traditions of these magnificent islands.

    I personally feel that they are rapeing us of our inherited rights by exploiting OUR Mo'olelo or stories so that the can profit from telling the world our valuable history. Our ancestors did NOT choose Disney to be OUR Spokes person to tell our stories. Knowledge is power and with power there is KULEANA! What have Disney done to help their Hawaiian neighbors in Ewa, Nanakuli, Waianae? NOTHING!! Not one thing of significance! We are still faced with homelessness and our people are in dire need of education, medical attention and food. The manini $100,000 that they gave to the schools is uncomparable to the millions that they made on Lilo and Stitch.
    The beauty of our islands...Maunawili falls, Lani Kai beach, Nu'uanu Pali, OUR "places" , speak for themselves...

    Please be conscience of the politicians that you vote for in November. Many politicians who support "selling out" our culture to corporations such has Disney does NOT have the best interests of the Kanakas in mind.
  • It is only one aspect of raping our culture, on facebook I am dealing with westerners (haoles) claiming huna is hawaiian. I told them to look up the word in the hawaiian dictionary, huna has several meanings alone. One of them is nakedness. It was Max Freedom Long 's opinion that got these people started. Now we have the new age people, what next. Now Disneyland. My opinion is the missionaries came first in 1820 and our culture went underground. Now the second coming of new age crap. Makes you wonder. As for me, I keep on trucking and teach my mo'opuna what I learned from my kumu. We have to keep going, if we dont the next generation suffers. We got to teach the next generation about being pono. So you are so right Kaohi NO is the answer. I never met you Kaohi, but sometimes what you say make a lot of sense. Mahalo
    • You are so right our culture has been and will continue to be under attack by foreigners who will want to interpert it for themselves. We must fight back like you mentioned,by teaching our children and grandchildren the truth about our culture, it's sacred history and stoiries and about being pono. Thank you for your mana'o Sharon.
      • Mahalo Sharon and Noelani.  I whole-heartedly agree that we individuals must bear the kuleana to teach our keiki and mo'opuna tthe true facts, values, and culrural customs and unique heritage as nationals/subjects/citizens of the still-existing Kingdom of Hawaii.    We have done this within my family and I am confident it will continue through the next generation.  If we all maintain this; it will not be extinguished.  Mahalo hou i ko mana'o ki'eki'e.

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