how do we divide the lands?

The lands for the maka'ainana is clear yet, tell me, where is the land for alii? There are descendents who are alii by birth with their lines still uncut (ke alii puaa) Their lands were taken when they were born and their birthright not yet restored. Many have died but they still have mo'opunas waiting, what of they? No koko, no land. Adoption is not enough to attain land. Blood, your ancestors blood were not spilled on kanaka soil and many hanai were just that - hanai. If your hanai parents put your name on their land, that is fine because it was from them to you but not just because you were born in hawaii - so was CAYETANO.

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  • Thank you Tane...I was recently informed by a first cousin. Mahalo
  • You'll find it in the Royal Patent Books. The ali'i had their lands like everyone else through the Great Mahele. That's the first place to look besides what your 'ohana has and should have shared with you. If you know your genealogy that's the source.

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