House finance panel tours Lahaina our Royal Capital

angus mckelvey...the tenth district rep.....hosted a visit by the state house finance to Lahaina...that already approved state of oahu Grants........the house delegation included....

1). marcus oshiro...chair

2). ty cullen....vice chair....public safety committee

3). linda ichyama...vice chair.....transportation

4). pono chong.....majority leader

5). kyle yamashita....."

6). mark hashem.....vice chair......Agriculture

7). barbara marumoto.....minority leaders

8). gene ward......"

again...monitor the people in position?????....notice any kanaka thinkers>>>>only americans?

this was a all island tour to assess (needed to MONITOR toooo) various projects and programs that were approved?????...with out any consideration to our Royal Kingdom Heirs????

how can this house of finance continue to Grant...friends of mokuula....a nonprofit????

without any MONITORING and AUDITING the Business Factor of where have all the past funds by the various funders of the federal, the state and the county of maui...have already given over the years (20)......look at this Sacred Site......of my Royal Ancestors...for i will EXPOSE it!!

these funders....need to take a closer look of where these moneys is being mishandled illegally....and to put it in the hands of the rightful Konohiki's (care takers).....mauruuru~~~


There have been NO RESTORATION since day one....when our county of maui...granted friends of mokuula (fom).... a $500 thousand grant and look at mokuula today....after evern 11 years...since county of maui....zeke kalua (maui mayors right hand in finance)...... mention he (kalua) have been working with fom and have been involved in this project and programs...that has not benefited our Sacred Site of Loko O Mokuhinia and or our Royal Kingdom Heirs.....for these illegal moneys was spent for a new airconditioned office, nice new cars, paid rent for the months and years of taking these moneys by the Directors of fom....and its moneys have not been legally monitored, audited and there is no records to update these lost moneys given to fom from the county of maui....that is why the county of maui lays in the CORRUPT Bed of fom....i request a still INVESTIGATION as well and to get back the stolen money fom used to Exploit the Traditional Culture of our SACRED Lands and our Royal Sacred Ancestors....Hewa!!!

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