show details 2:11 PM (3 hours ago)


After you read this lease agreement than go online and read a copy of
the Akaka Bill

you will discover that the U.S. government is using the homesteaders to sell out their
culture and lands because the criteria for voting for the Hawaiian Tribal government
is Hawaiians that signed the Home Stead lease they will turn the homesteads into
reservations and the homesteaders relinquished their rights by signing the homestead lease.
Its very tricky try make a copy and ask bull shit Poka about it you can use my name
better if you use my name so the idiots in the audience dont take offense at you.
Idiot homesteaders will sell out their culture with the help of Poka Nintanyahu La'anui Burgess.
You gotta look up the meaning of DEMISE
When the U.S. government uses the term Demised Lands in the homestead lease they mean
that the Hawaiian that signed the lease gives up his title to the land.
Demise also means surrendering your title to the land by lease or will.


Subject: Fwd: 'lolokanaka' pp 1&2
Date: Sat, 23 Oct 2010 16:54:48 -1000

from po'o     mailed  via p.o.    to me     scanned in by me     emailed to
po'o...  now   em    to    you    i mua



  1. Hawaiians Against the Akaka Bill 2010



    Rated 5.0 out of 5.0

    - 2 min - Jan 3, 2010 - Uploaded by Puukukui
    The Akaka Bill has many hidden agendas. Hear the real going-on's from another Hawaiian
    national speaking up and demanding Public ... - more
    videos »
  2. Daniel Kahikina Akaka, U.S. Senator of Hawaii: Home


    Star-Advertiser op-ed: Akaka Bill will move forward Aug 9 2010. Akaka: "I am determined to see the Native Hawaiian Government Reorganization Act
    enacted ...
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  3. Learning about the Akaka Bill


    January 18th, 2010 by admin No comments ». Talk given at GRIH Akaka Bill Panel 1/15/2010: Hawaii Reporter: I am Hawaiian; we are all Hawaiians ... - rwt(this,'','','','6','AFQjCNF2r2EvNrLtlWxNBQ8RSdmVb6VNWg','','0CDYQIDAF')"">Cached - Similar
  4. Senator Akaka: Akaka Bill is Alive and We Work Everyday to Get it ...


    Oct 14, 2010 ... October 15, 2010 at 1:17 pm. [...] Senator Akaka: Akaka Bill is Alive and We Work Everyday to Get it Passed. Hawaii
    Reporter. [...] ...
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Subject: papakolea nation warriors/ few yrs ago/kids big in charter sch now
Date: Fri, 22 Oct 2010 08:22:04 -1000













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  • I hope my posting does not get contaminated by non homesteaders, one that posses hate towards women and children living on homestead lands.
  • I'm not negating Eric, nor am I in support of the CNHA, all that I am saying is the homesteaders are definetly being used as pawns in this game. Preying on the homesteaders locks down the opportunity to educate the homesteaders from what is truly being done to their families, home and future as they sleep.

    As a homesteader in Waianae, and one that grew up on homestead in Waimanalo, one needs to focus on military and their use of native Hawaiian-tenants aina for their purpose which is to commit genocide upon the homesteaders. How? by contaminating their surrounding military communities with 'isotopes' and other lethal chemicals. We were free from nuclear isotopes before the expansionism of the American USA arrived at the door steps in Hawaii.

    Contaminating Hawaiians with isotopes, DDT, and Agent Orange is the only purpose for military use of our aina and it's native tenants. I am proposing an 'exit plan' for Hawaii as the only solution for 2050 Sustainable Planning. Keeping our food growing in Hawaii and apart from the Marine Spatial Planners.

    I tried so desparately to reach the minds of the PKO on Oct 22, 2010. I was not succesful. Kahoolawe was contaminated by nuclear which, infact, the AEC granted permission to use as a bombing practice on the island.

    In reading a 1969 print of "Silent Spring by Rachel Carson here are some inspirational words:

    "The most alarming of all man's assaults upon the environment is the contamination of air, earth, rivers, and sea with dangerous and even lethal materials. This pollution is for the most part irrecoverable; the chain of evil it initiates not only in the world that must support life but in living tissues is for the most part irreversible. In this now universal contamination of the environment, chemicals are the sinister and little-recognized partners of radiation in changing the very nature of the world--the very nature of its life. Strontium 90, released through nuclear explosions into the air, comes to earht in rain or drifts down as fallout, lodges in soil, enters into the grass or corn or wheat gown there, and in time takes up its abode in teh bones of a human being, there to remain until his death. "(page 6 Carson)

    The Akaka Bill has a relationship with the military, Hawaiian Homesteaders are just pawns. As I always said keep the bloodquantum intact and we have a control over our lives and'inpart' our ancestrial lands that is part of the 2 hundred thousand acres of aina.
  • watch?v=qGyPuey-1Jw&feature=relatedhttp:


    Poohina is correct in showing the contract for Hawaiian Homes Leases........

    The people are USED for the benefits of the U.S...............USED to support the goals of criminals/Pirates/deviants/conspirators/treasonous persons descendants perpetuating the crimes since 1892-----------take DANIEL AKAKA, descendant of THOMAS AKAKA who helped to plan the dethronement of Queen Liliuokalani in 1892 with Dr. Mott Smith, Lorrin Thurston, et. als. in Washington D.C.

    Read about the others collectively connecting with the following group ..............doing their background checks should be really interesting........
    Oct 14, 2010 ... October 15, 2010 at 1:17 pm. [...] Senator Akaka: Akaka Bill is Alive and We Work Everyday to Get it Passed. Hawaii Reporter. [...] ...
    [Loading site popularity rank...] - Cached


    Opposition to the Akaka Bill continues, and to Cease and Desist is also documented. Genocide activities files documented.

    Pirates, criminal deviants, deceitful people, con artists, criminal malfeasance, PIRATES OF THE PACIFIC: Charles Reed Bishop and Friends, PIRATES OF THE WORLD: U.S., UK/England, and the Bankers (Morgan and International)..............along with DANIEL AKAKA, DANIEL INOUYE, et. als. all PARASITES IN PARADISE....... wicked lot...........all nations should be aware for more outsiders know the truth of what goes on in the Hawaiian archipelago......




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