homeless of americans on oahu (trailer trash)

someone sent me a video of the american homeless (trailer trash),

along the fences of the public walk ways off the streets on oahu,

and this is a CRIME by Usa...to allow this kind of public nusaince,

and disgrace concerning our Native Hawaiian Island of Oahu!!!

how can these illegal leaders sleep at night knowing what they are allowing

on the streets of our Native Hawaiian Kingdom Islands....for oahu is a bad example

to follow and the chaos that is being allowed should be addressed and REMOVED immediately~~~

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  • yes....for over population is the problem.....salvation army is the hub for the homeless in lahaina,

    and at evenings....st. theresa's is the main dinner hub for the homeless in kihei,

    believe me...everybody homeless...know how to get around on our maui nui.....

    for us on our maui nui....the problems is ENFORCING the Laws to americans of Usa~~~

    deporting the violators, the stranger, the intruder, and the tresspassers lurking on our Sacredness~~~

  • Houseless is not the problem for it is growing and will include every family on Oahu.  It is the lack of understanding about poverty and it's causes.  A homeless community keeps everyone alive, healthy and able to work.  Without that support system, it turns into a death camp.  We should see more homeless Hawaiian families soon on our streets.

  • we on our maui nui needs to keep oahu bad influrences off our Sacredness of our Kingdom of Maui Nui, period!!!!!

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