the meetings with the Consulate was to go over the U.S. role in the Pacific...........

everyone reading............know that the U.S. is a belligerent occupier and much
evidence has been retrieved, researched.............and what's more,
PEARL HARBOR has owners............and it was and is not the Bishop
Estates Trustees/Bernice Pauahi Bishop Estates

gora (2010)

In a Nuclear War the Collateral Damage would be the Life of All Humanity click here

“Hiroshima does not look like a bombed city.

It looks as if a monster steamroller has passed over it and squashed it
out of existence.”

A boy soldier being treated at the temporary home. <br / Picture:

Provided by Hiroshima Institute for Peace Education" border="0"
width="500" height="353">

Boy soldiers being treated at the temporary home.


Masahito Hirose in September 1944
Masahito Hirose in September 1944He lost his cousin in the Nagasaki blast
Masahito Hirose was 15 years old when the atomic bomb was dropped on
Nagasaki.   During the war he worked in the office of the Mitsubishi
shipyard factory.
In the
early morning of 9 August, 1945, an air raid warning was issued at about
o'clock, but as no planes appeared in the sky above Nagasaki, the alarm
was cancelled about an hour later.

So most
citizens came out of air raid shelters, children rushed out of caves and
housewives started to queue up outside shops to draw their rations of

people started work in factories, hospitals and company buildings.

At about
11 o'clock I was working in the office of the factory as usual.

suddenly saw a white-blue flash and then a sound came — it hit me.   I
threw myself to the floor and covered my eyes with three fingers, ears
with my thumbs and nose with my little fingers, as I'd been taught by my
teacher.   The next moment many pieces of glass fell down on my back.

After a
while all became quiet.   I got up and rushed out of the office.  
Suddenly I saw a cloud climbing up above the northern district of
Nagasaki.   I could see this gigantic cloud climbing up and up like a
tornado.   I didn't know what to do so I stood there for a long time,
looking at the cloud.

My house
was about 3.1km (2 miles) from the bomb's hypocentre.

Mr Hirose still lives in Nagasaki
Mr Hirose still lives in Nagasaki
That morning I'd left the house with my cousin.   He was 19 years old.   He
had left his own house in Osaka [after it was bombed] and came to live
in my house in May of that year.

I left
the house with him at about 7 o'clock.   I parted with him — and he
turned right, towards his factory, which was near the hypocentre.

night he did not come home.   But we could not go and find him in the
northern part of the city.

On the
afternoon of 10 August, his mother left the house to look for him.  
That night she came back and said: 'I didn't find him anywhere.   Around
his factory everything has been destroyed and I couldn't find the

She went
out to look for her son the next day and the next day, and she
continued to go out to look for him.

On the
morning of 15 August she couldn't get out of bed.   She had a high
temperature and she was bleeding from her nose.

She died
crying her son's name.
This interview is from the series 'August 1945'
BBC commemoration 2005

Friday, 15 July, 2005
The day the world lit up
By Robert Greenall
BBC News
The atomic bomb
detonated in the New Mexico
desert at 05:29:45 local time on 16 July, 1945, "lit up the entire

That is how
Private Daniel Yearout, one of the few remaining eyewitnesses some 60
years on, recalls the morning the powers of the atom were first

The bomb was detonated shortly before dawn. <br / One eyewitness said it was as if someone had turned the sun on with a switch." border="0" vspace="0" width="203" height="300" hspace="0">
One eyewitness said it was as if someone had turned the sun on with a switch.
Picture: Los Alamos National Laboratory

Asked for his first thought after the test, top scientist J Robert Oppenheimer quoted from his favourite Hindu poem, The Bhagavad-Gita: "I am become
Death, the destroyer of worlds."

Oppenheimer and
other world-leading scientists who had taken part in the top-secret test
knew that from that moment on, the world had changed forever.

For others who were
involved, such as Private Yearout, it would be some time before they
fully realised what had taken place.

The world would not
know the full secret until 6 August, when the Japanese town of
Hiroshima was bombed.

Daniel Yearout, a
25-year-old army private with the US Corps of Engineers, was deployed
close to what became known as "Ground Zero" on that morning in July.

In 1945, Private
Yearout was based at Los Alamos, the secret town that the US government
had built during the war in the remote hills of New Mexico.   It was
here that a laboratory was established to design a nuclear weapon that
the army hoped would win World War II.

Some 8,000 people
lived and worked in the town — scientists and their families, engineers,
technicians, secretaries and army personnel.

They had more or
less disappeared from the world and set up their own communities.

While each played
their part, few fully understood the magnitude of the work that went on

"The Los Alamos
project was the best secret there's ever been," says Mr Yearout, who now
lives in Waverly, Tennessee.
The 19 kiloton plutonium bomb code-named The Gadget
The 19 kiloton plutonium bomb code-named 'The Gadget' was detonated on top of a 100-foot steel tower, which vaporised during the
Picture: Los Alamos National Laboratory

Deployed in the desert

On Saturday 14 July, 1945, Private Yearout and other members of the US
Corps of Engineers left their base to take part in a "top-secret

Daniel Yearout was based at the secret town of Los Alamos.
Daniel Yearout was based at the secret town of Los Alamos during the war.
"No one knew where we were going or what was going to happen," Mr Yearout told the BBC News Website.

The officers were given telephone numbers to call along the way to find
out where to go to next.

The convoy travelled some 200 miles into the desert to a place called
Alamorgordo, about 18 miles from "Ground Zero".

They had been stationed in case the small communities in the probable
fallout path needed to be evacuated.

"We were called out the night before.   One of the officers told us we
were going to take part in some testing," says Mr Yearout.   "He said
that if everything went well, the war would be over in a few days.  
But, then he said that if it all went wrong, 'it was each damn man for

Early on Monday morning Private Yearout and a few of his colleagues
climbed a hill.   They had been told it would be the safest place to be.

The day of the actual test began with an early morning thunderstorm.  
"There was someone running a camera up on the hill.   We lay there and
talked to him for a bit.   The test was supposed to take place at around
0400 but was delayed because of the weather."

Shortly before 0530, half an hour before sunrise, the scientists went to
bunkers six miles from the test site and put on sunglasses and
sunscreen.   The test began and the sky was lit up by an unnatural ball
of fire.

"I don't remember whether I was standing up or lying against the fence,"
says Mr Yearout.
The cloud travelled to a great height first in the form of a ball, then <br / <br /""> mushroomed" border="0" width="570" height="440"">
The cloud travelled to a great height first in the form of a ball, then mushroomed, then changed into a long trailing chimney-shaped
Picture: Los Alamos National Laboratory

"Suddenly, without any sound, the whole world lit up.
When I came to my senses, I was lying on the ground with my back to where the light was coming from.

I put my hands over my eyes to protect them and I could see the bones in
my fingers.

It was as if I was looking at an X-ray.

Daniel Yearout was based at the secret town of Los Alamos. <br / The test was code-named Trinity, supposedly after a poem by John Donne
which begins: 'Batter my heart, three-person'd God'" border="0"
width="203" height="313">
The test was code-named Trinity, supposedly after a poem by John Donne which begins: "Batter my heart, three-person'd God"

"I whisked around and looked towards the light.
"I could hear a rumble and the Earth shook.

"I saw a big fireball rising in the sky — it looked like it was pouring
gasoline out there, all the way around.

"The fireball was getting bigger and bigger and we just stood and

"This was followed by a long rumbling — I'd say it went on for 10
minutes.   In and out and round the mountains.   The fire began going
down and then I saw a swirl of black smoke rising in the sky.

"I was scared at the time.   I didn't know what was going on.   I
remember the man running the camera beside us hollering that it was the
most beautiful picture he had ever taken in his life — he said it maybe
25 times.   All he was interested in was the picture and all I was
wondering was if we were going to get out of there or not."
Eventually the men went back down the hill to their tents and started a game of poker.   Radiation readings stayed at what was then considered
safe levels and no one needed to be evacuated.

"No one was allowed to talk about what we saw," says Mr Yearout.  
"Anyone who did was shipped out pretty quickly."

The flash released four times the heat of the interior of the sun and
was seen 250 miles away.   But, so secret was the mission — codenamed
Trinity — that local media were told that an ammunition dump had blown
up on an army base in the area.

In Potsdam outside Berlin, President Harry Truman waited for the coded
message that the bomb had been successful.

Mr Yearout says Trinity paved the way for bringing an end to the war and
saving many American and Japanese lives.   "If we had gone into Japan,
we would have encountered the worst fighting we ever had ever seen.   We
would have been there for four to six years."

But 60 years on, debate still rages over whether the bomb was really
necessary to force the Japanese to surrender.

A number of the scientists involved in the project ended up feeling
extremely ambivalent about the bomb's use, and some went on to campaign
against nuclear arms.

For Mr Yearout, Trinity remains one of the 20th Century's most
significant achievements.

"I was glad I'd seen it," he says.   "But I hope I don't see another

Letter <br / of thanks from the War Department" border="0"
vspace="0" width="700" height="440" hspace="0"">
Letter of thanks from the War Department written a day after the atomic bomb was dropped on Hiroshima

according to the news, last night's news.............

the meetings with the Consulate was to go over the U.S. role in the Pacific...........

everyone reading............know that the U.S. is a belligerent occupier and much evidence has been retrieved, researched.............and what's more, PEARL HARBOR has owners............and it was and is not the Bishop Estates Trustees/Bernice Pauahi Bishop Estates Trustees.....................


In a Nuclear War the Collateral Damage would be the Life of All Humanity click here

“Hiroshima does not look like a bombed city.

It looks as if a monster steamroller has passed over it and squashed it
out of existence.”

A boy soldier being treated at the temporary home. <br / Picture:

Provided by Hiroshima Institute for Peace Education" border="0" width="500" height="353">

Boy soldiers being treated at the temporary home. for more......

according to the news, last night's news.............

the meetings with the Consulate was to go over the U.S. role in the Pacific...........

everyone reading............know that the U.S. is a belligerent occupier and much evidence has been retrieved, researched.............and what's more, PEARL HARBOR has owners............and it was and is not the Bishop Estates Trustees/Bernice Pauahi Bishop Estates Trustees.....................


to top that off...............she's moving towards One World Order/New World Order along with her feeders............

Mach Schnell ----rents, leases are due $500 Trillion dollars in gold coins per year retroactive to 1893...Sayonnara, aloherrr

video-actions" data-video-ids="Febr_t_qa9U" data-feature="thumbnail"">

years ago



just received:

PakNationalists - Japan's Doublespeak On Pakistan's Nuclear Program




Jamshaid Zubairee

show details 11:15 PM (17 minutes ago)

pp21-launching soon.jpg


Japan’s Doublespeak On Pakistan’s Nuclear Program




Tokyo is asking Pakistan to sign NPT while condoning nuclear sales to India. The move will worsen global nuclear proliferation. Unfortunately, like the US, Japan’s record on nuclear safety is not too good.



BY SHIREEN M. MAZARI | Wednesday, 27 October 2010.




ISLAMABAD, Pakistan—Non-proliferation has over time become increasingly discriminatory and a vehicle for the powerful to pressurize states they consider “unreliable”, and the fact that these targeted states happen to be primarily Muslim states, with the sole exception of North Korea, reflects a further bias within the developed world. In fact, the accommodating manner in which the US has treated North Korea’s open defiance of the NPT in contrast to the treatment meted out to Iran which has stayed within its NPT obligations and continuously reiterated its abhorrence of nuclear weapons, only bolsters the perception that Muslim states are being targeted by the US and its allies on multiple fronts, especially post-9/11. The Indo-US nuclear deal, and the repercussions of it within the IAEA and Nuclear Suppliers’ Group (NSG), has brought all these contradictions and dualities out into the open.


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  • Amelia,

    The spirit world is a private domain for me. There are two domains that are being played upon us right now, and that is pretty stupid because both don't work in Hawaii. Not even as a stepping stone to the universal energies. Werner Earhart tried and for awhile he was successful in Hawaii. I watched Olelo last night and was so surprise to see the training on TV, because it was pieces of other things jammed together--swill.

    I was fortunate to be in Salem around this time on three different occasions. I also was in New Orleans two weeks before 911. Both energies are slamming together in hopes to control or develop the Global Asian community. They are out of their domain. Hawaii is not a rights of passage to the Asian Countries.

    As corporate greed and EST join together, the Trilateral (Obama) had a failed attempt. Alvin Shim wouldn't have it when he was alive. Werner is a dear friend of mine and I get it. That's the training in most of us to just get it with nothing added. No stuff, no junk and no debrie added to the mix, that's how things are in our debunked cult!

    We are not the sister state of 'Salem', I believe Malama Makua brought back the 'iwi' and tampered with bad spirits of the third kine. When Alika and Tom tried to put these activities to rest, Annell Amaral attcked a very young opio wahine. This is the essence of what is happening with DU and why I am opposing the clean-up.

    Cory Hayden and Issac Harp are both gouls trying to conjure up an agreement for the military to recieve a license. to posses and use 'isotopes' in Hawaii. Daivianna McGregor Ethnic Studies and Emmet Aluli are both elements of god and aina that can sew up the agreement, note how Annelle Amaral are politicalsizing this agreemeant on Olelo with OHA candidates.

    thanks for the postings, I'm sadden by this Halloween garble and the mixture with Santa. It needs to be stopped. The Asian Bankers are coming to Hawaii in 2011 for a population approval. Taxes when pigs shall fly, and legislature weakness of the little peope lare are all that one needs for a contracting party which is the party I supported this election. I'm perplexed!!! Sorry!

    Anyhow going out with the girls to have a diva talk! I called Pono so hope to join him tomorrw and introduce him to my girlfriend. I'm so happy for her she's leaving to meet her boyfriend to get married. Have a great weekend, I will check in later!!!
    • watch?v=2DMY6ADchdkhttp:

      November 1, 2010 at 09:38:10

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      Bill Clinton, the Genocider Who Just Might Get Away
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      By Aimable Mugara (about the author) Page 1 of 1 page(s)
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      For OpEdNews: Aimable Mugara - Writer

      There are some who will claim that Bill Clinton was the first African president of the United States. Those people clearly do not know that Bill Clinton is the one who established the stranglehold that the murderous gang of General Kagame of Rwanda and Yoweri Museveni of Uganda have on the people of central Africa. Those people clearly do not know that as American military satellites showed evidence of the millions of civilians being butchered by General Kagame's and Museveni's forces, Bill Clinton doubled down on his financial, political and military investment in this gang of murderers. Unless of course these people mean that Bill Clinton has the same cold-heartedness that many African presidents have when they order their troops to kill innocent African civilians. The kind of cold-heartedness where your troops come to report that today they butchered an entire village of unarmed civilians because they do not support your dictatorship and you respond "Great job! Other villages now got a good lesson that you're either behind me or you're dead."

      In 1990, General Kagame who was the Chief of Military Intelligence of Uganda led a violent invasion of Rwanda from Uganda, with the approval and support (financial, military and political) of the United States government. This violent war changed the landscape of that region forever. By landscape, I also mean the number of mass graves that dot every of inch of that region now. The two final years of President Bush the father, during which his American government supported the murderous gang of General Kagame and Yoweri Museveni resulted in the deaths of many innocent Rwandan and Ugandan civilians. During those two years, there are thousands who lost their lives at the hands of General Kagame's soldiers and Yoweri Museveni's soldiers. But this was nothing compared to the more than 6 millions of civilians that would later die under Bill Clinton's 8 year reign, with American money, American weapons and American political support.

      In a September 30, 2010 New York Times article titled Dispute Over U.N. Report Evokes Rwandan Déjà Vu, it is mentioned how in the fall of 1994, a United Nations investigation discovered that General Kagame's forces had killed tens of thousand of innocent civilians that year. That under pressure from Bill Clinton's government, the United Nations was forced not to publish that report. In that New York Times article, they talk about how the 1994 UN report describes General Kagame's soldiers "rounding up civilians and methodically killing unarmed men, women and children."

      But that was 1994, a year that is famous for extremist Hutus who went on a rampage and butchered hundreds of thousands of innocent Tutsi and Hutu civilians. The fact that extremist Tutsis under General Kagame went on a rampage in 1994 killing innocent Hutu and Tutsi civilians was totally blacked out due to pressure from Bill Clinton's government. The existence of that 1994 UN report was denied by some American officials and was only revealed recently.

      One would think that after that, Bill Clinton's government would have kept a tighter leash on its African stooges General Kagame of Rwanda and Yoweri Museveni of Uganda. Far from that, the two stooges used American money, American weapons and with American political support attacked neighboring Democratic Republic of Congo, where their forces butchered so many millions of civilians that it is in fact surprising that there is anybody alive left in that country today. As American military satellites recorded evidence of millions of civilians being butchered by this gang of murderers, Bill Clinton smiled away as his government gave more money and more weapons and more political support to these two stooges so they can use this support to keep doing what they do best: kill a multitude of unarmed civilians. They just kept killing and killing and Bubba kept making sure they had the money and weapons necessary to continue the killings and provided political cover whenever anyone asked questions.

      Fast-forward to 2010. On October 1st, 2010 the United Nations released a report on the Mapping Exercise documenting the most serious violations of human rights and international humanitarian law committed within the territory of the Democratic Republic of the Congo between March 1993 and June 2003. Regarding General Kagame's extremist Tutsi forces behavior during the 10 year period, especially 1996 to 1998, the report says that "The extensive use of edged weapons (primarily hammers) and the apparently systematic nature of the massacres of survivors after the camps had been taken suggests that the numerous deaths cannot be attributed to the hazards of war or seen as equating to collateral damage. The majority of the victims were children, women, elderly people and the sick, who were often undernourished and posed no threat to the attacking forces. Numerous serious attacks on the physical or mental integrity of members of the group were also committed, with a very high number of Hutus shot, raped, burnt or beaten. If proven, the incidents' revelation of what appears to be the systematic, methodological and premeditated nature of the attacks listed against the Hutus is also marked: these attacks took place in each location where refugees had allegedly been screened by the AFDL/APR over a vast area of the country. The pursuit lasted for months, and on occasion, the humanitarian assistance intended for them was allegedly deliberately blocked, particularly in the Orientale province, thus depriving them of resources essential to their survival. Thus the apparent systematic and widespread attacks described in this report reveal a number of inculpatory elements that, if proven before a competent court, could be characterized as crimes of genocide."

      How did Bubba react to this latest report? The report was published on October 1st, 2010 however its contents had been leaked earlier and published in the media a month before. So, on September 23, 2010 the Daily Beast site asked Bill Clinton about this report. Bill Clinton said this about his buddy General Kagame "Right now I'm not going to pre-judge him because there's this huge debate about what happened in the Congo and why, and I don't know." To which human rights researcher Carina Tertsakian responded to the Daily Beast that "It is not a matter of pre-judging. ... The facts are well-established. ... There is no doubt that Rwandan troops, together with their Congolese allies, committed large-scale massacres and other grave human-rights violations against Rwandan and Congolese civilians. The evidence is there for all to see. What more does Clinton need?"

      But then again, when you are Bill Clinton whose government provided the money, the weapons and the political cover for General Kagame's forces to commit that genocide, I don't know what else you can say. There is a high chance that the long arm of justice will catch up with General Kagame and his commanders in our lifetime. As for Bill Clinton, the enabler, whose government's financial support, military support and political support were crucial in perpetrating this genocide against Africans and covering it up afterwards; I am afraid he will retire peacefully at some mansion. But for those of us Africans who lost many of our loved ones to Bill Clinton's African gang of murderers General Kagame and Yoweri Museveni, we will always remember. We will always remember that Bill Clinton smiled away and gave more support to those butchers as they murdered more and more of us.

      Take action -- click here to contact your local newspaper or congress people:
      Investigate American government role in the genocide committed in the Democratic Republic of Congo

      Click here to see the most recent messages sent to congressional reps and local newspapers

      I grew up in Rwanda in the 80's and early 90's. In my short lifetime, I have seen that country go more and more backwards with time. As other nations around the world progress, Rwanda remains mired in ethnic hatred that has been exacerbated by the (more...)

      The views expressed in this article are the sole responsibility of the author
      and do not necessarily reflect those of this website or its editors.



      • watch?v=hYnJnSmeRSshttp:

        Sarah Palin...........check out the background..........killing turkeys......yet she's smiling away..........
        desensitized..............future genocide activist.............


        Gerald Ford ..........Richard Nixon.........genocide activists...........


        GW Bush...................wicked, genocide activist..........


        William Clinton................genocide activist..................


        Barack Obama..........................his birthplace?..........................genocide activist too...........
        • I am so sorry that one had to do this type of research, I know it is horrid! But, necessary to understand the magnitude of 'genocide' in the world.

          Not at all surprise to read about what the Clinton administration did and are continued as we sit and ponder on the past, the presence and the future about the issue of collateral damage. I for one am concern to the mapping out of 100,000 Pacific Islanders as collateral damage. Where are these numbers going to come from in this Presidents time frame?

          "Paul Adolph Volcker (born September 5, 1927) is an American economist. He was the Chairman of the Federal Reserve under United States Presidents Jimmy Carter and Ronald Reagan (from August 1979 to August 1987). Since February 2009, he has been Chairman of the Economic Recovery Advisory Board under President Barack Obama."

          Volcker's matches the nuclear bombs that is threatening to the world.

          This is the problem and I see no remedy in sight for this mans need to destroy the world with out any conciousness as to the millions of people that he will destroy.
  • Mahalo for the reposting on Kaminski, John's letter that was written in 2007 such an encouragment. I know I wrote similarities too but at a different time from John. Three yeas later and we are facing what John wrote back three years again.

    I also brought up Mayor Kim at our one of the first meetings with the military here in Waianae because of the fact is he did not believe in sovereignty and was initially a republican for governor candidate. He is an okay person when it comes to safety and the people. He understands environment and it's poisons and danger to people. When I first met him it was at a conference where the wives were suppose to be quite, your right, he was a gentleman and openly answered my questions.

    I can wake up everymorning to "What's going on?" This was staple during the Vietnam War for all of us, it didn't matter what cultural one was from--it touched everyone and especially soilders!!!!!
  • However, what has been a rude shock for many has been the growing duplicity of Japan on nuclear-related issues. Post-1945 Japan has ostensibly maintained a strong anti-nuclear posture given how it is the only country to have actually suffered nuclear attacks - courtesy the United States. Yet, over a period of time Japan is moving out of the shadows of its professed anti-militarist position as it develops a vibrant arms industry, partners the US in Missile Defense and maintains one of the largest peaceful nuclear programs in the world. As if that was not enough to worry neighbors like China and the Koreas, who still recall the bitter legacy of Japanese militarism, Japan has also begun adopting a dual approach on the nuclear issue with an unstinting opposition to Pakistan’s nuclear program, but the beginnings of an accommodation to the far more extensive Indian nuclear program. Most recently, this has been reflected in the outcome of the meeting between the Japanese and Indian premiers in Tokyo which not only resulted in a trade pact, but also the promise of Japanese export to India of its state-of-the-art nuclear technology.

    India, as a result of its nuclear deal with the US, has become a vast market for nuclear exports and countries like France and the UK are casting aside their superfluous non-proliferation concerns in order to gain access to this market - with the US clearing the NSG and IAEA hurdles. For the Japanese, the road is less smooth because there is still a strong anti-nuclear weapons lobby within Japan. Yet the Japanese Premier, Naoto Kan, is undeterred and stated that India and Japan had “agreed to speed up negotiations for civil nuclear energy cooperation while seeking India’s understanding of our country’s sentiment as a nuclear-bombed nation.” So, unlike the demands on Pakistan by the Japanese to sign the NPT and CTBT, no such demand is being made on India - only an apologetic appeal for Indian understanding as to why the Japanese will take a little more time to give India sensitive nuclear technology.

    On further scrutiny, it is easy to find that Japan has long harbored nuclear ambitions and its nuclear program has been developed in such a way that it is barely a “screwdriver’s turn” away from possessing nuclear weapons. So far, it has suited Japan to have a “nuclear ready” status without actually taking the last and final step in that direction. That is why, at a Pugwash Conference in Beijing a few years earlier, one heard the North and South Korean participants decry Japanese plans to build the controversial Rokkasho reprocessing plant, which has now become operational and is the first industrial-scale reprocessing plant in a non-nuclear weapon state (NNWS). As a matter of fact, Japan possesses massive amounts of excess plutonium because it also has a large fast-breeder program, which allows stockpiles of fissile material to be built up. In December 1995, Japan was reported to have 4.7 tons of plutonium - enough for 700 nuclear warheads. Japan also has an indigenous nuclear enrichment plant - something the Indians are still seeking to perfect - which can also provide enriched uranium for nuclear weapons production. Japan has also developed the M-V three-stage solid fuel rocket, similar in design to the US LGM-118A Peacekeeper ICBM, which could serve as a ready delivery vehicle. In addition, Japan has been involved in developing the latest fighter aircraft with the US also. So, it has all the nuts and bolts in place if it chooses to go nuclear. Already, there is a growing move to do away totally with the constitutional restrictions on Japan developing a full-scale military.

    Unfortunately, like the US, Japan’s record on nuclear safety is not too good. Nuclear safety issues have been more acute in Japan which has had a series of nuclear accidents. The following incidents relating to nuclear safety issues in Japan once again highlights the fact that so far globally it is the more developed industrial states that seem to have had more extensive safety problems in terms of their nuclear installations.

    According to the record on the Greenpeace website, between 1975-1995, the following nuclear accidents took place in Japan:

    · 1975: Release of radioactivity from Japan’s Mihama nuclear power plant.

    · 1979: Two workers suffer radioactive contamination at Japan’s Tokaimura nuclear complex.

    · 1986: 12 people receive “slight” plutonium contamination, while inspecting a store room at the Tokaimura nuclear complex.

    · 1991: Rupture of steam generator pipe causes release of radioactivity at Mihama nuclear power plant.

    · 1991: Reactor shut-down due to break of control system at Japan’s Sendai nuclear power plant.

    · 1991: Release of radioactivity from Japan’s Fukui nuclear power plant.

    · 1993: High pressure steam accident kills one worker and injures two others at Japan’s Fukushima nuclear power plant.

    · 1995: Fire due to leakage of sodium coolant from the Monju fast breeder reactor. The Japanese nuclear industry attempted to cover up the full extent of the accident and the reactor was shut-down.

    Moreover, on September 30, 1999, an accident at a uranium-processing facility in Tokaimura, 70 miles northeast of Tokyo, occurred. The accident was triggered when three workers used too much uranium to make fuel and set off an uncontrolled atomic reaction. A total of 439 people, including nearby residents, were believed to have been exposed to radiation. ( Again, days after an earthquake, on July 24, 2000, the Tokyo Electric Power Company found 29 gallons of radioactive water leaking from a nuclear reactor at the Fukushima No 1 plant in northern Japan (USA Today, July 17, 2007). The story repeated itself on September 17, 2003, when officials at the Chuba Electric Power’s Hamaoka plant in central Japan discovered that about 1.6 gallons of radioactive water had leaked from one of the reactors. In November 2001, the same reactor was shut down after two radioactive leaks occurred within three days. Even more disturbing was the fatal accident that took place at the Mihama plant on August 29, 2004, killing at least four people. There was no leak of radioactivity, but as the Greenpeace website pointed out, it was the deadliest accident in a catalogue of nuclear scandals in Japan. Seven workers were also injured due to the steam leak, possibly caused by a lack of cooling water in the reactor. These safety problems have continued to haunt Japan’s nuclear facilities and in July 2007, Japan had to suspend operations at the nuclear plant near Kashiwazaki, after a radiation leak and other damage from a deadly earthquake raised new concerns about the safety of the nation’s accident-plagued nuclear industry (The New York Times, July 18, 2007).

    Despite being a signatory to the NPT, because Japan continues to expand its civil nuclear base, issues of safety will be a source of concern within its immediate Asian neighborhood. Moreover, in the context of the threat of nuclear terror from non-state actors, Japan can be extremely vulnerable because it was in Japan that chemical weapons terrorist attacks took place in 1994 and 1995 by a group calling itself Aum Shinrikyo, presently on the US terrorist groups’ list.

    With such a record, is it not time for Japan to stop its hypocrisy on the nuclear issue and treat Pakistan and India on an equal footing in terms of nuclear assistance? There is no credibility either in Japan’s non-proliferation posturing or its concerns over nuclear safety vis-à-vis Pakistan - especially with its nuclear cooperation talks with India.

    This paper is based on an op-ed by the author in The Nation. Reach Dr. Mazari at callstr[at]

    © 2010. Project For Pakistan In 21st Century. All rights reserved.

    Circulation and distribution of this document is allowed for noncommercial use

    in any medium, including quotes and references, without prior permission or royalty

    provided this notice is preserved.


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    • Amelia,

      On a local level-Hillary is no fool and neither are we who are Na Kanaka women as well as Pacific Islanders. The problem is to understand Robotizes both human and non human. The second, once this notion of mechanical revolution is ingrained into women suffrage--we are to bridge ourselves to via the stimulus package road to hell. What I don't get is the 'what' to expect and the lack of understanding to her intent by the so-called weaknesses of men. With both Hillary and Lingle in power, my question is why do we need men? We have enough frozen embryo's don't need 'em anymore. But getting to my point about Japan and their reasoning for existence into the sustainable Marine Spatial Planning, in my opinion, it’s a corporate deal on Wall Street, just as her husband did in Florida at the Vizcaya and to go on to win the Presidency. Robotizes, Ocean technology, and enforcement of policy's are the what's wind sweeping across the Pacific. The question should be asked are we intelligent enough to note that men are being carved out and treated as if they are 'Pumpkin Heads' of the universe.

      The 'Joint Resolution' that Eric talks about was debated in congress by my grandfather’s side of the family, Alexander Auld. Eric is right to debunk native Hawaiian women that are 50% Hawaiian bloodquantum. But, CNHA also works well in the White House with their recent conference.

      Why does US Americans want a buy-in-relationship with Japan should be on ever ones frontal lobe? Japan has the intelligence for Robots. They also have the deepest ocean rift a needed temporary place to build an underwater storage for nuclear containers. A an exchange of commercial agreements needs to happen before any nuclear proliferation treaty can be sought by United States of America. The Marine Spatial Planning goes beyond fish farming (bogus) entities and is a smoke screen. Just as the missionaries came to play with wild cows and cowboys by Parker herself and her sisterhoods (Cooks, Castles, Judds, Rice, Mc Candles etc.), we are messing with screwing up the ocean habitat--like the cow pooping into Lo'i systems up Mauka.

      Note how or why Eric has a dislike for native Hawaiian women and their horse breeding like bloodquantum life style. Paying attention to the Marine trade agreements and their offshore commercial exchanges for R & D should lend Japan a hefty like corporate trade agreement. The money is in the bank as pigs are flying over the rainbow.

      On the local level one could hardly believe that the notion of 'comprehensive' can get passed the frontal lobe of governing policies for those that are in power at the 'local' level. Having attended Marine Spatial Planning with Pono the trans-ocean Matson oceanic commercial trade agreements were in high gear that night. But was unnoticeable--one would ask why? Lack of maturity, knowledge, or 2,000 year continuity can we say the super-ego notion played higher than the real kuleana as in Konohiki? Probably true, but I haven't the foggiest creepy notion as to how to generate 'the thinking process' after all we did stop speaking our mother tongue around WWII.

      Speechless creatures that sat and listened to Hillary (like obedient choir boys) at the East West Center lacked the understanding as to who John Burns Jr. is and what power he wields across the Pacific. John Burns East West Center is the seat of power and Hillary like her counter-part Lingle knows how to sit on the lap of Jr. Boy when wielding the witches scepter in one hand and the offering of gold in the other.

      At the Kanaloa Kahoolawe film début at UH Manoa Hawaiian Studies the so called piko place. Although short sighted for most, I spoke to Peter Apo and as he was being whisked away, I had a few words with him just as Dr. Emmet Aluli cranked out the 'how to behave' before the feet of the military as in 'hooponopono'. When pigs fly it pours swill all over the aina, huh? We are back to square one just as it was back in 1972 when native Hawaiian men were in reign at the state legislature. Back then I was just an obedient daughter, moopuna, nice waiting to go home to take care of my children. But, paying attention to all the gambling-away-of- our- future board back room deals one can understand Hillary's visit.

      This is no different, it's still the same and things haven't changed Dr. Emmet Aluli and Davianna Mc Gregor carved out 'Kohe' and 'Malama' from the understanding and meaning of 'Stop the Bombing' therefore we have no standing or contentions as to what 'isotopes' can do to a fetus in a mother's womb.

      We simply lost the notion of Nuclear Free Pacific, in the Hollywood industry again! One hasn't the misty cloud as to the ghostly reasoning or rational as to why we should divorce the Salem Witches and their axis of evil. When Mau Piailug and Eddie Kaanana speaks nobody listens. Haloa and a sense of waves gives us more than its weight in gold, but does anybody listen? Student Scholarships and career path are the only two things that was flying high over the aina. The usual small stuff! Multi-culture ethnic values superseded Hawaiian Studies because of its ethno connotations. In hindsight 'more' is better from any corporate corner stone in the 21st century and Hillary is tapping into that entity with grave malice!
      • Amelia,

        Pono Posted on his blog:

        DU Kim Chee

        Instead of starting next week, the Army may have to wait a year or more to start work on a new Stryker Battle Area Complex (BAX) at Schofield Barracks in Hawai’i, while the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) reviews a 12-inch stack of Army plans for cleaning up depleted uranium (DU) contamination in the area.

        NRC is also reviewing whether the Army had NRC approval for several actions: possessing DU spotting rounds for a few years in Hawai’i in the 1960s, doing a 2008 controlled burn in DU areas at Schofield, and removing DU from Hawai’i ranges recently and transporting it elsewhere.

        This came to light in an NRC conference call today with the Army, the Army Corps of Engineers, DU and contractor Cabrera Services. Listening in were Joan Conrow of Honolulu Civil Beat e-news, plus geologist Mike Reimer and resident Cory Harden of Hawai’i Island.

        The Army says a year of NRC review might be “overkill for doses of this magnitude”.

        NRC lawyer Brett Klukan asked why the Army said earlier that a “100%” survey of Hawai’i DU ranges was not possible, but now plan to do such a survey for the BAX area. The Army said the cost would be high and some gullies were not safe to enter.

        Klukan said if the Army begins BAX work as planned on November 6, with a controlled burn on DU areas at Schofield, that may be considered a willful legal violation.

        Cory Harden
        PO Box 10265
        Hilo, Hawai'i 96721

        and my response:

        Well b..., according to Cory Hayden I should not have been there to represent Oahu, and according to Isaac, I was a total embarrassment to the Hawaiian culture. Cory used 504 Disability Act to undermine the hearing and in my mind was successful in creating an impossible environment to support the arguments.

        Keep in mind Mike Reimer is a geologist and the DU contaminates were transfered to Makua to create a bogus fire lane that can be seen from an aerial photo that depicted black top. But in actuality it was just sprayed black. It's all legal according to there rules that so long as the contaminats are on the surface. Do you remember the military person representing the Pentagon--He said, "the contaminants were construction debrie material? He could barely lie for the Pentagon with a straight face. It's all according to NRC's rules. NRC came to Hawaii had a public community meeting in Wahiawa and negotiated to have the DU contaminat soil removed from Schofield. With grave detriment to children in Waianae that are at the affect of poison dust.

        This transfer was due to Tad Davis from the Pentagon, and approved by the NRC which is how I got on board. It was CYA for them to bring me on board. While sitting in the room on Jan 13, 2010 at Hilo University, the NRC person told me not to mention the procurement general contractor's name. At that moment I walked out to you to share what had just gone down. He did not want me to complain about the dump site behind my house.

        Regardless, I knew before it was over, my case was weak because the people of Wahiawa cracked a political deal to remove the contaminats so that the military families would be safe from it's own contaminats of DU. It was Tad Davis that created that notion in his 2050 Sustainable Plus Plans to go green. It's called bunkering. Eventhough, the DU was transfered to a civilian community, however, if suddenly the military owns all of Waianae then it's legal, and we the people or specifically our children are just military (Former President Clinton's) collateral damage statistics. Remember, I flunked stat's twice.

        Recently, at UH Manoa, I tried to convince Dr. Emmett Aluli that the AEC determined by a judge's gravel that DU in Hawaii is low, safe and weak. And that we both knew, it will/have cause(d) a high rate of birth defects, but what the hell who cares!

        The AEC during a Rim Pack in 1965 exercise on "O Kanaloa Kohe Malamalma Kahoolawe' used the following contaminats: Amatex, Amatol, Ammonal, Baratol, Composition B, Composition H6, Cyclotol, Ednatol, Hexanite, Minol, Octol, Pentolite, Picratol, Tetrytol, Torpex, and Tritonal

        To blast a giant hole on Kahoolawe--500 tons of TNT (20 x 40 feet) awaiting detonation at Operation Sailor Hat. The blast; the shockwave is visible on the water and a condensation cloud is visible above the fireball.Operation Sailor Hat was an explosives effects test conducted by the US Navy at Kaho'olawe that cracked the cap rock and leaked into the ground and near shore.

        About Civil Beat, the owner of such a web site (I thought it was Street Beat for houseless newspaper) had Ikaika remove Jon Osario's article from Maoliworld Forum.

        "...with a controlled burn on DU areas at Schofield, that may be considered a willful legal violation."

        Too bad, this must have pissed off the Big Island complainers. But, I'm being creepy given the times. I trust Jim Albertini to do right by all people in Hawaii. He is a good person!!!! I trust him!!!!
        • hi Kaohi,

          have to repost this article which John Kaminski, a controversial writer, had sent in 2007:


          from John Kaminski:

          > Merry Christmas, Hawaii – and Bombs Away!
          > By Cathy Garger
          > Nov 27, 2007, 17:47
          > It’s the end of the world as we know it. The US Military has
          > officially run out of foreign lands to bomb. Apparently out of
          > desperation to find a place to publicly ejaculate their huge, heavy
          > loads, the US Air Force has chosen the Big Island of Hawaii as its
          > bulls-eye target.
          > Unfortunately for Hawaiian paradise, however, this time it’s going to

          > take far more than a super size box of Kleenex to tidy up this
          > particular wad containing Uncle Sam’s latest hot, dirty, and
          > unquestionably most slimy mess.
          > According to a recent Associated Press article, “B-2 Stealth Bombers
          > Hit US Targets”, the United States government is using both Hawaii
          > Alaska to expand its war games and better train pilots to unload
          > mega-size Uranium bombs on – shhhh – unsuspecting North Koreans.

          > Meanwhile, Uncle Sam, convincingly playing the part of one mighty
          > sick, twisted Santa, is apparently reneging on his promise to make
          > nice and remove North Korea from his Naughty [State Sponsors of
          > Terrorism] List.

          > How considerate of Uncle Sam to give such a generous warning, months
          > in advance, of his impending blitzkrieg on one more unsuspecting
          > nation! But, for some strange reason, the citizens of Hawaii received

          > no such courtesy prior to being “cursed” with monthly bloody
          > not even the benefit of predictability enjoyed by women visited every

          > month by their “Auntie Flo.”

          > What harm would it do, if you really think about it, for the US
          > government to run a small ad in Hawaii’s federal mouthpiece, The
          > Honolulu Advertiser,
          in which they could announce for Hawaiians the
          > dates during which they should attempt to locate suitable bomb
          > shelters on “that” day of the month? Well, at least it would be a
          > mighty thoughtful touch!
          > One seriously wonders what horrible things Hawaiians have done to
          > become such bad little boys and girls that their very own
          > authoritarian Uncle Sammy – who they have, after all, permitted for
          > over one hundred years to play soldier upon their land and in their
          > sea - would sadistically “repay” them for their warm Aloha-spirit
          > hospitality by dropping bombs from stealth Air Force B-2 bombers on
          > them… ‘round Christmastime, no less!
          > No matter what the offense, no matter how bad Hawaiians have been to
          > merit domestic air raids by their own, one certainly suspects that
          > dumping many thousands of pounds of coal atop the Hawaiian Isle would

          > be a far more suitable punishment (not to mention an infinitely
          > eco-friendly gesture) than being forced into being sitting ducks for
          > bombing practice from the heavens above!

          > But times they certainly are a ‘changing! Why, once upon a time in an

          > era many US War Presidents ago, it used to be that attacks on Hawaii
          > were staged by other nations – Japan, for example. Now, in this
          > modern post-9/11 age, any nation is fair game for attack … even when
          > the people on the island you’re bombing happen to wave the very same
          > red, white, and blue flag as the other forty nine states!

          > No, this is no parody you’re reading. This news is so priceless I
          > could not make this stuff up! The United States Air Force has
          > started bombing its own country, in order to conduct what they claim
          > is necessary bombing practice for North Korea – or whoever’s up for
          > the next US “hit!”
          > Courtesy of the AP article, released as a gift to America on
          > Thanksgiving Day (when we were too busy wolfing down turkey and
          > stuffing to notice or even care), we now learn, quite after the fact,

          > that US B-2 “Spirit” Stealth Bombers have started routinely bombing
          > the US state of Hawaii.
          > According to the US Air Force website, the domestic bombing began
          > year on October 23. Reportedly, the first Bombs Away event, being
          > called Hawaii’s “October Surprise,” was part of an exercise called
          > “Koa Lightning,” in which B-2s flew from Guam to Hawaii, dropping
          > bombs on the Big Island’s Pohakuloa Training Area.
          > At least one dozen of these mega-bombs were dropped the first month,
          > at $1.2 million US Dollars a pop. Called “inert” and “dummy” because
          > they reportedly do not explode, the Air Force tells us, as if from an

          > ad for homemade jam, bombings are conducted, “the old fashioned way
          > too. No laser designating the target and no joint direct attack
          > munitions with global positioning system guidance. It was just the
          > aviators, their instruments, a deadly airframe and some Airmen on the

          > mock battlefield calling in the coordinates.”
          > As these are not your Air Force standard, computer-guided, “built in,

          > state of the art targeting system” drops, the aviators and their uh,
          > instruments, work on a “deadly timeframe,” relying on nothing but
          > gravity … and the capricious whim of Mother Nature’s tropical winds.

          > So don those hard hats and heads up, Hawaii, ‘cause where those
          > “old-fashioned ‘dumb bombs’ without precision guidance” land next is
          > anybody’s guess! And a 2,000 lb. bomb – make that a 2,000 lb.
          > anything… released from a point higher than the mountaintops that
          > even a wee bit off course is definitely going to cause some poor
          > Hawaiian one mighty colossal headache!

          > According to the AP article, the Air Force has “only started dropping

          > inert bombs on the Big Island's Pohakuloa Training Area [PTA] last
          > month.” One can not help wondering if this bombing that “only”
          > last month is not possibly payback for the work of outspoken
          > who recently opposed the permanent stationing of the 2/25th Stryker
          > Brigade Combat Team at PTA? Coincidentally [or maybe not?] Pohakuloa
          > is the same live-fire test training area where mega-bombs are now
          > getting dropped out of B-2 jets onto grounds where Depleted Uranium
          > was discovered in August.
          > With regard to the “Koa Lightning” bombing of Hawaii exercises, one
          > the B-2 pilots, Major Tim Hale, stated, “This particular mission
          > covers the full spectrum of what we can do.” With a nation so
          > desperate to practice dropping bombs that it chooses as its Ground
          > Zero the sacred, culturally rich, pristine paradise of Hawaii, there
          > is no question that the full spectrum of what we can do has indeed
          > been achieved … at the very lowest, bottom-of-the-barrel end of the
          > spectrum, that is.

          > With the bombing of Hawaii a jolly old ho (ho, ho) hum affair, not
          > just the United States but the international community, too, now gets

          > to witness the utter depths of just how low the United States will go

          > in order to wage its aggressive wars. For to depraved Uncle Sam in
          > role of Santa-Gone-Bad this holiday season, not even Hawaii –
          > considered by many to be the world’s favorite tropical vacation spot

          > is sacred.

          > On its own website, the US Air Force reminds us that the capability
          > the B-2 bombers (apparently considered the pinnacle of Air Force
          > prowess) must not be underestimated. "Strategic bombers in and of
          > themselves are huge force multipliers," according to Tech. Sgt.
          > Richard Setlock, a JTAC from the 25th Air Support Operations
          > Furthermore, according to Sgt. Setlock, "Fighter attack aircraft can
          > stay on station for 45-minutes and provide six to eight bombs. We can

          > have a bomber overhead for two to four hours and provide four times
          > the firepower that a fighter attack aircraft could."
          > The military’s orgiastic thrills and chills of “force multiplier”
          > capabilities aside, one wonders how the local Hawaiian school
          > are coping? What must it be like for these precious young ones,
          > learning their A, B, C’s, numbers, and colors, too, with not merely
          > jets overhead, but stealth bombers that provide four times the
          > firepower of fighter attack aircraft?
          > Distant memories of 1960s bomb drills hiding underneath kindergarten
          > desks suddenly come to mind. One wonders how Hawaiian teachers go
          > about explaining to tiny tots that the bombs, each weighing about as
          > much as four classroom pianos... are being dropped by their own
          > country, that is [gulp] by the “good guys”.
          > In correspondence with Bob Nichols, Project Censored Award winner and

          > weapons expert of The San Francisco Bay View, Nichols wrote of the
          > bombs,, "It is just a matter of time till the 376,000 lb heavy
          > hit a school playground or someone's house with the equivalent of a
          > small car at 160 mph and kill no telling how many people. Just chalk
          > it up to the annual required human sacrifice to keep the big Military

          > payroll in Hawaii. The city fathers made a bad deal with the devil
          > for a few dollars more."
          > The devil may have made them do it, but do the local officials even
          > know? According to Mayor of the County of Hawaii, Harry Kim, this is
          > apparently not the case. "I was not aware that they were dropping
          > bombs up there."
          > Mayor Kim also added that the public has a right to know about what’s

          > going on – and when Hawaiians can expect the 2,000 pound drops
          > them from up above. "They really need to be proactive about informing

          > us so we can inform the public," he said. "The public needs to know
          > when these types of exercises are going on, especially those who
          > Saddle Road."
          > Yes, there’s no doubt about it. These bombs are a threat to Hawaii,
          > and when even the local government’s top official is not made aware
          > the mortal danger his citizens face on a regular basis, one suspects
          > that Uncle Sam does a mighty lousy job as Federal Duck-and-Cover
          > Communicator for the oblivious residing in Pacific paradise.
          > As explained by the Air Force on its website, “The global reach and
          > long loiter time over a target is a unique capability of America's
          > bomber force. This makes the B-2 especially lethal to America's
          > enemies.”

          > Furthermore, as Col. Damian McCarthy, 36th Operations Group
          > elaborates, "Having the ability to stay over a target for extended
          > periods, especially in a stealth airframe, gives the combatant
          > commander the option to strike the bad guys at a time and place of
          > their choosing."
          > What none of these military load-dropping, macho-types explain,
          > however, is just whose bright idea it was to use the Big Island of
          > Hawaii for their bombing target practice fun. The island of Hawaii
          > after all, a place where 160,000 citizens live and work, and 1.5
          > million tourists from around the globe come each year to sun, fun,
          > play.
          > Can someone please tell me exactly when did the gentle, peace-loving
          > people from the Aloha state get placed on the list as America’s
          > declared “enemies” and “bad guys” in order to merit humongous, lethal

          > bomb drops by B2 stealth bombers?
          > One can understand why Hawaiians are a tad more than concerned about
          > the very real possibility of stray, off-course bombs being dropped on

          > their heads. What is even more disturbing, however, is the fact that
          > these bombs – weighing roughly the same as a Honda CRX model car -
          > being dropped from altitudes 18,000 feet above the mountains … onto
          > grounds contaminated with deadly toxic and radioactive Depleted
          > Uranium from years of live-fire training.
          > Can you just imagine how 2,000 pounds of concentrated dead weight,
          > dropped from the skies, will rustle up and render airborne the
          > Depleted Uranium in the soils on the Pohakuloa Training Area? And
          > how safe can this be, in terms of air quality, with lethal Depleted
          > Uranium being re-suspended in the air by these bomb drops …
          > particularly for those living in nearby towns?
          > According to the Army’s 2000 health fact sheet on Depleted Uranium,
          > “DU can also be inhaled when DU particles in the environment are
          > resuspended into the atmosphere by wind or other disturbances.” Is
          > there any question in anyone’s mind that such a heavy bomb, dropped
          > from the heavens and landing in radioactive soils, creates one hell
          > a “disturbance?”
          > Jim Albertini, of the Malu ‘Aina Center for Non-Violent Education &
          > Action says of the bombings, “This, along with other training at PTA,

          > is an outrage given the presence of Depleted Uranium (DU) confirmed
          > PTA. The full extent of the contamination is not yet known but the
          > military is taking action that risks spreading the stuff around. It
          > shows the complete disregard for the health and safety of Hawaii
          > residents and the military people who train on the ground there.”
          > Wouldn’t it make sense to remediate the contaminated soils at
          > Pohakuloa, as is required by Army Regulation 700-48 before even
          > thinking about dropping mega-bombs there? Is the Army in such a hurry

          > to “practice” bombing the hell out of North Korea that it simply
          > cannot wait another few months till it cleans up the mess it created
          > in Hawaii by playing around there with its nuke weapons (and
          > God-only-knows-what-other Uranium munitions)?
          > Has this grand US imperial Empire, in its zealous myopic dream of
          > waging wars at any cost, decided to totally waste the once pristine,
          > lush, exotic Hawaiian island - and its very own citizens to boot?
          > anyone know precisely when our nation made the decision to condemn
          > Hawaii for billions of years as a radioactive “national sacrifice
          > zone,” the “payoff” being the ability to wage continuous wars against

          > innocent civilians … in both Hawaii as well as in far-off lands?

          > Perhaps in lieu of being greeted in the future with flowered leis,
          > future visitors to Hawaii’s airport should, by all rights, be
          > appropriately welcomed with Army-issued gas masks and radioactive
          > gear suits instead. While the Hawaiian tourist industry admittedly
          > tank once photos get out depicting the rather, um, encumbered manner
          > in which Hawaiian tourists will now be outfitted, on the plus side,
          > troops would then be able to invade, occupy, and take as their own
          > private playground vacant Hawaiian hotels and resorts where tourists
          > and vacationers, fearing radioactive contamination, will no longer
          > venture.
          > So say goodbye, all ye citizens of the world, to the former tropical
          > paradise of the Aloha state! Please know you have been forewarned and

          > travel to Hawaii now at your own risk.

          > Vacation now on the Big Island and prepare to be greeted with the US
          > military’s own uniquely gracious brand of hospitality … the invisible

          > “gift” of inhaled Uranium aerosol blowing in the warm tropical winds,

          > bestowed upon unsuspecting residents and tourists alike, for all
          > eternity.

          > To learn more and find out what you can do to help keep Hawaii safe
          > from domestic bombing and further radioactive contamination, visit
          > folks at Protect Hawaii and say Aloha to them for me.
          > Cathy Garger is a freelance writer, public speaker, activist, and a
          > certified personal coach who specializes in Uranium weapons. Living
          > the shadow of the national District of Crime, Cathy is constantly
          > nauseated by the stench emanating from the nation's capital during
          > Washington, DC, federal work week. Cathy may be contacted at
          > .
          > © Copyright 2007 by
          > This material is available for republication as long as reprints
          > include verbatim copy of the article its entirety, respecting its
          > integrity. Reprints must cite the author and Axis of Logic as the
          > original source including a "live link" to the article. Thank you!
          Jim Albertini has been an activist for a long time, and held signs with his group years ago near the overpass going to Mililani................nuclear bunkers were below.............he maintained.....

          a Mililani kid (about high school age) was killed for venturing too far..........and his death reasons were hushed up/made insignficant years ago..............

          Jim Albertini claimed he was with the Catholic Church at the time................then Greenpeace activities included his getting imprisoned in the Federal prison for jumping in front of a nuclear missile, etc.........

          .......according to Leuren Moret...........Kahoolawe was blasted with more than 500 tons of was a NUCLEAR BOMB that was set off..............

          The controlled burn would be an ongoing willful and illegal move, disregarding everyone in the Hawaiian Islands............which is why all DU/depleted uranium, military weaponry, any bombs, missiles, etc. is simply not O.K. and must stop.............

          It is unacceptable that the U.S. use any kind of firearm, bombs, missiles, weaponry in our Hawaiian Islands...................they have to get the f*#k out of here and all the other nations as well............everyone around the world are slowly finding out about the truth of what happened to our little friendly, neutral, non-violent nation, and serve a notice to vacate as well.

          Lastly, may God Bless all of us especially Jim Albertini for his ongoing works in opposing nuclear use in the Hawaiian Islands......... we need more like him and you and Isaac and Pono and Tane and Leuren Moret and me around!



  • additional information:

    As to Clinton paying a visit..........this was posted in a recent e-mail to a few:

    another thing, Hillary Clinton is supposed to be in Honolulu to meet with the Japan's Consulate about the relationship of Japan and the U.S., etc.

    The Japan Consulate did tell me that they wouldn't help at the time but to keep them informed.......he also said that it was possible to have a dual citizenship..........but just off the top of my head, that is part of the conversation that I had with him which lasted for 30+minutes.....

    That was after the move to War by the U.S. and the sinking of the Ehime Maru, and my visiting the Japan Consulate with a letter of to the U.S. President Clinton ..............then, the U.S. followed up with a letter that was almost duplicate/exactly worded as mines.....

    .....when President Clinton nearly got impeached, I did send him a letter offering suggestions on how to save his marriage, and offering him a job to work with our Hawaiian Kingdom...........i believe that was sent Certified Mail Return Receipt Requested.......

    Wyn Miller, the attorney that uses Quantum Language, the same one who helps/helped Mahealani Ventura Oliver with land issues and dubbed himself King of Maui........did teach Clinton how to defend himself..........the outcome of the questions asked by the Justices and /Congress were answered with Wyn Miller's words and which became famous by Clinton "What Is Is"..........

    .........remember watching the news and all those who pushed to impeach were the first ones out of the chambers with long faces..............guess they didn't want the President to help the Hawaiian Kingdom...


    STILL IT WOULD BE O.K. TO HAVE FORMER PRESIDENT CLINTON WORK WITH OUR aboriginal Hawaiians/ kanaka maoli or maybe the two (Mr. and Mrs.) could work with us....


    and.............we could under the Hawaiian Kingdom work with Japan, Spain, Iraq, Germany, Kuala Lumpur, and other nations in the original Law of Nations organization moving towards World Peace, etc. aloha. p.s. intent is purposeful, thank you for your attention in these matters ....Hawaiian Kingdom Records No. 2010-01820........
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