ALOHA Kakou, e Hawaii,

       Recently Kaohi has given her support for native Hawaiians to get involved in ACT 195.

       Native Hawaiians to get involved in ACT 195 to perpetuate the Blood Quantum Mind Set of Kaohi.

       Since the Take Over of the lawful government of Queen Liliuokalani, Native Hawaiians have been involved with the American governmental programs for native Hawaiians.

       Beginning with the Hawaiian Homes Commission Act to the Creation of the Office of Hawaiian Affairs! 

       American governmental programs that has all failed the native Hawaiian people!  

       For native Hawaiians like Kaohi to get involved with her support of ACT 195 is a continue repeat of the past failers of the American governmental programs for native Hawaiians. 

      Native Hawaiians like Kaohi have and never will learn from the past mistakes of the American governmental programs like the Blood Quantum.

      Native Hawaiians like Kaohi will only perpetuate the wrongs of the past 118 years! 

      KUE NEIL, ACT 195 and his LuLu BELLS, o Pomai

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  • EXPOSE LuLu BELL KAOHI....................

  • Imua
    • hi Pomai,


      she certainly is diverting many from the REAL issues that Pilipo pointed out..........


      1.  Abercrombies moves to clear up the birth certificate of OBAMA.


      2.  The 195 moves to clear the Akaka Bill.


      The posts that I've been updating is opposing all of this..........and promotion of her friends - ABERCROMBIE, wife et. als. is certainly on her agenda.


      All kanaka maoli must be aware of these diversions.




      • e Amelia,  

                The Blood Quantum has Blinded Kaohi for so many years!  

                ACT 195 will lead to the Down Fall of native Hawaiians being Recognized by the Federal Government!

                Kaohi is going the same moves with ACT 195 as she did with the creation of OHA!  

                Kaohi's comments are built on HATE and Lies!  

                Playing on the minds of people who were not there in the past to know the Truth! 

        Long Live The Kingdom of Hawaii, o Pomai

        • e Ameilia,

          OHA was crated to be "A Separate Entity and Independent of the Excutive Branch of Government.  Is is native Hawaiians like KAOHI who wanted OHA to be under the State!  

          As a State Agency, OHA is in violations of the U.S. and State Constitutions!

          Kaohi had benefitted greatly as an American Citizen of the Blood Quantum! 

          Kaohi has learned well how to EAT the FAT off of the American Table! 

          Including the Military Table with the Father of her Children!   Who are native Haole in Blood Quantum!  

          KUE Abercrombie, ACT 195 and his LuLu BELLS..................




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