ALOHA Kakou, e Hawaii,

     The "HITLER MIND SET" talks a great game and lies with such conviction that only a polygraph could tell it was not the truth!

     Always protecting the Hawaiian Homes Program like the Concentration Camps of the "HITLET MIND SET" of WWII.  

     Talk about the Real Human Trafficking of the Indigenous native people of Hawaii! 

     To Perpetuate the "HITLER MIND SET" on the Indigenous native people of Hawaii is HEWA. 


      Long Live The Hawaiian Kingdom, o Pomaikaiokalani, Hawaiian National Royalist 1993


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  • Drunken with power smells like rotten eggs!  My preference is with the 40,000 families that are 50% plus bloodquantum.  At least it's a golden egg for the people of Hawaii that chose to be average minded with genuine talents.  Unlike those egotist that claim to be and be not!

    •  Everyone -

      Don't follow this poster who fails to recognize legalese, the truth,etc......believing all the wickedness introduced by the Missionaries/mercenaries, etc.......Indoctrination complete for this type of individual who is completely sold on lies, etc.  and doesn't recognize the HITLER tactics used over time......maybe too much pot use in the past? who knows...... ....likened to a LEMMING ..........sad..........




      everyone ---- am one of the descendants and heirs of Kamehameha, Kalaniopuu, Kahekili, Kaumualii, Princess Poomaikelani, daughter/hanai /adopted children of Queen Liliuokalani...whose ancestors have ruled the Hawaiian Islands since 500 A.D.......

      Lame arse spouting out untruths..........then again, missionary type, befriends Abercrombie, et. als......OHA supporting........jumping for scraps...........has signed off all her rights as Eric Poohina documented...........auwe!/alas!  you decide or do some deductive reasoning based on the following:

      The Stockholme Syndrome in Hawai'i

      The Association of Hawaiian Civic Clubs (AHCC) have been there for cultural preservation, scholarships for Hawaiian students, and preserving the legacies left to us by our ali'i nui. As far as politics, they had steered away from it and was known to be a social club and Holoku Balls. It wasn't until the Akaka Bill that they seriously got into that realm of being politically active.

      They generally see themselves as Americans and hang on to the belief that the U.S. has done good for us. No one wants to go back to the little grass shack and have a monarch. This had been drummed into their heads that they believe that is a major set-back for us and that is what it would be. This is fostered by hiding away the real status of the Hawaiians and buying into the manifest destiny doctrines enforced on our people to secure U.S. dominance over us.
      The confidence was stripped away from many Hawaiians, thinking that they couldn't exist or have the lifestyle they have today without the U.S.A. They felt they would be going backwards instead of forward without the U.S. They have been led to believe that belonging to the biggest, greatest, most powerful country in the world is better than falling prey to other countries and that the rest of the world is weak and backwards and would be swallowed up by the major countries.

      They call this the Stockholme Syndrome, "They let me eat, sleep,they did acts of kindness, they let me live; they are not bad guys. Wikipedia defines it: "Stockholm syndrome is a psychological response sometimes seen in abducted hostages, in which the hostage shows signs of loyalty to the hostage-taker, regardless of the danger or risk in which they have been placed".

      Many of the older Hawaiians tend to suffer from this. The younger generation was indoctrinated and conditioned to believe this is what their ancestors wanted and are satisfied with the way things are today despite the situation we live in; character-assassinations, and that our lot in the U.S. society is brought upon by ourselves; and that we are the undeserving victims; it's better than "nothing"; and the U.S. won't leave.

      Being invalidated leads many to doubt their worthiness and wary of the unknown as threatened by the U.S. should we strive for our independence. Many eyes are opening and realizing the many ways they subjugate people to comply with the U.S. control. This psychological assault continues through many are now seeing the truth by lifting the veil that has been thrown over them; but, once you have the vision to see, you can't be fooled anymore.

      Those who are still blind and stuck with being disillusioned are adverse to the growing numbers who has regained their sight. They are surprised there are many more than they have determined to exist. Will they be in denial or is living a lie too overwhelming as to invalidate them insteadthat make them resist in seeing? They realize there are more people who now can see the truth and it scares them that they have to change their way of thinking; defiantly searching for guarantees that they don't lose anything that has been ingraciously handed to them through compliance.

      Don't let undue fear control one's life; it retards one moving forward. Courage to face the unknown is a legacy our kupuna instilled in us; so let's hear their words and holomua.

      • and then this post says a lot about Hitler, etc.:


        topic by
        amelia gora
        (468 posts)
        Mililani, Hawaii,
        Kingdom of Hawaii
        10/12/2005 (21:25)
        I feel good remove topic edit reply top
        BACKGROUND of Americans through an article that was printed in THE READER'S DIGEST No. 65, September 1927 pages 309-310; and,


        Condensed from Harper's Magazine

        Harold Underwood Faulkner

        Probably no period in our history has received more exhaustive investigation by historians than that between the discovery of America and the War of the Revolution. Yet it is astonishing how large is the amount of almost unadulterated bunk which has been regularly disseminated in books and school rooms.

        Virginia presents one of the most persistent bits of fiction, --that a goodly proportion of its wealthy families emanated from the nobility of England and came to Virginia after the decapitation of Charles I. Actually, the Virginian aristocracy developed almost entirely within the colony, and the larger part of it was derived from the English merchant class. The leading families of Virginia had exactly the same origin as those of New England. The Virginia middle class sprang from the families of immigrants of humble means and origin.

        The colonial Virginian stock was, in fact, primarily recruited from the lower and poorer classes in England--those groups whose economic position at home was hopeless. A number of these were able to pay their own passage and to set up immediately as small proprietors. The great majority, however, of the immigrants to Virginia ccame as indentured servants. Between 1635 and 1680 there arrived in that colony annually from 1000 to 1600 servants, Governor Berkeley estimating the annual immigration at 1500. Wertenbaker believes that 80,000 would be a conservative estimate of the number of indentured servants who landed, asserting that they were the most important factor in the settlement of the colony. Becker describes these servants as an 'inferior and servile' class. In brief, then, the elite colonial population of Virginia, instead of being composed of the best elements of English society, was composed to a considerable extent of the worst.

        Most people have another misapprehension when they think of the colonial South as a community in which the social and economic unit was the large plantation worked by slaves and supervised by cultured gentlemen who lived a life of opulence and refinement. As a matter of fact, there were few slaves in Virginia until the 18th century. Again, although the tone of Virginian society was given by wealthy planters of the type of the Beverleys, Carters, and Byrds, most of the southern whites were small landholders, as Wertenbaker has conclusively proved. Prof. W. E. Dodd, a leading Southern historian, maintains taht 'nine-tenths of the South's landowners at any period were small proprietors.' Moreover, the Southern planter of large estate, where he existed, like his English prototype, was a hard-drinking, horse-racing farmer whose recreation was more often found following the hounds than in prerusing the classics, and whose sexual appetite was as likely to be appeased in the quar
        ters o
        his slaves as in the bonds of holy matrimony.

        From the pride with which the Colonial Dames point to their ancestors one would suppose that they were supermen, the ne plus extra of European society. On the contrary, a majority belonged to the class at home who were economically beaten or who were persecuted for religious or political beliefs. The latter element, of course, were likely to be above the average; the former group, however, driven out by economic pressure, left reluctantly and contributed a racial stock highly undesirable, except as providing a supply of cheap labor. Relatively few immigrants who were economically independent came to America of their own initiative during the colonial period.

        What has been said of the population of Virginia applied to most of the norther colonies, but to a lesser degree. In the North the self-sufficient farm obtained rather than the large plantation and, as a consequence, the pressure for cheap labor was not so great. Nevertheless, indentured servants of various types and the beaten and outcast of many nations formed a goodly proportion of the immigrants. We find Governor Bradford of Plymouth describing a most degrading sex crime and trying to explain 'how came it to pass that so many wicked persons and profane people should so quickly come over into this land.'
        His explanations have a modern ring to them. The chief reasons which he advanced wer (1) that the great need of servants in a new land forced those in need of help 'who could not have such as they would...to take such as they could'; (2) that ship owners 'to make up their freight and advanc4e their profits, cared little who the persons were, so they had money to pay them'; and (3) that many were sent of their friends that they might be eased of such burthens and they kept from shame at home that would necessarily follow their dissolute courses.' The colonial court records of a typical New England community, such as Plymouth, with its depressing series of indictments for sexual crimes, indicate clearly that there was a considerable sub-normal racial stock present. From whence, then, comes this exaggerated pride in colonial forbears and this idea that the colonist was a superman and the very flower of Nordic civilization?

        The popular conception of colonial New England is as erroneous as that of Virgina, only in this case the trouble arises from an excess of hostile criticism, due to the tendency to blame most of the unpopular features of our civilization upon New Englalnd Puritanism. The picture which the average individual has of early New England is that of a community where a lot of long-faced hypocrites divided their attention between sterile fields and a horrible theology, and dragged out a gloomy existence under the iron rule of ministerial oligarchy, the monotony varied only by the pleasure of occasionally hanging a Quaker or burning a witch. Because a lying person, one Sam Peters, invented a number of so-called 'Blue Laws,' many today still believe that to kiss one's child on the Sabbath, to make mince pies, and to play certain musical instruments were criminal offences under the laws of New Haven.

        The laws in New England were not only less cruel than in England but they were enforced with less severity. That there was considerable interference in the private life of the Colonial New Englander is not to be denied; but who are we who live in an age of innumerable violations of personal liberty, and who have barely raised a protest, to sneer at our forbears?

        True enough, New England for almost two centuries was virtually, though not technically, a theocracy; but it should be remembered that the clergy of colonial New England were the best educated, often the only educated, individuals in the community, and exercised power through the force of intellectual superiority as well as through the prestige which came from their position as head of the most important social institute in the community. The possibility of a society ruled by its most intelligent citizens is so far removed from the degenerate democracies of our own then that it is quite beyond our powers of comprehension. Hence, I suspect, the somewhat condescending attitude which we assume toward our ancestors. Those of us who have dallied in the tap rooms or before the fireplaces of the cozy colorful(?) taverns, or have stood in amazement at the sure and often rich art of New England as displayed in the Royal Mansion at Medford or the Lee Mansion at Marblehead, cannot he
        lp but
        feel that at least 18th-century New England could not have been such a hopeless place in which to abide. If some of the evils under which we suffer are, as is contended, the result of Puritanism, it was the Puritanism of those who moved out. Certainly New England has been as much as any part of our country a home of that religious, political, and personal liberty which is fast vanishing.

        Note and Comments:

        America was and is made up of CRIMINAL DEVIANTS, BELIALS, SCOUNDRELS, AND SCUM documented.

        Those who call themselves the better lot are the educated with a religious background. Also remember that the religious folk opposed England's rules and resorted to moving and assuming American Indian lands...

        Therefore, America has different levels of SCOUNDRELS.......and then they came as mercenaries/missionaries to Hawaii after Kamehameha had set up our government, income through shipping duties, etc.

        added note: There are good people too....a mixed bunch for sure....


        reply by
        leo braun
        (134 posts)
        Down Under,
        Ghetto Australis
        10/31/2005 (01:20)
        I feel shocked delete edit reply top


        Probably no period in the history has received more exhaustive spin of investigations (by the hand picked historians) than that between the ''discovery'' of am-Erica and the war of the revolution. Yet it is astonishing how large is the amount of almost unadulterated bulk of the colonial history, still longing to be debunked and disseminated on the MER arena.

        For instance Virginian tale presents one of the most persistent rendering in lieu of a goodly proportion wealthy Jew families emanated from the nobility of England ... to arrive to Virginia after decapitation of Judeo Charles I. When apparently a bulk of the Virginian Jew aristocracy developed almost entirely within the colony.

        As the larger part of the selected Jew stock derived from the English Jewry merchant class. Even leading Jew families of Virginia had exactly same origin as those of New England. As a colonial Virginian stock was primarily recruited from the lower and poorer classes of England Jewry. Encompassing groups whose economic position at home was hopeless.

        A number of these were able to pay their own passage and to set-up immediately as small Jew proprietors. The great majority, however, of the immigrants to Virginia came as indentured servants. Between 1635 and 1680 arrived in that colony annually (from 1000 to 1600 servants). Jew Governor Berkeley estimated an annual immigration of 1500. According to Jew Wertenbaker 80,000 would be a conservative estimate in number of indentured servants who landed.

        Asserting that they were the most important factor in the settlement of the colony, Becker describes these servants as an ''inferior and servile'' class. In brief, then the colonial Jew elite population of Virginia, instead of being composed of the ''best'' Jewry elements of the English society, was composed to a considerable extent of the ''worst''.

        Most people have another misapprehension when they think of the colonial South as a community in which the social and economic unit was the large plantation worked by slaves and supervised by cultured Jew gentlemen who lived a life of opulence and refinement. As a matter of fact, there were few slaves in Virginia until the 18th century.

        Again, although the tone of Virginian society was given by wealthy Jewry planters of the type of the Beverleys, Carters, and Byrds, most of the Southern Jew whites were small landholders, as Wertenbaker has conclusively proved. Jew Prof WE Dodd, a leading Southern historian, maintains that: ''nine-tenths of the South's landowners at any period were small Jew proprietors''.

        Moreover, the Southern Jew planter of large estate (where he existed), like his English prototype, was a hard-drinking, horse-racing farmer whose recreation was more often found following the hounds than in pursuing the classics, and whose sexual appetite was as likely to be appeased in the quarters of his slaves as in the bonds of holy matrimony.

        From the pride with which the Colonial Dames point to their ancestors one would suppose that they were Jew supermen, the one plus extra of European society. Though on the contrary, a majority belonged to the Jew class at home who were economically beaten or who were persecuted for religious or political beliefs.

        The latter Jew element of course, were likely to be above the average; the former group, however, driven out by economic pressure, left reluctantly and contributed a racial Jew stock highly undesirable, except as providing a supply of cheap labor.

        Relatively few Jew immigrants who were economically independent, came to am-Erica of their own initiative during the colonial period. What has been said of the population of Virginia applied to most of the northern colonies, but to a lesser degree. In the North the self-sufficient farm obtained rather a large plantation and as a consequence, the pressure for cheap labor was not so great.

        Nevertheless, indentured servants of various types, beaten plus the outcast of many nations formed a goodly proportion of the immigrants. We find Jew Governor Bradford of Plymouth describing a most degrading sex crime, while trying to explain ''how came it to pass that so many wicked persons and profane people should so quickly come over into this land'' (his explanations have a modern ring to them).

        The chief reasons which he advanced were (1) that the great need of servants in a new land forced those in need of help ''who could not have such as they would ... to take such as they could''; (2) that ship owners ''to make up their freight and advance their profits, cared little who the persons were, so they had money to pay them''; and (3) that many were ''sent of their friends that they might be eased of such burdens while keeping from shame at home that would necessarily follow their dissolute courses''.

        The colonial court records of a typical New England community, such as Plymouth, with its depressing series of indictments for sexual crimes, indicate clearly that there was a considerable subnormal Jew racial stock present. From whence, then comes this exaggerated pride in colonial Jewry forbears and this idea that the Jew colonist was a superman, the very flower of Nordic civilization?

        The popular conception of colonial New England is as erroneous as that of Virginia, only in this case the trouble arises from an excess of hostile criticism, due to the tendency to blame most of the unpopular features of the Jew infested civilization upon New England Puritanism.

        The picture which the average individual has of early New England is that of a community where a lot of long-faced Jew hypocrites divided their attention between sterile fields and a horrible theology. Dragged out a gloomy existence under the iron rule of ministerial Jew oligarchy. The monotony varied only by the pleasure of occasionally hanging a Jew Quaker or burning a Jew Witch.

        Because of a lying person, Jew Sam Peters invented a number of so-called ''Blue Laws'', many today still believe that to kiss one's child on the Sabbath, to make mince pies and to play certain musical instruments were criminal offences under the rabbinical Jew laws of New Haven. Though the laws in New England were not only less cruel than in England but they were enforced with a lesser severity.

        That there was considerable interference in the private life of the colonial New Englander is not to be denied; but who are we who live in an age of the universal deceit (by crook or by hook) within the innumerable violations of personal liberty ... and who have even barely raised any protest, to sneer at our Jew forbears?

        True enough, New England for almost two centuries was virtually (though not technically) a theocracy; but it should be remembered that the Jew clergy of colonial New England were the best educated, often the only educated, individuals in the community, and exercised power through the force of intellectual Jew superiority as well as through the prestige which came from their position as head of the most important social institute in the community.

        The possibility of a civil society ruled by its most intelligent and selfless citizens is so far removed from degenerate Jew pseudo-democracies run for ''our own good''! Quite beyond the capacity of the brainwashed plebs comprehension. Hence, one suspect, the somewhat condescending attitude which we assume toward our ancestors, has been hypocritical to say least.

        Those of us who have dallied in the tap-rooms or before the fireplaces in the cosy colorful taverns, or have stood in amazement at the sure and often rich art of New England as displayed in the Royal Mansion at Medford or the Lee Mansion at Marble-head, cannot help but feel that at least 18th-century New England could not have been such a hopeless place in which to abide. If some of the Jew evils under which we suffer are as is contended the result of Puritanism, it was the Puritanism of those who moved out.

        Certainly New England has been as much as any part of our country a home of that religious, political, and personal liberty which is fast vanishing due to the fact that am-Erica was made-up of the criminal Jew deviants, belles, scoundrels and documented Jew scum. Those to call themselves a better educated lot, were actually indoctrinated in the Judeo religious backdrop.

        Remember that the so called Jew religious folk who opposed England's rule over them, nonetheless themselves resorted to seize Americas Indian land, as indigenous people were obliterated. Likewise a various level Jew scoundrels tactics were utilised by missionaries and mercenaries alike while by hook and by crook was expropriated Hawaii.

        reply by
        leo braun
        (136 posts)
        Down Under,
        Ghetto Australis
        10/31/2005 (20:24)
        I feel shocked delete edit reply top


        According to the excerpts from Dr Raphael's book: ''Jews and Judaism in the United States a Documentary History''... colonialist Jews took an active part in the Dutch colonial slave trade; indeed as the bylaws of the Recife and Mauricia (1648) congregations included an imposta Jew tax of five soldos for each Negro slave, a Brazilian Jew entrepreneurs purchased from the Judeo West Indies Company. Actually these slave auctions used to be postponed if they fell on a Jew holiday.

        In Curacao in the 17th century as well as in the British colonies of Barbados and Jamaica in the 18th century, colonialist Jew merchants played a major role in the slave trade. In fact, in all the American colonies, whether French (Martinique), British, or Dutch, Jew merchants dominated.

        This was no less true on the North American mainland, where during the 18th century colonialist Jewry participated in the triangular trade that brought slaves from Africa to the West Indies, where slaves were exchanged for the molasses. Which in turn were taken to New England and converted into rum ... for sale in Africa.

        Isaac Da Costa of Charleston in the 1750's, David Franks of Philadelphia in the 1760's, and Aaron Lopez of Newport in the late 1760's and early 1770's dominated Jew slave trading on the American continent. Dr Raphael discusses the central role of the Jews in the New World commerce and the African (pp 23-25) slave trade in 17th and 18th centuries ... Jew inter-island trade: Curacao, 1656.

        reply by
        leo braun
        (137 posts)
        Down Under,
        Ghetto Australis
        10/31/2005 (20:40)
        I feel shocked delete edit reply top

        Earlier during the 16th century, exiled from the Spanish homeland and those hard-pressed to escape the clutches of the Inquisition ... Spanish and Portuguese Jews fled to the Netherlands where Dutch enthusiastically welcomed these talented, skilled businessmen.

        Thriving in Amsterdam, they became the hub of a unique urban Jew universe and attained the status that anticipated Jewish emancipation in the West by over a century ... as they began in the 1500's and 1600's to establish themselves in the Dutch and English colonies in the New World.

        These included Curacao, Surinam, Recife, and (Dutch) New Amsterdam as well as Barbados, Jamaica, Newport, and (English) Savannah. In these European outposts the Jews with the years of mercantile experience and networks of friends plus the family, provided market reports of great use, played a significant role in the merchant capitalism, commercial revolution, and territorial expansion that developed the New World and established the colonialist economies.

        Jewish-Caribbean nexus provided colonialist Jewry with an opportunity to claim a disproportionate influence in 17th and 18th century New World commerce. What enabled West Indian Jewry far outnumbering its core legionists further north ... to enjoy a centrality which North American Jewry would not achieve for a long time to come.

        reply by
        leo braun
        (138 posts)
        Down Under,
        Ghetto Australis
        10/31/2005 (20:51)
        I feel shocked delete edit reply top

        Groups of Jews began to arrive into Surinam in the middle of the 17th century ... after Portuguese regained control of northern Brazil. By 1694, twenty-seven years after the British had surrendered Surinam to the Dutch, there were about 100 Jewish families and fifty single Jews (about 570 persons).

        They possessed more than forty estates and 9,000 slaves ... contributed 25,905 pounds of sugar as a gift towards building a hospital, and carried on the active trade with Newport and other colonial ports. By 1730, Jews owned 115 plantations, representing a large part of the sugar business, exporting 21,680,000 pounds of sugar to European and New World markets ... in 1730 alone.

        Slave trading was a major feature of the Jewish economic life in Surinam, signifying a major stopover point in the triangular trade. As both North American and Caribbean Jewry played a key role in this commerce. Records of a slave sale in 1707 reveal that the ten largest Jewish purchasers at 10,400 guilders range, spent more than 25% of the total, exchanged (38,605 guilders) funds.

        Jewish economic life in the Dutch West Indies, as in the North American colonies, consisted primarily of mercantile business. Forming communities with large inequities in the distribution of wealth. Where local Jews were shopkeepers, middlemen or petty merchants who received encouragement and support from Dutch authorities.
        • reply by
          leo braun
          (139 posts)
          Down Under,
          Ghetto Australis
          10/31/2005 (21:00)
          I feel shocked delete edit reply top

          In Curacao for example, Jewish communal life began after the Portuguese victory in 1654. In 1656 community founded Jew congregation, and in the early 1670's brought its first rabbi to the island. Curacao, with its large natural harbor, was a steppng stone to the other Caribbean islands. Which geographically, ideally suited for commerce.

          Jews were recipients of favorable charters, containing generous economic privileges, granted by the Dutch West Indies Company in Amsterdam. So economic life of the Jewish community in Curacao revolved around the ownership of sugar plantations and marketing of sugar. Along with importing manufactured goods and a massive involvement in the slave trade.

          Within a decade of their arrival, Jews owned 80% of the Curacao plantations. The strength of the Jew trade correlated to connections in Western Europe as well as ownership of the ships used in commerce. As Jews carried on an active trade with French and English colonies in the Caribbean, their principal market was the Spanish Main (Venezuela and Colombia).

          Extant tax lists give us a glimpse of their dominance: of the eighteen wealthiest Jews in the 1702 and 1707 tax lists, nine either owned a ship or had at least a share in a vessel. By 1721 a letter to the Amsterdam Jewish community claimed that nearly all the navigation ... was in the hands of the Jews.

          Yet an another indication of the economic success of Curacao's Jews, in fact was reflected in 1707, as island's 377 residents were assessed by the Governor and his Council a total of 4,002 pesos in tax. Towards which 104 Jews, or 27.6% of the taxpayers, contributed 1,380 pesos in tax, or 34.5% of the entire amount assessed.

          reply by
          leo braun
          (140 posts)
          Down Under,
          Ghetto Australis
          10/31/2005 (21:13)
          I feel shocked delete edit reply top

          In the British West Indies survived also two 1680 tax lists, both from Barbados; they too, provided useful information about Jewish economic life. In Bridgetown itself, out of a total of 404 households, the 45 households or 300 persons were Jews, 240 of them living in 'ye Towne of S Michael ye Bridge Town'. Contrary to most impressions ''many indeed or most of them ... were very poor''. There were only a few planters, while most Jews were not naturalized or endenizened (thus could not import goods or pursue debtors in court).

          Yet for the Jew merchants, holding letters of endenization, opportunities were not lacking. Barbados sugar-and its by-products rum and molasses, were in a great demand. In addition to playing a role in the export, Jew merchants were active as well in the import trade. Forty-five Jewish households were taxed in Barbados in 1680, and more than half of them contributed only 11.7% of the total sum raised.

          While the richest five gave almost half the Jewish total, they were but 11.1% of the taxable population. The tax list of 1679-80 shows a similar picture; of fifty-one householders, nineteen (37.2%) gave less than one-tenth of the total, while the four richest merchants gave almost one-third of the total.

          An interesting record of inter-island trade involving a Jew merchant and the islands of Barbados and Curacao, comes from correspondence of 1656. It reminds us that sometimes the commercial trips were not well planned and that Jew captains ... who frequently acted as commercial agents as well ... would decide where to sell their cargo, at what price, and what goods to bring back on the return trip.

          reply by
          leo braun
          (144 posts)
          Down Under,
          Ghetto Australis
          11/2/2005 (20:26)
          I feel shocked delete edit reply top

          Due to the fact that Talmud not only forebode but encouraged slave trading, Goyim and Shiksas were slave traded within Black Sea area, since the Khazars days of 4th to 19th century AD. As amazingly in Judeo Russian Empire the Pale of Settlement forebode Jews to live in Central Russia, so they showed their resourceful adaptability in the provinces of Moldavia and Ukraine. Where avaricious Jew merchants exploited humble locals to the point of the living hell, caused by lacked means of existence and terrible food shortages.

          Whilst monetary Jew swindling and charlatan Jew trade manipulations ultimately led to Gentiles destitution and the whole areas enslavement. Culminating in the infamous terror pogroms backlash against the evil zhidom. Ironically as Jew lesser brethren sustained collateral ravage fallout consequences. Though no ethnic Gypsies, Turks, Greeks, Armenians, Dagestanis, Kalmyks or Tatars living in the southern region of the Russian empire, were targeted at the time.

          No wonder as Theodor Herzl approached none other than Jew Count Von Plehve, the initiator of the worst terror pogrom Kishinev bloodbath, with a sly proposition: ''Help them to reach the Palestine land sooner, and the revolt against the Tsarist rule will end''. Von Plehve agreed, as he undertook to finance the Zionist clique. Although later he complained to Herzl: ''The Jews have been joining the revolutionary parties instead. We were sympathetic to your Zionist cause as long as it worked toward Jew emigration. You don't have to justify the movement to me. You are preaching to convert''.

          reply by
          leo braun
          (145 posts)
          Down Under,
          Ghetto Australis
          11/2/2005 (20:44)
          I feel shocked delete edit reply top

          An another Jew Simon Petilura, was Ukrainian fascist who personally directed terror pogroms that killed 28,000 Jews within 897 separate terror pogroms. No wonder Zionist Jabotinsky negotiated an alliance with him, by proposing a Jewish Police Force to accompany Petilura's forces in their counter-revolutionary fight against the Red Army and the Jew Bolshevik Revolution. A process involving the murder of peasants, workers and intellectual supporters of the Jew Revolution.

          Thus perfidious Herzl, Weizmann and Jabotinsky with a blood on their hands offered their help to guarantee Tsarist interests in Palestine along with getting rid-of all those noxious and subversive anarcho Jew Bolsheviks in Eastern Europe and Russia. Surely by now anyone to notice a very same sly embodied Jew appeal simultaneously made by the connived Zionists to the Sultan of Turkey, to Kaiser of Germany, to French imperialists and to the British Raj.

          Actually (largely suppressed) the shifty history of Zionism is utterly sordid. Encompassing Jew Mussolini launched squadrons of the revisionist Zionist youth movement Betar in black shirts, in emulation of his own fascist bands. Yet when Menachem Begin became a Chief of Betar, he preferred brown shirts of Hitler's persuasion. A uniform Begin and Betar members wore to all meetings and rallies. At which they opened and closed assembly with a greeting each other by the outstretched hand in a fascist salute.

          reply by
          leo braun
          (147 posts)
          Down Under,
          Ghetto Australis
          11/4/2005 (24:57)
          I feel shocked delete edit reply top

          Further to a fore sighted brute resolve execution via zionist masterplan, an another Jew tyrant Adolph Hitler in zionazi megalomaniacs propped role went to pursue their lethal agenda versus assimilist Jew lesser brethren of Europe, destined for unconditional deportation, to populate and develop Palestine, towards the transformed demography vision for a greater Eretz Israel.

          Ensuing an initially failed zionist plan implementation attempt as a first wave in Jew settlers to Palestine around 1927, found an arid, stony earth surface too hard tackle within their excretion in performed agriculture. An occupation, Jews hardly touched for thousands of years.

          What naturally halted zionist move to the land of ''milk and honey'', especially following an overwhelming declaration by Jew lesser brethren, asserting that they felt pretty assimilated in Europe. Hence, didn't wanted to swap their cultural way of life for a desert toil.

          As a result, the satanic ingenuity endowed zionist hierarchy at large, boosted their diabolical marsterplan with a prime goal on mind to terrify any content Jew dwellers of Europe. Ultimately rendered to be homeless and depleted the most elementary means of existence, under disguise of inadequacy in their vocational training (pretty common these days in the 21st century).

          Warranting re-educational placement in concentration camps, bearing unique ''Arbeit Macht Frei'' motto. If not for the fact that zealously run Jew Kapo camps functionality went out of hand into diabolical savagery monstrosity. As fascist zionists to outperform each other towards Hitler's final solution, predominantly led by exclusive Jew elite officers within the Nazi hierarchy.

          Synonymous with a highly renown zionist Chaim Weizmann's principles (who to become Israeli first president) quoted to declare: ''Whereas from the depths of the Jew tragedy, I want to save our young people for Palestine. The old ones will pass. They will bear their fate or they will not. They are an economic and moral dust in a cruel world. Only the robust branch of the young cadre shall survive''.

          No wonder for emanating stories about the zionist organised sea going vessels amassed with elderly Jew refugees escaping Europe's horrific calamity to be sunk in succession by German U boats. How convenient? Unless they to carry a cargo of the robust young Jew cadre, essentially to populate and develop Palestine, towards the transformed demography vision for a greater Eretz Israel.

          Whereas at this point any sombre reader of these macabre accounts ought to realise that an affluent Jewry conglomerate could go with their lives and actually emigrated well in advance to the countries of their choosing. Thus surviving zionazi spun kafuffle and ever since queuing in droves for compensation. All along their ferocious run on the Nazi pillaged riches, stashed amongst the collaborative machinations loot perpetrated by Swiss clearing banks.

          Emancipating with the ultimate eye opener into most hideous and heinous 55 million overall toll in reflection to crimes committed against the humanity as intrigued zionists hierarchy at large prevaricated and obstructed all the efforts to save the Jew lesser brethren of Europe. Apparently who were worth much more to them dead, than alive. So how about it now, to make a stance on the MER arena, before so deeply entrenched decay to consume internet forums milieu.
          Documenting history......................


          Something STINKS...............(.and I know it's NOT ME)  WICKED TO THE MAX!




          eyes 068


          Sudden Rush- Messenjah's (Feat.Amy Hanaialii Gilom)

          Sudden Rush- Messenjah's (Feat.Amy Hanaialii Gilom)

          2 years ago 4,201 views


  • Reasons Why the Hawaiian Homes 50 percenters are bad eggs and bad news for Ko Hawaii Pae Aina/ Hawaiian Kingdom/Kingdom of Hawaii/Hawaiian Islands/Hawaiian archipelago:


     from Eric Poohina:

    Inresponse to Earl Arakai letter dated 11/19, Staradvertiser,
    Homelands Get Tax Break.

    Ignorant settlers from asia and the USA know little of the
    political history of Hawaii but consistently give their
    uneducated public opinions.
    Hawaiians who reside on Hawaiian Homelands don't own the land
    that their houses are on because they signed a lease.
    In the lease they relinquished their claims to the original
    Crown lands also known as Ceded lands.
    the Dept. of Hawaiian Home Lands lease where Hawaiian homesteaders
    signed off their mineral, natural resources, water rights,
    sovereign rights
    and all claims to the demised lands to the state of Hawaii.
    The Hawaiian Homesteads are technically  Indian Reservations
    and the Hawaiians residing on the Homesteads are Indians
    as defined under American Indian Law.
    They signed off their claims to their cultural lands.
    So that is the reason why homesteaders dont pay property tax.
    The State of Hawaii is only in a managerial position realtive
    to the Crown lands. The legal owners stipulated within the
    Great Mahele Hawaiian land Tenure System of 1848 are the descendants
    of  King Kekaulike and King Kamehameha I.
    Research , Kamehameha's Children Living Today by Charles Ahlo,
    The U.S. Hawaiian Apology Law 103-150 of 1993,
    the 2009 State Supreme Court Ruling on the Ceded lands, (CIV. NO
    the 2009 U.S. Supreme Court Ruling on the Ceded lands, (NO. 07-1372),
    and 2009 State of Hawaii Intermediate Court of Appeals case
    Maunalua Bay Beach Ohana 28 (No. 28175) all acknowledge the fact
    that Hawaiians with the genealogy connection still have a legitimate
    to the Kuleana, Konohiki, Ali'i Private Estate Trust Lands and Crown
    also known as Ceded lands.
    The Great Mahele of 1848 is alive and well!

    Eric Po'ohina
    po box 744
    kailua hi 96734
    ph# 348-7550

    Eric Po'ohina, ARE YOU CHICKEN?

    Eric Po'ohina, Kanaka Maoli's should be looking at da USA, The same way Chickens look at Colonel Sanders!

    by ponosize 3 years ago 672 views


    (E)mail Contact goofyfootnumber1@hotmail.com or aumakua@aloha.net

    by ponosize 3 years ago 245 views


    Hawaiian Kingdom Records 2010-1891 received and filed in records of Ko Hawaii Pae Aina:
    4:27 (click on picture)

    1. HEWA ALERT: Hawaiian To Get Homes On Kauai - Maoliworld

      Aug 14, 2010 – Hawaiians To Get Homes On Kauai By Associated Press POSTED: 01:30 a.m. HST, Aug 13, 2010 Construction on 12 Kauai homes for native ...
    2. Kaohi: It would have been nice to have more people ... - Maoliworld

      1 day ago – Statement on Signing a Bill Amending the Hawaiian Homes Commission ... Now who on this Maoliworld argues the same voice of Presidents' ...
    3. How does Hawaiian Nation Help my cousin with her Homestead ...

      Jun 28, 2011 – My cousin joined the group Hawaiian Nation, and has been living on Hawaiian Homestead for 4 years. She has not paid her mortgage for ...
    4. Kaohi: Department of Hawaiian Homes are for ... - Maoliworld - Ning

      Mar 30, 2011 – I have not deviated from this position since 1974 when women of DHHL asked for pitens from the revenues of the incomes and proceeds from ...
    5. HEWA ALERT: Hawaiian Homes Commission Supports ... - Maoliworld

      Jul 26, 2010 – Hawaiian Homes Commission Supports AKaKa Bill By Associated Press POSTED: 04:17 p.m. HST, Jul 26, 2010 The Hawaiian Homes ...
    6. The First Hawaiian Homes Commission: Rudolph ... - Maoliworld

      Jul 17, 2010 – Chapter XVI Hawaii's Bill of Rights by Thorton Sherburne Hardy Notes:I'm just writing down notes to compare or see if there is an relevance to ...
    7. The First Hawaiian Homes Commission ... - Maoliworld - Ke Ao Maoli

      Jul 17, 2010 – Chapter XVI Hawaii's Bill of Rights by Thorton Sherburne Hardy Notes:I'm just writing down notes to compare or see if there is an relevance to ...
    8. [PDF] 

      DEPU'T\" T0 THE CHAIRMAN - Hawaii State Legislature

      File Format: PDF/Adobe Acrobat - Quick View
      Feb 27, 2012 – the Hawaiian Homes Commission and the OHA Board of Trustees. ..... http://maoliworld.ning.corn/forum/topics/response-from-u-s-president- ...
    9. Maoliworld.com Site Info

      maoliworld.com - Reviews, Site Info, Traffic Stats and Related Links from Alexa. ... yoono loading please wait, he hawaii au, kanaka maoli flag, yoono loading ...
    10. Māmalahoa: Prince Kūhiō

      While a delegate of Congress Prince Kūhiō guided the passage of the Hawaiian Homes Commission Act that provides lands for native Hawaiians to homestead.


    Pomai was right in his HEWA ALERT....post at www.maoliworld.com/xn/detail/2011971:Comment:265622 :

    HEWA ALERT: Hawaiian Homes Commission Supports AKaKa BILL

    Hawaiian Homes Commission Supports AKaKa Bill

    By Associated Press

    POSTED: 04:17 p.m. HST, Jul 26, 2010

    The Hawaiian Homes Commission has voted unanimously to support a measure that would give federal recognition to native Hawaiians.

    Commission Chairman Kaulana Park said today the bill before Congress would protect Hawaiian Home Lands.

    Park is asking for homestead communities and leadership and those on homestead waiting lists to support the legislation.

    The commission voted Tuesday to support the bill, which is named the Akaka Bill after its main sponsor U.S. Sen. Daniel Akaka.

    Office of Hawaiian Affairs administrator Clyde Namuo hopes the Senate will pass the bill before it recesses next month.

    But he noted the Senate should still have time before the end of the year to take up the legislation if it doesn't pass the bill in the next few weeks.


    Replies to This Discussion

    ALOHA Kakou, More "Taitors" to their own people of their Blood coming out! The AKaKa BILL will lead to the termination of the Hawaiian Homes Commission Act.
    As the AKaKa BILL will recognize only ONE Native Hawaiian Governing Entity. Any Native Hawaiian Governing Entity, Hawaiian Homes, OHA, Kamehameha Schools or any one of the Hawaiian Societies and Hawaiian Civic Clubs and Hawaiian people who is not enrolled in the AKaKa BILL process will not be recognized as Native Americans. In turn the Federal government will not recognized these Governing Entities and Hawaiians as Hawaiians.
    The Hawaiian Homes Commissioners are selling out the rights of their native Hawaiian beneficiaries of the Hawaiian Homes Commission Act.
    Long Live The Hawaiian Kingdom, o Pomaikaiokalani, Hawaiian Kingdom National Royalist 1993
    Note to everyone:  Just regurgitating the truth put forth by Pomai .........
    and to think Kaohi did claim to be a Kamehameha descendant.........putting out hate to a relative, about our good ancestors.........not too smart.........there are many of us too..........
    add the part that the Mendiola family are the names of our cousins on my Chamorro, Costillian, American Indian side...........yikes, yikes, and triple yikes........

    • It is the real Hitler's their eugenics  (Francis Galton) and their projected behavior that have always concerned me.  The future generation will figure it out. Our young people are readers, writers and have the ability to speak from well researched definition and meaning.  Unlike ignorance of the likeness of this post'er and follower!

      It's too bad the Royal family will suffer greatly from this stupidity.  

  • Preying on native women and their children:

  • Jealousy was always lurking outside of our homesteads, and sometimes Captain Percival a pedophile would show up and cause havoc with their needs of abuse!  As an alert child to this US conditioning of their single military men, they would sometimes infiltrate our homesteads through stupid women!

    During the summers these white/Asian teachers (outsiders) would give a list of Hawaiian boys and girls  that they thought were incorrigible in the classroom to the police detectives and they would be picked up before the end of summer.  Hawaiian Civic clubs would be infiltrated too and the 'missionary' gossip would back up the Director/Commissioner of Hawaiian Homestead orders from the Sheriffs Department!  Even Social Workers the frontliners would support these missionary 'first sin-first people' lock up.  Has anything changed in this segment of history/contemporary food-chain-security occupation of the Hawaiian islands?

    Koolau boys and girls home known as the purple club would be filled with young children labeled as 'bad' kids.  Girls would be sent to military and medical doctors home as domestic sex slaves.  

    It is too bad that this assertion was never understood.  It is too bad that that the father of 'eugenics' Francis Galton and his studies of the generations of family over time was debunked by stupid people and their followers!  It is too bad that weeping women are addicted to worshiping 'death camps'.  

    Native Hawaiians were robust, talented and strong minded until the invasions of merchants, military and sex-labor trade business contracts were stupidly agreed to by the Kamehameha Royal Hawaiians in the early 1800s.  This is a given fact!

    And it continues on in the mind set of stupid women and their friendly veteran-Royal families.  

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