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Obama plan to benefit native Hawaiians runs into trouble

amelia gora

Kamehameha's descendants/heirs exist with evidence found through 26 years of genealogy research, 30+ years of history research, and more than 15 years of legal research............fyi.

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amelia gora

"The U.S. Supreme Court has held that a “tribe” is a political and not a racial entity, Lilly said. “If there was such a tribe, then all the multi-ethnic peoples who were citizens of the Hawaiian Monarchy would be members of that tribe,” Lilly said." ----Wrong.....there is no method to override the Monarchy.......Sovereigns, their heirs are Not subject to the laws. Sovereign's hanai hookama "inherited Sovereignty"; Minister of Foreign Affairs/Acting Liaison of Foreign Affairs with family(ies) and attaches (Kanaka Maoli) under International Laws. The criminal assumption of a neutral non violent, friendly nation which was and remains issues of pirate and plunder activities, criminal malfeasance, fraud, conspiracies, premeditation, terrorist activities, genocide, and documented as being the biggest "HEIST" in history. The Hawaiian Kingdom Sovereigns heirs and successors existed then and their descendants/heirs exists today. The 1849 Treaty remains in place, is a contract that involves ONLY the President, the Department of State, Kauikeaouli/Kamehameha III's heirs (and successors)...not any other such as the Attorney General Office, State of Hawaii, OHA/Office of Hawaiian Affairs...........Corruption, criminal deviance, conspiracies, genocide are evidence of War Crimes and can be prosecuted......those who perpetuate the crimes, etc. are War Criminals, etc........Because the Royal Families exists, and facts found that non owners, non title holders conveyed lands to the U.S. Government, Fraud is documented and the U.S./U.S.A. who did support pirates, treasonous persons means that the U.S./U.S.A. et. als did Plunder Upon Innocents in the Hawaiian Islands, and evidence shows that the U.S./U.S.A. etc. are tresspassers on Royal Families lands, etc....It is Not O.K. to utilize monies, lands, mineral rights, water rights of Sovereigns, Kanaka Maoli, from a neutral, friendly, non-violent, already recognized Nation since 1810....for the purposes of War, Plundering Upon Innocents in the World.....Furthermore, the Royal Families are also part of the Families of Queen Liliuokalani.

Genocide Activities Files recorded at the Honolulu Police Department........Issues ongoing.

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  •                                              EXPOSING THE FRAUDS, CORRUPTION IN THE HAWAIIAN ARCHIPELAGO

                                                                                                                                  by Amelia Gora (2016)

    Kamehameha Schools Bishop Estates/KSBE owes rents and leases to our Royal Families...........

    Let us look at the major points and  break down what occurred over time:

    *  Charles Reed Bishop, attorney, banker, early American spy arrived in the Hawaiian Islands with his lover William Lee.

    *  Charles Reed Bishop marries Alodio/Ano Alodio land owner Bernice Pauahi who had other husbands as well.

    *  Charles Reed Bishop finances plantation leasors, businesses.

    *  Charles Reed Bishop provides for his family in the Will of Bernice Pauahi Bishop.  His sister's child was named Bernice Pauahi Dunham - current U.S. President Obama's ancestor.

    *  Other friends of Charles Reed Bishop was provided for in the Bernice Pauahi Bishop Will.  They were all aliens and entitled to only Fee Simple, less than alodio lands.

    *Charles Reed Bishop and Friends spread lies that Bernice Pauahi Bishop was the "last of the Kamehameha's".  See article by terrorist Sanford B. Dole in 1874., etc.

    *  Trustees of KSBE, etc. claimed to be the owners of the Trust of Bernice Pauahi Bishop Estates.

    * Treasonous Judges claimed that they made the rules and the rules became laws.  

    *  The move to change Kamehameha III's deeds of alodio/ano alodio and Fee Simple were made through the judges, media, Bailey who wrote the INDICES OF AWARDS in 1929.  'alodio titles in fee simple'.  

    *  Everyone believed that there was only Fee Simple until the truth was revealed in Kamehameha III's speech of 1851.

    *  Bernice Pauahi Bishop's Families who are also part of the Royal Families are the Alodio/Ano Alodio owners of lands in the Hawaiian Islands.

    *  Bernice Pauahi Bishop's Families who are also part of the Royal Families are the Landlords, not the KSBE/ Kamehameha Schools Bishop Estates Trustees who are Aliens and not entitled to Alodio/Ano Alodio lands.

    *  Charles Reed Bishop and friends caused injuries, war crimes on the Royal Families and all Alodio/Ano Alodio land owners in the Hawaiian Islands.

    *  Annexation did not occur.  Oppositions by our Queen and her subjects numbering 40,000 opposed Annexation in 1897 and 1898.

    *  Lies made and the 'Army, Navy, and Federal officials of the United States' helped to develop the Territory of Hawaii, made Hawaii a Cash Cow for taxes, etc. operated Piracy, pillaging activities, etc.

    *  The Territory of Hawaii which turned into the State claimed to be the "successor of the Kingdom of Hawaii".

    *  The Kingdom of Hawaii exists which means that the U.S. in Hawaii is operating a non-government, a fraudulent set up, a Sham and is the cause of a huge black eye for the U.S. and American Empire who uses Hawaii, the Cash Cow, a neutral, friendly, non violent nations assets, lands, mineral rights, etc.

    *The Royal Families exists which also exposes criminal activities which began with the works of early American spy named Charles Reed Bishop who worked for the American Consulate upon arrival in the Hawaiian archipelago.

    *  The Royal Families are and remain the Alodio/Ano Alodio land owners from a Constitutional Monarchy government infiltrated by wanna bes, Aliens since the time of the Missionary arrival in 1820.

    All the above are exposed for the World to see.


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