hawaiian royal guards of maui

who are these people?????.....even the main leader (paulos) is not Hawaiian....... dressed up and parading around our sacred grounds of Maui Nui....what is their MISSION?????....(to a line themselves with our hawaiian culture and benefit financially from doing so) ..this is only another nonprofit greedyorganization that works with Waiola Chruch and this county of maui special events......as a showy display of once again exploiting our SACREDNESS getting moneys from our Sacred lands and dead royalties.....creating their own protocols just as Waiola Church and Friends of Mokuula of our Maui Nui is doing without any Monitoring and or Auditing......need to beaware of these dirty hungry money makers on our SACRED lands.

their loyalty is to waiola chruch, this county of maui and for the american money......they suppose to protect the living King.....the living Heirs.....not the death and the cemetary....... this is a group that is from Oahu military mentality......please keep them off our Sacred grounds merely for entertainment to the tourist for money.

this type of greed coming from oahu needs to be Exposed and Removed off our SACREDNESS. 

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  • last week i met with Henry (one of the leaders of the guards)....of our maui nui

    i also met with Shirley (executive director----friend of mokuula ---fom).....last week

    how Ke Akua will put me (face to face) with these nonprofits and call it as it is!!!!!!

    i call and left message twice with mr. henry (helemanu) and never gotten a call back, hummm?????

    i am waiting for Shirley to get back with me and i still await a call, hummmmm?????

    i was told by Shirley that her nonprofit is now being AUDITED......yes....finally!!!!!

    and that i should stop "EXPOSING the HEWA"......in return i said.....i can not support the Hewa,

    since my return to my SACREDNESS of my Ancestors.....the Disgrace, the Disrespect and the Dishonor

    is unacceptable and would have never taken place in the hands of my living Kupuna's and Ancestors, period!

    i said.....the paper on black and white is different from the WRONGFUL CRIMINAL ACTIONS,

    that is displayed by Shirley and her nonprofit of outsiders that is Exploiting our Culture for GREED......

    need to REMOVE this illegal Intruders, Tresspassers and Bad Influrence on our Sacred Lands.......

    i also had the pleasure meeting Jenny (the grant person for fom), she is not from here (mainlander)....

    she really needs to be educated of our Sacred Lands......she could not answer my questions...either could Shirley.

    i close my case and the rest is left in the hands of Ke Akua to seek Justice from these nonprofits that is being

    "Exposed for the Hewa" and have gotten away with it.......NOT any More.....MONITORING by Funders is needed immediately to stop this wrongful criminal actions to continue on our Sacred Lands of our Royal Sacred Ancestors.......mahalo Ke Akua for his Corrected Leaders to Lead with the proper Protocols of our Ancestors~~~

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