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Kai Landow commented on a photo.

Kealii Makekau was with Dan Charles Kaleoha'alulu Maka'ena.
  • Kealii Makekau and 14 others like this.
    • Kai Landow Kinda like today Hawaiians fighting with Hawaiians, we close to cliff you know
    • Santos Alvarez Hawai'i was unified by war. Now the Nation needs to be unified by Aloha to achieve freedom.
    • Kai Landow War does not unify, that is nonsense, sorrow unifies, regret unifies, rebuilding unifies, war just destroys, you can have it
    • Santos Alvarez Kai, did'nt Kamehameha use war to unite the islands as one nation? That's what i'm referring to.
    • Kai Landow War is not a unifier! He did use war, he killed outside of protocol and other things that I will not credit and unification. Peace is a unifier and that is our creed
    • Kai Landow War unifies repression, creates hate and revenge. we see the cost of Kamehameha's war today, with Kaua'i and Moloka'i claiming to be separate from the Hawaiian Kingdom because they were never conquered by him
    • Santos Alvarez I don't condone "any" use of violence either. But it is how the Hawai'ian Nation was finally "united". Semantics aside whether is was within "protocals" or not. The current plight of Hawai'ians requires much diplomacy and yes peace that is well "armed" with education and love of Nation.
    • Amelia Gora Kamehameha and his stepsons were in conflict --- stepsons did not want to listen to stepdad.....stepsons were Keoua Ahuula and Keoua Peeale twins of Kalaniopuu.... Keoua Ahuula died on the Big Island, his twin brother and followers were those on the Pali....Kamehameha reached them and allowed them safety and let them leave for Kauai....sadly, some fell to their deaths.....this is our oral history...are you to continue to believe the WHITEwashed/.White man history?....beautiful print showing, one of our families have one of the numbered prints, along with others of the artists creations based on haole history....
      This performance was on May 25, 2008 at the Waikiki Natatorium War Memorial service at Sans Souci (Kaimana) Beach.
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