
  • Hi Andrew,

    Am actually surprised that they posted the's good that they did though......

    If everyone really thinks about it, the so called "progress"/development/upgrading is really for the benefits of the military............

    Take the H-3...........what better way to connect the Kaneohe Marine Corps Base to Pearl Harbor?

    Now the appears that many haven't thought about the fact that there will onlybe 70(?) seats....and the rest of the 200+ will be standing on a speeding "metal on metal" noisy is that?.......... appears that the purpose of only 70 seats is to give the idea that the seats will accomodate the public...only 70?.......and the space where the 200+ stands will be used to load weapons, artillery, etc. and the people who pay for the rail will be left in the cold...........listening to the "metal on metal" machinery moving along the tracks disregarding innocents who may just get in the way................and we'll be reading about catastrophes/ tragedies that involve the rail evil is that?

    If you look at the long buses, it already accomodates approximately 70 seats.............

    Corporations are looking to get something out of it too...........such as the condemnation of lands which they planto make money off of due to "shopping centers", "marts", etc.

    In other words, the people pay for the cost of the rail, they pay for the shopping and buy good that they don't need, and end up with more stress than ever because they'll be chasing after their children who will be conditioned, fascinated at watching the train, etc.

    Mahalo for noticing the article............I still think it's funny...............I doubt if the media will pick up my Jurassic Park and Surfboard leash ideas (?)........... ;p


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