Hawaiian Kingdom Law

i just watched Keanu Sai part 5 video.....highly military inflerenced person......yet educated in the laws of hawaiian and american......he spoke about the legal history of the Hawaiian Kingdom....including the Declaration of Rights by King Kamehameha III, the formation of a constitutional monarchy, the 1950 Treaty of Friendship, Commerce and Navigation with the United States, the 1893 act of war against the Kingdom, the 1898 purported annexation to the U.S. the Statehood Bill, and the congressional Apology Bill of 1993.

per Keanu Sai......"We call it a paradigm shift. Hawaiians call it huliau, What you thought was down just came up.....What was up just crashed, That's Huliau."

i learned more from watching and taking information that was new and some different.......however just to remind all that RESPECT  is the Keys to a peaceful RESOLUTION~~~



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  • Continue and read Martsen's Clause that is what I am asking Keanu to explain what that is!
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