Hawaiian Kingdom Issues: Illegal Boundary Claims by Aliens vs. Kamehameha III's Proclamation Affecting the Hawaiian Islands/Hawaiian archipelago 




Hawaii Vip Services

Sep 10, 2020, 3:05 PM (1 day ago)

to Paul,, Ron,, Dario, Faith, Irish, Kai,, Noa,, Scott, UN, Kaleinani, Newton, me, Matthew, Georgette, K&S, Mauna,, Stewart, williamholu,

Aloha Paul;


I filed an as of right motion to intervene in the Hawaii Wildlife Fund v County of Maui;

(Response to Courts [EO] in CV NO. 12-00198 SOM KJM of the USDC Hawaii);  Attached

(U. S. Supreme Court No. 18–260, 590 U. S. ____ (2020));  Attached


The Plaintiffs (Hawaii Wildlife Fund et al) are claiming our Hawaiian Islands pacific ocean seas;

(1 HAWAIIAN REPORTS 58 (1849) The King vs. B. B. Parish);  Attached

(Plaintiffs Memorandum in Opposition);  Attached


As a subject to the clean water act because the County of Maui dumps its shit in our waters and seas;

(See Volume I, Chapter VI, Article I, Section I of the Statute Laws of His Majesty Kamehameha III, King of the Hawaiian Islands 1845 and 1846) Attached


Of the Maritime Coast and of the Enclosed Seas:

  • I "The jurisdiction of the Hawaiian Islands shall extend and be exclusive for the distance of one marine league seaward, surrounding each of the islands of Hawaii, Maui, Kahoolawe, Lani, Molokai, Oahu, Kauai and Niihau; commencing at low water mark on each of the respective coast of said islands. The marine jurisdiction of the Hawaiian Kingdom shall also be exclusive in all the channels passing between the respective islands, and dividing them; which jurisdiction shall extend from island to island."


Please represent me and all the people and chiefs of the Hawaiian islands just like me and help us protect our rights;




SECTION 384. All fishing grounds appertaining to any government land, or otherwise belonging to the government, excepting only ponds, shall be, and are hereby  forever granted to the people, for the free and equal use of all persons: provided, however, that, for the protection of such fishing grounds, the Minister of the Interior may taboo the taking of fish thereon, at certain seasons of the year.


SECTION 385. The Minister of the Interior shall give public notice of any such taboo imposed by him; and no such taboo shall be in force until such notice has been given. Every person who shall violate such tarboo shall be punished by
a fine not exceeding fifteen dollars, and the value of the fish


SECTION 386. No person residing without the kingdom shall take any fish within the harbors, streams, reefs, or other waters of the same, for the purpose of carrying them for sale, or otherwise, to any place without the kingdom, under penalty ofa fine not exceeding two hundred dollars, in the discretion of the court.

SECTION 387. The fishing grounds from the reefs, and where there happen' to be no reefs, from the distance of one geographical mile seaward, to the beach at low water mark, shall, in law, be considered the private property of the konohikis, whose lands, by ancient regulation» belong to the same; in the possession of which private fisheries, the said konohikis shall not be molested, except to extent of the reservations and prohibitions hereinafter set forth.


SECTION 388. The konohikis shall be considered in law to hold said private fisheries for the equal use of themselves, and of the tenants on .their respective lands 5 and the tenants shall be at liberty to use the fisheries of their koqahikis,'subject to the restrictions imposed by law.


SECTION 389. The konohikis shall have power each year, to set apart for themselves one given species or variety of fish natural to their respective fisheries, giving public notice, by vim voce proclamation, and by at least three written or printed notices, posted in conspicuous places on the land, to their tenants and others residing on their, lands, signifying the kind and. Description of fish which they have chosen to be set apart for themselves.


SECTION 390. The specific fish so get apart shall be exclusively for tjie use of the konohiki, if caught; within the bounds of his fishery, and neither his tenants nor others Shall be at liberty to appropriate such reserved fish to their private use, but when caught, such reserved fish shall be the property of the konohiki, for which he shall be at liberty to sue and recover the value from any person appropriating the same.

SECTION 391. Tho. konohikis shall not have power to lay any tax, or to impose any other restrictions, upon their tenants, regarding the private fisheries, than is hereinbefore prescribed, neither shall any such further restriction be valid.

SECTION 392. It shall be competent to the konohikis, on consultation with the tenants of their lands, in lieu of setting apart some particular fish to their exclusive use, as hereinbefore allowed, to prohibit during certain months in the year, all fishing upon their fisheries; and, during the fishing season, to exact of each fisherman among the tenants, one third part of all the fish taken upon their private fishing grounds. In every such case it shall be incumbent on the konohikis to give the notice prescribed in section 389.

SECTION 393. No person who has bought, or who may hereafter buy, any Government land, or obtain land by lease or other title from any party, has or shall have any greater right than any other person, resident in this Kingdom, over any fishing ground not included in his title, although adjacent to said land.

SECTION 394. If that species of fish which has been tabooed by any komohiki, shall go on to the grounds which have been, or may be, given to the people, such fish shall not be tabooed thereon. It shall be tabooed only when caught within the bounds of the konohiki's private fishery. Nor shall it be lawful for a komohiki to taboo more than one kind of fish upon any fishing grounds which lie adjacent to each other.

SECTION 395. Every konohiki or other person who shall wilfully deprive another of any of his legal rights to fish on any fishing ground, which now is, or may become, free to the use of the people, or who shall willfully exact from another any portion of the fish caught on any public fishing ground, or who shall willfully exact of another, for the use of any private fishery, a greater amount of fish than by law he is enti tled to receive as his share, and any tenant or other person who shall willfully deprive any konohiki of his fishing rights, by appropriating to himself the tabooed fish of said konohiki, or otherwise, shall be pun ished by a fine not exceeding one hundred dollars for every such offense, in the discretion of the Court, and in default of the payment of such fine, be imprisoned at hard labor not exceeding three months.

SECTION 396. The several district justices shall have power to try and punish all offenses against the provisions of the last preceding sec tion, committed in their respective districts.

from the oppression of the Clean Water Act, County of Maui and their shit.


Attached / Enclosed:


  1. Statute Laws of His Majesty Kamehameha III, King of the Hawaiian Islands 1845 and 1846; Cited
  4. Hawaiian Reports Vol. 1; Attached




From: Hawaii Vip Services
Sent: Wednesday, August 05, 2020 11:57
Subject: FW: Boundary Dispute


This our last communication to paul.


From: Reichler, Paul <>
Sent: Monday, December 04, 2017 11:12
To: Hawaii Vip Services <>
Cc: d'Argent, Pierre ( <>
Subject: RE: Boundary Dispute


Aloha Keliihuluhulu and Tom –


Again, I thank you for your confidence in me and in Foley Hoag.


I am, of course, familiar with the Larson case, and the citation of it in other cases regarding indispensable third parties.


I also understand and appreciate your admirable devotion to restoring the sovereignty of the Hawaiian Kingdom.


However, I do not believe that my law firm or I would be able to assist you in achieving your objectives by serving as counsel to the Kingdom.


That said, I am aware that one of my colleagues, Prof. Pierre d’Argent, who is Counsel to Foley Hoag and based in Brussels, has been in discussions about serving as one of the three Commissioners. I have copied him on this e-mail and will leave it to him to determine whether he wishes to proceed with these discussions.


Best regards,


Paul Reichler


From: Hawaii Vip Services []
Sent: Wednesday, November 29, 2017 10:57 PM
To: Reichler, Paul <>
Subject: RE: Boundary Dispute


Aloha Mr. Reichler,


We thank you for your time, consideration and prompt response to our call for help.  However, we are not seeking your help with the case of the materials we sent you. That case is a horse we can, by ourselves , kick.   The materials you reviewed were sent to you for the purpose of giving you a sense of who we are [at least the extent of our incompetence] and what we are up against [ deaf eyes and blind ears].

We reach out to you and your firm for representing our peoples interest in this matter:


We are hopeful that you will help our peoples.  Mahalo for telling us how we will make this happen.

With your help the blind may hear and the deaf may see.


Yours very truly,

Keliihuluhulu and Tom








From: Reichler, Paul []
Sent: Wednesday, November 29, 2017 7:10 AM
To: Hawaii Vip Services <>
Subject: RE: Boundary Dispute


Dear Sirs:

I have now reviewed the materials that you sent me.

I am afraid that this is not the kind of case that my firm or I would be able to undertake at this time

I thank you for your confidence in referring this matter to me, and I wish you well.

Best regards,

Paul Reichler

From: Reichler, Paul
Sent: Friday, November 24, 2017 8:06 AM
To: Hawaii Vip Services
Subject: RE: Boundary Dispute

Dear Keliihuluhulu and Tom -

Thank you for sending me these materials. It may take me a bit of time to review them and get back to you, because I will be traveling abroad between now and December 1. But I will definitely get back to you after I have read them.

Best regards,


From: Hawaii Vip Services []
Sent: Wednesday, November 22, 2017 1:35 PM
To: Reichler, Paul
Subject: Boundary Dispute

Aloha Mr. Paul Reichler, Foley Hoag LLP,
I am Keliihuluhulu Alfred Spinney, I was on the phone with you and Mr. Tom Anthony. Enclosed is a copy of the complaint and other documents (Civil No. 16-00240 DKW RLP) we filed in the US District Court for the District of Hawaii and the brief and other documents (16-16515) filed at the US Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit.
List of Attachments
Index, US District Court for the District of Hawaii;
Index, USCA Ninth Circuit Court;
28-Main, Notice of Default;
28-1, Exhibit “A” Complaint (Docketing clerk omits parts of paragraphs 9-16) missing parts of paragraph 9-16 is located in this file as PageID # 230;
28-2, Exhibit “B” Proof of Service;
28-3, Exhibit “C” USCA Ninth Circuit Panel “Memorandum”;
EO Notice of Default Strike;
Motion for Extension;
Order Granting in part and Denying in part Plaintiffs Motion for Extension, is in US District Court Index at Docket # 12;
Ex Parte Further Extension;
EO Ex Parte Further Extension Granted is in US District Court Index at Docket # 14;
Order Dismissing Complaint;
Order Dismissing Case;
Opening Brief;
Rehearing Motion;
Supplementary Evidence; I will send the Evidence it’s a big file

Ps; Paul, I will be adding more files for you to review, please call anyone of us at anytime, Mahalo

Yours very truly


Tom Anthony

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This email message and any attachments are confidential and may be privileged. If you are not the intended recipient, please notify Foley Hoag LLP immediately -- by replying to this message or by sending an email to -- and destroy all copies of this message and any attachments without reading or disclosing their contents. Thank you.

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6 Attachments



Amelia Gora <>

2:54 PM (4 hours ago)

to Hawaii, Paul,, Ron,, Dario, Faith, Irish, Kai,, Noa,, Scott, UN, Kaleinani, Newton, Matthew, Georgette, K&S, Mauna,, Stewart, williamholu,, bcc: Conception, bcc: john.gora, bcc: Brian, bcc:, bcc: Monica, bcc: hulihee, bcc: me, bcc: Pua, bcc: kainalu


Be aware that the Kingdom/Kingdom of Hawaii exists and never went away.   

Reminder that all going against the laws of the Hawaiian Kingdom will be treated, documented as Pirates:



Amelia Gora, a Royal person Acting Liaison of Foreign Affairs, Hawaiian Kingdom/Kingdom of Hawaii



Hawaiian Kingdom Proclamation/Law by Kamehameha III: Respect our Neutrality, Islands, the Hawaiian Archipelago 

Polynesian. [volume] (Honolulu [Oahu], Hawaii) 1844-1864, December 30, 1854, Page 135, Image 3

Image provided by University of Hawaii at Manoa; Honolulu, HI

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