Hawaiian Kingdom Facts: Gresham's Take on the Hawaiian Kingdom; a weak state...gotten by Fraud; Annexation was Not Possible


                               Researched by Amelia Gora (2020)

Gresham revealed his views on the Hawaiian Kingdom/Kingdom of Hawaii and fraud of the United States:

Hawaii holomua = Progress. [volume] (Honolulu) 1893-1895, December 05, 1893, Image 2

Image provided by University of Hawaii at Manoa; Honolulu, HI

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn82016410/1893-12-05/ed-1/seq-2/

  Secretary Gresham documented that the Provisional government could not be Annexed because of International Laws:

Hawaii holomua = Progress. [volume] (Honolulu) 1893-1895, December 05, 1893, Image 2

Image provided by University of Hawaii at Manoa; Honolulu, HI

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn82016410/1893-12-05/ed-1/seq-2/

Hawaii holomua = Progress. [volume] (Honolulu) 1893-1895, December 05, 1893, Image 2

Image provided by University of Hawaii at Manoa; Honolulu, HI

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn82016410/1893-12-05/ed-1/seq-2/

Note:  It appears that Secretary Gresham knew that Annexation could never occur due to the conspiracy by the American Stevens who engaged in organizing "the pretended (Provisional) government, is to make a farce on international relations".  


The article above shows that the Provisional government was 

 (1)  a "pretended government" - 

to give a false appearance of being, possessing, or performing; to make believe : feign; to claim, represent, or assert falsely… See the full definition

FARCE | definition in the Cambridge English Dictionary

farce noun (SITUATION) [ C ] disapproving a situation that is very badly organized or unfair: No one had prepared anything so the meeting was a bit of a farce.

(3) International relations

International relations | Article about international ...

international relations, study of the relations among states and other political and economic units in the international system. Particular areas of study within the field of international relations include diplomacy and diplomatic history, international law international law, body of rules considered legally binding in the relations between national states, also known as the law of nations.

Note:   International Laws by Vattel  affected all nations as shown above and the references below.

The claims by the U.S. that Hawaii was annexed is a lie, a fraud perpetuated since 1893.  Annexation never happened.

In 1969 - 71 years after the false claims to annexation was made over time showed up in an article due to the Library of Congress employees who discovered missing entries and sought the release of hidden material from the U.S. Congress.


IOLANI - The Royal Hawk: U.S. President Trump Said that ...

Review posted by Amelia Gora (2019) The following articles were posted affecting the United States: 1) Pertaining to the Seizure of Hawaii, War with Spain, etc.: "Archives takes wraps off 1899 Senate transcript, Secret debate on U.S. seizure of Hawaii revealed" Honolulu Star-Bulletin, Vol. 58, No. 32, Saturday, February 1, 1969

In 2000, the U.S. Supreme Court Justices also said that there was no annexation.

In 2015 - University of Hawaii Williamson Chang did research and his results showed that there was no annexation, and that it was impossible for another nation to annex another recognized nation.

In 2018 - United Nations Human Rights head Dr. Alfred deZayas showed that the Hawaiian Kingdom/ Kingdom of Hawaii existed still.

Because of Secretary Gresham's claims in the article dated December 5, 1893,  Secretary Gresham knew that Annexation could never occur due to the conspiracy by the American Stevens who engaged in organizing "the pretended (Provisional) government, is to make a farce on international relations".    

Because the International laws by Vattel was the basis of the document Declaration of Independence for the United States, it appears that the document was in contradiction to other independent nations especially the Hawaiian Kingdom/Kingdom of Hawaii/Sandwich Islands and contrary to what was written in the document which weakens the foundation of the United States and the American Empire.

This is the Declaration of Independence:

The Declaration of Independence

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.Preamble to the Declaration of Independence

The Declaration of Independence states the principles on which our government, and our identity as Americans, are based. Unlike the other founding documents, the Declaration of Independence is not legally binding, but it is powerful. Abraham Lincoln called it “a rebuke and a stumbling-block to tyranny and oppression.” It continues to inspire people around the world to fight for freedom and equality.

Reference:  https://www.archives.gov/founding-docs/declaration

The 1852 Constitution of Kamehameha III - Kauikeaouli had the first anti-slavery law.  The United States passed theirs 13 years later or 1865.

"The 1852 Constitution of the Hawaiian Kingdom, written in both English and Hawaiian, was constructed by King Kamehameha III. The purpose of its construction was to not only revise, but add to the 1840 Constitution in great length. The new constitution created a more democratic government much like those of the United States and Europe."

Reference:  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1852_Constitution_of_the_Hawaiian_Kingdom

Because the 1852  Constitution was "much like....the United States and Europe"   

By the conspiracy of Minister Stevens and the "the pretended (Provisional) government," with Sanford B. Dole at the helm and his pirate, pillaging conspirators documented, the United States placed a nation that was much like/closely resembling to the governments recognized as nations.

Recognizing a pretended government calling itself a Provisional government became recognized by the U.S. who did recognize the Hawaiian Kingdom/Kingdom of Hawaii in 1843.  Recognition was also made by Russia, by Belgium in 1841, then the U.S., Great Britain, and France in 1843.  Other nations also recognized the Hawaiian Kingdom/Kingdom of Hawaii as a nation among the family of nations.

When the pretended government was recognized, it created a mockery and a " farce on international relations" since 1893.

It also means that the U.S. did become a pirate, pillaging, privateering nation, genocide activist nation which failed to follow its own rule of law affecting other nations including the Hawaiian Kingdom/Kingdom of Hawaii/Sandwich Islands - the Declaration of Independence which claims to support the facts that "all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness."  

Hate, Animosity for "People of Color" includes Brown people, Black People, etc. Exposed:

This translates to all men are not created equal, that they are not endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are not life, not liberty, and no pursuit of Happiness, which is opposite from the Declaration of Independence of 1776.

The U.S. Constitution of 1787 Article 6 shows that the Treaties are the supreme law of the land, and the Judges have to also adhere to that.

In 1850, Kamehameha III - Kauikeaouli signed and ratified a permanent treaty of amity and friendship with U.S. President Zachary Taylor which is and remains a contractual agreement between two (2) independent nations.

This means that the amity and friendship connection continues along with the rights to charge those who have done crimes of "murder, piracy, arson, robbery, forgery, or the utterance of forged paper" etc. as documented as Article XIV.

The Treaty of 1850 also means that our Treaty is "the Supreme law of the land" and even the Judges have to adhere to it.

Those legally engaged in the Treaty of 1850 are Kamehameha III's heirs and successors  and U.S. President Zachary Taylor.

Note:  the entity developed by the Army, Navy, and other personnel directed by U.S. President William McKinley is Not the successor of the Hawaiian Kingdom/Kingdom of Hawaii.  This group are identity thieves documented in the PA Pelekane case, HAWAIIAN REPORTS (1912), Supreme Court Law Library/ Archives/Main Library, Honolulu, Oahu, Hawaii.

In 1899, the PEACOCK vs. Republic of Hawaii case, HAWAIIAN REPORTS (1899) shows that the United States became two (2) nations:  (1) American Empire - dealt with territories and (2) the United States - deals with nation that have Treaties.

The Kamehameha's descendants and heirs exist and we maintain the Treaties, and are and remain part of the independent nation, the Hawaiian Kingdom/Kingdom of Hawaii/Sandwich Islands, which is a peaceful, friendly, non-violent nation since the time of Kamehameha III - Kauikeaouli and follow the rule of Law, the Constitution of 1840, 1852, and 1864. 

 Note:  The 1887 Constitution known as the "Bayonet Constitution" is not followed due to duress, fraud, coercion, usurpation because guns were pointed at King Kalakaua's head, and forced to sign the Alien created document which stripped him of his Sovereign rights.

Both King Kalakaua and his sister Queen Liliuokalani belonged to the Kamehameha Dynasty as found in genealogy research.

The Identity Thieves from the Territory of Hawaii turned State of Hawaii through Executive Order of U.S. President Dwight D. Eisenhower who failed to follow rule of law, U.S. Constitution of 1787, International laws by Vattel, etc. 

As documented by Secretary Gresham in 1893, the Provisional government were in actuality the pretended government which was recognized illegally under International laws, rule of law, the U.S. Constitution of 1787, etc.

The pretended government was further allowed to exist as the pretended government to be under the American Empire which was created under the watch of U.S. President William McKinley in 1898-1899. 

U.S. President Grover Cleveland gave Hawaii back to Queen Liliuokalani three (3) times, in 1893, 1894, and 1897.

U.S. President William McKinley created a mockery of Justice, disregarded Oppositions to Annexation by Queen Liliuokalani and her 40,000 subjects, disregarded rule of laws, the Declaration of Independence, the U.S. Constitution of 1787, supported the 1822 Secret Treaty of Verona, supported the 1871 Secret Bankers Constitution, etc.,  and created a " farce on international relations" since 1897.


Research incomplete.



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    No other scholar has so deeply influenced the development of international law or shaped the doctrinal debates as Vattel. More than 250 years after its publication, his Law of Nations has remained the most frequently quoted treatise of international law. Vattel's International Law from a XXIst Century Perspective explores the reasons behind the extraordinary authority of Vattel and analyses its continuing relevance for thinking and understanding contemporary international law.

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    Emmerich de Vattel, (born April 25, 1714, Couvet, Neuchâtel, Switz.—died Dec. 28, 1767, Neuchâtel), Swiss jurist who, in Le Droit des gens (1758; “The Law of Nations”), applied a theory of natural law to international relations. His treatise was especially influential in the United States because his principles of liberty and equality coincided with the ideals expressed in the Declaration of Independence.

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  • poleonic eras. Indeed, it was Vattel who was cited as a major source of contemporary wisdom on questions of international law in the Amer-ican Revolution and even by opponents of revolution, such as Cardinal Consalvi, at the Congress of Vienna. EmerdeVattelwasbornatCouvet,inNeuchaˆtel,aprincipalityruled

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    Jan 20, 2017 · 52 Letter from Washington, George to Jefferson, Thomas (Apr. 12, 1793), in 25 Papers of Thomas Jefferson 518, 541 Google Scholar. 53 Proclamation of Neutrality, Apr. 22, 1793, in 1 American State Papers 140 (Lowrie, Walter & Clarke, Matthew St. Claire eds., 1832) Google Scholar. 54 Id. 55 Id.

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    • Overview
    • Early life and career
    • The Law of Nations
    • Other works
    • Influence
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    • Sources

    Emer (Emmerich) de Vattel (25 April 1714 – 28 December 1767 ) was an international lawyer. He was born in Couvet in Neuchâtel (now Switzerland) in 1714 and died in 1767. He was largely influenced by Dutch jurist Hugo Grotius. He is most famous for his 1758 work The Law of Nations. This work was his claim to fame and won him enough prestige to be appointed as a councilor to the court of Frederick Augustus II of Saxony.

    Wikipedia · Text under CC-BY-SA license
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    Hawaiian Kingdom Facts: Gresham's Take on the Hawaiian Kingdom; a weak state...gotten by Fraud; Annexation was Not Possible                                  Re…

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