Hawaiian Kingdom Facts: Evidence of Genocide - Sharpshooters, etc. Against a Neutral, Friendly, Non-Violent Nation
by Amelia Gora (2020)
Royal persons are Not subject to the laws ... we are part of the legitimate government of the Hawaiian Islands..... a Monarchy government turned to Constitutional Monarchy... Constitutions of 1840, 1852, and 1864 documented with the intent of utilizing the 1852 Constitutions....the 1887 Bayonnet Constitution and the "purported Constitution" put together by the usurpers claiming Queen Liliuokalani signed it are frauds because Kalakaua and Queen Liliuokalani was under duress, stress, usurpation, coercion, intimidation.......which means the 1887 and the "purported Constitution" are null and void........... in 1852, Kamehameha III passed the first anti- slavery law and the U.S. did theirs in 1865...go research do the investigations do law according to our Hawaiian Kingdom book HAWAIIAN REPORTS and know that the usurpers are identity thieves claiming to be the Hawaiian Kingdom's successor........in actuality are genocide activists.... check the name on the Sharpshooters, riflemen, etc. .... they are criminals NOT the kanaka maoli who they turned into slaves after the planned usurpation. The ONLY good Presidents were Abraham Lincoln, Grover Cleveland, John F. Kennedy.....appears Trump is in the group.... i've asked him to work with our Royal Family in the event he doesn't get in.... he'll still be able to expose Obama et. als. because Obama was Not born in the U.S. ....he's family of Charles Reed Bishop who was a J.P. Morgan worker who defrauded All of the Kamehameha's. Evidence has been exposed with 40+ years of research in history, genealogies, and law....so go figger? obtw we practice the culture with maintaining history, genealogies, and laws ....the other kanaka maoli have been indoctrinated and lead to be puppet entertainers for the aliens who pirate, pillage, are parasites off of our aloha.... goodbye.

- Mahalo for sharing1
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- · 2h
- The detoxes were gotten from whistleblower Greg Wonghams friends. John Kelly and Roy Nakamura One of our Assistant konohiki. Greg n John are deceased. John jelly was married to Marion Kelly who wrote a report of those planning the overthrow in 1892 In Makua valley. The report was filed in the affidavit lien 96-177455 (281pages) on 121796 at the bureau of conveyances. A joinder was also filed in 2019. Showing more evidence etc
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- · 1h
- Boiling the blood1
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- Sad
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- · 1h
- See the names. For example. The Judd name. Family of William aila of Hawaiian homelands etc. aila descends from genocide activist gerrit parme Judd who withheld the smallpox vaccine from our people and thousands died. Each alien has an evil story and their pirate descendants exists still. So be aware. And malama pono Take care3
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