Hawaiian Kingdom Facts:  Evidence of Genocide - Sharpshooters, etc. Against a Neutral, Friendly, Non-Violent Nation



                                                              by Amelia Gora (2020)                                              

Royal persons are Not subject to the laws ... we are part of the legitimate government of the Hawaiian Islands..... a Monarchy government turned to Constitutional Monarchy... Constitutions of 1840, 1852, and 1864 documented with the intent of utilizing the 1852 Constitutions....the 1887 Bayonnet Constitution and the "purported Constitution" put together by the usurpers claiming Queen Liliuokalani signed it are frauds because Kalakaua and Queen Liliuokalani was under duress, stress, usurpation, coercion, intimidation.......which means the 1887 and the "purported Constitution" are null and void........... in 1852, Kamehameha III passed the first anti- slavery law and the U.S. did theirs in 1865...go research do the investigations do law according to our Hawaiian Kingdom book HAWAIIAN REPORTS and know that the usurpers are identity thieves claiming to be the Hawaiian Kingdom's successor........in actuality are genocide activists.... check the name on the Sharpshooters, riflemen, etc. .... they are criminals NOT the kanaka maoli who they turned into slaves after the planned usurpation. The ONLY good Presidents were Abraham Lincoln, Grover Cleveland, John F. Kennedy.....appears Trump is in the group.... i've asked him to work with our Royal Family in the event he doesn't get in.... he'll still be able to expose Obama et. als. because Obama was Not born in the U.S. ....he's family of Charles Reed Bishop who was a J.P. Morgan worker who defrauded All of the Kamehameha's. Evidence has been exposed with 40+ years of research in history, genealogies, and law....so go figger? obtw we practice the culture with maintaining history, genealogies, and laws ....the other kanaka maoli have been indoctrinated and lead to be puppet entertainers for the aliens who pirate, pillage, are parasites off of our aloha.... goodbye.

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Some of those who killed innocent kanaka maoli and assumed private properties. Most are aliens and can never own allodial lands. Also due to treason, conspiracy etc they were stripped of all lands that they or their heirs and successors claimed They have also been recorded on the Judicial Tribunal, etc
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13Boar Kelli-ua, Pikanini Pake and 11 others


  • Mahalo for sharing 🙌🏾
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  • The detoxes were gotten from whistleblower Greg Wonghams friends. John Kelly and Roy Nakamura One of our Assistant konohiki. Greg n John are deceased. John jelly was married to Marion Kelly who wrote a report of those planning the overthrow in 1892 In Makua valley. The report was filed in the affidavit lien 96-177455 (281pages) on 121796 at the bureau of conveyances. A joinder was also filed in 2019. Showing more evidence etc
    Image may contain: one or more people, text that says 'HONOLULU'S BUSINESSMEN SHARPSHOOTERS poised for the overthrow of the Hawaiian Nation, January 17, 1893. This and sixteen other greedy gangs of armed haole (foreign) businessmen patrolled the streets of Honolulu intimidating Native Hawaiians-some where killed-on days surrounding of whom the armed overthrow of the Hawaiian Nation. A s h D M R'
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  • Boiling the blood
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  • See the names. For example. The Judd name. Family of William aila of Hawaiian homelands etc. aila descends from genocide activist gerrit parme Judd who withheld the smallpox vaccine from our people and thousands died. Each alien has an evil story and their pirate descendants exists still. So be aware. And malama pono Take care
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      • Amelia Gora
          heavy. Mahalo for sharing.
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        Amelia Gora
          I bet they still run da dope to jus like they ran da opium during overthrow
        • Wow
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      • Gurans. That’s how these fakas getting away with all this shit happening right in the open, and people turn their head cause as the government scene. The real gangsters
        • Punohu Kekaualua
            💯 as probably how they get sum of they funds to suppress us
        • Genocide. Something that all in the world needs to know. Sadly the United States supported them. U s president benjamin Harrison who was formerly an American civil war general. Wicked Lots of their generals also played a part. Which is why research helps to expose who the players were. And who descends from them etc
      • Other half of the pic. Share far and wide.
        Image may contain: one or more people, text that says 'ed 17, ed ets me ng on. Among the 50 with rifles and bullet bandoleers shown above are many of Hawaii's richest land- holding families of this century. They include Campbell (17), Cassidy (21), Castle (8), Damon (41), Dillingham (11), Hustace (15), Judd (42), Magoon (32), McCandless (35 & 37), Kidwell (44), Monsarrat (13), Rice (39), Wall (45 & 46), and thirty-fiv others.'
      • Government failures then and now change is needed amene
      • Ige and Caldwell connections? Senators too?

        • Again I ask:::SO... why are you supporting Trump??? Do you even believe for one second that Trump is going to ' GIVE YOU BACK YOUR LANDS' ??? I JUST CANNOT FIGURE YOU OUT!
          • Treaty of 1850 is existing...there was NO ANNEXATION which means the U..S. has no jurisdiction..... we own the allodial land titles, we are Kamehameha's descendants from four (4) of his children.....hell, i used to work for the Army, Navy, Air Force, the IRS/Internal Revenue Service, and even the U.S. Census...... do you understand rule of law, Treaties are the supreme law of the land and even the judges have to respect that.... did you know that the U.S. became two (2) nations? yep it's in law...then again you're not really into laws are you? U.S. President Cleveland documented that the legitimate government is the Royal government... as for Biden the bumbling idiot who has done nothing for 40+ years and basically a sellout for the U.S. He hiss son and his associates should be charged with the Expionage act of 1917 ....aligning himself with the "enemies"...then again maybe you support China because you may be Chinese? obviously you fail to do your homework and have been indoctrinated fully.... the Hawaiian Kingdom is still here and never went away...go read what Dr. Alfred deZayas of the UN documents.....they recognize that the Hawaiian Kingdom exists.......our kanaka maoli have been here for more than 1,650+ years...... listen to what some of the defenders of Queen Liliuokalani has to say...and don't listen to the Sellouts...because they are documented conspirators descendants.... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gSaAUJNZDY0... i have the various "clearances" ssimilar to you... close relatives were working in the Pentagon.....and even the DIA or Defense Intel, etc. so.............. go educate yourself because you stay on the wrong side......and supporting pirates, thieves, criminal racketeering people, etc. g o learn the truth ....
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        • Bloodless revolution my ass. So many leaders who were kanaka died in their filthy prisons too. Like Nawahi.
          • Sad
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          •  · 58m
        • Nawahi's descendants include Eric Poohina... he's a cousin too...and a Whistleblower too! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gSaAUJNZDY0... Eric Poohina is one of the descendants of Kamaikaaloa the allodial land owners of Haleakala, Maui ...
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        • KU'E 11-24-08 CEDED SCAM 2.m4v
          KU'E 11-24-08 CEDED SCAM 2.m4v 
          • Sudden Rush EA
            Sudden Rush EA
            Sudden Rush EA
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            •  · 23m
          • Royal persons are Not subject to the laws ... we are part of the legitimate government of the Hawaiian Islands..... a Monarchy government turned to Constitutional Monarchy... Constitutions of 1840, 1852, and 1864 documented with the intent of utilizing the 1852 Constitutions....the 1887 Bayonnet Constitution and the "purported Constitution" put together by the usurpers claiming Queen Liliuokalani signed it are frauds because Kalakaua and Queen Liliuokalani was under duress, stress, usurpation, coercion, intimidation.......which means the 1887 and the "purported Constitution" are null and void........... in 1852, Kamehameha III passed the first anti- slavery law and the U.S. did theirs in 1865...go research do the investigations do law according to our Hawaiian Kingdom book HAWAIIAN REPORTS and know that the usurpers are identity thieves claiming to be the Hawaiian Kingdom's successor........in actuality are genocide activists.... check the name on the Sharpshooters, riflemen, etc. .... they are criminals NOT the kanaka maoli who they turned into slaves after the planned usurpation. The ONLY good Presidents were Abraham Lincoln, Grover Cleveland, John F. Kennedy.....appears Trump is in the group.... i've asked him to work with our Royal Family in the event he doesn't get in.... he'll still be able to expose Obama et. als. because Obama was Not born in the U.S. ....he's family of Charles Reed Bishop who was a J.P. Morgan worker who defrauded All of the Kamehameha's. Evidence has been exposed with 40+ years of research in history, genealogies, and law....so go figger? obtw we practice the culture with maintaining history, genealogies, and laws ....the other kanaka maoli have been indoctrinated and lead to be puppet entertainers for the aliens who pirate, pillage, are parasites off of our aloha.... goodbye.
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            •  · 6m
          • Bruddah Waltah - Hawaiian Lands
            Bruddah Waltah - Hawaiian Lands
            Bruddah Waltah - Hawaiian Lands
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