Did any or all of you know that our Hawaiian National natural citizenship rights are protected under Section 4, of the U.S. Organic Act (Territorial Act of April 30, 1900, C339, 31 Stat 141) and under Section 19, of the Statehood Act (Admissions Act of March 18, 1959, Pub L 863, 73 Stat 4) wherein our Hawaiian National birth rights and Private Citizenship are preserved and lawfully reclaimable. Citizenship begins with birthrights i.e. where we were born! But the Puppet (FAKE) State of Hawaii and the Federal U.S. don't want you and your ohana to know that your birthrights were involuntarily stolen from all of us, without our consent, and without even knowing about this other theft that took place throughout the entire Hawaiian Archapelego. These are the kind of discussions we should be addressing, as this identifies us as a people who are of a Nation called Hawaii. All input and mana'o is open and welcomed, so we as a people will move and press forward, with Honor, Dignity, and Truth. As Uncle Pomai so eloquently like's to say, LONG LIVE THE HAWAIIAN KINGDOM!!! Bruddah Kaleo

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  • I have come to believe the following is true about me and perhaps other citizens of the Hawaiian Kingdom:

    By any definition, I am an Native Hawaiian by birth, and specifically a Kanaka Maoli. Section 10-2 of the Hawaiʻi Revised Statutes, defines Hawaiians as:

    "any descendant of the aboriginal peoples inhabiting the Hawaiian Islands which exercised sovereignty and subsisted in the Hawaiian Islands in 1778, and which peoples thereafter have continued to reside in Hawaiʻi."

    The Hawaiian Homes Commission Act, 1920, as amended; defines Native Hawaiians as:

    "any descendant of not less than one-half part of the races inhabiting the Hawaiian Islands previous to 1778, provided that the term identically refers to the descendants of such blood quantum of such aboriginal peoples which exercised sovereignty and subsisted in the Hawaiian Islands in 1778 and which peoples thereafter continued to reside in Hawaii."

    The Office of Hawaiian Affairs also differentiates between:

    • "Native Hawaiian" (capitalized, referring to any person of native Hawaiian ancestry regardless of blood quantum) and
    • "native Hawaiian" (uncapitalized, referring to a native Hawaiian with at least 50% blood quantum).

    A Native Hawaiian was further defined by the U.S. Congress pursuant to the Native Hawaiian Health Act of 1988 as an individual whose ancestors resided in the archipelago of the Hawaiian Islands in 1778.

    Any way you cut it, I am Kanaka Maoli as my racial identity, or ethnicity, is Hawaiian, Portuguese and English.
    Furthermore, as a Kanaka Maoli, I have suffered from and have been threatened with the most severe forms of persecution and abuse violating my fundamental human rights at the hands of, and with the concurrence, support and supervision of agents of the United States acting in their official capacities, and in concert with other officials at the highest levels of the U.S. government, and who have occupied our nation since 1893.

    I am a citizen of the Hawaiian Kingdom by birthright. Since I am a descendant of citizens of the Hawaiian Kingdom prior to the illegal overthrow and subsequent military and political occupation of the Kingdom by the U.S. government from January 16, 1893 to the present, I am a de facto Hawaiian subject/citizen who was born in and who resides within our occupied nation; I am, therefore, a citizen by birth, i.e., jus solis. For the record, jus solis, or “citizenship by birth,” is a method whereby citizenship is simply “granted due to birth within the state…regardless of the parents’ citizenship or status” (Citizenship Laws of the World, United States Office of Personnel Management Investigations Service (IS-1, March 2001)).

    In addition, I am a citizen of the Kingdom by descent. As a descendant of citizens of the Hawaiian Kingdom prior to the illegal overthrow and subsequent military and political occupation of the Kingdom from January 16, 1893 to the present, I am, therefore, an Hawaiian subject by parentage, i.e., jus sanguinis. For the record, jus sanguinis, or “citizenship by descent,” is a method whereby citizenship is “passed onto a child based upon at least one of the parents being a citizen of that nation, regardless of that child’s actual state of birth” (Citizenship Laws of the World, United States Office of Personnel Management Investigations Service (IS-1, March 2001)).

    So, it seems to me that I don't need to denounce citizenship from the U.S. since I never was a U.S. citizen. Nor am I bound by or need to rely on or even refer to statutes such as the U.S. Organic Act or the Admissions Act. I view those statutes as flimsy attempts to cover up violations of Hawaiian Kingdom laws, international laws as well as the U.S. Constitution and its treaties with the Kingdom and with the United Nations. To attempt to force me to deny the truth of my nationality is as serious an act of genocide as any physical abuse or torture.

    Please enlighten me if my mana‘o is in error.
    • Aloha kaua e Keokiomaui,

      We definitely must get together and kukakuka. Do you reside in Oahu or Maui? Let me know. Mahalo Nui!

      Bruddah Kaleo
  • aloha brada kaleo,

    are you all on oahu doing something on the day of this illegal state of hawaii 50th anniversary???
    can an hui on maui (hui no ke ola pono) be informed so we can join in representing as a united Kingdom
    to aknowledge of the illegal overthrow.

    we on all the Kingdom islands need to unite and may it known of their illegal tactics and hold high our Honor, Dignity,
    • Aloha kaua e,
      To answer your first question, Yes we absolutely are doing something on August 21st, 2009. The FAKE State is hosting, A one-day conference, Commemorating the 50th State: New Horizons for the Next 50 Years will culminate a commemorative year in which the diverse voices and perspectives about statehood were heard and respected. Understanding where we came from and where we are currently, serves as a launching pad for discussion about where we want to be in Hawai‘i’s future. Local, national and international leaders will gather to discuss topics as broad as technology in our daily lives, education for the next generation, and the 21st century economy. Break-out sessions will focus on Hawai‘i’s cultural diversity, clean energy, STEM education, international partnerships, and much more. All conference events will be open to the public. This event will be held at the Hawaii Convention Center, starting at 8am and ending at 8pm. See attached for more details.

      Please contact me me, via Email or contact me, via cell phone. We at Aloha Nui Distributors, look forward to merging and partnering up with hui no ke ola pono, so the True Lawful Government and it's people, will make it to everyone that the FAKE State's time is running out. Mahalo Nui!

      O wau iho no,

      Joe "Kaleo" Farias III
      Aloha Nui Distributiors
      Pearl City, Island of Oahu
      Ko Hawaii Pae Aina
      Direct: 808.489.7065
      Fax: 808.454.5221

      Hawai`i 50th Anniversary of Statehood Commemoration Conference.pdf

      Hawaii Statehood Sponsorship Prospectus.pdf

  • ALOHA Kaua, e Braddah Kaleo, What a Blessing to get up from an afternoon nap and read your email. I thank you and my Grandma thanks you, e Braddad Kaleo. Long Live The Hawaiian Kingdom, o Pomai
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