I know EVERYONE here loves Hawai'i so please act fast! And pass forward. FOLLOW THE LINK below The Big Island Hui to get up to speed fast ... The quick of it...Hawaii Must Not be licensed to be a RADIOACTIVE NUCLEAR WASTE DUMP! Deadline for public comment to the NRC is Tues Oct 27, 2009. http://thehui.wordpress.com/ Please help I'm very new here and only have a small list of contacts. Please write and submit a comment to the NRC...FOUR DAYS LEFT to make your comments to the Nuclear Regulatory Commission - Please do it now! Please forward! Its simple.... just ask for independent monitoring for Pohakuloa and the eight other Training Ranges being granted a "permit to possess" depleted uranium, PLUS - an E.I.S., a formal hearing, decommissioning, and clean up of all ranges that have applied for a "permit to possess". *EMAIL TO: john.hayes@nrc.gov BEFORE TUES. OCT. 27th ....MAHALO! This is my testimony to the NRC and copy of Hawaii County Resolution 639-08 Dear Mr. Hayes, Do Not Give the US Army a NRC license for Pohakuloa or any other base on any of our islands! Hawaii has already endured over 60 years of military toxic pollution. Enough already! Presently there is enough serious concern about the real extent of the radiation contamination up at Pohakuloa that the Hawaii County Council passed RESOLUTION 639-08 URGING THE UNITED STATES MILITARY TO ADDRESS THE HAZARDS OF DEPLETED URANIUM AT THE POHAKULOA TRAINING AREA. Passed by the Hawai'i County Council: July 2nd, 2008 (In its entirety below.) The US military has not been honest with the public on this issue. In fact they have been caught in more than one lie. In fact they are involved more in misinformation and misdirection than giving our concerns any real value. I was at Mauna Kea State Park on May 29, 2007 when private citizens armed only with Geiger counters got a radiation reading of 75cpm (when normal background radiation is 5 -20 cpm) This reading came off of dust devil gust of wind coming off the Pohakuloa Firing Range. This radiation reading suspended on the wind currents stayed elevated for several minutes before the reading fell back to normal levels. After the experience I thought... could a few hundred or a few thousand Davey Crocket tail fins used back in the 1960's cause such an elevation in radiation? I think not and fear the radiological contamination is far worst than the military would ever admit. This high reading was on a day that there was no live fire training going on at Pohakuloa. On any given day Saddle Road passing through Pohakuloa is like a wind tunnel 20 to 30 mph. Could that wind carry tiny particles of radioactive material over our communities? We won't know the full extent of that question until there is comprehensive transparent testing. We want to know the extent of the contamination at PTA. The US military DOES NOT NEED A NRC LICENSE! The military needs to be a responsible steward of the land especially when sworn to protect the US public. The military needs to prove their toxic activity stay contained on the base. If it cannot be contained PTA must be decommissioned! Many representing the military have made newspaper headlines like..."No public health risk from DU at Pohakuloa" Hogwash! Show us the transparent data and follow the well thought out Hawaii County Resolution 639-08. RESOLUTION 639-08 URGING THE UNITED STATES MILITARY TO ADDRESS THE HAZARDS OF DEPLETED URANIUM AT THE POHAKULOA TRAINING AREA. WHEREAS, in the early 1960's the United States Military used the Pohakuloa Training Area for firing a formerly classified weapon, the Davy Crockett recoilless gun, which has created the presence of depleted uranium (DU) in the impact area at the U.S. Army Garrison, Pohakuloa; and WHEREAS, the World Health Organization has released several reports and scientific studies concerning the health risks from exposure to depleted uranium; and WHEREAS, depleted uranium is a chemically toxic and radioactive heavy metal with a half-life of 4.6 billion years; and WHEREAS, depleted uranium emits radioactive alpha particles that can cause cancer when inhaled or ingested and also cause kidney and lung damage; and WHEREAS, there is a public health need to ensure the safe storage, disposal, and clean-up of munitions and other products or materials containing depleted uranium at the Pohakuloa Training Area to protect all residents of Hawai'i Island; and WHEREAS, the United States Military is hereby requested, with urgency, to address the potential hazards of depleted uranium at the Pohakuloa Training Area with the following five-point plan: 1. Ordering a complete halt to B-2 bombing missions and to all live firing exercises and other activities at the Pohakuloa Training Area that create dust until there is an assessment and clean up of the depleted uranium already present; 2. Establishing a permanent, high- tech monitoring system with procedures to ensure air quality control; 3. Establishing a citizen monitoring system to work closely with Military experts to assure transparency and community confidence; 4. Hosting quarterly meetings to update and inform the public; and 5. Ensuring permanent funds are available for the monitoring program; now, therefore, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE COUNTY OF HAWAI'I that the U.S. Military will incorporate the five-point plan to address the potential hazards of depleted uranium at the Pohakuloa Training Area. BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED that the County Clerk shall forward a copy of this resolution to Colonel Howard Killian, Deputy Region Director, Army Installation Management Command-Pacific; all members of the Hawai'i State Legislature; Senator Daniel K. Inouye; Senator Daniel K. Akaka; Congressman Neil Abercrombie, and Congresswoman Mazie K. Hirono. Lindafaye Kroll BSN lindafaye@alfsartgallery.com



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  • Aloha Apau,
    It is beyond me as to why anyone would demean a person because he or she looks white, without knowing if the person is married to a Kanaka or even has Kanaka Keiki. This person has taken up a fight when she could have just as easily moved away and let us be with our problems of which by the way we have many. We talk here of the military and the DU that they spread around in their war GAMES. A game the Kanaka were not invited to nor were we consulted on the dangers of. The lies that come from the government are not going to bring life back to our people that have already died from the sickness nor is it going to cure our ill. What it will do is perpetuate the damage until this land is so unlivable that the Kanaka will finally be able to have their sovereignty and peace because no person will want to live here. We can then see our home as one giant Kalaupapa.
    I am Kanaka and I have been stricken with my own illnesses from DU, but I as a person am classified as disable now with no cure in site and they claim they have no idea where the illnesses come from. As a Kanaka it is just another nail in the coffin for me and an act of genocide against the Kanaka Maoli. The military are the culprits here, not the person who brings truth to us and what we need to do to bring justice to this dilemma. Oh by the way there are more military personnel here than there are non Kanaka. Every person here no matter what their race or culture, is upsetting the balance of the ecosystem. When man was created he upset the balance of the ecosystem.
    I believe that you must be a liberal to try and deter the focus of the problem being discussed, as it is important, and it would be crucial if Dr. Pang and Dr. Remier's recommendation be written into this DU License although I see no reason why we must live with this killer in the first place. For more information of this DU matter you can see it here: http://thehui.wordpress.com
    I take up the cause on all issues that impact my homeland. I have been quoted and photographed in the act of disagreement with government implementations I also travel to all islands to make my point heard and my number counted as a Kanaka Maoli. We have many battlefronts, we do not need to create more battles amongst ourselves. Kingdom Law provides for strangers as they are welcome here so get over it. The manipulation of our Kingdom to Divide and Conquer is not part of it. I must say the De Facto is winning and Ululani your statemnts are proof of that, sorry to say. /i>
  • Welcome back,

    Gotta run but continue your posting and keep us informed. Tomorrow's the deadline and hope that everyone jumps on with more testimonies, if not, lets move to plan B to Z and etc... Kaohi
  • Aloha Kaua.

    Mahalo for posting this. Depleted uranium does major damage. A search at www.PubMed.com shows numerous studies that depleted uranium wreaks havoc. For example here and here.

    Likewise people pollution as in more people moving to the aina is also creating havoc to the fragile ecosystem not only the land but also the air and water. It is not solely the Feds.

    No offense but it is rhetoric to me when people like you move to Hawai'i which creates damage to the fragile ecosystem then turn around and complain about deleted uranium. What do you think *your* presence on the aina has been doing and continues to do to the aina?

    It's not just the Feds who are doing it with depleted uranium. It's people like *you* too who are helping to destroy the aina when they move to Hawai'i which creates an imbalance its extremely fragile ecosystem.

    E malama.
    • Ululani, If I have offended you in any way I humbly apologize I have lived in the islands for 18 years now. I'm not part of the problem though you think I am.

      I did take offense when you said "No offense but it is rhetoric to me when people like you move to Hawai'i which creates damage to the fragile ecosystem then turn around and complain about deleted uranium. What do you think *your* presence on the aina has been doing and continues to do to the aina?

      It might serve you well to heal the deep hatred you have...it hinders your forward momentum.

      I'm very grateful that kanka's who know me...embrace me as one of their own. Not because of some meaningless rhetoric or complaint but embrace me because of my actions, I don't just complain about DU...see www.alfsartgallery.com/tenfingers10toes.html or www.alfsartgallery.com/protect_hawaii.html
      I'm doing something about it. Goggle Lindafaye Kroll RN see what you find.

      Even the land I stand on and am buying will return to the Hawaiians through a Non-profit I volunteer for called Kahu O Kahiko Inc. How many Hawaiians do you know who have made sure their land will never be sold to outsiders. I have and I'm not Kanaka. I'm looking for friends here...Please check me out...and if my work is found to be offensive to you I humbly apologize. I work a living Mu...no harm in thought, word or deed.
  • Aloha,

    I want to thank you for coming on board at Maoli World for much time, space, and minnie voices on this subject have since past. As you must know we have had unteen meetings with the military in Waianae over Makua. Depleted Uranium (DU) was never a frontal argument with the groups and individuals here in Waianae as a matter of fact it was shunned by the very people that could have made it part of the night's argument to stop the bombing in Makua. But it was much more popular to cloud the night with culture practices, culture sites (all 14 sites), save the skinks and much more a diversion from the real issue.

    The military used every tacticle means to surpress my voice on DU for when I attend these meetings DU is the only subject matter that I have talked about at the podium. My problem was never the military, it was Hawaiians. For the military knew what I was talking about, but not our people.

    I am saddened that our community leaders and their professional experts are the real culpert in this argument. Scientist have hired hoodlums to set fire to our hills because of DU, people thought I was nuts when I accused them of setting fires to our whole Waianae range and the reasons were DU. Lolo heads that did set the fires had to have been hired by scientist because they were the only ones with access to data information. Besides the EPA was here taking samples from our Waianae range in the aftermath of training during the Iraq bombing. It was a domino effect of lies and my voice was one of a minnie during the countless meetings I had attended.

    Another recent ugly crap that went on in Waianae, we had a secret meeting (Hawaiians again) with Tad Davis in Nanakuli and UH Manoa. Tad did a Sustainability Plan for military bases and his affiliats, UH Manoa being an affiliate. What he has done is to create a territorial and boundary within the 'fence'. The 'fence' came up in the state's sustainable plans for Waianae whereas a bike path was to be constructed as well as a 6 feet fence for private land owners and law enforcements reasons. Officers were going to be given bikes (3 wheels) for their patroling of the Waianae Coast. I did object to my community proposal in a secret meeting. Waianae seems to be a place for secret meetings for policy planning. back to Tad Davis one can google and listen to his radio talk show.

    According to his sustainable plan the nuclear contaminats will be removed from inside the fence to outside the fence for the safety of military families. In my email with the NRC, they said it is illegal to remove contaminats from military installations. Tad's sustainable plans if one listens carefully were that the military will stock pile good soil and remove the non good soil out of the fence via low bid procurement and for the betterment of military families on post.

    Here in Waianae truckers have open permits to remove debrie and things. There is no monitoring or safety measures in place with the State Health Department. Why because it's a federal concern, and secondly under EPA section 8 or 5 can't remember the economics out weigh the contaminats safety besides in Hawaii-- Truckers rule.

    My point is big island Moku of Keawe will have to carry the DU alone. At the time I was involved in the Kahoolawe with PKO on the consent decree it stated that the military could bomb other places in the islands certain time during the year. So, I am asking that stopping the bombs not only at Pohakuloa, but for the whole island as you said.

    Recently, the History and Sociology Departments at UH Manoa and two lolo head Hawaiian women just did a panel discussion on the Massie case. What the hell does the Massie case got to do with this issue? More so, what the hell does the women in prison at Kentucky got to do with nuclear contaminats or DU? Military and the fence both subjects support their research grants to develop policy within the state to remove contaminats from military bases where personal and their families reside and their affiliates-- in this case UH Manoa. I lived in the dorms near UH contaminated labs, and I was reminded of this at the panel discussion. The military and UH Manoa and Mauna Kea have contaminats that needs to be removed outside of their fence lines to communities where the majority population exist.

    In the ground work, prisoners will be brought home from different places across US states and they will set the fence policy, usage and community living. We will have prisoners outside the fence in our communities with anklets (achilles heels) as a means of economics and their families quality of life. This is just a distraction from the DU problem and the fact, that we will be the worlds sponge bob's for military training via cockets firing and releasing DU into our air.

    The best and brightest Hawaiians are no where near this issue, if anything they support the contaminats in their back yard. Koli Koli pass is our wind tunnel that passes over Lualualei over Mao farms over Kaala farms hits Kawiwi hill and swirls around in a lepo direction over Waianae Valley where I live. There is no one that I know off that speaks up about DU in Waianae, it will take years of education to generate interest or concerns for cancer which is high among children in Waiane and especially in Maili. We have half life today and one third with tomorrows generations.

    The sources I have used are: truckers, lolo Hawaiians, mini dump sites that are black topped soon after adumping of debrie and for no apparent reason except to cover up the contaminats. Lorrin Pang, Linus Pauling, "Our Islands and Their People" introduced by Major-General Joseph Wheeler 1899, and most recently at Tad Davis's secret meeting, and the insides of our roofs where the DU is stored. The state did set fires to our Mountain Range and the dust source point have collected in our roofs.

    In our kanaka culture we do have 40 named different winds that we knew by sight, feel and sound. Today, only a handful of Hawaiians are still practicing this way of life and visible evidence still exist.

    I wish you well and trust that you will succeed to stop the bombing on the Moku of Keawe. Te Tane, Te Tane Te Rono, O Kanaloa--Ku! Kaohi
    • You and I are not asleep. Keep educating. I try to educate in plain terms. see www.alfsartgallery.com/protect_hawaii.html
      Lindafaye Kroll BSN
    • Kaohi, Mahalo I'm so sorry for the misunderstanding earlier. I try to educate in simple terms so anyone can see how toxic our islands are. A lot of Kanaka I know, don't even get on line. This DU contamination of our beautiful islands is every man, woman and child's problem. Hawai

      'i has already paid the price for the over 60 years of bombardment. We are toxic! Especially O'ahu! With God knows what. DU spotting rounds from the 1960's is only the tip of the ice berg.

      The really sad thing is our Public Health Department won't do the right testing. Military toxins are persistent. They are in our environment, but if the right tests are not implemented ...you'll find nothing. If they don't look they don't have to do anything. And when to hear the State of Hawaii public health representative repeating the military disinformation rhetoric about DU in the headlines... again the public thinks everythings OK. Then the all clear hits the head lines and the majority of people believe it. it is a steep uphill battle to educate.

      Your information is powerful. The more similar stories are kept alive and linked to one another....small steps turn into leaps. It took a public outcry to have the US Navy to stop bombing Vieques Puerto Rico and Kahoolawe. We need all live fire stopped in Hawai'i which will also take a global outcry and a miracle! I believe in miracles!
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