Hawai'i is NOT a Nuclear Waste Dump!

Aloha All Hawai’i Truth Seekers: The Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) Public Hearings are pau (finished). Mahalo (thank-you) to all who gave testimony against the military receiving a NRC license to handle and possess radioactive DU in Hawai’i. In all of the public statements to the NRC, that I have heard or read, all were against this NRC license being given to the military. Does anyone reading this believe the NRC officials will really listen to the public demands of 24/7 air monitoring placed around all the live fire training ranges in Hawai’i? Does anyone here believe the NRC will license Pohakuloa Live Fire Training Area on Hawai’i island and the Makua Valley Live fire Range on O’ahu, despite the strong public testimony against it? Did the NRC officials really hear that… the residents of Hawai’i DO NOT WANT HAWAI’I TO BECOME A NUCLEAR WASTE DUMP? I apologize for shouting but this is an important issue to the health and well being of all Hawai’i residents. In the US Army 2004 Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) the military stated (they ) “would NEVER transport or use radioactive material inside Hawai’i”. So now they have changed their minds? The Army now is working hard to make Hawai’i a radioactive nuclear waste dump because it is already contaminated, which they were forced to admit and now it wants a license to make it so. It is common knowledge since 2005 that Hawai’i is contaminated with ballistic depleted uranium oxide dust and that during every live fire training exercise this DU dust gets displaced, air bourn, scattered and carried in the wind over our communities. This sounds like science fiction to me. This is an example of when reality is stranger than science fiction. As Mark Twain said: "It ain't what you know that will get you in trouble, it's what you know for sure that just ain't so!" What we know for sure is that Hawai’i is contaminated with ballistic DU oxide dust. All we can do as educators is to keep telling the truth of this gross contamination and expose the Army’s public health insult to the “precautionary principle”, like halting all live fire training on radioactive ranges until complete and transparent testing can be done. I am pro clean, green and healthy Hawai’i. Please view: www.alfsartgallery.com/toxic_hawaii.html Lindafaye Kroll BSN

eSign 4 billion years 4.jpg



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  • Aloha Lindafaye and Amelia

    I just wanted to thank both of you for trying to stop the Nuclear Winter, I received my letter from:

    Hawkens. Just wanted to say thanks for educating Maoli World about Nuclear in the Pacific. It is the V zone that everyone should be focusing on, but as usual it will come to late for most people in Hawaii. The stars are align and the arrow will shoot a 45 degree angle soon, in hopes that others will begin to check their voices for those that are presently suffering from Depleted Uranium dust.

    Which in my case all that's living in Waianae. The increase of population means more sponges for the contaminats and the political leaders of today will not be officiators of the health problem among the poverty and sick.

    We must ready and educate the general public on the health problem and generate more health care workers at the Leeward Academy here in Waianae. I mean more graduates that live in Waianae and will remain in here.

    Truckers are still dumping waste taken from Schofield Barracks into Waianae Valley. One can google the Arial photos and compare the dump from an inlet area in the upper middle part of the Valley. They should be black topping the recent leveled area according to permitt specks from the Hawaii State Department of Health, City Department of Planning. It's so very sad.

    It's sad that most people talk a good talk about our environment and the military but have not come together on this specific issue. I am happy to note that I'm on the same list as Albertini at least when I am gone, my greatgrandchildren will know that I had concerns for their health. Just as my own grandfather that called home and asked that a child be named Marshall for Marshalese and the Bravo operation. Nuclear test bombing women, children, old people than collecting data over the years on death and dying from nuclear bombs are an incomprehensible act on the part of the US. Waianae will beget lots of data on civilian populations as a control grouping for research. Lukemia, and many funerals to attend will be our social gathering for many years to come and beyond my time.

    I hope that maoli world will carry the Kahea into the years when after I am gone so that our future population whatever that may be-- will have records that came from the people itself and not just the ivory tower. The Ivory Tower that tells lies and build gapping wholes in their theories that leads to nothing and the end to human happiness.
    May Ke Akua be with you both and your life be much simplier.

    E. Roy Hawkens
    Chief Administrative Judge
    Atomic Safety and Licensing Board Panel
    FROM: Annette L. Vietti-Cook /RA/
    DOCKET NO. 40-9083
    The Office of the Secretary has received four requests for a hearing via e-mail and regular mail.
    The first request for hearing was submitted by Cory Martha Harden. It includes a request for an
    exemption from the requirements of e-filing and was submitted as part of an extension request on
    October 9, 2009. This initial request was followed by an e-mail addendum submitted on
    October 30, 2009, and attachments to the Addendum dated October 30, 2009, submitted by
    regular mail. All parts of this request have been added to ADAMS and are contained in ADAMS
    package number ML093070754. E-mails in support of Ms. Harden’s intervention request have
    been submitted by Jim Albertini on behalf of the Malu ’Aina Center for Non-Violent Education and
    Action on October 27, 2009 (See ADAMS Accession No. ML 093020746), by Isaac D. Harp on
    October 26, 2009 (See ADAMS Accession No. ML ML093020531) and Angela Rosa on October
    28, 2009 (ADAMS Accession No. ML093020722).
    The three other requests for hearing include an e-mail from Amelia Gora dated October 13, 2009
    (ML093020735), an e-mail from Luwella Leonardi dated October 14, 2009 (ML093020734) and an
    e-mail from Barbara Moore dated October 14, 2009 (See ML 093020738).
    All of the requests were submitted in response to a notice issued by the NRC staff that provided
    Notice of Hearing for the U.S. Army Installation Command for Schofield Barracks, Oahu, HI and
    Pohakuloa Training Area, Island of Hawaii, HI application for a source material license (ML). The
    notice was published in the Federal Register at 74 Fed. Reg. 40855-40857 (August 13, 2009).
    In response to the intervention petition and requests for hearing, answers were filed by the NRC
    staff on November 6, 2009 (ML093100587) and the US Army Installation Command on
    November 5, 2009 (See ADAMS Package No. ML093090733). The answers of the NRC staff and
    the Army Installation Command were filed via the e-filing system.
    The hearing requests and the answers thereto can be found in ADAMS and will be placed shortly
    on the Electronic Hearing Docket in the folder identified as US_Army_40-9083-ML. The hearing
    requests are being referred to you for appropriate action in accordance with 10 CFR §2.346(i).
    This referral is being served on the service list for the US Army Installation Command docket by email
    and e-submission form on the individuals included in the cc list.
  • Shower the people with love... show them the way that you feel....

    I had a beautiful night....didn't want it to end...I was over at the Iolani Palace and it was nice. Issues--sure, but we also had a relaxing night with each other. So, thanks for the beautiful song. Kaohi
  • Amelia,

    "Conclusion: The very onset of the U.S. are based on LIES, deceit, criminal malfeasances, slavery along with the fact that 13 penal colonies made up the early pilgrims occupying the homes of aboriginal people...........the comments put out by our Australian friend also says a lot.....aloha"

    I did read as much as I could and skimmed the rest. liked your presidency cartoon, I was hoping to see obama, but I'm sure by 2010 he will be animated everywhere.

    I went out to play last night non alcholic night tho, ugh! No booty shaking either, ugh, ugh... I went to girl.fest at a bar near the unversity. I got to see Ali Wong-- she is a riot and a class all it's own. I bought a t-shirt and handed her a permanent ink pen and asked her to sign it. I instructed her to sign her name on my chee chee part of my t-shirt. My other girl friend told me why didn't I put it on first then ask her to sign my chee chee. It was a great night!

    I did check out the 'treaty' after I posted the only part that I could connect is the fact that Hawaii's common law (fake state) is British. Our water rights are imbedded into that common law. But, we did not put it into the 1978 con con. We have no sustainable plan in the fake state, but the military will or have proposed their sustainable 5 year plan to the white house. All nuclear waste are to be removed from military bases for the safety and health of their families. An in the fence and out of the fence kine stuff.

    As for emancipation of Hawaii's sex slave industry, which is what girl.fest is about--so long as the fake state exist and people are working within the colonial systems of ideals, we are sunked. As aboriginals can we free ourselves? Not sure yet as to how we can go there in our thought processes.

  • Amelia,

    couldn't resist watching the other cartoons ...I want to be loved by you ..... it was funny.

    What is Rush Baggot Treaty? Did I gloss over this in the previous posting? After 911 the coast guard did go through changes for it was clear that they were not armed or ready on 911. Kaohi
  • Okay,

    After watching 2 hrs of alex, I needed a few hippos..... "The Great American Ripoff" by FW Maisel 1983 Condidio press is a good hard copy reading to have in your library. As someone said, we have to endure the warm and cold climate changes and their taxations...of "Entropy" by Jeremy Rifkin or Rachel Carson.

    I don't think anyone else have the time to understand the Alex video which is the same story of Fred Maisel's writtings. The question is how does one maintain a balance with "Law of Occupation" and neutrality in the background of this circle of love. Do we try to understand the round about and add in Martens Clause?

    I strongly believe that we need to not only educate ourselves, but also dig in our heels for the storm. I don't think 2 months is a given to prepare for what's to come in 2010. I was in New Orleands two weeks before 911 and Katrina is understandable for me, just as Hawaii is within the neutrality of sorts. Sorts because I am still a student of neutrality. The point is can we endure life after a nuclear winter? Can we endure long life? Not to be too simplistic, but do we the Kanaka Maoli have the resources to confront the autrocities within Maoli World? Kaohi
  • Good morning,

    This is a great re-posting for I have already watched this video. I am aware of the Rockefeller foundation supporting R&D on humanity. I started to question Hawaii abortion and Hawaiian men in politics that conducted their macho'ism behavior on native Hawaiian women after the Vietnam War. Although it ended in 1978, the war was over in 1972 and it was a matter of when will the troops were coming home. One can play with the interest rates and the reserve board during that time period for we are in that same time period. I hope we don't end the war with a nuclear winter.

    This article posting is another means of how our homesteads were infiltrated by outsiders: courts, popular opinion, and Hawaiian men.

    At the top of the article: First this entire article is a lie and not admirable to native Hawaiian women with 50% plus bloodquantum. John Wise (UH Manoa) and Prince Kuhio (Ali'i) were not interested in native Hawaiian women except to have babies to populate the islands for their gains and maintain paternalism among native women.

    If one examines the program you will see the word 'need' written into the policy. That is the problem for native Hawaiian women. The welfare state (paternalism) begins in this gesture of male vs women for we were not capable of getting an education, a job, therefore we remained in 'need' and the lease was to remain in the male hands of Department of Hawaiian Home Lands (DHHL) and their male counter partners. That all changed in the 70s and 80s because of native Hawaiian women rising up only to have Hawaiian men join non-Hawaiian men in their quest to control native Hawaiian women voices. Outside women (not living on DHHL) joined forces with with white/Hawaiian men immediately after the 1978 con con. I call this a swill of rocks.

    The Rockefellar foundation and non native Hawaiians with 50% plus bloodquantum conjoined at the head like freaks! The second paragraph is a gem. For this is another set of lies, in annual report for 1974 & 75 we only had 3,000 to 5,000 people on the waitlist and after the formation of 1978-Office of Hawaiian Affairs the new list was created. The 3-5,000 was cancelled out because of their 'need' base income by the new list If one was on the list one had to be in need. After the formation of OHA--John Waihee administration changed policy through the Federal-State task force and white/Hawaiian men for the legislature was filled with Hawaiian men and their mahu closet queens lobbyist. That 74-75 list was wiped out by the Broken Trust lobbyist in their task force recommendations via the word 'density'.

    Density is a word that replaced 'need' in other words to qualify one needed to have a certain income above need and affordable. We know for every available lot given-- 5 to 20 native Hawaiian people are grouped per lot. True, the loan officers choose from 20 applicants an applicant for that particular lot. The Federal Task force transformed into 1991 reports and the feds and UH Manoa faculty from the Economic Department at Porteus 5th floor generated thesis for 'compensation' settlements which are the swill set forth and promoted by pigs from hell. It was very difficult to be a student at UH Manoa during the years of 1991 thru 1995. Eventhough I attended these meetings and opposed the '$ compensation' because it was a set amount in dollars, as a native Hawaiian with 50% plus bloodquantum leasee on DHHL, I had no voice. The fed's sat there like rocks on swill in a classroom at Porteus as I shared my mana'o and the Economic Department skirmed and squealed like pigs. Betweent UH Manoa, ali'i Kawananakoa, and OHA's popular vote list--this native Hawaiian women had no voice.

    Their is no urgency to determine the said amount and dangle it in mid air until the rest of the list dies out. Note the two people out of close to 3,000 people were settled and 300 died--this is data manipulation by Department of Health outcomes. On Maoli World this native Hawaiian woman with 50% plus bloodquantum and DHHL leasee has no voice. It's a game of wits and wasted energy to discuss any issues concerning 200,000 acres, the wait list, and monetary compensation with people that have no vested interest in DHHL--except if one is a successor.

    The successor which those of us who are ahead of the game--we know that is the real target. Once the compensation is doeled out into a charity association for native Hawaiians the successorship will be severed from the progam and placed into the hands of a corporate association controled by a non entity. One can see this phenomenon in Kapolie--sadly it's in the behavior of the children. We have native homes that have no successorship. The reality check exist for me because I grew up on DHHL and am presently a leasee on DHHL and I have children that are Leasees that have qualified successors (grandchildren).

    So whose voice are you going to listen to-- the lobbiest on Maoli World? It's a stink'en mind game and a waste of my time. Toiling on Kuhio's program issues with Maoli World lobbyist for state entities sucks up to the Ali'i's agenda of human control for crumbs or swill. Ring the bell (pavlo) and the pig ran all the way home crying wee wee. Kaohi

    Resolve Homelands Issue

    POSTED: 01:30 a.m. HST, Nov 08, 2009

    Long before Hawaii became a state, Congress established the Hawaiian Homes Commission to set aside public lands for native Hawaiians to apply for residential homesteads. Implementation of the admirable program was abysmal, and a state judge has rightly concluded that intended benefactors deserve monetary compensation for their futile wait.

    Circuit Judge Eden Elizabeth Hifo ruled that the state had failed in its responsibility to distribute the land in a timely manner, a neglect that has been realized almost since the inception of the commission, now the state Department of Hawaiian Home Lands. A federal task force recognized the problems in 1983. Only 6,000 of 25,000 beneficiaries on the waiting list have been given homesteads.

    The state Legislature agreed in 1991 on an avenue of redress for those who had been denied land by enacting a limited waiver of sovereignt immunity, allowing them to seek compensation through an administrative process, if they did so by 1995.

    Only two claims had been satisfied by 1999, when a lawsuit with 2,752 Hawaiians as plaintiffs -- of the 20,000 or so who had been on the waiting list -- was filed, and the state Supreme Court upheld its legitimacy three years ago. The thrust of the high court's 64-page ruling will make any appeal of Hifo's ruling a long shot.

    Hifo's ruling came last week at the end of a five-week trial, the first of a two-part proceeding; the second part is to be aimed at determining the amount of compensation. Hifo has suggested instead that a special master be appointed to help determine how claims will be resolved.

    Carl Varady, an attorney for the plaintiffs, said it would be "purely speculative" to say how much money will be involved. However, a panel created by the 1999 Legislature estimated that the claims by 47 percent of all the plaintiffs' claims would total $60 million in compensation, so the amount to be determined in court could exceed twice that -- plus the rent paid and the equity lost in the past decade.

    The state Attorney General's Office issued a prepared statement that it is "reviewing the decision to determine the appropriate next steps."

    The state can only hope that the compensation be paid after it emerges from the current recession, but that may be too much to ask. More than 300 of the plaintiffs have died in the past decade and many of the remaining ones are elderly, so urgency is an issue. So is justice.
  • amelia,
    Will read tomorrow. Kaohi
  • Amelia,

    "let's see how far come....cool...now it's over for you....I believe it's burning to the ground... ." Matchbox

    After our Kahea at Kaneilio, I took the 'niaupio' children to see "This is it"! I had an opportunity to cry and come to terms with 'what's going on'-- for every second in 'this' movie it's beyond the limitations of one's comprehension, but conducive to the up coming Nuclear Winter. We only have two more months to convince Lolo Obama to 'stop the bombing'. Even after his 'nuclear' presidency, Havea will carry the burden for nencompoops (sp) strawman yellow "Tropic of Cancer"pathway across the Pacific.

    Havea (Hawaii) needs to take the lead for all Pacific Islands and evict the US from the Pacific. We need to join together as an International governing body, can we all come together as a unit 2010 for Kamehameha I 200 year unification?

    I'm trying to understand the broad perspective of 'neutrality' and how that fit's into the Laws of Occupation.

  • Aloha,

    I did my Kahea at Kaneilio at Pokai Bay and it was an exprience I will never forget. It's ironic that today we had the veteren's parade too because drumming for peace also means giving the military an eviction notice. For we just can't let them think that we can just drop dead before our time. Kaohi
  • In the jungle the mighty jungle the lion sleeps tonight........fart's....

    Plume distroys our health, our culture and our peace of mind, thus, suffering. So the the laws of humanity apply? Laws of Occupation? Neutrality? To force our 'truckers' into a low bid procurement contract to unload their contaminated soil in a back yard dump and then black top it later. All the while the dust is exposed to their families and the surrounding communities. Just based on the 40 known wind directions that can be described in Hawaiian names and meanings, the depleted uranium and nuclear contaminants are spread wide aggregating further than one can imagine. Why do truckers remove contaminated soil with nuclear debrie? Why don't they take their load to Waiamanalo dump instead of their private dump? Who is Tad Davis? What is his 5-year sustainable plan? What is in the fence as oppose to outside the fence? Why did NRC lie to Hawaii native Hawiian citizens? Why I am not giving my consent to contaminate my home, lessen my grandchildrens life to one third life span, and my communities economic death health issues?

    As a native Hawaiian with 50% plus bloodquantum I am asking the military of the United States to leave Hawaii. This is based on the fact that I no longer can afford to pay for medical bills, pay for cleaning of the nuclear waste dust particles from my home, basically I have not economic means to do clean up! Not even to prepare for my own death in this instances, nor can I afford to pay for the slow death health risk from these contaminated back yard dump that aligns the stream and my community. I do attend their funerals and I am at a lost as to why?

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