Hawai'i Houseless Plan.

Aloha kakou.

Public input is sought this month into the Hawai'i Interagency Council on Homelessness (HICH), eight community sessions are scheduled throughout the islands commencing in Kaua'i on March 16th next. For details of meetings and the HICH draft plan please click here:

http://www.hawaii247.com/2012/03/09/review-state-homelessness-strategic plan.

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  • Mahalo Andrew

    I'm reading through the document.   I was at Occupation 'Thomas Square' last night, and I did some visits after work today at Keeau's. Too little to late in June for Keeau's.  What I have is the long time folks ...and from my quick reading ...the bottom line if any ...is criminal application from the report.  That's the only one that applies to Keeau.  


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