Happy Thanksgiving everyone!
Facebook and IOLANI - The Royal Hawk message:  making laulaus for a Hawaiian Thanksgiving...i remember my son's teacher asked to bring something Indian for Thanksgiving to share in class....told her that I didn't think my son's gramma (part Apache) would want to come.....lol https://www.youtube.com/watch? v=aiu4kUVXClo
 it's good to know the real story of Thanksgiving.......and give thanks for our family(ies), friends, everything...........aloha <3 xoxoxoxox Happay Thanksgiving everyone!

https://www.youtube.com/watch? v=aiu4kUVXClo
(Lakota Indian: Generosity) - Remembering Thanksgiving"> 4:33

(Lakota Indian: Generosity) - Remembering Thanksgiving" target="_blank""> Wacantognaka (Lakota Indian: Generosity) - Remembering Thanksgiving

Wacantognaka (Wa-chon-toeg-nah-kah Lakota word for: Generosity) When white settlers first came to America, they didn't know which foods to eat and ...

by pushthelimit | 1 year ago | 5,576 views

and from DJ:

Here is a traditional toast (in Spanish) as you assemble with friends and family over Thanksgiving:

"Salud, pesetas, y amor -- y tiempo para gozarlas" 

-- "Health, wealth, and love -- and time to enjoy them"

"As we express our gratitude, we must never forget that the highest appreciation is not to utter words, but to live by them."

-John Fitzgerald Kennedy


"If the only prayer you said in your whole life was, "thank you," that would suffice."

-Meister Eckhart


"Thanksgiving, after all, is a word of action."

-W.J. Cameron


"He who thanks but with the lips
Thanks but in part;
The full, the true Thanksgiving
Comes from the heart."

-J.A. Shedd


"Thanksgiving Day comes, by statute, once a year; to the honest man it comes as frequently as the heart of gratitude will allow."

-Edward Sandford Martin

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A Thanksgiving Gift from Routh:

Healing Cancer Naturally: Lothar Hirneise's Conventional/Allopathic & Alternative/Holistic Cancer Treatment Research

http://www. healingcancernaturally.com/ lotharhirneise.html

Dearest Friends,

Recently I have learned of more loved ones having cancer and other devasting
diseases.  Some asked for help, some just mentioned it in a passing
conversation.  What I have found in my search to optimum health, is that
what works for cancer is the same for achieving optimum health, diabetes,
stroke recovery, heart disease and the list goes on.  I am sending you a
website that I believe has all the answers, many of which I tried and have
helped me tremendously, bringing me from where I was in 2002 (very, very
sick) to where I am today.  Though I may not be perfectly restored, I do
understand what it takes which I believe and have seen to be detoxification
(thru coffee enemas, VE iron's colonic therapy or through a colonic therapy
program. Also include are the healing and detoxing benefits of the ocean and
infared saunas.) and food and juicing.  Each time I was allowed to
participate in one of these programs, I became renewed in days!  So why
haven't I been able to achieve this here in Hawaii?  Well....after years of
trying to figure this out I have come to the conclusion that besides
environmental toxins, our food supply is the major culprit.  When you have
good food and food is your medicine, you have a strong immune system that
can withstand many environmental toxins, virus's, bacterial or fungal
infections and immune system imbalances.

Here in Hawaii, the majority of our food (over 90%) is flown in to our
islands.  This means our fresh produce which is the medicine of our food
supply is out of the ground between 4 to 7 days before we buy it, and
perhaps up to another 1-5 days before we eat it. The healing aspects of our
foods come from the micro organisms and enzymes found in our food, but these
die out within hours of harvesting.  To add salt to that wound; when
non-organic food is sent to Hawaii, it is irradiated, thus killing even more
of the nutritive value of the food, so by the time we are eating it there's
hardly any nutritional value left. The only food that is not suppose to be
irradiated is organic foods. What does survive a long time on the shelves
are the packaged foods with preservatives and that are processed- these are
not live foods, these are merely foods that fill our stomachs, but does not
necessarily heal our bodies or provide us optimum health.  For real healing
and optimum health to occur we need whole live foods that are packed with
high nutritional value.

Until recently, I could never figure out why I would feel so much better
when I would travel abroad to Europe or the mainland for any length of time.
I usually ate the same type of food/diet that I ate while in Hawaii, but I
always felt so much stronger and my health always appeared to get so much
better when I was off the island- the only difference was that I  usually am
getting foods right from the source (the farmer, or the restaurantor who
worked directly with farmers).  Prior to moving to Hawaii I never really had
a weight problem, and until I was pregnant I hardly ever went to doctors and
that was while I lived in LA which is not the cleanest of air, but none the
less, my photos show me as much more vibrant and healthy.  This seems kinda
funny since we live in paradise right?

So the above link will give you the heads up on therapies that I think are
the keys to optimum health and the way to recover from disease.  (There's a
movie you can see more about the Max Gerson protocol on called "The
Beautiful Truth
", now on Netflix under "Documentaries".) The link goes into
detoxing, juicing, raw food eating, and what I consider the best programs
that give you the guidelines to achieve your health.  However what it
assumes is that we have available to us the highest quality raw produce
available.  So this is our challenge here in Hawaii.  The highest quality
raw produce in Hawaii will come from a farmer who you know that heals, feeds
and balances their soil before they plant one seed, and does not use any
chemicals or synthetic additives, short of that, it's growing your own food
in your backyard or in little plots of land.  If you can't grow, perhaps you
can pay someone to grow the food for you and bring you the highest quality
and ingredients that are outlined in the Max Gerson programs and the
other programs listed in the website.  I am so excited about these programs
that I will be setting up a part of our farm to grow these foods for my
family and I, we will also be making these foods that are part of the above
programs available to others thru our GLOW membership program (green living
and organic whole-foods program) and our other memberships.

What does our "GLOW" membership include?

Each month we will publish on our website our menu plans for the month that
are a combination of the Max Gerson, Budwig Protocol, and the Lothar
Hirneise programs (where appropriate we will throw in macrobiotic protocols
and diagnostic tools to help you recognize changes and how the body
communicates to us). In addition you will be able to buy your produce
directly from our farm that will be the live ingredients for the recipes
found in our monthly menus.  What we have found is that though food may be
our best medicine, food that is out of season and not from our location
(Hawaii- tropical) may not always have the same results as when in the
location from which the food originates.  So for that reason, we will first
try to find the equivalent of the foods these plans suggest, that are
indigenous or grow well in our area- if we cannot find an equivalent, then
we will suggest that you get that ingredient from your local organic grocer
that brings in these foods (for instance- we cannot grow granny smith apples
here on the islands- but it is a significant part of the Gerson protocol).

Your GLOW membership is an important part of buying the amendments needed to
feed and balance the soil, thus producing the highest quality produce with
medicinal qualities available ($35 per week of your subscription will go
towards these soil applications).  Our produce will be home delivered twice
a week.  There will be a delivery charge that is given directly to the
delivery person who will be a student or member from a school or club that
are raising funds for their programs using green businesses to promote
sustainability in our community. Glow weekly membership fee breaks down to:
Each Nutritionally packed delivered produce bag is $45 x 2 deliveries per
week = $90 + $35/ week soil amendment contribution = $125 per week plus a
bonus *raffle ticket for each week. You must reserve your spot 1 month prior
to delivery, as we have limited space and only plant what we have demand
for, our first deliveries begin in January.  For those who would like to
give this weekly delivery service as a Holiday Gift, we will gift wrap a box
and send out the first menu with an explanation of the service.  On it we
will put a card that says: An invitation to Glow!

In addition you will have access to our research links and other information
that is discussed on our weekly TV show that will begin airing on OLELO TV
in January 2011 These shows are created to continue the flow of information
that can contribute to your continued health and environmental education
that is designed to empower you to become more self reliant/ self

Another option for our "GLOW" members is to buy our seasonal organic seed
collections directly from us that are the same seeds we will be planting for
our menu plans.  Buying a seasonal seed collection from us saves you hours
of searching for top quality organic seeds, testing out different seed
sources to know which seed companies are reliable (this is at a separate
cost and will ship 4 times a year) and you have the benefit of going right
out your door to harvest the highest quality veggies with all the micro
organisms and enzymes in tact, this is the most medicinal and nutritional
your food can be, to harvest and eat in an hour or two; and another added
bonus is that you will be reducing your carbon footprint by not having to go
to the store in a car saving gas or buying foods that were transported from
far saving on fossil fuel consumption and transportation cost. 

Seed requests received by Dec. 18th will be available for Christmas
Delivery, sent in a gift wrapped box with all the info regarding their seed
collection and the corresponding menu plan. Seed collections sent out in
January, March, June, September. On wrapped gift boxes a card will say: An
invitation to GLOW!

Becoming a My Organic "M.O.M. Approved" Member:

For those of you who want to support our cause (to empower people in the
area of sustainability and health) and participate in our menu and tv
programs, but do not live here on the islands or do not wish to buy produce
directly from our farm, you can do that by supporting us through our "M.O.M.
Approved" Membership.  This membership includes access to the monthly menu
plans we will post on our website and access to the notes from our show that
will begin airing on OLELO public access TV here on Oahu January 2011, but
also available thru links on our website that will be sent out to our
members weekly.

Another benefit for our "M.O.M. Approved" members is to buy organic seed
collections directly from us that are the same seeds we will be planting for
our menu plans.  Buying a seasonal seed collection from us saves you hours
of searching for seeds, testing out different seed sources to know which
seed companies are reliable seed sources. (this is at a separate cost and
will ship 4 times a year)and you have the benefit of going right our your
door to harvest the highest quality veggies with all the micro organisms and
enzymes in tact, this is the most medicinal and nutritional your food can
be, to harvest and eat in an hour or two; and another added bonus is that
you will be reducing your carbon footprint by not having to go to the store
in a car saving gas or buying foods that were transported from far saving on
fossil fuel consumption and transportation cost.

Your membership dollars will pay for the staff needed to produce the weekly
"MY Organic Mom on GreenTalksS" TV show and for the research, test kitchen,
and other expenses that goes into producing the monthly menus.  This
membership is $35 per month. There is a special program for those who pay
for 3 months; there will be a $5 discount and a bonus ticket to our *raffle.

The holiday gift giving time is here, what better gift then the gift of

Please pass this onto others you think may be interested and/ or simply
reply to this email for further information.

To all of you on this auspicious Holiday Season.....may God's Blessings be
with you all and your New Year be filled with Health, Harmony, and

Xoxoxo- Routh, Pascal and Sophie 
* Oh by the way: our raffle is for a week stay on our farm or you could hold
out for the grand prize; a 1952 Ford F3 Pick up Truck with an oak panel
hydraulic dumping bed.z

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with this subject"">Last Thoughts Before the Turkey Comes Calling ...a letter from Michael Moore
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To: hawaiianhistory@yahoo.com

Last Thoughts Before the Turkey Comes Calling ...a letter from Michael Moore

Thursday, November 25th, 2010


As I head off for Thanksgiving, I wanted to share a final thought with you about this past week's news regarding the health care executives who sat around that table in Philadelphia four years ago and decided on a course of action to, if need be, "push Michael Moore off a cliff."

Having spent the week reading all their secret documents (and the book "Deadly Spin"), it's clear that there was something far more scary to these companies than me.

They were, in fact, scared of you. They were afraid YOU would end up pushing them over their own greedy cliff.

Yes, they spied on me and my family in the hopes of finding something with which to smear me and my film, "Sicko." Finding nothing (sorry, guys, I live a pretty boring life), they then resorted to the old chestnuts that have been hurled at me by General Motors, the Bush White House, the National Rifle Association and others since my first film 20 years ago, and they essentially boil down to this:

"Don't listen to him! He hates America! He hates our way of life! He's not telling you the truth! He plays fast and loose with it! Patriots, don't waste your good money to see his movie!"

And it's that last message that's at the epicenter of their biggest fear. Back in 2007, these health insurance companies believed that if you strolled inside a theater showing "Sicko", their golden goose would be cooked.

They knew, according to former health care exec and whistleblower Wendell Potter, that the truth was up there on that screen -- and the LAST thing they wanted was for millions of Americans to be exposed to it.

Why? Well, we need look no further than the document containing their own secret directive on how they should deal with the movie:

"[We Must] Prepare for the Worst Case...SiCKO evolves into a sustained populist movement."

There it is. Their biggest fear. Their "worst case" scenario. That YOU, the American public, would rise up against them. I wasn't their worst nightmare -- you were. Their own research and private polling showed that you were getting fed up with how they were screwing you, gouging you, ripping you off, denying you coverage and flat out just kicking you off the insurance. They knew, according to Potter, that they were killing 45,000 of you every year simply by denying you coverage.

We Americans don't like people who kill us. We're the kind of people who will throw billions of dollars and the mightiest military on earth at just one guy because he killed just 2,977 people. What would we do if we discovered who's killing 45,000 of us every year? How fast would we act to sever the head of that beast?

You don't need to answer that question because the executives of the country's health insurance conglomerates already know it -- it's their big "What If", followed by an even bigger "Holy Shit." "What If the millions of average Joes and Janes ever got it together enough to bring us all down, to end our profiting off the misery of others? What If the citizenry one day begin electing representatives who couldn't be bought and who would end our for-profit health insurance racket?" Holy shit, indeed.

Yes, they feared that day more than anything else, and a movie coming out before a big election year with two popular Democrats pushing for some vague version of universal heath care was all that was needed to get Big Insurance to spend millions of dollars to attack me. These corporate kingpins knew they had pushed their luck too far and now they were worried that a movie -- a movie! -- could ignite a "populist movement."

All that money spent smearing me because they thought you would get up from your theater seat and start a revolution.

It's a great compliment to you. They fear the power you have. But that's 'cause they're good at math. They know there will always be more of us than there are of them. And unless they can repeal "one person, one vote," they know they are doomed. In the meantime they will try to maintain the power they have by buying off politicians, dumbing us down, distracting us with Dancing/Ice Skating/Drinking with the Stars and getting us so scared we'll acquiesce to having naked pictures taken of us at airports this Thanksgiving weekend. Over the river and through the body scan, to grandmother's house we go...

So let us give thanks today that the richest 1% begrudgingly know that we are still, on paper at least, in charge. It is, I believe, a glimmer of hope of what we could possibly accomplish in the coming new year.

Happy Thanksgiving,
Michael Moore



                                                                              compiled by Amelia Gora, a Royal person (2010)

As you may have already read in the previously posted articles about the Premeditation activities, the piracy(ies) involved in assuming a friendly, Neutral, non-violent nation, the information documented below shows some of the piracies, activities involved in assuming Trusts of our Royal Families over time by criminal maneuvers, conversions, piracy(ies, racketeering, Premeditation activities by criminals documented.

Descendants of the Royal Families exist, including myself, Amelia Gora, who has done more than 22 years of research to find the hidden lines of our Royal families, those who are the true descendants, heirs to the lands of Kamehameha thru Queen Liliuokalani's times.

The tremendous amount of fraud, deceit, racketeering, criminal conversions can be seen in the documents remaining, which appears to be one of the reasons why treasonous person Thomas Akaka's descendant Senator Daniel Akaka et. als. moves to destroy all of the books of our Hawaiian Kingdom, which remains evidence of their crimes documented through the Akaka Bill ---opposition to the Akaka Bill continues..

As you may already know, the Archives/Records of the Hawaiian Kingdom were shut down from 1893 thru 1895 and much tampering of our records occurred.  A treasonous persons descendant also sent out requests for other nations to return the books of the Hawaiian Kingdom under the guise of collecting the books for records (more for destruction of the evidence?)

Through the studies of the Alii, the evidence of piracy(ies) can be revealed.

For example, the Land Court which was brought to life in the early 1900's was utilized by many criminals, including the Bernice Pauahi Bishop Estates Trustees who claim themselves to be owners of the Trust.  A 5% interest is also assumed from the Charles Reed Bishop Trust, also a criminal trust perpetuating a life interest of the PIRATE OF THE PACIFIC.

See Land Court Case 1228, First Circuit Court, this is what is documented:

"Bernice Pauahi Bishop died October 16, 1884.  Her will dated October 31, 1883 and first codicil dated October 4, 1884, and second codicil, irrelevant for the purposes of this report, were duly admitted to Probate in the Supreme Court of the Hawaiian Islands, December 2, 1884.  (Probate No. 2425).  Inventory filed January 7, 1885 showed;  The Ahupuaa of Paalaa.  All the annuitants mentioned in the will and codicils are dead.  Acceptance of the trust by the Trustees named in the Will was filed on March 4, 1885."

Bernice Pauahi Bishop was half white, was not the last of the Kamehameha's, was not the full owner of the lands of Kamehameha I, Kamehameha II, Kamehameha III, Kamehameha IV, Kamehameha V, King Lunalilo.

Research shows many descendants, heirs, and uncovering the criminals, the racketeers, the pirates, the intruders, the outsiders, the conspirators, the treasonous persons with their claws in every part of the Trusts belonging to the Royal families who were diverted through the malicious maneuvers of the pirates actively and criminally claiming what does not belong, could not belong to them - the white trustees supported by the bankrupt nations U.S., and England/Great Britain with the help of their banking investors the Morgan bankers of whom Charles Reed Bishop, the Judd families, et. als. were part of ---yes, partners in crime.

The following shows just the top of the iceberg, a rapidly melting iceberg, because the the truth of the matter is that all of the Trusts started in the Hawaiian Kingdom has true owners, bloodlines, descendants, heirs, which basically means that all lands claimed for, sold by the current Trustees are and remain fraudulent conveyances due to their foundation being based on fraud, racketeering, piracy(ies) on the high seas, etc.

Treasonous persons, conspirators, those promoting, perpetuating criminal activities, maneuvers in claiming sovereign trusts do not, and cannot inherit Sovereigns Trusts.  Everyone must heed the Hawaiian Kingdom, International laws dealing with Pirates, these who have done serious wrongs against the Royal families lose all their lands, assets, etc. 

In the Tilton Case of the Supreme Court, it was determined that Trustees cannot be owners.  Only the bloodlines, heirs can.  You see, even Americans, pirates, racketeers, do not obey their own laws.

The following are just some of the issues highlighted.  And, how dare I show such things? Because I too am one of the descendants/heirs of every one of the Trusts shown below!

The Kamehameha Trust(s) were formed by Kamehameha thru Kamehameha V.  The periods cover 1810 thru 1872.

http://www.hawaiihistory.org/ index.cfm?fuseaction=ig.page& PageID=398

Kamehameha I

c. 1758-1819

Born at Kokoiki in North Kohala on the island of Hawai`i, Kamehameha descended from chiefs of Hawai`i and Maui. As a young man, he distinguished himself as a talented warrior and served his uncle Kalaniopu`u, ruler of several districts on the island. As part of Kalaniopu`u's retinue, Kamehameha met Captain Cook on Maui and was wounded in the scuffle that resulted in Cook's death at Kealakekua Bay. A keen battle strategist and admirer of Western weaponry, Kamehameha later utilized guns and cannon to defeat his own enemies and consolidate his power in the Islands.

Following the death of Kalaniopu`u in 1782
, civil war broke out over control of the districts and resources of Hawai`i island. Bequeathed Kalaniopu`u's war god, Kukailimoku, Kamehameha was spiritually favored and eventually vanquished his primary rival and cousin Keoua at Pu`ukohola, the large temple Kamehameha built to secure victory. By 1795
, Kamehameha had reconquered Maui, Lana`i, Kaho`olawe and Moloka`i and acquired control of O`ahu at the Battle of Nu`uanu. Kaua`i and Ni`ihau, under the leadership of Kaumuali`i, submitted to Kamehameha's rule by truce in 1810

Throughout his reign, Kamehameha upheld the tenets of traditional religion in the face of new cultural influences. Although he cultivated friendships and alliances with Westerners who could help maintain his status - like John Young and Isaac Davis who shared their weapons expertise - he tightly controlled Western business and political contacts with Hawaiians. Kamehameha and his chiefs supplied visiting ships with provisions during the fur trade and cut cargo-holds of sandalwood to pay for Western goods.

Of Kamehameha's several wives, the most sacred was Keopuolani. Of higher rank than Kamehameha, her sons and grandsons continued the Kamehameha ruling line. Kamehameha's favorite wife, Ka`ahumanu, was the daughter of Ke`eaumoku, one of Kamehameha's war generals from Kona. Ka`ahumanu inherited the advisory role of her father after his death and became a powerful player in Kamehameha's court and those of his successors.

Mamala Hoe (Law of the Splintered Paddle)
During a raid on Puna, Kamehameha pursued several fishermen and his foot got stuck in a rock crevice. Realizing the chief's disadvantage, one of the fisherman struck him on the head with a paddle which splintered. As the first fisherman prepared to strike Kamehameha again, the other fisherman made a plea to his companion to spare Kamehameha. Deeply moved by this incident, Kamehameha later proclaimed a law to protect the defenseless and to ensure the safety of travelers. A version of the law was incorporated into the state constitution in 1978

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  • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dDmAZzMuizs&feature=related

    <a rel=nofollow href=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dDmAZzMuizs&feature=related"/>

  • Sites for further information

    The Hawai`i State Government's Description of Kamehameha (Hawai`i State Government)
    www.state.hi.us/about/ kamehemeha.htm

    The Library of Congress’ Biography of Kamehameha (Library of Congress)
    www.americaslibrary.gov/cgi- bin/page.cgi/aa/kamehameh

    The Story of Four Chiefs who helped Kamehameha gain power (Aloha Airlines)
    spiritofaloha.com/place/0902/ place.html

    An Article about the God's that Kamehameha Worshiped (Aloha Airlines)
    spiritofaloha.com/place/1198/ place.html

    A Description of the Reign of Kamehameha (National Park Service)
    www.cr.nps.gov/history/online_ books/kona/history4.htm

    An Article about Kamehameha's Trusted Advisor, Hoapili (Aloha Airlines)
    spiritofaloha.com/place/0399/ place.html

    http://www.hawaiihistory.org/ index.cfm?fuseaction=ig.page& PageID=399

    Kamehameha II

    (Liholiho) 1797-1824

    Eldest son of Kamehameha I and Keopuolani, Kamehameha II shared his rule with Ka`ahumanu, appointed kuhina nui (regent) by his father. Under the influence of Ka`ahumanu and his mother, Kamehameha II discredited the gods, overturned the ancient kapu system in 1819

    and ordered the destruction of temples and images. Less than a year after overturning the kapu, Protestant missionaries arrived from New England and gradually established a foothold for Christianity. Continuing sandalwood trade brought new profits to chiefs but began to destroy the Islands' ecosystem and disrupt a subsistence agricultural lifestyle. During Kamehameha II's reign, a nascent whaling industry also established itself in the Islands.

    Called `Ai Noa (Free Eating), Liholiho and his court broke the ancient kapu when chiefs and chiefesses shared a common meal at the urging of both his mother, Keopuolani and Ka`ahumanu. Prior to this, men and women had been strictly forbidden from eating together, and in addition many foods were forbidden to women. By flaunting the laws so publicly, Liholiho's challenge to the gods could not be ignored.

    Kamehameha II had five wives and dowager queens, his half-sister Kamamalu being his favorite. In 1824

    , he and Kamamalu set off for England to gain knowledge of the world and establish stronger ties with England for Hawaii's protection. Hosted in London by the British Foreign Office, the royal group attended receptions and theater events but the king and queen fell ill before they could meet with George IV. The royal entourage caught measles, a disease unknown to them and for which they had no natural immunity. Kamamalu contracted pneumonia as well and died July 8; Kamehameha II died a few days later on July 14th. Half the group recovered and Boki, the ranking chief among the survivors, met with the English king before they returned to Hawai`i in May 1825 with the gilded royal coffins.

    Sites for further information

    A Description of Liholiho's (Kamehameha II) Rule Over Hawai`i (National Park Service)
    www.cr.nps.gov/history/online_ books/kona/history5.htm

    http://www.hawaiihistory.org/ index.cfm?fuseaction=ig.page& PageID=400

    Kamehameha III

    (Kauikeaouli) 1814-1854

    Hawaii's longest reigning monarch, Kamehameha III came to the throne when he was only nine. He shared his rule initially with Ka`ahumanu, then his half-sister Kinau who succeeded Ka`ahumanu as kuhina nui. Following a period of rebellion, Kamehameha III settled into his role and worked diligently to formalize Hawaiian government. Advised by foreigners and recognizing Western forms as a useful model, Kamehameha III established a declaration of rights, Hawaii's first constitution (1840)

    , judicial and executive branches of government, and a system of land ownership under the Mahele of 1848


    Despite its own political and structural growth, Hawai`i remained in a vulnerable position internationally. Several threatening visits by French gunboats preceded a five-month annexation by Britain in 1843

    . Annexation by the United States was also a threat, though it was not accomplished during Kamehameha III's reign. The Islands' economy, meanwhile, tended toward capitalism under the influence of foreign trade. Sandalwood declined due to depleted forests, but was replaced by the new whaling industry. As whaling waned, cattle and ranching activity grew but it was large-scale sugar cultivation that took center stage and became the powerhouse that drove the economy into the 20th century.

    Kamehameha III married Kalama Hakaleleponikapakuhaili in 1837. Their two children died in infancy. Kamehameha III adopted his nephew Alexander Liholiho at birth and named him as his successor.

    In a speech celebrating the return of sovereignty to the Hawaiian Kingdom in 1843

    , Kamehameha III used the phrase, "Ua mau ke ea o ka `aina i ka pono (The life of the land is perpetuated in righteousness)." His words live on as the state's motto.

    Kauikeouli - Kamehameha III has descendants and heirs.

    Kauikeouli - Kamehameha III's hanai/adopted daughter and true cousin was Grace Kamaikui and her siblings (Fanny Kekela; Keoni Ana/John Young Jr.; Gini Lahilahi; James Young Kanehoa; Hueu Davis, Kale Davis, and Peke Davis. Grace Kamaikui's children were Hueu Davis; Kale Davis; and Peke Davis. Grace Kamaikui's children were adopted by her father John Young, so her children became her siblings twofold, thru her father John Young and her hanai/adopted father Kauikeouli - Kamehameha III.

    Descendants of hers exist today. Hueu Davis, Kale Davis, and Peke Davis were the hanai/adopted children of John Young, and Kauikeouli/Kamehameha III. Their true father was Isaac Davis.

    http://www.hawaiihistory.org/ index.cfm?fuseaction=ig.page& PageID=401

    Kamehameha IV

    (Alexander Liholiho) 1834-1863

    Son of Mataio (Matthew) Kekuanaoa and Kinau (daughter to Kamehameha I), Alexander Liholiho was younger than his brothers David, Moses and Lot. Their younger sister was Victoria Kamamalu. Raised as an adopted child of Kamehameha III, Alexander Liholiho was declared heir-apparent in 1853

    . As teenagers, he and Lot traveled to the United States, Paris and London accompanied by Dr. Gerritt Judd. His experiences with racial discrimination on the trip helped shape the anti-American, pro-British attitudes and policies of his reign.

    As Kamehameha IV, Liholiho married Emma Naea Rooke in 1856

    , having known her since childhood when they had attended the Chiefs’ Childrens’ School together. In 1858

    , their son Albert Edward Kauikeaouli was born.

    Despite early missionary inoculations, by mid-century the native Hawaiian population continued to be decimated by foreign disease.
    Alexander Liholiho celebrated his 16th birthday in Paris. While there, he met President Louis-Napoleon, took fencing lessons and learned to speak French.
    Kamehameha IV and his wife established Queen's Hospital in 1859

    to help stem the tide of sickness. They also helped establish the Anglican Church in Hawai`i, with Kamehameha IV translating the Book of Common Prayer into Hawaiian.

    Personal tragedy marked the last two years of Kamehameha IV's life. In 1859

    , in a fit of unfounded jealousy, Kamehameha IV shot his friend and secretary, Henry A. Neilson. Neilson languished for two years before dying. The king's remorse and grief were further compounded when Prince Albert died in 1862

    . Saddened and suffering from asthma, Kamehameha IV himself died in November 1863

    at 29.

    Sites for further information

    One of Kamehameha IV's Speeches to the Hawaiian Legislature 1861 (American Memory)

    Kamehameha's Proclimation of Neutrality 1861 (American Memory)

    Queen Emma's land claims have issues...........because Grace Kamaikui's Will had stipulations. Queen Emma and Kamehameha IV's child did not live on, and according to the Will, the lands were to go to her family. Her family includes her children Hueu Davis, Kale Davis, and Peke Davis.

    http://www.hawaiihistory.org/ index.cfm?fuseaction=ig.page& PageID=402

    Kamehameha V

    (Lot) 1830-1872

    Older brother to Kamehameha IV, Lot ascended to the throne as Kamehameha V at age 33. Having served under his brother as Minister of Interior and Minister of Finance, he came to the throne better prepared from an administrative standpoint than any previous king. In addition to his first trip abroad, he traveled to California and British Columbia in 1850

    . He promoted the cattle industry in Hawai`i, served as president of the graziers' association, and founded Moloka`i Ranch.
    "There was no trivial royal nonsense about him... He dressed plainly, poked about Honolulu, night or day, on his old horse, unattended; he was popular, greatly respected, and even beloved."
    -Mark Twain

    Kamehameha V took steps to strengthen the executive office, writing a new constitution in 1864

    that freed the king from the restraints of a privy council and kuhina nui. Wanting to protect the health and well-being of native Hawaiians, he refused to legalize hard liquor and limited activities that would further erode the traditional agricultural lifestyle.

    Kamehameha V remained a lifelong bachelor. He named his sister Victoria Kamamalu his heir, but did not name another successor when she died in 1866

    . An hour before his death in 1872

    , he asked Bernice Pauahi Bishop, a great-granddaughter of Kamehameha I, to take the throne but she declined. With no successor named, the constitution dictated an election to name the next monarch.

    Bernice Pauahi Bishop's land claims have issues. She was not the last of the Kamehameha's. She was documented to be half white, which means she was not the daughter of Abner Paki. Abner Paki's brother was Kalaniulumoku, and whose descendants exist today. For example, Kalola (w) who is listed on the Probate as as heir with Charles Reed Bishop, Bernice Pauahi's husband, who was entitled to only a life estate. Charles Reed Bishop did perpetuate a life estate by deeding his life interest to the eventual conspirator, treasonous trustees his interest as documented in Liber 142, page 142, Bureau of Conveyances, Honolulu, Oahu, Hawaii.

    Charles Reed Bishop did form his own estate utilizing Akahi (w) lands. Akahi (w) the claimed aunt of Bernice Pauahi has descendants. Charles Reed Bishop did pirate these lands, he was entitled to a life estate only. Charles Reed Bishop did help to dethrone the Queen in 1893 with his friends, he was a treasonous, conspirator documented. Since 1878, he and his friends did help to finance the Pacific Cable Company with the purpose of informing the U.S. that the Japanese were passing the Hawaiian Islands. See CHRONOLOGICAL HISTORY OF HAWAII, ABROAD, AND THE UNITED STATES, and other books, articles by Amelia Gora.

    http://www.hawaiihistory.org/ index.cfm?fuseaction=ig.page& PageID=403

    William Charles Lunalilo


    After the death of Kamehameha V, the constitution stipulated that the next ruler be chosen by a vote of legislators. Overwhelmingly supported by the general population, Lunalilo easily won the vote over his opponent, David Kalakaua. He took the throne in January 1873


    Lunalilo was a grandson of Kamehameha I's half-brother and was related to Kinau (one of Kamehameha's daughters) through his mother. His father Kanaina was a lesser chief and Lunalilo, like most royal children, was educated at the Chiefs' Childrens' School.

    In 1860

    , Kamehameha IV sponsored a contest for new national anthem lyrics to match the tune of "God Save the King." Lunalilo wrote the winning entry and was awarded 10 dollars. His song became the kingdom's new anthem.

    As king, Lunalilo quickly amended the Constitution of 1864

    and abolished property requirements for voting. He unsuccessfully pursued a reciprocity treaty with the United States and withdrew a proposal to lease out Pearl Harbor when faced with public opposition. After defusing a mutiny of the Household Troops, Lunalilo disbanded the army.

    He had once been engaged to Victoria Kamamalu, but because this match had been opposed by Kamehameha IV, Lunalilo remained a bachelor. He died in 1874

    of tuberculosis and alcoholism, having ruled only a little over a year. Slighted by the Kamehameha family over the final resting place of his mother's remains, Lunalilo insisted that he be buried in a tomb separate from the Royal Mausoleum; his resting place still stands inside the grounds of Kawaiaha`o Church. He left his property to establish Lunalilo Home, a haven for poor, elderly, and infirm Hawaiians.

    Sites for further information

    en.wikipedia.org/wiki/William_ Charles_Lunalilo

    King Lunalilo's Trust was formed in . His father Charles Kanaina has documented heirs. There were nine (9) interests documented:

    2 interests to Bernice Pauahi who was married to PIRATE OF THE PACIFIC: Charles Reed Bishop
    1 interest to Ruth Keelikolani
    1 interest to Kaaua
    1 interest to Haalelea (1/3); Haalilio (1/3); and Kahuakaiola/Kahuakailoa (1/3)
    1 interest to
    1 interest to
    1 interest to
    1 interest to

    http://www.hawaiihistory.org/ index.cfm?fuseaction=ig.page& PageID=404

    David Kalakaua

    After Lunalilo's death, another election was held in 1874

    , this time pitting Kalakaua against queen dowager Emma. Kalakaua won by a huge majority following which Emma's supporters started a riot that had to be quelled by American and British marines.

    Though Kalakaua was not related to the Kamehameha line, his father, Kapaakea, was great grandson of Kameeiamoku, one of Kamehameha I's strongest supporters. On his mother's side, Kalakaua was related to other Kona chiefs. Educated at the Royal School, Kalakaua held positions in the palace under Kamehameha IV and served 13 years in the legislature.

    One of Kalakaua's first actions as king was to take a tour of all the islands. He also traveled to Washington - the first reigning monarch ever to visit the United States - and secured a reciprocity trade treaty.

    There walked up to the verandah a young man whom Mr. Wyllie introduced as the King's [Kamehameha IV] Aide-de-Camp, Mr. Kalakaua. He was a pure Hawaiian, excessively stout, but of most gentlemanlike manners and appearance.
    -Sophia Cracroft, 1861

    Kalakaua married Kapi`olani in 1863

    . Since they had no children, Kalakaua named his younger brother, William Pitt Leleiohoku, his heir. After William's death in 1877

    , Kalakaua named his sister Lili`uokalani as heir and regent in his absence.

    In 1881

    , Kalakaua took a world tour and visited other heads of state. Upon his return to Hawai`i, he built `Iolani Palace and in 1883

    , nine years after his election, crowned himself in an official coronation ceremony. In 1886

    , the Merrie Monarch's Jubilee marked Kalakaua's 50th birthday with a two-week celebration that included parades, fireworks, hula performances, and a public luau. Kalakaua sent his wife and sister to London the next year as his representatives at Queen Victoria's Golden Jubilee.

    While sugar profits grew and Hawaii's economy flourished, business deals and corruption seeped into government. Business interests wanting more control forced Kalakaua to sign the "Bayonet Constitution" in 1887, reducing his power to that of a figurehead.

    After a bruising legislative session in 1890

    , Kalakaua sailed to San Francisco hoping to rest and restore his health. He died there in January 1891

    at the San Francisco Palace Hotel.

    King Kalakaua's Trust was formed in

    Queen Kapiolani did not form a Trust; however, her criminal nephews did. They filed a deed right away instead of listening to her instructions and Queen Kapiolani is on record opposing their moves. Queen Kapiolani was the administrator of her sister Princess Poomaikelani, and whose descendants exist today.

    Queen Kapiolani died in 1898 or 5 years after the criminal dethronement of Queen Liliuokalani, her sister-in-law. Queen Kapiolani was also a hanai/adopted child of Kaluakini (k). Kaluakini's descendants exist today.

    http://www.hawaiihistory.org/ index.cfm?fuseaction=ig.page& PageID=405


    (Lydia Paki) 1838-1917

    Kalakaua's younger sister by two years, Lili`uokalani was adopted by Paki and Konia and raised as a sister to Bernice Pauahi. Educated at the Royal School, she was particularly gifted as a musician and composer. She married John Owens Dominis in 1862

    and they lived in Washington Place, his mother's home. In 1863

    Kamehameha V appointed Dominis governor of O`ahu where he performed his duties as governor while Lili`uokalani acted as the king's regent during Kalakaua's world tour.

    Proclaimed Queen after her brother's death in 1891

    , Lili`uokalani spent most of her reign wrangling with her cabinet. She unsuccessfully battled to establish a new constitution, one that would restore some of the executive powers stripped by the "Bayonet Constitution" of 1887

    . A group of American businessmen, frustrated by the Queen's persistence, organized a "Committee of Safety" and staged a coup on January 17, 1893

    . Pressured by United States Minister Stevens and the presence of American marines, Lili`uokalani acquiesced while at the same time hoping the United States President would right the situation.

    "Aloha `Oe," Lili`uokalani's most famous song, was inspired by a horseback trip she took in 1877

    to the windward side of O`ahu. After visiting the Boyd ranch in Maunawili, Lili`u witnessed a farewell embrace between Colonel James Boyd and one of the young ranch ladies. A tune came to her on the ride home and she composed the words once she returned to Washington Place.

    In 1895

    , Robert Wilcox led an unsuccessful counter-revolution to restore the monarchy. When arms were found hidden at Washington Place, Lili`uokalani was tried for treason and imprisoned in an upper story room of `Iolani Palace. She formally abdicated

    on January 24, 1895 to win clemency for the rebels who supported her.

    With no children of her own, Lili`uokalani had named her niece Ka`iulani as heir. After the overthrow, both Lili`uokalani and Ka`iulani went to Washington to persuade American leaders to restore the monarchy. Though President Cleveland was sympathetic, his successor McKinley supported the newly-formed Republic. In 1898

    , Hawai`i became a United States Territory.

    Ka`iulani died in 1899

    at age 24. Lili`uokalani lived on until 1917.

    Sites for further information

    Hawaii's Last Queen (American Experience)
    www.pbs.org/wgbh/amex/hawaii/ program.html

    Hawai`i State Government's Information about Queen Liliuokalani (Hawai`i State Government)
    www.state.hi.us/about/ liliuokalani.htm

    "Hawaii's Story by Hawaii's Queen" Online Text (University of Pennsylvania)
    digital.library.upenn.edu/ women/liliuokalani/hawaii/ hawaii.html

    A Newspaper Article Remembering the Overthrow of Liliuokalani (Star-Bulletin)
    starbulletin.com/1999/06/16/ millennium/story7.html

    The actual text of the Queen's Protest
    alohaquest.com/archive/queens_ protest.htm

    Queen Liliuokalani's Trust was formed in 1872. She denied signing a Trust Deed with Samuel Damon, Curtis Iaukea, and William Smith.

    Queen Liliuokalani's hanai/adopted daughter Kaaumoana/Kahakuhaakoi/ Kahakuakoi/Kekua/Kuahine/Luka/ Luika (w) married to Keo/Keoki/Kealohapauole aka's (k) was assigned to be her Trustee, and her descendants/bloodlines only....not the adopted children, the hanai/adoptive children.

    These are the Trusts of the Hawaiian Kingdom.

    Queen Liliuokalani was given Hawaii back in 1895; the Hawaiian Kingdom which did go "under ground" in 1893 is back.

    The pirate entity developed by the U.S., England, and the Morgan bankers (U.S., Englands investors), did help to pirate a friendly, neutral nation due to their bankrupt status, their animosities towards all people of color in the Hawaiian Islands and elsewhere documented. Rents and Leases are owed to the tune of $500 Trillion dollars in gold coins per year retroactive to 1893.

    Furthermore, all lands documented from the time of the Trusts remain the properties of the Royal families, Trusts which were created/formed pre- 1893.

    In other words, the lands sold/conveyed dishonestly/based on fraud/deceit/criminal deviance/racketeering/piracy belongs to the Royal families documented.

    Improper conveyances, mischievous conveyances are not valid.

    Validity to claims of lands in the Hawaiian Islands cannot be supported by the pirate entity now calling itself the State of Hawaii.

    Foreign nations who helped the U.S. such as England/Great Britain with their investing bankers are and remain bankrupt due to the funds stolen from the Hawaiian Kingdom vaults which were filled with gold bullion, gold coins or "Coins of the Realm" criminally used must be returned from Ft. Knox, etc.

    All Morgan banks are to pay back all the funds stolen/taken/borrowed/ plundered from the vaults with the assist of President Benjamin Harrison and his expert international transfer bank owner Vice President Levi Morton.

    The U.S., England/Great Britain, and the Morgan banks owe much to the Royal families in the Hawaiian Islands, and alternate payments of nuclear wastes/depleted uranium/DU/GMO's/military occupation is not acceptable..

    The descendants of Kamehameha thru Queen Liliuokalani existed then, and their descendants exist today, without granting approval for a belligerent occupier to take care of our interests, etc.

    Specific descendants are the true Trustees of the Alii Trusts, which means all that the current trustees from the conspirators, treasonous persons/descendants are hereby null and void. Furthermore, all land, business transactions made by the claimed trustees of the Bernice Pauahi Bishop Trust; King Lunalilo Trust; Queen Emma Trust; Queen Kapiolani Trust; King Kalakaua and Queen Liliuokalani Trusts, Charles Reed Bishop Trust, etc., are hereby nulled and void. The entity State of Hawaii, City and County, Federal Courts in the Hawaiian Islands has no jurisdiction over the Royal Families Trusts, and have received claims to lands by fraud, deviance, criminal malfeasance, deception, promoting piracy(ies), racketeering, wrongful moves against a neutral, friendly nations people, subjects, Royal persons now documented.

    I, a Royal person, Amelia Gora, descendant of Kalaniopuu, Kamehameha, Kahekili, Kaumualii, Nuuanu(Konohiki), Akahi (Konohiki), Grace Kamaikui (John Young's descendant and hanai/adopted child of Kauikeouli/Kamehameha III), Peke Davis (Grace Kamaikui's and Isaac Davis descendant adopted by John Young and hanai/adopted daughter of Kauikeouli/Kamehameha III), Kalola (Bernice Pauahi's only relative listed on her probate because of her connection thru her claimed father's line Abner Paki - brother Kalaniulumoku), Luluhiwalani (konohiki), Mataio Kekuanaoa/Mataio Kekuanaoa, his wives Kalehua, Kalima (last wife who survived him affecting the Kekuanaoa, Victoria Kamamalu interests; he was also the father of Kamehameha IV- Alexander Liholiho; father of Kamehameha V - Lot Kamehameha, et. als.), Abigail Maheha (attended the Royal School and married Keau/Keaupuni), Kapapoko/Kapooloku/Abigaila/Princess Poomaikelani (her administrator was Queen Kapiolani who was the hanai/adopted daughter of Kaluakini, my great grandfather); heir of King Kalakaua (thru his true children Kamaka (w) and Kaopu (k)), and Queen Liliuokalani,(thru her hanai/adopted daughter Luka/Luika/Kekua/Kahakuakoi/Kahakuhaakoi/Kaaumoana) hereby document this today, Thanksgiving Day, November 25, 2010.

    I, Amelia Gora, a Royal person, am also the Acting Liaison of Foreign Affairs of the Royal Families House of Nobles, the Hawaiian Kingdom/ Ko Hawaii Pae Aina and document that Kamehameha III - Kauikeouli has descendants, King Kalakaua, and Queen Liliuokalani has descendants. Kamehameha III's descendants through direct bloodlines of Kamehameha who formed the Monarchy government in 1810 appears to supercede all other interests in leading the Hawaiian Kingdom, from a Royal person, a living human being.

    ****************************** ********
    background info:

    Have been preparing claims of our ancestors for the AG/attorney general's office.........we have multiple claims and are documented heirs in the Will of Bernice Pauahi, Ruth Keelikolani, Queen Liliuokalani, et. als. The AG is the overseer of the Trusts.....if anyone feels they are part of the Alii lines, then prepare your genealogies too..............additionally, am continuing to support our kanaka maoli who wish to malama our families interests as well.

    The "yarns", lies promoted over time was set in place to obstruct truth, gray up the truth.

    The Kawananakoa's are simply not part of King Kalakaua's bloodlines...........connected thru the brotherhood of Masons/Freemasons.

    The hanai situation was challenged even by the KSBE/Kamehameha Schools Bishop Estates attorneys in the past...........

    Kamehameha had 10+ documented wives.
    Kamehameha II had 8 documented wives.
    Kamehameha III had 4 documented wives. He had several hanai children and several stepchildren documented. Recently someone claimed direct, yet, no documentation proves it.
    Kamehameha IV had 1 documented wife.
    Kamehameha V was unmarried.
    King Lunalilo was unmarried.
    King David Kalakaua had 2 documented wives. He had 2 documented children and 3 adopted children, of which the Kawananakoa's are NOT a part of.
    Queen Liliuokalani had 4 documented husbands.
    Princess Likelike had 1 documented husband and 1 documented child. The claimed descendants of Cleghorn are NOT related to the Kalakaua, Liliuokalani lines. They are called the ILLEGITIMATE children of Cleghorn, a Mason/Freemason. They have ties to Treasonous person Sanford B. Dole, one of the many genocide activists of the period.
    Princess Poomaikelani has descendants, which is where our families come in. There are documented others.
    Princess Kinoiki a sibling of Queen Kapiolani, wife of King Kalakaua; sibling of Princess Poomaikelani had three children. Her husband Iona Piikoi was married previously and there are other children who were defrauded by the Kuhio, Kawananakoa families.
    Prince Edward lived with Princess Poomaikelani and mysteriously died at age 18.
    Prince Kuhio, a treasonous person was another who married a Kahanu (w) who married into the Woods family. Descendants of Kahanu (w) exist in Aetearoa.
    Prince Kawanankoa, another treasonous person has a questionnable lineage who continues genocide activities, claiming lands that they have no rights to........they have changed their names from Ellerbrock to Kawananakoa; Lambert to Kawananakoa, etc.

    There are many unresolved issues, ramifications are ongoing.

    The point is that they are treasonous persons.

    The point /purpose of providing the links of the Robert Wilcox background is to show further issues of treasonous persons activities since King David Kalakaua's period. Charles Reed Bishop was also another treasonous person and ramifications are ongoing.

    I have posted the actual documents showing why Kuhio and Kawananakoa were treasonous persons.
    Additional evidence is part of a book that everyone will find exceptional.......important that all kanaka maoli to have to keep with their land documents and especially handy to support the reason why they're on the lands.

    Most of the documents are already in the hands of many who assist in caring for our families interests.

    "Today, I see crazies out there in high places hanging on everyword. Where is independent thinking? Where is researching? and more scary where is family and not clones of two authors that were and have manipulated our thinking for too long. But, I didn't question although I feel we need to question the native Hawaiian human conditioning that's been going on too long and now the Akaka Bill is a duplicate of the Rehabilitation Act only that it's adding in a 'military' component. I hope you read this! Keep posting sudden crush need to keep hearing it! Much aloha"

    People are lazy and apparently have done badly in schools.....diverted by anger.......when that anger should really be put to good use by hitting the books and DOING something about it....as both you and I know..........lol...

    Sheer laziness............plus the fact that they don't listen to their kupuna.....don't take notes.....don't record, etc..........many are sucked into the American ways of opposing their kupuna............and then, you have the ones who listened.........and clashing with the undereducated.......mind you not uneducated but undereducated.............. because they haven't listened and have no clue about such important issues of how propaganda plays a role in prompting people to act, react, etc.

    If everyone reviewed the Truth....or at least part of the Truth......researched and purposefully put out for many (not all due to some nasties), hopefully they could connect the dots...........for example, in regards to the "military" component:

    1822 Secret Treaty of Verona

    - move towards One World Order - comprised of Nations that All Nations should watch out for:

    1) Austria
    2) France
    3) Prussia
    4) Russia
    5) England
    6) U.S.
    7) Vatican

    Won't go over all the nations activities but let's touch base with Austria.

    Austria provides WEAPONS OF WAR for nations and in our index files as attempting to arm the Hawaiian Kingdom during King David Kalakaua's period.

    Kamehameha III's period documented Neutrality.....meaning non-warring.

    Queen Liliuokalani's period documented Neutrality....yet, the broke ass, bankrupt U.S. supported by England, the bankers, and the military did breach the Law of Nations and created a War against a neutral, friendly, neutral nation, the Hawaiian Kingdom.

    Robert Wilcox, schooled in Italy, etc. learned WARRING and his activities showed a continuous activity of moving to WAR, getting everyone riled up, yet, supported by Americans and England......Americans did move him into Congress, and his partner in crime was Volney Ashford a documented treasonous person who came from, and was supported by England...........see New York Times articles links in my posted article.

    Then you have the brothers two, the "Niggers" of the Hawaiian Kingdom partners in crime supported by the U.S., and the military, and their brotherhood of Masons/Freemasons........... going against the Queen who legally WAS NOT their aunty........all the propaganda, lies, criminal illusions, collusions set up.... can you smell the stench?.................heard that Akaka was part of the family of Kawananakoa's....and everyone must not let the fact go that Thomas Akaka, ancestor of Daniel Akaka, did commit treason, and did conspire against the Queen, the Hawaiian people, government - Hawaiian Kingdom in 1892 in Washington, D.C. with Thurston, Dr. Mott Smith.......in other words, there's a history of people who are documented as treasonous and notably their descendants perpetuate the crimes of the past....

    can you imagine if everyone did their homework.....it could be big time AWESOME!

    The military's part is to "protect the lives and property of their own".....this is the constant propaganda fed to everyone.........i heard it many times while working for the Army, Navy and Air Force...it's a sort of indoctrination campaign....like the chants put out by the churches.....some good, yet some to maintain obedience which is the part of the Vatican (oops, was only going to cover Austria.....lol)

    The military's support is Congress say so (see Premeditation article posted many times over)....the U.S. President pushes the Executive Order and all of them are really breaching their own Constitution, Law of the Seas, etc......lawbreakers against their own Supreme Court Justices who did declare that their roles and authority was limited to 3-12 miles from their contiguous shores/continent/United States....lands of the true owners, the native Indians btw.

    England guides the U.S. and their history shows it............ooops..... Austria is the focus....the road to WAR all set up by one nation, then the other nations prepares to FIGHT, PLUNDER, WAR with the intent to assume, claim, divvy up the goods (lands, resources, etc.)....do you see the pirating games?....yep, PIRATES ON THE HIGH SEAS......call it what it is..........

    https://www.youtube.com/watch? v=zHLqfkU_0xA"/


    there's much resistance..........or maybe much resistance on Maoliworld only......

    I'm a long time researcher. history and genealogies and law.......

    If there were more researchers we could move much quickly.....but do realize that we are from families with issues of genocide.....

    there's much going on behind the scenes and maoliworld connects only to some of the legitimate people, the truly interested......meanwhile there's ongoing issues away from Maoliworld ..........

    learn more by reading some of the old posts or checking out the websites http://myweb.ecomplanet.com/ yahoogroups.com

    under hawaiian genealogy society www.theiolani.blogspot.com



    and http://myweb.ecomplanet.com/ GORA8037
    if you've been involved in researching as long as some of us, normally, many would not want to share any information........i just wonder why the heck noone followed up on Queen Liliuokalani's issues.....even in her Will she maintained she did not sign a trust......I wonder about my own ohana for not exposing any of this crap sooner......

    the crap is that a branch of family which was adopted did cause big time pilikia making agreements with KUHIO and KAWANANAKOA..........and she was not descendants of the true trustee..........now, this project is being worked on.......... and that info in part has been shared only with select people who are not necessarily ohana.....

    "we are all ohana" is a lazy copout and disregarding the fact that direct lines exist.

    The above post has changes, the bold letters show the changes effective 09/2010:

    Kamehameha had 10+ documented wives.
    Kamehameha II had 8 documented wives.
    Kamehameha III had 4 documented wives. He had several hanai children and several stepchildren documented. Recently someone claimed direct, documentation now proves it.
    Kamehameha IV had 1 documented wife.
    Kamehameha V was unmarried.
    King Lunalilo was unmarried.
    King David Kalakaua had 2 documented wives. He had 2 documented children and 3 adopted children (Kahanu (k); Rose (k), and a yet to be verified adopted son) of which the Kawananakoa's are NOT a part of.

    Queen Liliuokalani had 4 documented husbands (Kaumauma, Koolau, Maulili, John Dominis).
    She said the following were here children/hanai: Abigail/Abigail Maikai/Kapooloku/Kapapoko/ Poomaikelani/Princess Poomaikelani; Kaaumoana/Luka aka's; Kaeha opio(w); Ioane (k); Kamukai (k); Wahie (k); et. als.

    Princess Likelike had 1 documented husband and 1 documented child named Kaiulani/ Princess Kaiulani. The claimed descendants of Cleghorn are NOT related to the Kalakaua, Liliuokalani lines. They are called the ILLEGITIMATE children of Cleghorn, a Mason/Freemason. They have ties to Treasonous person Sanford B. Dole, one of the many genocide activists of the period.

    Princess Poomaikelani has descendants, which is where our families come in. There are documented others.

    Princess Poomaikelani had children: Samuel (k); Alapai (w); Haili/Kaili/Kalama (w) and stepchildren. Her husband Iona Piikoi was married previously and there are other children who were defrauded by the Kuhio, Kawananakoa families.

    Princess Kinoiki a sibling of Queen Kapiolani, wife of King Kalakaua; sibling of Princess Poomaikelani had 3 sons: Edward, Kuhio, and Kawananakoa.

    Prince Edward lived with Princess Poomaikelani and mysteriously died at age 18.
    Prince Kuhio, a treasonous person was another who married a Kahanu (w) who married into the Woods family. Descendants of Kahanu (w) exist in Aetearoa.

    Prince Kawanankoa, another treasonous person has a questionnable lineage who continues genocide activities, claiming lands that they have no rights to........they have changed their names from Ellerbrock to Kawananakoa; Lambert to Kawananakoa, etc.

    There are many unresolved issues, which reveals that this is truly the CRIMINAL MECCA of the U.S., genocide issues (includes wrongful imprisonment of many including your ancestor John H. Wise, et. als., and ramifications are ongoing.

    hawaiianhistory@gmail.com or leave a message here if you have questions........of if you are part of the Royal Families, you're welcome to contact us for the IOLANI - The Royal Hawk news on the web goes out to many, and the ROYAL TIDINGS goes out once in a while to reach out to the descendants/heirs.


    brought this article forward because I stepped aside from the mega amount of disinformation, non researched bunch of baloney..............

    perhaps our family continues to have the right to sue for putting out erroneous information?..........but it seems it best to list the author, et. als. on the Genocide Activities list with references......

    the intent was to make Kuhio look like a good guy when in reality, he disobeyed his aunt Kapiolani and filed a deed with Prince Kawananakoa before she died. They were supposed to file after she died. Kapiolani was the administrator of her sister Poomaikelani/Kapooloku/ Kapapoko who was married a number of times, has descendants who have been defrauded by the criminal Kuhio and Kawananakoa families..........

    then, Prince Kuhio who called himself a friend of Liliuokalani...........because he was NOT a bloodline of Queen Liliuokalani.....and tried to declare her incompetent in a court case shortly before her death........

    he received a purported fractional interest in the Estate of Queen Liliuokalani from a purported heir of the Queen and he did turn that fractional interest over to a criminal/fictitious trust that Queen Liliuokalani had denied.

    It appears that Prince Kuhio fled from the Hawaiian Islands for his safety after many learned what he was up to. Queen Kapiolani died in 1898, and many were aware of his and his brothers wrongdoing because Queen Kapiolani's opposition to the deed was printed in the newspapers of the period.

    Kuhio along with Robert W. Wilcox, and Kawananakoa were parties to the crimes against Queen Liliuokalani..... many have the proof.................and it cannot be denied........................ wicked lot, greedy sons of bitches......

    and the story does not end there...................this group will be revealed further............... information has already been sent out to many.......

    https://www.youtube.com/watch? v=f2c5gJg7b0U

    [E Liliu E] 2:53 Add to Added to queue

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    E Liliu E

    31 de agosto de 2008

    by miriamOOCC

    | 2 years ago | 5,762 views

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