it was for the greed of american Usa as murderers, peroid....

kamehameha used the sharp shooters young and davis (both military americans)

to kill and murder our maui nui chiefs and alii nui's of our Royal Kingdom Ancesters,

read your history and the truth will set all of us free from kamehameha and his greedy intent,

that was and still is badly influrenced by americans of Usa.....for already kamehameha lost 9 battles (on big island....way before he had assistances from captain crook with guns and canons...agaisnt our Kanaka Maoli's of our Kingdom of Maui Nui....Iao Valley was a death bed of our Royalties and kamehameha was fully responsible and accountable for the flow of blood from our Royal Kingdom Ancesters of Maui Nui!

why you think kamehameha is honored by this evil illegal state of oahu.....because he is the fake and false king of Usa not of our Kingdom of Hawaii.....why you think kamehameha has his statue so honored by this state of oahu.....because he is the one that is holding our Native Hawaiians of Kanaka Maoli to get ahead of this evil illegal system of kamehameha and this state of oahu that is majority AMERICANS~~~

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  • for kamehameha was never for our Royalties and Ali'i Nui,

    her served the military of Usa (captain crook) and in return,

    sharp shooters Young and Davis both was gifted with a hawaiian wife,

    lands and positions in this illegal government as the Advisors of murdering

    our Royalties of our Hawaiian Kingdom Islands....and the truth needs to be told,

    and be exposed for our next future generation of Royal Kingdom Heirs...especially on our Kingdom of Maui Nui......amene

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