Hawaiian Kingdom/Kingdom of Hawaii No. 2015-0716 - Genocide Activities Ongoing File for Governor David Ige, DLNR/Department of Land and Natural Resources, National Guard, etc.

Amelia Gora <theiolani@gmail.com> Thu, Jul 16, 2015 at 5:21 AM
To: president@whitehouse.gov, Office of the Chief of Police <hpdchiefsoffice@honolulu.gov>, comments@whitehouse.gov, Switzerland Government <webmaster@admin.ch>, Irish Government <support@www.gov.ie>;, "john.maguire@rfi.fr" <john.maguire@rfi.fr>, info@rachi.go.jp, info@nhlchi.org, Transnational Institute <news@tni.org>, Shan.Tsutsui@hawaii.gov, "mayor@honolulu.gov" <mayor@honolulu.gov>, Courage to Resist <courage@riseup.net>, rense_news <rense_news@yahoo.com>, mayor@hawaii.gov, mayor@kauai.gov, mayor@maui.gov


 " class="CToWUd a6T"/>




[Kanaka Maoli flag]http://www.crwflags.com/fotw/images/u/us-hi_1.gif"/>



President Barack Obama

Secretary of State - John Kerry

Judges,  Honolulu Police Chief, et. als., Sheriff's 

Department, Governor Ige, et. als. in the Hawaiian Islands

Many Interested others

Please record Governor David Ige on the Genocide Activities Ongoing File because of his move to use the National Guard to intimidate, cause harm, stress, duress, usurpation, piracy, pillaging activities on lands that the State does Not own.
I, Amelia Gora, am one of the members of the Royal Families,  House of Nobles, Judicial Tribunal, Hawaiian Genealogical Society, Konohiki, and  the Acting Liaison of Foreign Affairs who did give Protective Orders/ immunities based on the parity clause for kanaka maoli/those defending their rightful "rights of native tenants", their friends.
Ige, governor elect from the U.S., is actively moving to step in and claim what does Not belong to him, his entity which grew out of the treason based part of the Hawaiian Government called the House of Representatives, turned Provisional government, neither de jure nor de facto, then Republic of Hawaii, then Territory, and State of Hawaii with documented oppositions every step of the way.
The Hawaiian Government Lands are lands of the Hawaiian Kingdom/Kingdom of Hawaii, and Not the identity thieves Territory of Hawaii which turned into the State of Hawaii with the Executive Order of President Eisenhower in 1959.  Opposition was documented by a Kamehameha descendant named Harold Abel Cathcart, cousin of my own great grandmother named Mele Kauweloa, one of Kamehameha III - Kauikeaouli's heir/descendant and successor..
Kamehameha III - Kauikeaouli (Sovereign - Permanent 1/3 part of the Hawaiian Government with his heirs and successors) provided for the House of Nobles (Permanent 1/3 part of the Hawaiian Government with their heirs and successors), Representatives/House of Representatives (Temporary 1/3 part of the Voted in part of the Hawaiian Government from which the native tenants were part of) were assigned to take care of the Government lands, etc.
Illegal contracts were made by the State approximately 47 years ago with the University of Hawaii at Hilo to lease lands that they do not own.
The following information was found which shows why the State of Hawaii, an illegal entity is NOT the Hawaiian Kingdom, the Hawaiian Government:
Chronological Information for the Records and giving reasons why Ige, et. als. needs to be listed on the Genocide Activities Files Ongoing List 
                                      Researched and Compiled by Amelia Gora (2015)
1845 - The Hawaiian Kingdom /Kingdom of Hawaii was recognized as an independent nation:

Polynesian. (Honolulu [Oahu], Hawaii) 1844-1864, July 20, 1844, Image 1

Image provided by University of Hawaii at Manoa; Honolulu, HI

Persistent link: http://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn82015408/1844-07-20/ed-1/s...

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http://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn82015408/1844-07-20/ed-1/s..." alt="Page" class="CToWUd a6T"/>
1848 - Executive Branch of the Hawaiian Kingdom/Kingdom of Hawaii:
 Reviewing Kamehameha III's laws: AN ACT TO ORGANIZE THE EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENTS pg. 76 Section IV. All aliens shall, as in Great Britain and the United States of America, continue to be under the following disabilities: 
1. They are not eligible to any civil or military office in this kingdom, created by the laws.
2. They are not entitled to vote at any election for elective officers of this kingdom, nor to take any official share in the administration of the government.
3. They are not able to acquire any allodial or fee simple estate in lands.
4. They are not entitled to the registration of their vessels in this kingdom, nor to hoist theron the Hawaiian flag. See: Archive, Supreme Court etc. for the book or http://books.google.com/books?id=ndDe5Un57x0C&pg=PA263&lpg=...
1848 - The Act of Kamehameha III - Kauikeaouli Affecting Who and Who are Assigned to the Government Lands, etc.:




Maintaining our Neutral, Friendly, Non - Violent Nation since the time of Kamehameha III - Kauikeaouli, our ancestor:

Kamehameha III


King of the Hawaiian Islands (more...)


June 6, 1825 – December 15, 1854  


Tags: ConspiraciesEvidenceHawaiianHeirsIssuesKamehamehaKingdomLegalTreason 




Bruddah Waltah - Hawaiian Lands

Hawaiian Lands
Permalink Reply by Amelia Gora on July 1, 2015 at 9:09pm

The above documents were recorded on my camera and I obtained a Certified copy as well.  The Reference for the Important Documents of Kamehameha III with Keoni Ana's signature was obtained from the Archives, Honolulu, Oahu:


It appears that the above instruments are part of the most important discoveries ever posted because it covers a number of issues that the Judges wrongfully interpreted, assumed AFTER Kamehameha III - Kauikeaouli died in 1854.

The issues appear in the Probate of Kamehameha IV - Alexander Liholiho in 1865.

The following came out of the pages of Melody MacKenzie's book when she had worked for the Native Hawaiian Legal Corporation:


Note the date:  MARCH 8, 1848 vs. the Real Information signed by Kamehameha and Keoni Ana on JUNE 7, 1848.


Note:  Once again notice the date and notice  how it is called a "Declaration" and the "interpretation" of the Judges AFTER Kamehameha IV - Alexander Liholiho died.

Notice that the typewritten material are the 'translations of the Hawaii Supreme Court of 1864'.

It appears that there were deliberate changes made by the "interpretations" or misinterpretations or deliberately enhanced changes of the intentions of Kamehameha III - Kauikeaouli by the criminal judges of the period who were the assistants under William Lee such as former American Civil War General Harris.

 Reminder:  There's No Statutes of Limitations when it comes to FRAUD.

1850 -  Treaty of the Hawaiian Kingdom and the United States of America

  We as heirs of Kamehameha III Invoke the Treaty of 1850 specifically Articles I and XIV:


"Article I

There shall be perpetual peace and amity between the United States and the King of the Hawaiian Islands, his heirs and his successors."

"Article XIV

The contracting parties mutually agree to surrender,upon official requisition, to the authority of each, all persons who, being charged with the crimes of murder, piracy,arson, robbery, forgery or the utterance of forged paper,committed within the jurisdiction of either, shall be found within the territories of the other; provided, that this shall only be done upon such evidence or criminality as, according to the laws of the place where the person so charged shall be found, would justify his apprehension and commitment for trial if the crime had there been committed: and the respective judges and other magistrates of the two Governments, shall have authority, upon complaint made under oath, to issue a warrant for the apprehension of the person do charged, that he may be brought before such judge or other magistrates respectively, to the end that the evidence of criminality may be heard and considered;and if, on such hearing, the evidence be deemed sufficient to sustain the charge, it shall be the duty of the examining judge or magistrate to certify the same to the proper executive authority, that a warrant may issued for the surrender of such fugitive. The expense of such apprehension and delivery shall be borne and defrayed by the party who makes the requisition and receives the fugitive."


1863 -  REX vs. Joseph Booth Case with explanation of what the Hawaiian Government is:



Reference:  HAWAII REPORTS (1863)  Rex vs. Booth case and entered in the Kahoma Case, etc.


1871 -  A Secret U.S. Constitution was signed for the bankers.  Americans were usurped.

 the usurpation of the American people as documented by the bankers Secret Constitution in 1871 with the information thanks to and by whistle blowers Karen Hudes, World Bank; Vladimir Putin, Russia - who denounces One World Order/New World Order, etc. which can be seen at http://maoliworld.ning.com/forum/topics/updated-chronological-history-of-our-queen-liliuokalani-by-amelia and http://maoliworld.ning.com/forum/topics/updated-chronological-history-of-our-queen-liliuokalani-by-amelia  

The Date:  June 14, 1890

Publication:  THE NEW YORK TIMES

Summary:  Austin, Minister of Foreign Affairs documented as hastening Annexation of Hawaii to the United States.  Four (4) charges made against him.

Date:  October 27, 1892

Publication:  NEW YORK TIMES

Summary:  Lies documented.......the U.S. did not own lands in the Hawaiian Islands, this tiny article verifies it.

Date:  November 6, 1892

Publication:  THE NEW YORK TIMES

Summary:  Annexation was expected.

Date:  January 14, 1893

Publication:  THE NEW YORK TIMES  

References:  http://maoliworld.ning.com/forum/topics/more-premeditation-evidence-compiled-by-amelia-gora-aloha?commentId=2011971%3AComment%3A437606

1893 - Premeditation to take over the Hawaiian Kingdom documented on January 9, 1893 or 6 days before the military left their warship BOSTON with men, gatling guns, etc.  Queen Liliuokalani was dethroned on January 17, 1893.
Premeditation has been uncovered which shows the conspiracies, the pillaging, piracy of a neutral, friendly, non-violent nation by broke a--/bankrupt nations including the U.S. and England....read http://query.nytimes.com/gst/abstract.html?res=9F0CE6DC1F3FEF33A2575AC0A9679C94629ED7CF or query the Pearl Harbor Coaling Station article at the new york times 
1899 - U.S.A. became the U.S. and the American Empire documented in court case Peacock vs. the Republic of Hawaii in 1899.
1912 -  PA PELEKANE case whereas the entity Territory (of Hawaii) claimed to be the "successor of the Kingdom of Hawaii":
..... In re: Title of Pa Pelekane, 21 Haw 175 submitted May 29, 1912 Decided July 10, 1912. Robertson, CJ, Perry and De Bolt, JJ. ....  " (5) That the Territory, as successor to the Kingdom of Hawaii, has obtained title to this lot by prescription."...............once again" (5) That the Territory (1912 period -while Queen Liliuokalani was still alive --of Hawaii which turned State in 1959), AS SUCCESSOR TO THE KINGDOM OF HAWAII......... I call this a Problematic Issue found in Court Cases which is being reviewed by our families/ Royal Families, advisors, friends, et. als......point being is that the "Fake State" is actually a documented fraud, a pirate, pillaging entity that has committed Identity Theft over time..  "THE MATTER OF THE PETITION OF THE TERRITORY OF HAWAII TO REGISTER AND CONFIRM ITS TITLE TO CERTAIN LAND SITUATE IN LAHAINA, ISLAND OF MAUI, TERRITORY OF HAWAII, AND KNOWN AS PA PELEKANE" (1912), HAWAII REPORTS Vol 21, Supreme Court of Hawaii, RH 345.4 H32 v.21 pg. 177 "That the Territory, as successor to the Kingdom of Hawaii, has obtained title to this lot by prescription."There was no treaty of Annexation, the Kamehameha III - Kauikeaouli's heirs and successors exists and are parties to the 1850 Treaty of the Hawaiian Kingdom and the United States of America" 
1915 -  Queen for a Day
treasonous persons/conspirators/pirates /pillagers also placed Queen Liliuokalani back on the throne for a day in 1915 to celebrate the European's Balboa who visited the Pacific Ocean in 1514, etc.... she apparently signed illegal contracts because since 1893 until her death, she was under stress, duress, usurpation, coercion, intimidation along with her subjects/supporters number 40,000.
Topic 'More PREMEDITATION EVIDENCE compiled by Amelia Gora......aloha.'vailable for appropriation by the Hawaiian Legislature." Meaning:  PIRATES moved in to assume the Private Properties of the Royal Families who existed then and exists now and are currently in Court being sued by criminal deviants perpetuating the crimes documented through the Premeditation Evidence here in this thread. Date:  July 24, 1893 Publication:  THE NEW YORK TIMES Summary:  The treasonous persons who created the Provisional Government turned Republic supported by the U.S. "confiscated" the Crown Lands.  Nearly 1,000,000 acres of land were claimed as "ceded" by the treasonous persons and transferred to the U.S. Prominent American lawyers were hired and "engaged to handle the case against the United States Government." Premeditation, duress, dethroning a Queen of a neutral, non-violent, friendly nation, criminally assuming private properties, genocide, fraud, criminal deviance, breach of international laws, genocide, etc. ongoing issues. Date:  April 21, 1894 Publication:  THE NEW YORK TIMES Summary:  "Mr. Furbish, who is connected with the State Department of Washington....quoted from the official records of the correspondence between the provisional Government and the representatives of this country to show that the United States assisted the revolutionists, and urged that if this was proved it was only right that the status quo should be restored." The Evidence in part is hereby posted for the records and for all Kanaka Maoli, friends, other nations to see the wrongs that is on record. This, along with other evidence documents the Crimes of the centuries which has affected our Queen, the Royal Families, kanaka maoli, friends, other citizens, other nations. These are issues of PIRACY(IES) on the High Seas, genocide, racketeering, mafia, etc. in the Hawaiian Islands. Mr. Furbish, American testimony is also indicative of what must occur as stated above ....."the official records of the correspondence between the provisional Government and the representatives of this country to show that the United States assisted the revolutionists, and urged that if this was proved it was only right that the status quo should be restored." All the above is part of the proof and validates that premeditation is documented, and ramifications are ongoing. aloha.   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sGn8QeYpYcM…  reference:  http://maoliworld.ning.com/forum/topics/more-premeditation-evidence-compiled-by-amelia-gora-aloha?commentId=2011971%3AComment%3A437606 


1893 - January 8.  U.S. Congress and the U.S. President Benjamin Harrison gave a standing order to take over the Hawaii Islands........see the headlines below.....read the last paragraph where it says "not to mention troops".....


http://query.nytimes.com/gst/ abstract.html?res= F00617FD345B1A738D...




WASHINGTON, Jan. 8. -- The United States, through the inactivity of the Navy Department and the indifference of the State Department, is likely to lose the only coaling station of which it stands in real need. Nothing has been done since 1884, when the Pearl Harbor site in the Hawaiian Islands became available, beyond a number of surveys which have abundantly demonstrated the excellence of this harbor as a site for a naval station.

view full article button http://graphics8.nytimes.com/images/article/abstract/pdf_icon.gif" alt="pdf icon"/> Note: This article will open in PDF format. Get Adobe Acrobat Reader or Learn More »




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1893 - January 15. American Minister Stevens and men left the steamship -of-war BOSTON "to protect American lives and property," with their "three companies of bluejackets, one of artillery, one of marines, 154 mean and 10 officers; with 14,000 cartridges for rifles and the Gatling gun, 1,300 revolver cartridges, and 174 explosive shells for the revolving cannon.


Permalink Reply by Amelia Gora on May 28, 2012 at 3:35pm
An 1876 Gatling gun preserved at Fort Laramie National Historic Site
The USS Boston's landing force on duty at the Arlington Hotel, Honolulu, at the time of the overthrow of the Hawaiian monarchy, January 1893. Lieutenant Lucien Young, USN, commanded the detachment, and is presumably the officer at right.[1]   picture from :http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Overthrow_of_the_Kingdom_of_Hawaii 

These forces were landed, on foreign soil, not at the request of the lawful Government - the Governor of Oahu promptly sent a formal note of protest to Minister Stevens - representing 88,000 of the population, but at the request of a committee of rebels representing 2,000 American residents."

"One company was left at the legation where the "American life and property" were to be found, while the rest of the force was marched to 
Arlon Hall, a structure close to the palace and just across the street from the Government Building, where, of course, the rebels would necessarily make their attack."

1893. January 16. The Rear Admiral reported that "Arlon Hall was ill=chosen for the professed purpose for which the troops were landed. "Naturally," he adds, "if they were landed with a view to supporting the Provisional Government troops than occupying the Government Building, it was a wise choice."

1893 - January 17. The American "conspirators signed their proclamation announcing that the Hawaiian monarchy had been "abrogated" and a Provisional Government established, with Sanford B. Dole as Chairman of the Executive Council."

"They took this to the Government Building and there read it, within seventy-five yards of the point where the United States forces were stationed with their Gatling gun and small cannon."

"With only the Government Building in their hands, the Queen being at the palace and her troops in possession of the police station, and but for the overawing force of United States troops in possession also of the city, the rebels posted off to the American Legation with a request for recognition. They got it with extraordinary promptness. The Provisional Government was proclaimed between 2 and 3 o'clock. Two hours later the new Government had received the following document, which, to our shame, will live in history:

United States Legation.
Honolulu, Hawaiian Islands, Jan. 17, 1893.

A Provisional Government having been duly constituted in place of the recent Government of Queen Liliuokalani, and said Provisional Government being in full possession of the Government buildings, the archives, and the Treasury, and in control of the capital of the Hawaiian Islands. I hereby recognize said Provisional Government as the de facto Government of the Hawaiian Islands.

Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary of the United States.


National Guard of Hawaii

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
National Guard of Hawaii
Active January 27, 1893-August 12, 1898
Country Hawaii

Provisional Government of Hawaii

Republic of Hawaii
Branch Home Guard
Type Militia
Role Internal conflict

Leper War

Uprising of 1895
Disbanded August 12, 1898
Marshal John Harris Soper
Marshal Edward G. Hitchcock

The National Guard of Hawaii was established by Provisional Government of Hawaii. It was a military branch intended to deal with internal conflict in Hawaii.

National Guard Company F, 1895

After the overthrow of the Hawaiian Monarchy theProvisional Government was established on January 17, 1893. On January 27, 1893 a military was formed and put under the command of Colonel John Soper. This military consisted of four companies: three National Guard companies and one regular army company. The national guard companies were: the A Company made up of ethnic German volunteers, commanded by Charles W. Zeiler; B Company made up of members of the Honolulu Rifles, commanded by Hugh Gunn; and C Company made up of ethnic Portuguese volunteers, commanded by Joseph M. Camara. The regulars were D company made up, like B Company, from the Honolulu Rifles, commanded by John Good.

The military was active under the Provisional Government of Hawaii where they were activated in the Leprosy War in 1893and the Republic of Hawaii and were again activated during the 1895 Counter-Revolution in Hawaii in 1895. After Hawaii was annexed -illegall action- becoming the Territory of Hawaii in 1898 the companies entered the Army National Guard system and became part of the Hawaii Army National Guard. Leper War occurred = Koolau the leper was sought after Note:  Koolau was one of the husbands of Kaeha/Kamakaeha/Makaeha/Liliuokalani/ Queen Liliuokalani  - 27 captured and 3 killed from a neutral, friendly, non-violent nation vs. illegal occupiers/treasonous persons supported by the U.S. et. als. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Leper_War_on_Kaua%CA%BBi

Noted by author of the NEW YORK TIMES article, "The Story of a Crime": 

"The Dole conspirators were not "in full possession of the Government buildings." but of only one of them, which was occupied only by clerks and porters at the time of their raid..............it was still too early to apply the word "recent" to the Government of the Queen, for the rebels did not wait on the Queen with their treasonable proclamation until after Minister Stevens had recognized their Government."

"The Queen yielded, of course,. She could do nothing else against a rebellion that was so manifestly backed up by the superior armed forces and by the Minister of the United States. She signed, under protest, a paper renouncing her rights."

Queen Liliuokalani in 1895 was forced to sign an abdication by conspirators, treasonous persons, pirates, Sanford B. Dole, et. als. 


Queen Liliuokalani returned the government to a Monarchy government when she destroyed the Constitution affecting King Kalakaua's Bayonnet Constitution which was signed at gun point, and a Constitution that she had put together which did not appeal to the Americans in the Hawaiian Islands.

Queen Liliuokalani utilized her Sovereign authority based on the following:

1. Hanai/adopted relationship to the Kamehameha line, a leader who formed the monarchy government.
2. Attending the Royal School - a School for Hawaiian leaders - based on genealogies for a monarchy government.
3. Hanai/adopted daughter of a Kamehameha descendant, part of amonarchy government.

and another reason taken as an excerpt from above:

he American "conspirators signed their proclamation announcing that the Hawaiian monarchy had been "abrogated" and a Provisional Government established, with Sanford B. Dole as Chairman of the Executive Council."

4. The American's at the time of the wrongful dethronement did proclaim and announce that the Hawaiian monarchy was "abrogated".

In other words, the recognition of a monarchy form of government, not a Constitutional monarchy government was documented in 1893, and the fact that our Hawaiian Monarchy did go "underground", which means that our Hawaiian monarchy did not cease to exist!

Queen Liliuokalani was under duress, stress, coercion, usurpation, and it was a documented fact found that the U.S. aided, planned the criminal assumption of a neutral, friendly, non-violent nation, and did cause the duress, stress, coercion, usurpation, planned the criminal assumption of private properties with their helpers, the Americans, the treasonous persons known as the PIRATES OF THE PACIFIC:  CHARLES REED BISHOP AND FRIENDS and did breach the Laws of Nations, killed, caused genocide and PLUNDERED UPON INNOCENTS since their presence from the time of the arrival of their mercenaries, the missionaries in 1820.

reference: NEW YORK TIMES articles (1) The Story of a Crime; and (2) Pearl Harbor Coaling Station - Imperative Necessity that the United States Take Possession;  AFFAIRS IN ASIA, 1st Qtr 1897 - The Republic of Hawaii, an aged article purchased off the internet which came from GREECE!  THE LIBERAL newspaper, January 28, 1893,  genealogy, history researches, etc.

1917 - Queen Liliuokalani died.
She documented in her will that she did not sign a Trust Deed with the usurpers.
The promotion of the Pan Pacific connections continued which turned into the Honolulu Tourist Authority claiming that the foreigners could purchase Hawaiian lands.
Note:  These were illegal contracts which were null and voided by myself, as Acting Liaison of Foreign Affairs in 2015.
The Royal Families, kanaka maoli and supporters remained under stress, duress, usurpation, coercion, intimidation, genocide, etc.
Many kanaka maoli fled the Hawaiian Islands and relocated elsewhere including Aetearoa, and the Samoan Islands - the other parts of the Pacific Empire put together by Kamehameha in 1815, and recognized in the Law of Nations.
Many kanaka maoli were sent as slaves to the U.S. and land owners were sent to Kalaupapa, Molokai because they were claimed to have leprosy.

Well what is this all about?

Oral history from our own family documents that many kanaka maoli had their tongues pulled out when they spoke out about what happened to our people after the dethronement of Hawaii's Queen in 1893.

Then a few days ago, another Kamehameha descendant said that people's tongues were cut out, and removed by whites in the Hawaiian Islands............... she even disclosed the leader of that move who ordered that CHILDREN'S TONGUES be removed and were removed.................which is why Many Hawaiians are Wary about Whites even these days...........


The Hawaiian Genealogy Society came together focused on GENOCIDE ISSUES.  This is what is posted on the website:

Group Description

Hawaiian Genealogy Society began in 1996. Meetings occur informally. Most of the members are Kamehameha descendants, Royal family members or heirs of Sovereigns of Hawaii.
This Society is affiliated with the Kingdom of Hawaii, maintains genealogy documentation of the Royal families genealogies, history, etc. We are one of the 13 repatriated groups, granted recognition for ancestral burials including the kaai- burial basketry which holds remains of alii nui/high chiefs of Hawaii, our ancient 1,650+ year old society based on genealogies. Representative, Amelia Kuulei Gora is descendant of Kalaniopuu (Alii Nui during the time of Captain James Cook), Kamehameha thru daughter Kanekapolei, through son Kaoleioku, Nuuanu, John Young, Isaac Davis, Akahi (w), Mataio Kekuanaoa, John Kapena, Queen Liliuokalani, Princess Poomaikelani, etals. She participated in the planning, reburials, and recognized as one of the parties by State of Hawaii-DLNR-Burial Programs, the City & County of Honolulu, etc. Gora's great grandfather was also a hanai/adopted father of Queen Kapiolani, who was married to King Kalakaua, brother of Queen Liliuokalani, wrongfully dethroned in 1893 with present day, ongoing issues. Queen Liliuokalani under the name of Kaeha claimed Abigail/Kapoolohu/Kapooloku/Kapapoko/ Princess Poomaikelani to be her daughter.

Updated info:  Through 30+ years of Archives, Bureau of Conveyances - Libraries, aged books,"hands on" research verifies the oral genealogies,history, genealogies, etc. of our families. (30+ years of history, 27+ years of genealogies, 15+ years of legal research.)

The Society was pulled together based on the question: Do you have stories of your families having to run and hide(beaten etc.) due to sugar planters/others, etc.?

Aboriginal Hawaiians/kanaka maoli should reclaim your ancestral lands, build, etc. by following the format at:


We are open to FRIENDS/non Hawaiians/kanaka maoli who are Hawaiians at heart/ have interest in issues.

Group Website

see also theiolani.blogspot.com for 504 issues posted to date.
questions:  theiolani@gmail.com
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CzRDoh1yCe0  Hawaii 3000 - Sudden Rush
1959 -  Territory (of Hawaii) became the State of Hawaii illegally through the executive of order of U.S. President Eisenhower with documented opposition by Kamehameha descendant Harold Abel Cathcart.
1993 - Admission of Crimes by the United States President William Clinton through the Apology Bill - Public Law 103-150.
Note:  Apology was Not accepted as documented by Amelia Gora, one of Kamehameha's, Kamehameha III's - Kauikeaouli's heirs and successors who happens to be all related...........and the illegal State of Hawaii is Not related to our Royal Families but identity thieves documented.
2015 - Truths Revealed including the facts found showing who are the heirs and successors of Kamehameha, Kamehameha III - Kauikeaouli et. als....who the House of Nobles heirs and successors are.....the rights of native tenants are also documented interest holders/owners and the entity State of Hawaii are not related to kanaka maoli and are documented identity thieves who are not party to the treaty of 1850 between the Hawaiian Kingdom and the United States of America, they are not party to treaties with the foreign governments, etc.
Treaties supersedes State and Federal law, as documented in the U.S. Constitution which applies to the U.S. Constitution of the period, and Not the Secret bankers Constitution which was signed in 1871.  Affects the Judges, the National Guard, etc.
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    World Bank Whistle blower Karen Hudes joins Gary Franchi in studio to reveal the truth about the secret US Constitution ...
    1. https://i.ytimg.com/vi/_8sMMjpVUak/mqdefault.jpg" width="196" height="110"/>
 see also: http://maoliworld.ning.com/forum/topics/identity-theft-by-the-state...  also read the article "American Mafia" The entity State of Hawaii which evolved from the Territory of Hawaii are NOT related to our Royal Families and are Not on the List of Heirs and Successors to the Kamehameha Families's as documented above showing Kamehameha's 19+ children, Kamehameha's 3 hanai/adopted children, Kalaniopuu's six  6 children, and Kaumualii's nine  (9) children who are the legitimate successors of the Kingdom of Hawaii/Hawaiian Kingdom/Ko Hawaii Pae Aina/He Mokupuni Pae Aina o Hawaii/Hawaiian Islands/Hawaiian archipelago/ Hawaii.   Therefore, the entity State of Hawaii are Identity Thieves of Hawaii's Royal Families. The Royal Families existed since the time of Kamehameha, and their descendants/heirs and successors exists today.  They include the descendants/heirs of 19+ children of Kamehameha, 3 hanai/adopted children, 6 children of Kalaniopuu, 9 children of Kaumualii, successors, including King Lunalilo whose mother was married to both Kamehameha and Kamehameha II - Liholiho, treasonous King Kalakaua, and under duress, stress, usurpation, coercion, intimidation Queen Liliuokalani whose mother was a hanai/ adopted daughter of one of Kamehameha's grand daughter.   The grand total of Kamehameha's Heirs are 19+, and Successors are 21. The entity State of Hawaii are Not part of the Kamehameha's Heirs and Successors and a documented Pirate, Pillager, Fraud, Identity Theft setup, etc. The entity State of Hawaii, DLNR/Department of Land and Natural Resources, etc. supported by the United States are Not the Land Owners and have taken on illegal contracts with agencies/entities and the contracts including the University of Hawaii contract for Mauna Kea lands, etc. have been null and voided by myself, Amelia Gora, one of Kamehameha's heirs, successors and Acting Liaison of Foreign Affairs, House of Nobles member, Judicial Tribunal member, Hawaiian Genealogical Society Representatives, and konohiki. Maintaining our Royal Families land claims, all kanaka maoli land claims in the Hawaiian Islands/ Hawaiian archipelago/Hawaiian Kingdom/Kingdom of Hawaii/Ko Hawaii Pae Aina/He Mokupuni Pae Aina o Hawaii/Hawaii and aloha.                                                                   Amelia Gora, one of Kamehameha's descendants/heirs, successors,                                                                  House of Nobles, Judicial Tribunal, Konohiki, Hawaiian                                                                  Genealogical Society member - Hawaiian Kingdom
watch the Richardson Law School Professor Williamson Chang, Kili Kekumano, et. als. on the following youtube videos:   https://i.ytimg.com/vi_webp/EIOh5KMqXfA/mqdefault.webp" style="margin: 0px; padding: 0px; border: 0px; font-size: 13px; outline: none; background: transparent;" height="110" width="196"/> WATCHED 25:52 50th State Fraud - A Visit With Williamson Chang by Voices Of Truth - One-On-One With Hawai`iʻs Future 3 weeks ago   2,730 views http://VoicesOfTruthTV.com - Imagine the surprise University Of Hawai`i Professor Williamson Chang got when he discovered the ...  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EIOh5KMqXfA 18:46 No Treaty- No Law- No Land by Kuleana   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fjELyim8q80 A video about the present day plundering of the Kingdom of Hawaii.   …
Mahalo/Thank you,
Amelia Gora, a Royal Person/member of the Royal Families, heir and successor of Kamehameha, Kamehameha III - Kauikeaouli, House of Nobles member, Judicial Tribunal member, Hawaiian Genealogical Society Representative, Konohiki, Acting Liaison of Foreign Affairs - Hawaiian Kingdom/Kingdom of Hawaii/Hawaiian Islands/ Hawaiian archipelago/Hawaii/Ko Hawaii Pae Aina/He Mokupuni Pae Aina o Hawaii/Hawaii and to some nations - the Sandwich Islands (see Treaties with France and England)
also please add the following to the  Genocide Activities List....Mahalo:
June 15, 2015 - Haleiwa, Oahu, Hawaii -Also for the Records
Please add Tommy (Kaululaau) Nichols, and his two surrounding neighbors to the Genocide Activities Ongoing File.
Nichols has a junk yard on Victoria Kamamalu's properties.  He has engaged in mucking up the environment on lands that he has no titles to.
His two neighbors have engaged in hate towards me and our family members when we are on the parcel used for planting, farming.  Bullets from a pellet gun whizzed past my ear recently, and another bullet missed my friend as well.  The police officer disregarded the severity of the action and had a talk with that neighbor who claims to be moving.
The police officer also informed the neighbor's son that if it happened again, he would be arrested.  The police officer was also a caucasian who stated the caucasian boy was a teen shooting at birds.
If he were shooting at birds, why did the bullet.pellet whizz past my ear which could have taken out my eye, and why did another bullet about two seconds laterr whizz past my friends ear which could have taken out his eye as well?  My friend was only about four feet away from me.
My friends property is a private kuleana land, and the hateful neighbors are sitting on lands of Victoria Kamamalu.  Land purchases were made from the Bernice Pauahi Bishop Estates whose Trustees criminally claimed they are the heirs of Bernice Pauahi and became heir of Ruth Keelikolani who claimed that she was the heir of Kekuanaoa.  
As it turns out, our family is the next of kin on record in the Probate of Bernice Pauahi Bishop.  My great great great grandmother was Kalola (w) the daughter of Kalaniulumoku the brother of Abner Paki and sons of of Kamehameha's son named Kalanihelemaiiluna Paki.
Kekuanaoa became the step father of all Kamehameha's children, step children, and hanai children because he had married two widows of Kamehameha II - Liholiho.
I, Amelia Gora, am one of the Konohiki of Victoria Kamamalu and hold interest in the lands occupied by the unfriendly parties currently residing on the lands.
Also Victoria Kamamalu, who was also the Konohiki, had full brothers:  Moses Kaikioewa, David Kamehameha, Lot Kamehameha/Kamehameha V, Alexander Liholiho/Kamehameha IV, step siblings::  Paalua, John Kapena, Sam Kapena, and Umiokalani (w).  I, Amelia Gora, descend from her step brothers:  Paalua and John Kapena.
I, Amelia Gora, am one Victoria Kamamalu's, Mataio Kekuanaoa's her heirs and successors.  Her father was Kekuanaoa my ancestor.
Please document this for the record also.
Thank you,
Amelia Gora

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  • FULL ARTICLE at: theiolani.blogspot.com see legal notice, etc.

    Legal Rights of Kanaka Maoli"native tenants" or Why Defenders and Supporters of Mauna Kea, Haleakala Cannot Be Arrested, etc.

    awaiian Kingdom Records No. 2015-0630 - Legal Rights of Kanaka Maoli/"native tenants"; Invoking the 1850 Treaty of the Hawaiian Kingdom and the United States of America; Reminder of the Judicial Tribunal Opposition to Building on Mauna Kea by the Owners, Kamehameha's Heirs and Successors Who Exists; Protection of All Kanaka Maoli, Family, and Friends of Kanaka Maoli from Arrest, Harrassment, etc.; Notice of

     Problematic Cases/Issues Affecting All Alii Families and Kanaka Mao...e In the Hawaiian Islands                                                     Compiled by Amelia Gora (2013) - History, Genealogy, Legal                                                                                                                             Researcher, Paralegal, Royal Person The following are some of the Hawaii Court Cases which were found in the HAWAII REPORTS of the Hawaiian Kingdom which affected all Alii Families and Kanaka Maoli in the past and the present: *  1876 -  ESTATE OF KEKAULUOHI                     Note:  Flaws in genealogy/heirs, etc. documented. Reference:  HAWAII REPORTS, Volume 6 *  1888 -  THURSTON vs. BISHOP                     Note:  Opinions of the Court on land, etc.  The Court Justices were part of the                                   voted in body which were not part of the Permanent Parts of the Hawaiian                                    Government. Reference:  HAWAII REPORTS, Volume 7 * 1889 - BISHOP vs. GULICK                      Note:  Bishop Estates Trustees become heirs. Reference:  HAWAII REPORTS, Volume 7 *  1889 - ESTATE OF BRENIG                    Note:  Samuel Maikai claimed heir and Estate of Bernice Pauahi Bishop Case used as precedence. Reference:  HAWAII REPORTS, Volume 7 * 1890 - HAWAIIAN GOVERNMENT vs. CARTWRIGHT                       Note:  Government Lien on Private lands of Kamehameha IV, etc. Reference:  HAWAII REPORTS, Volume 8 *  1893 - IN RE SHELDON                        Note:  Discussion of changeover from the Provisional Government to Republic. Reference:  HAWAII REPORTS, Volume 9 *  1899 -  ROOKE v. QUEEN'S HOSPITAL                         Note:  TCB Rooke's heir C. Rooke, a nephew and his heirs forever. Reference:  HAWAII REPORTS, Volume 12 *  1912 -  IN THE MATTER OF .....PA PELEKANE                          Note: " Territory and successor of the Hawaiian Kingdom" documented. Reference:  HAWAII REPORTS,  Volume 21 Overview A Concerted effort to defraud the Royal Families, the true heirs, descendants, heirs of the bodies of the alii was the goal of the Justices who claimed that their rules became laws after the death of Bernice Pauahi Bishop who was NOT the last of the Kamehameha's. The Justices did conspire, commit treason against the Royal Families and they supported the Premeditation activities of dethroning the Queen in 1893. The play with disregarding Wills, moving on to pirate private properties through the Justices opinions, disregarding the bloodline heirs, disregarding deeds, genealogies affecting interests progressed which involved perpetuating fraud, deceit, piracy(ies), etc. can be seen in reviewing all of the cases. Reviewing the history, the concerted effort to defraud true heirs can be seen in reviewing the genealogies, and laws as well. Summary All the above cases shows the criminal moves made by Justices who were documented treasonous, conspirators operating and supporting non kanaka maoli. Realistically, the Justices should have been charged, locked up, sent back to the U.S. for their pirate works within the Hawaiian Government. The Justices were terrorists, early pirates, parasites in the Hawaiian Government supporting   racketeering, genocide, criminal deviance, criminal malfeasance, etc. Some of the Justices were on commission working for the U.S. because they were also Confederate Generals who had a choice of assignments to assist the U.S. or be imprisoned. The Generals names appears in my book PIRATES OF THE PACIFIC:  CHARLES REED BISHOP AND FRIENDS. Research incomplete. aloha.    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qf63D4EQtV8  Little Lies - Fleetwood Mac    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1zLTwQklddc  Symbiosis Song  (Parasite Song)   …

    Oral history of our family includes stories of how kanaka maoli had their tongues pulled out if they shared with anyone/foreigners about what was happening in the Hawaiian Islands

    R5aAFqbxrOESOwWNBeaE0VRPQhtwpSHyNemJLL2uDk1V_LBrx9sDP8A-NT1fa7ZG9-9wpvFmqYj5QDupRtuaa0LHkcn3Vp6NZB9-MB_P_2e_sx6cuXsMuzsrtOQqzYxvgxd20MGwmJ0=s0-d-e1-ft#<a rel=nofollow href=http://i55.photobucket.com/albums/g126/hawaiianbill/Hawaiian%20Flag..."/>  




    [Kanaka Maoli flag]http://www.crwflags.com/fotw/images/u/us-hi_1.gif"/>


      QyKH6VnDzalRlQOemprCizhVaDr1-7TPs2Gi0Xmprl5Nr0RjGBpKYaVbnD5tHGRSE3YvY0Gxj7LiAyJPCB9r1h0m_DVf1bt--Ev1duXW2L-ESY60d9x4DP0S9-HiAmE5B0OzZTNEWsNx0px8f2Qd12auIHEDh3syT7KYxbK3=s0-d-e1-ft#<a rel=nofollow href=https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRZwXcWrQYVqsG..."/>  

    President Barack Obama

    Secretary of State - John Kerry

    Judges, Governor Ige, et. als. in the Hawaiian Islands

    Many Interested others


    qJhMccgltNNcwjWgxiyYpZi8J7-LbIfzD-nA3htbENAyCL0m9JOYWNq8XALycEmuoyBtOZFriUrolODSYVxxna2EIJgYdppgOvxFXAX1h5wRTB38Xrjm4_vr-t_waB15PTys6mVggLkYL1BZkfGVRxMKRQL84x2_4Fa3lOlZf71I6UPnmTdj1qcZIlOGwIRU1c9sf6BE2IruKRcEqVDjOoia_V2QGQ2TKRBqMRvpz6waJ7zOYCcIEHA=s0-d-e1-ft#<a rel=nofollow href=http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/3/37/Royal_Coat..."/>    

                                                                           Hawaiian Kingdom/Kingdom of Hawaii/

                                      Ko Hawaii Pae Aina/Me ka Mokupuni Pae Aina o Hawaii/Hawaiian Islands/

                                                                               Hawaiian archipelago/Hawaii

                                                     from the desk of Amelia Gora, Acting Liaison of Foreign Affairs,

                          House of Nobles, Judicial Tribunal, Hawaiian Genealogical Society member, Konohiki


    To:  President Barrack Obama

             Governor Ige

             Mayor Caldwell

              Honolulu Police Department - Police Chief et. als.

               Sheriff's Department

                Many interested others



                                                             Re: Updated: Konohiki Amelia Gora, et. als., Assistant Konohiki Kalani Asam -

                                                                     Assignment:  Palace, Iolani Palace

                                                                      Assistant Konohiki Kalani Asam's Companions John Remis, Dustin Barca, and                                                                            Che Free, Michael Daly   at the Palace, Iolani Palace

                                                                      Honolulu, Oahu, Hawaii

    This is to inform all that I, Amelia Gora,  am one of the assigned Konohiki of the following ancestors, land areas:

    I, Amelia Gora, am one of the Konohiki for Kamehameha III - Kauikeaouli, Mataio Kekuanaoa,  Victoria Kamamalu, W.P. Leleiohoku, Nuuanu (k), John Kapena (k), Grace Kamaikui (w),  Kalola (w), Kaaha (k), Luluhiwalani (k), which includes areas covering the Palace, the Iolani Palace, etc.

    The Palace/Iolani Palace and surrounding areas - true title owners:  1)  Charles Kanaina; 2) Victoria Kamamalu; 3) Keoni Ana/ John Young Jr.; 4) Gideon Laanui, 5)  Kaaumoana (w) - Palace Walk; 6) Kalanimoku; 6) Kaaha (k); 7)  Kamehameha III - Kauikeaouli, et. als.

                                                                            Title Owners and their Reciprocal Beneficiaries


                                                               The Royal Families Claims Documented for the Palace/Iolani Palace, etc.

                                                                                                         by Amelia Gora (2015)

    The following ancestors were the land owners, title owners of lands called the Palace/Iolani Palace and the surrounding areas:

    1)  Charles Kanaina was the last husband of Auhea/Kekauluohi who was married to Kamehameha and Kamehameha II - Liholiho.  Charles Kanaina and Auhea/Kekauluohi's son was King William Lunalilo, and their step children were all of Kalaniopuu's, Kamehameha's, Kaumualii's children, step children, and hanai/ adopted children.

            Charles Kanaina was the heir of his niece Queen Kalama who was married to Kamehameha III - Kauikeaouli.

             I, Amelia Gora, am a descendant/heir of Kalaniopuu from four (4) of his 6 children; am a descendant/heir of 

    four (4) of 19+ children of Kamehameha and two (2) of his hanai/adopted children; am a descendant/heir of two (2) of his nine (9) children.  In other words, I am a reciprocal beneficiary through twelve (12) ancestors to the Palace/Iolani Palace and the lands surrounding it.

    2)  Victoria Kamamalu - am a descendant/heir of her oldest brother Paalua/Palua/Kapaalua; her step siblings John Kapena (two lines), Kapehe (one line).

    3) Keoni Ana/ John Young Jr. - am a descendant/heir of his sister:  Grace Kamaikui the mother of both Hueu Davis and Peke Davis.  Hueu Davis, Kale Davis and Peke Davis were adopted by Keoni Ana and Grace Kamaikui's father and the three (3) became siblings of Keoni Ana/John Young Jr.  I, Amelia Gora descend from Grace Kamaikui, Hueu Davis and Peker Davis and have three (3) interests in the lands of Keoni Ana/John Young Jr.

     4) Gideon Laanui married Namahana (w) who was married to Kamehameha, and Kaumualii previously.  Namahana (w) and Kaumualii (k) had son Haupu/Kahekili and two ancestors came from her:  Mataio Kekuanaoa and his step sister Kalima/Kalimakuhi/Kamahine (w) who was his last wife or wife number 5.  I, Amelia Gora descend/heir of Namahana(w) in multiple lines.

    5)  Kaaumoana (w) - Palace Walk - was one of the descendants of John Kapena whose mother was Kalima/ Kalimakuhi/Kamahine (w).  I, Amelia Gora descend from her in two (2) lines.

    ; 6) Kalanimoku (k) -  he was married to Kiliwehi, Kuwahine, Keopuolani, his last wife was Akahi (w).  Because Kalanimoku (k) was married to Keopuolani, widow of Kamehameha, he became the step father of all of Kalaniopuu's, Kamehameha's, and Kaumualii's children, step children, and hanai/adopted children; his own son was W.P. Leleiohoku, and his hanai daughter was his niece Kekauonohi/Miriam Kekauonohi; and his siblings were Boki, Wahinepio(w); Keoua (k); Kekoa (k); Manono (w); and Kahikona (k).  I, Amelia Gora am a descendant./heir of Akahi(w) and Keoua (k). Keoua's wife Pualinui (w) was also married to Kekoa(k); am also a descendant/heir of Kalaniopuu, Kamehameha; and Kaumualii as shown above.

    7) Kaaha (k) - was an earlier husband of my ancestor Kalola (w) - documented "next of kin" to Bernice Pauahi Bishop.  I, Amelia Gora, am a descendant/heir of Kalola who later married Luluhiwalani and had son and a hanai daughter.  I, Amelia Gora, am a descendant/heir of Kalola (w) in two (2) lines.  Kaaha (k) was also the konohiki of the area.

    7)  Kamehameha III - Kauikeaouli, et. als. - He had four (4) wives and 10 children.  Their names were Keawe, Keawe 2; Opunui; Kekipi; Keawe; Mahoe; Kahalaoa; Papa; Nalimu; and Albert Kunuiakea.  He had four (4) hanai hookama/adopted children who inherited sovereignty: Alexander Liholiho/Kamehameha IV; Hueu Davis; Kale Davis (w); and Peke Davis (w),  I, Amelia Gora, descend/heir of Kamehameha III - Kauikeaouli through his son Opunui (k); through his hanai children:  Hueu Davis and Peke Davis; and their step siblings who were the Kalaniopuu, Kamehameha, and Kaumualii's children, step children, and hanai/adopted children, which means I have multiple claims and am a multiple reciprocal beneficiary.

    We maintain a neutral, friendly, non-violent nation status since the time of Kamehameha III - Kauikeaouli and through oral history by our great great great grandmother Queen Liliuokalani who was a successor of our Kamehameha family whose mother Keohokalole (w) held a permanent position in the House of Nobles, and who was a hanai/adopted daughter of a Kamehameha descendant found in research.

    Rents and Leases are due for our lands including the Palace/the Iolani Palace, a friendly reminder.

    Mahalo/thank you and aloha,


    Amelia Gora, one of Kamehameha's, Kalaniopuu's, Kaumualii's, Princess Poomaikelani's, Akahi(w), Kalola(w) - next of kin of Bernice Pauahi Bishop- et. als. descendant/heir



    Konohiki meaning:  


    From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    konohiki is a headman of a land division or ahupua`a of the Kingdom of Hawaii who administered the land ruled by anali'i chief.[1][2]


    The lands of the Ruling chiefs of Hawaii were divided into radial divisions of land when possible. These divisions were under the control of other smaller chiefs and managed by a steward.[3] Land was divided up in strict adherence to the wishes of the Ali‘i Nui. The island was called the mokupuni and was split into several moku. The moku (district) parameters ran from the highest mountain top, down to the sea. These divisions were ruled by an aliʻi ʻaimoku who would have been appointed by the ruling chief. Each of these mokus were further split into ahupuaau, named after the dividing boundry alter where taxes were collected for each area during the Makahiki. Each ahupuaau was then run by a headman or chief called a Konohiki.[4]

    In Keelikolani vs Robinson, the term is also defined as a Land Agent. In Territory vs Bishop Trust Co. LTD., when the agent was appointed by a chief they were referred to by the title of konohiki. When referring to the titled person as Konohiki, this meant that they were charged with the care of the division of land for the king or nobility the land was awarded to. The term could also be a designated area of land owned privately as compared to being owned by the government.[5] A chief of lands could not lose life tenure on the land even after being discharged from the position, but a head man overseeing the same land has no such right.[6]

    Often ali'i and konohiki are referenced together however, while most or all konohiki were ali'i nobility, not all ali'i were konohiki. The Hawaiian dictionary gives the definition as a headman of a land division, but it is also used in describingfishing rights as well. The term when broken in two parts is as follows: Kono being defined as to entice, or prompt and hiki defined as something that can be done. The konohiki was a relative of the ali'i and would oversee the coordination of the property, including water rightsland distributionagricultural use and any maintenance. The Konohiki would also make sure the right amounts of gifts and tributes to the ali'i were properly made at the right times.[7]

    As capitalism was incorporated into the kingdom the konohiki would become the tax collectors, landlords and wardens over the fisheries.[7]


    1. Jump up^ "Ahupua`a"HawaiiHistory.org. Info Grafik Inc. Retrieved 2 June 2014.
    2. Jump up^ "konohiki"Merriam-Webster dictionary. Merriam-Webster, Incorporated. Retrieved 2 June 2014.
    3. Jump up^ Kircha, P.V. (1990). "Monumental architecture and power in Polynesian chiefdoms: A comparison of Tonga and Hawaii". World Archaeology 22 (2).
    4. Jump up^ e. Craighill Handy (15 December 1989). Ancient Hawaiian Civilization: A Series of Lectures Delivered at THE KAMEHAMEHA SCHOOLS. Tuttle Publishing. p. 71. ISBN 978-1-4629-0438-9.
    5. Jump up^ Paul Nahoa Lucas (1 January 1995). A Dictionary of Hawaiian Legal Land-Terms. University of Hawaii Press. pp. 57–.ISBN 978-0-8248-1636-0.
    6. Jump up^ Hawaii Reports: Cases Determined in the Supreme Court of the State of Hawaii. Valenti Brothers Graphics. 1883. pp. 266–.
    7. Jump up to:a b Carlos Andrade (2008). H__ena: Through the Eyes of the Ancestors. University of Hawaii Press. pp. 74–. ISBN 978-0-8248-3119-6.

    theiolani.blogspot.com  http://myweb.ecomplanet.com/GORA8037  http://maoliworld.ning.com/forum/topics/project-konohiki-mataio-kekuanaoa-and-kauikeouli-kamehameha-iii-s

    fI6_ap2cXm7PK9zDUaP_N2lcS1Qq1Xp6nHMm7c_MxqeFoLHJFsmSLi1NctqfzrG1dqMvtVonL1h-OcXpAIZB5oODluPG-nruQTVSlZdyQNCHjBpVnCgloKFlQyqoby_myv0pFxeE9335u-xWimqVSRcDNKa-io74Eg-Fo7hC7gRxSkfo5h34jpbabmcfY5sgjdlDzGZE9n6a64kbog8nHxQ5cBdmkssxE6lj9LVmVa7s-6uUPsVzh8BE2DVA-GlErieeSQ00KlJEr1B2ZVAN01JTS2NMsEl_PglzDqNzN4CVWwR5PRXdLR15liEaMJDo6wdpJBjMNDWm-58stEWnujuvlowrCjtV0s3mGVsGOdSrSCI=s0-d-e1-ft#<a rel=nofollow href=https://mail-attachment.googleusercontent.com/attachment/u/0/?ui=2&..."/>https://mail-attachment.googleusercontent.com/attachment/u/0/?ui=2&...." class="CToWUd"/>

    More References:


    https://theiolani.wordpress.com/ Obama's Genealogies to Charles Reed Bishop's sister




    What All Kanaka Maoli and All Nations Need to Know..........

    1)  Recognition of the Hawaiian Kingdom:

    Important - Keep for your Records: The United States/United States of America RECOGNIZED the Hawaiian Kingdom in 1842 

    Polynesian. (Honolulu [Oahu], Hawaii) 1844-1864, July 20, 1844, Image 1

    Image provided by University of Hawaii at Manoa; Honolulu, HI

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    • 2.  Explanation of the Hawaiian Government:

      2654296667?profile=RESIZE_1024x1024 2654301075?profile=RESIZE_1024x1024 

      Reference:  HAWAII REPORTS (1863)  Rex vs. Booth case and entered in the Kahoma Case, etc.

      3.  Our Allodial or fee simple estate in lands:

       Reviewing Kamehameha III's laws: AN ACT TO ORGANIZE THE EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENTS pg. 76 Section IV. All aliens shall, as in Great Britain and the United States of America, continue to be under the following disabilities: 
      1. They are not eligible to any civil or military office in this kingdom, created by the laws.
      2. They are not entitled to vote at any election for elective officers of this kingdom, nor to take any official share in the administration of the government.
      3. They are not able to acquire any allodial or fee simple estate in lands.
      4. They are not entitled to the registration of their vessels in this kingdom, nor to hoist theron the Hawaiian flag. See: Archive, Supreme Court etc. for the book or http://books.google.com/books?id=ndDe5Un57x0C&pg=PA263&lpg=...

      Fos3kcdB2nLaZQD957M7sWvnBCRf7Zris0Qh8W0jaOOJYzDParlPQhd_cPmld_D8NUZZaWaVuOmAoH5gctTYLvWl7BARP5mC12kWJUrnH4Xy587t4FiYt2qwcJBeUKQpgVKdbNR5wmhJV84jcii53b2GRu7sw2qLtqBthvyBOLMsGPG4NoDu87OK-4wiQl01Ro3OSGY8kVTtUKIexjNAnG1-CLYidKyZ7bIJ5_RwQ_GJ0lN1JFwe3f-Kl5WQguVrJku7X4gZ9ghuPG8Rmsbhj30Pbc1CeayqBOQhD2i037SND-nkl1TkXkhXz7x3ueJSUw3rrWamE87ucAgAhvwx1REOkGPep2rej02QXpYyR0jK2enD_TOxqngNL7QL9xOcgVU9Qb97wxgsY53RryUUYBWVXNMb1fUN3ufFRFSgF3u7ND5MQFXgph3snAGFJboZx18fYRsfVt7Vt9LlMQPWM1FwCdpvbL-f-FumaGcT4stSN6HMjSACuufL_y7pvJOCxETcVw=s0-d-e1-ft#<a rel=nofollow href=https://fbexternal-a.akamaihd.net/safe_image.php?d=AQB9YlZQeK8nDati..."/>https://fbexternal-a.akamaihd.net/safe_image.php?d=AQB9YlZQeK8nDati..." alt="" class="CToWUd"/>
      The colorful history of the Hawaiian Islands, since their discovery in 1778 by the great British navigator Captain James Cook, falls naturally into three periods. During the first, Hawaii was a monarchy ruled by native kings and queens. Then came the perilous transition period when new leaders, afte…

      > SUMMARY : 

      Bankrupt U.S., England, and the Morgan bankers (supported by the International bankers) did move to support the dethronement of Queen Liliuokalani in 1893. 

      The moves to Annex Hawaii to the United States was discussed in many aged articles from the period of Kamehameha III - Kauikeouli, etc. 

      In 1845, the U.S. claimed to have made a public recognition, but the reality is that many nations knew about the Hawaiian Islands, and Russia for example recognized the Hawaiian Islands as the Hawaiian archipelago in 1818. 

      Queen Liliuokalani did temporarily yield to the U.S. President only. Cleveland had just won the election, U.S. President Benjamin Harrison, a bankrupt American Civil War General, and his bankrupt bank owner Vice President Morton who was an expert in international money transfers lost the election. 

      It was on record that President Cleveland returned Hawaii to Queen Liliuokalani. Seehttp://query.nytimes.com/mem/archive-free/pdf?res=9406E5D6153AE733A... and our Queen and 40,000 subjects and supporters were lied to, as well as many of their descendants today. 

      > After Queen Liliuokalani died in 1917, it appears that Wars were 
      fought for the booty, the prize Hawaii, and other independent, non- 
      warring, non-violent nations such as Hawaii. 

      > Since the U.S. came after Hawaii, England went after Aetearoa/New 
      Zealand, and Germany went for Samoa, the three (3) nations plus 
      France or four (4) nations were in a precarious position with the 

      > Hawaii, Aetearoa/New Zealand, and Samoa were known as the Pacific 
      Empire since the time of Kamehameha who died in 1819. 

      > Hawaii was anti-slavery versus the U.S., England, etals. and 
      appears to have passed the first laws against slavery in 1852. The copy cats 
      U.S. followed suit with nearly the same wording in 1865 or 13 years 

      > German Jews were the ones who gave the U.S. loans as documented 
      in King David Kalakaua's papers. The loans were made with a 
      expectation of 10% interest. 

      > Queen Liliuokalani documented issues of conspiracies, piracies, 
      etc. and most importantly documented the fact that the U.S. (etals.) 
      breached the law of nations. 

      > The Path to Hell 

      > Criminal deviants, including those affiliated with 
      clubs/groups/ "wanna be's" adhered to each other with intentions of 
      assuming wealth from others - terrorist activities documented since 
      the Masons/Freemasons, missionaries/ mercenaries arrived. 

      > The articles above "Washington Place", "Your Masonic Empire 
      Amerikkka!", and "Plundering Upon Innocents - III" are part of the 
      evidence showing problematic people/ nations affecting Hawaii and the 
      World today. 

      > Not covered are the facts that the military also has 
      Masons/Freemasons activities on bases. 

      > So, that means that out of 191 nations/countries in the World 
      with the U.S. having 161 countries inhabited with bases with direct 
      ties to Masons/Freemasons, the U.S. is certainly a bully/ a strongarm 
      of those who have conspired to take over the World, exterminate 
      the 'needless/useless eaters', etc. as covered in articles about One 
      World Order/ New World Order since the time of King George and 
      perpetuated by his descendants/ heirs today, supported and financed by 
      the International bankers/the Bank of England/Morgan Bankers, etc. 

      > The Masons/Freemasons also appear to be those heading various 
      corporations such as the EXXON formerly Standard Oil Company 
      operating as an umbrella corporation over all other Masons/Freemasons 
      who reap the wealth off of hard workers, the "slaves" who they have 
      plans to exterminate. 

      > Take back your governments everyone! Remove "lawmakers" who 
      appear to be "lawbreakers" , etc. 

      Our friendly, neutral, non-violent nation are regrouping, and maintaining our lands, assets, etc. 

      Our little nation in the Pacific Ocean maintained neutrality since Kauikeouli/Kamehameha III's period thru Queen Liliuokalani's period and still today. Our ancestors/we did no wrong. 

      The original international organization of the 1845 period under the Law of Nations return is one of the areas that also needs to be brought back with a meeting place in our Hawaiian archipelago. 

      Many of our Royal families exist and issues remain. 

      Continued Opposition to the Akaka Bill pushed by documented descendant of treasonous person Thomas Akaka working in Washington D.C. named Daniel Akaka continues his ancestors criminal, treasonous activities. 

      Rents and leases of $500 trillion dollars per year in gold coins, retroactive to 1893 remains due from the PIRATES OF THE PACIFIC: Charles Reed Bishop and Friends, and the PIRATES OF THE WORLD - U.S., England, and the Morgan Bankers (includes International bankers). Together they are now dubbed the PARASITES IN PARADISE.. 

      > Share the knowledge, inform and remain informed. 

      > aloha. 


      THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 3, 2011

      OUR HAWAIIAN MONARCHY by Amelia Gora (2010)

      Friday, July 9, 2010


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