Dear Pilipo,
This is the way the world ends This is the way the world ends This is the way the world ends Not with a bang but a whimper.
-- T.S. Eliot
Death and destruction don't necessarily come about by an asteroid colliding with the Earth, an extra-terrestrial invasion, or all-out nuclear war.
Sometimes, the death of a civilization is much less dramatic.
Is it possible that we're sealing our own fate with seemingly mundane, daily habits? Could we be pushing the human species into a slow decline with every bite we take?
Look at the evidence.
Chemical-laden, processed foods make up the majority of the American diet. Most of those foods also contain GMOs - genetically modified organisms. In fact, laboratory-created food-like products are easier to find than real foods. All in the name of "progress."
And yet... as a nation, we've gotten fatter and sicker with every passing year. (Do you hear those whimpers?)
That's why so many people turn to organic food. They know that if the label says "Certified Organic," they don't have to worry about contamination by pesticides, GMOs, or other chemicals.
Or do they?
Organic farmers and food manufacturers spend big bucks to gain organic certification. "Certified Organic" means that a food or ingredient has been grown according to strict, uniform standards. Theoretically, the process is verified by independent third-party organizations. Organic inspectors can look at fields, soil, water, processing facilities, and record keeping systems.
And yet... with all those safeguards in place... organic food can still be contaminated. Organic food isn't supposed to contain GMOs. And you wouldn't expect to find dangerous chemicals in your organic food, either. But it happens.
Far more often than you think.
GMOs are in organic milk and baby formula. Hard to believe, right? But it's true, according to a report by Cornucopia Institute.And if baby formula can be contaminated, is anything safe?
In the case of the organic milk and the baby food, it was a betrayal by the U.S. National Organic Standards Board. They permit the use of GM soil fungus and algae to be used as nutritional supplements in food.
That kind of tinkering with the standards defeats the whole purpose of organic. After all, GMOs are linked to broad and dangerous health problems. Despite the government's refusal to conduct long-term clinical human trials on the safety of GM food, we know they're unsafe. We know, because:
- Within three generations, rats fed a diet containing GM food will die out. (Makes you wonder about the falling fertility rates of humans, doesn't it?)
- Thousands of livestock have died from ingesting plants that are genetically modified. (What is it doing to you?)
- GM foods damage the immune response in animal experiments. (And autoimmune disease in humankind has skyrocketed in populations where GMOs are in the food supply.)
- As soon as GM soy was permitted in the UK, soy allergies increased by 50%.
- In animal experiments, GM foods cause damage to kidneys, testicles, the stomach, the liver, the pancreas, and more. (What is it doing to your internal organs?)
- When people consume GM soy, which is in over 80% of packaged foods, the genetically modified material infiltrates gut bacteria and continues to alter its function. (Can you hear the whimpering now?)
The entire commercial food supply is contaminated to some extent with GMOs - even when non-GMO seeds are used. Midwestern farmers who grow organic corn are reporting more and more crop contamination. And in the European Union, they've pretty much thrown in the towel on trying to keep organic food 100% GMO-free. If organic food is accidentally contaminated up to a certain threshold, it's still allowed to be labeled as organic.
Here's the reasoning of certified organic bureaucrats: "Certified Organic" refers to the process, not the end result. So if a food is accidentally contaminated, it can still be labeled organic.
Couldn't we test each crop and harvest for GMO contamination? Look at it from the farmer's perspective: if you can't live with the answer, why ask the question? Farmers aren't required by law to test each harvest for GMO contamination... so why should they?
But here's the thing... Even if GMOs were magically eradicated overnight, certified organic food would still not be as pure and healthy as you'd expect. That's because of some legal sleight of hand that allows dangerous toxins to leach into your organic food.
Danger In the Packaging
"Food processing aids" are chemicals that are permitted, by law, to come into contact with organic foods. Most have not been tested for safety. One, however, has been tested... and found wanting. It's called BPA (Bisphenol A) and it's used in food packaging-even for organic products. It leaches into many of the foods it comes into contact with. BPA is linked to infertility, hormonal disruptions, cancer, insulin resistance, and birth defects. (Is that whimpering getting louder?)
In March, despite the overwhelming evidence, the FDA decided not to ban the use of BPA in any food packaging.
Including organics.
When New Is Not Better
Technology often gets ahead of the law, and the organic world is no exception. Now, nanotechnology threatens the integrity of organic food. Nanotechnology involves new food ingredients and additives that are 100,000 times smaller than a grain of sand. They're already in use - in food packaging, as food coatings to prevent spoilage, and as flavor enhancers. There are no clinical safety studies-but the limited laboratory studies thus far are alarming. For example, a study published in the journal Environmental Science and Technology showed that nanoparticles of zinc oxide were toxic to human lung cells in lab testing, even at low concentrations. Meanwhile, major food corporations are lobbying for nanotechnology to be permitted in organic foods.
Who Can You Trust?
You can't trust organic farmers because they may be the unwitting victims of GMO contamination. You can't trust the U.S. National Organic Standards Board because they have a history of compromising organic standards. You can't trust the FDA because, as we've seen time and time again, they turn a blind eye to obvious dangers.
Sometimes, if you want something done right, you have to do it yourself. Nowhere is that more evident than organic food.
When you grow your own food, you know what's in it. You know if you live near conventional farms and if GMO drift might be a problem. When you use glass jars to preserve your garden harvest, you don't have to worry about BPA. You know you aren't spraying potentially toxic nanoparticles on your food.
So I have a confession to make.
When I first conceived of the Survival Seed Bank
, I was thinking more of a "bang" scenario. But with every passing day, I think things are much more likely to deteriorate slowly, with a "whimper."
We live in a broken world and we're sorely in need of healing. As our health slowly deteriorates from poor quality, GMO-laden, chemical-infested food... as our population declines due to impaired fertility and genetic damage... as we kill our planet with toxic technologies and industrial farming...
... it becomes ever more clear that the Survival Seed Bank can play a role in the healing we so desperately need.
A home garden, with heirloom seeds that have not been genetically modified, has the power to heal. It heals because it gets you out in the fresh air and sunshine. It heals your soil. The healthy foods that you grow heal your body and your mind. Working together in the garden with your spouse and your kids can even heal your family. Home gardening is, at its core, a redemptive act.
And you never, ever have to question whether your "organic" food is really organic. That's because when you use heirloom seeds from the Survival Seed Bank
, you're in complete control.
When you grow and preserve your own tomatoes, you don't have to worry about BPA contamination. You don't have to worry about GMO-induced organ damage.
When you grow your own peppers, you don't have to worry about potentially toxic nanoparticles sprayed on the outside.
When you grow your own green beans, you don't have to worry about them being wrapped in BPA-containing plastic or microwavable packaging. You don't have to worry that, if your kids eat them, they'll become infertile.
And unless your home garden plot abuts commercial farmland, you probably don't have to worry about GMO drift contaminating your crop.
You have complete control over every one of the 22 varieties of heirloom fruits and vegetables you get in your Survival Seed Bank. Each of the varieties in the Seed Bank has been chosen for nutrient density and diversity, ease of growing, and extraordinary germination rates. Your Seed Bank contains enough seed to plant one full acre, and complete growing instructions are included.
Planting season is upon us. Are you ready to take back control of your food supply and let the healing begin?
>>> Order your Survival Seed Bank Today
Bill Heid, President
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