Global Warming to Raise Havoc Across Pacific!

Published on Monday, July 27, 2009 by The Telegraph/UK Climate Change to Force 75 Million Pacific Islanders From Their Homes More than 75 million people living on Pacific islands will have to relocate by 2050 because of the effects of climate change, Oxfam has warned. by Bonnie Malkin in Sydney A report by the charity said Pacific Islanders were already feeling the effects of global warming, including food and water shortages, rising cases of malaria and more frequent flooding and storms. Some had already been forced from their homes and the number of displaced people was rising, it warned. Fishermen paddle off Kennedy Island in the remote Western Province of the Solomon Islands (Photo: AFP) "The Future is Here: Climate Change in the Pacific" predicted that many Pacific Islanders would not be able to relocate within their own countries and would become international refugees. It urged neighbouring wealthy countries to take urgent action to curb their carbon emissions to prevent a large-scale crisis. Half of the population of the Pacific live less than 1.5km from the coast and are incredibly vulnerable to sea-level rise and extreme weather. But as well as moving out, the report found that some countries had started adapting to the changing climate. Fiji is attempting to "climate-proof" its villages by testing salt-resistant varieties of staple foods, planting mangroves and native grasses to halt coastal erosion in order to protect wells from salt water intrusion, and moving homes and community buildings away from vulnerable coastlines. In the Solomon Islands officials are looking for land to resettle people from low-lying outer atolls, and those living in the outer atolls of the Federated States of Micronesia were also moving to higher ground. The tiny nation of Tuvalu also recently pledged to become carbon neutral by 2020. Andrew Hewett, Oxfam Australia Executive Director, said it was vital that Australia started working with Pacific governments to plan for the impact of climate change. As the wealthiest country in the region and the highest per capita polluter, Australia "must prevent further climate damage to the Pacific by urgently adopting higher targets" - reducing emissions by at least 40 per cent on 1990 levels by 2020 - and urging other developed countries to do the same, the report said. The Australian government's commitment of $150 million (£75m) to help Pacific Islanders adapt to climate change needed to at least double, it said. "It would be in Australia's interests to act now because, as the situation worsened, it would be called on to respond to more emergencies in the region," Mr Hewett told the Sydney Morning Herald. With only months to go until the crucial UN negotiations in Copenhagen in December, Australia needed to show Pacific leaders it was willing to do its fair share to address one of the most pressing challenges in the region, he said. "People are already leaving their homes because of climate change, with projections that 75 million people in the Asia-Pacific region will be forced to relocate by 2050 if climate change continues unabated. Not all will have the option of relocating within their own country, so it's vital that the Australian Government starts working with Pacific governments to plan for this now." Pacific leaders will raise the issue of climate change with Kevin Rudd, the Australian prime minister, at the Pacific Islands Forum on Aug 4. © Copyright of Telegraph Media Group Limited 2009

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  • Goldman Sachs is one of the main military industrial complex, so what's new? So is Lehman Bros. (Hawai'i Super Ferry folks) LOL.... They and others are the reason the U.S. goes to war to fight for their freedoms, liberty, and oligarchial democracy. The poor U.S. troops die for them and not for the people; and that's who they die for. What's there national anthem? Oh yeah, "Money, burns a hole in my pocket!"
  • Meeting with lawyers today for a site visit at Waipouli in preparation for our suit in court starting tomorrow and through the week. We are demanding an EIS/CIA on two huge resort developments there. I will be called as a witness to speak in defense of cultural impacts and na iwi kupuna found there. Looking forward to it. As our King wrote: " Na kaua e pale me ka ihe!" Puanani Rogers
  • This reminds me of the 'trickle down theory of David Stockman for Goldman Sachs is a love child of Hawaiian capitalism. Awhile back we had , the word 'density' placed along side single family dwelling for DHHL that was originally 3 acres after the 'fake statehood,' Florida development of condos resembles that change.

    I always say that the only social change in Waianae is real estate signs, buy low sell high. For awhile there was only signs, and new signs, no occupancies.

    I can still remember the bubble bursting from leashhold to fee, I know this one because I had one. I sat next to a Bishop Estate Public Relations person at a council meeting, and listened to her bubble talk. What a rude awakening.

    We did this to ourselves by creating OHA, we registered 60,000 Hawaiian voters--our goal was 80,000 eventhough 35,000 ballots were spoiled we still created OHA. My organizations lawyer, advised us to not create or help to establish OHA, but--I was a 'go with' back then.

    The 82' Native Hawaiian State and Federal task force created housing development coporations for DHHL which knocked out the need base from their purpose, one of the causes for poverty in Hawaii.

    I hope Morgan survive the back lash, I couldn't pull up your last media post. We are facing 'shield law' in Kauai this week. Brescia vs Keoni Alvarez et al:

    "Brescia is now pursuing a civil lawsuit agains individuals he claims allegedly delayed construction on his property. In a search for relevant evidence, Brescia's attorneys have issued a sweeping subpoena demanding nearly all of Alvarez's unpublished interviews and raw video footage."

    "Alvarez explained. "As a journalist, I am trying to be as pono as I can in producing this film. I have promised everyone complete confidentiality, and I have promised everyone that the film and the interviews will not be released publicly until everyone in it has had a chance to review, comment, or object. Material that doesn't make it into the final published film is intended to remain confidential."

    This court case also applies to blogs. Your citations were comforting to read in the wake of this court mess. I'm still wating for the results

    This problem is bigger than this case. People are filing liens on Royal Patents, so this case is an attempt to persuade the building industry to side with Brescia, I believe. They even had a commercial on Kauai Radio asking for the support of the building industry as a must do for employment. Take Care Kaohi
  • Thanks Lana,
    I believe the hype somewhat... because I am a Pacific Islander. If only we can make the switch from electricity to no electricity. Our Houseless Hawaiians on our coastline here in Waianae do a very good job and they are my heroines for having the courage to alaloa and to live the way our ancestors did. Some of them reside on or beside our Na Iwi and have talk story sessions daily. My talk story wit these guys are fun, but sad too. Thanks for the info. because I am a geographer (maps, infrared, data analysis) and info. like so, keeps up with the practice. As for Goldman Sachs kind guys, I subscribe to the 'Economist' and it keeps me sane. Unbelieveable the libraries in the Leeward area do not subscribe to 'Economist.' Thanks for the info will revisit these sites. Kaohi
    • Aloha kaua e Kaohi.

      I believe that humans can cause damage to the earth, water, air, etc. and while I appreciate technological advances whether it be my Blackberry, the F-22, etc for our survival I don't appreciate how some of the press is portraying global warming. It is deceptive.

      They are only using Cap and Trade which will end up enslaving us on a day to day basis. In order to commoditize carbon credits they use emotion... instead of logic because when one uses logic people think. When one uses emotions... people act and that's why they focus on the emotional aspect of "protecting our mother earth." However I follow the money trail while some people try to deceive so that they can make billions. They (Goldman Sachs) have already walked away with billions courtesy of government bailouts and they are trying to do it again. Unfortunately some people are reacting to emotions instead of to logic. Obviously... what they are doing is working on some people.

      Also someone from Florida, Mike Morgan, who is also an attorney, investment advisor, and real estate broker, was successful in exposing Goldman Sachs:


      He won very recently (7/17/2009) :

      Most media did not cover this... but he did. And I am glad.

      Aloha, Lana
  • Global warming is debateable... but a question to ask is who stands to profit off of Cap and Trade which is a basis of this "global warming scare"

    THE biggest beneficiaries of Cap and Trade will be the usual suspects including Wall Street large traders and speculators : Hedge funds and investment banks. This couldn't be done without the political power from Congress.

    Al Gore's company, Generation Investment Management, was set up with set up with David Blood, a former CEO of Goldman Sachs. Goldman Sachs is an asset management fund which manages investments already worth billions. They are using the Cap and Trade where part of the bill state that carbon credits received can be traded and/or sold to carbon producers. Experts have stated that this would create the largest derivatives market larger than the CDSs (credit default swaps). These credits would trade on an exchange (partially owned by Goldman Sachs) and would be a multi-BILLION dollar windfall for the investment banks.

    GE already set up a carbon credit trading division which will enslave us so that they can make billions too. Thus I don't believe the hype.... BTW Gore rides a fuel hog of a plane while preaching about "global warming."

    ~ Lana
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